January 2013 - December 2013

January 2013

Destroying the U.S. military: America's budget woes will likely cause massive damage to the nation's military and will likely lead to a real loss of ability to project power, argues Alan Caruba
Chapter Twenty Three of An Ecstatic Loneliness: From the Dictating Professor to the Professorial Dictator: This week Michael Moriarty has a message for both David Attenborough and Barack Obama
Viewpoints on technology and society (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at "rather pessimistic" and "very pessimistic" approaches to technology
Bring the monster out: The Land of the Free is held captive, locked in a two party system where both parties are merely two heads on the same bird of prey, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Love it and list it: As a relatively recent home buyer Lisa Fabrizio can empathize with and be shocked by the house hunters on the myriad of real estate shows on television
Pharisees and Sadducees of the GOP: Rachel Alexander is quite tired of the kind of Republican that holds their fellow party members to standards so high that almost no one can actually reach them
A dedication: Chris Clancy has published a new book and in an essay explains why he dedicated it to a certain influential libertarian economist
What are you prepared to do?: Inspired from a scene in The Untouchables Robert T. Smith picks a few issues involving Barack Obama and the Democrats and has an important question for his fellow Americans
The ignorance of anti-human David Attenborough: David Attenborough predicts a population run out of control like locusts on a crop but Selwyn Duke says the facts don't support that contention
Averting Obama's attempt at annihilating the GOP: Barack Obama a radical? Frank Salvato says Republicans worried about the president's goal to "destroy" the GOP are a few years late to the party
Are stocks a sucker's bet?: If you have some spare money to invest Dr. Peter Morici says the stock market isn't the place you should be looking to
Joe Biden: No reason to ban AR-15s: Joe Biden's reasoning why people should be using shotguns to defend themselves instead of AR-15s inadvertently helped the pro-firearms movement, argues Selwyn Duke
'I, Barack Hussein Obama...': Barack Obama was inaugurated for his second term last week and Mark Alexander not surprisingly had more than a few things to say in response
Desperately trying to derail Canadian oil sands: Radical activists launch more attacks on oil sands, Keystone pipeline, jobs and revenues, says Paul Driessen
Comparing two inaugural speeches, Reagan's and Obama's: With Barack Obama's public inauguration taking place today Alan Caruba looks at the president's January 2009 version and one from Ronald Reagan
Chapter Twenty-Two of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Preface To A Gulliver's Exile: Michael Moriarty latest series is about to launch into new direction, one that his exile from Hollywood saw him turn north to Canada
Viewpoints on technology and society (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at "very optimistic" and "rather optimistic" approaches to technology
Modern general: Steven Martinovich was sorely disappointed by one aspect of retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal's My Share of the Task: A Memoir but overall thought it was a worthwhile effort
A thoughtful look at the marijuana legalization trend: The United States may be becoming more "420" friendly by the day but Rachel Alexander argues that legalizing marijuana is still a venture fraught with problems
Justice Sotomayor and murderer advocacy: Justice Sonia Sotomayor will be swearing in Joe Biden as vice president and Lester Jackson wants to remind you about some of her recent work
Uncle Sam's "F" rated bonds: If you were given the choice, would you buy the U.S. government's bonds? If you said no, writes Dr. Peter Morici, you know why those instruments aren't trustworthy
Bringing a knife to a gun fight: The American government may be intent on denying the people their Second Amendment rights but Dr. Robert Owens says they need to answer back
Sensible gun control policy?: Mark Alexander obviously doesn't think much of the Obama administration's gun control proposals announced last week on several levels
Why so much anger at Manti Te'o?: J.J. Jackson is puzzled as to why so many people are angry at Manti Te'o and his fake girlfriend. He argues that the Notre Dame football player learned from the best
The carbon trading money tree: If the carbon trading business seems too good to be true, maybe there's a good reason, says Kelvin Kemm
Who's afraid of fracking?: Federal and state environmental officials have given hydraulic fracturing a clean bill of health. Deroy Murdock wants to know why radical environmentalists continue to wage war on this game-changing technology?  
'I will not comply': Regardless of what the U.S. federal government decides to do about firearms, says Mark Alexander, he does not intend to comply with any rules that infringe on the Second Amendment
Chapter Twenty-One of An Ecstatic Loneliness: An Eternity of The Eagle: America has plenty of snakes -- both philosophical and political, argues Michael Moriarty, but what it needs now is a true symbol of liberty to return
Viewpoints on technology and society (Part One): Mark Wegierski theorizes with a broad sweep about the interrelationships between technology and society
Obamacare is all about death and taxes: As Barack Obama's second term is set to begin, writes Alan Caruba, the two dominant stories are old and familiar ones
It can't happen here: Violent revolution in America? Dr. Robert Owens says that sort of thing could no longer happen in the U.S. ... but there are other types of revolution
Groupthink America: Used to be that critical thinking was encouraged as a way to explore the issues of the day. Lisa Fabrizio believes those days are long gone in the age of social media
When kids and guns mix: The media is only determined to tell horror stories that involve young people and firearms but Selwyn Duke says there's another side of the story as well
You never see mass shootings at gun shows, Tea Party rallies, or NRA meetings: J.J. Jackson owns several powerful firearms. Number of people killed by them? Zero. A self-evident truth emerges from those facts
The great experiment: The United States stands at a fork in the road, writes Robert T. Smith, and the choice it makes will send it to one of two very different places
Bank of America freezing gun manufacturer's accounts: Believe in the Second Amendment? Selwyn Duke says you might want to avoid Bank of America which has a history of going after the manufacturers of firearms
Irreconcilable differences: It probably won't come as news to any but Robert T. Smith says the huge and apparently unsolvable gap between the political left and right are endangering liberty in America
Trampling on people, environment, science and ethics: Environmental policies and practitioners often hurt people and values they supposedly protect, says Paul Driessen
The principles of taxation: The more things change, the more they stay the same. For all the wonders that technology has brought us, writes Alan Caruba, some economic principles remain the same
Chapter Twenty of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Obama’s “Great Leap Forward” Or God’s Most “Useful Idiots”: Enlightened despot is a term from history that Michael Moriarty believes very accurately describes the current occupant of the White House
Temporary fiscal cliff compromise full of pork, tax hikes and spending increases: No one outside of Washington, D.C. seems particularly pleased with the agreement to temporarily avoid the fiscal cliff and that includes Rachel Alexander
Empires rise and empires fall: Elections have consequences and the ignored corruption of fraudulent voters and whacky voting machines has given Barack Obama an uncontested victory, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Letters to the future: With Dear Chandler, Dear Scarlett: A Grandfather's Thoughts on Faith, Family, and the Things That Matter Most Mike Huckabee speaks with experience and love, writes Steven Martinovich
Six-year-old suspended for firing assault finger: The war against firearms is such that even pointing your finger at someone is apparently a grave danger to society, reports Selwyn Duke
House Republicans have more than two options: John Boehner's re–election as Speaker of the House last week was a close call for both the congressman and the White House, says Michael R. Shannon
The debt ceiling, revenue & the progressive overreach: Later this month Barack Obama will take the oath of office and Frank Salvato says Americans need to ask themselves some questions
Solution? What solution?: J.J. Jackson says Americans shouldn't think much of the "solution" that their representatives in Washington, D.C. came up with
Unemployment rate steady as millions remained discouraged: The Obama administration may be touting their job creation record but Dr. Peter Morici remains quite unimpressed for some very good reasons
Greens now betray the wild fish: Environmentalist opposition to genetically modified fish like salmon actually does a disservice to both fish and the environment, argues Dennis T. Avery
Government of, by and for activists: A university think tank's lawsuit raises serious questions about the old and new EPA, says Ron Arnold
Resolved for 2013: The new year is already underway but that isn't stopping Mark Alexander from making a few resolutions to continue some very big issues
Vote-stealing Dem pleads guilty to beating up girlfriend: Violence seems to run in the Moran family, says Selwyn Duke, as brushes with the law and at least one criminal record would indicate
Just how awful will 2013 be?: A new year dawns and Alan Caruba has some words on the predictions from the experts who have been so often wrong in the past
Chapter Nineteen of An Ecstatic Loneliness: From One Narcissist To Another: Every person on Earth has at least some trace of narcissism in their soul but Michael Moriarty charges that the current occupant of the White House has been generously apportioned
Even atheists can learn from Mike Huckabee: The recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut is the culmination of many years of the diminishing of one power and its replacement with another, say Dan Nagasaki and Glenn Doi
Why is Boehner negotiating with Obama at all?: Frank Salvato argues that Barack Obama should be playing no role whatsoever in America's budgetary crisis and the Republicans in Congress should know this
Revealing gun-owners names reveals truth: A newspaper's recent decision to reveal the names of gun owners in New York state speaks much of the media's view on firearms, says Selwyn Duke
Merry Christmas (belated) and a Happy New America: The end of one year and the beginning of a new one prompts Dr. Robert Owens to issue a sad set of predictions for the American people
Have a very merry, charitable Christmas, if you can: Christmas has come and gone and Mischa Popoff mulls over some things after recently watching his daughter's Christmas concert
U.S. covering up and revising radical Islamic ties to terrorism: The Obama administration has spent much time and money in the recent past to deliberately ignore the fact that it is radical Islam that is behind much terrorism, says Rachel Alexander
The new robber barons: The Obama Gang is stealing our taxes, energy resources, revenues, jobs and economy, writes Paul Driessen
Plotting the destruction of the U.S. economy: The negotiations and discussion over the "fiscal cliff" masks the reality that the destruction of the U.S. economy is firmly on track, argues Alan Caruba
The political superstorm that devastated New York: Thanks to "Superstorm" Sandy we've seen incompetence, stupidity, diversion, blame shifting, and false solutions to imaginary problems, says Paul Driessen
Lingua publica

February 2013

The case for Carson: The American conservative movement has been casting about for a "Great Black Hope" for decades. Does Dr. Ben Carson pass the test? Bruce Walker thinks so
The memory span of fungus: Alan Caruba wonders if Americans simply have no memory of what used to be -- making it somewhat difficult to plan for a real national future
Chapter Twenty Seven of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Seabiscuit: At 71 years of age Michael Moriarty has walked and ran many miles but he says his spirit still reminds him of another racehorse that was overlooked
The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part Three): Mark Wegierski suggests that media has undermined traditional literary-humanistic culture
Let us return to prayer: Pope Benedict XVI's recent announcement that he was resigning from the papacy nearly had Lisa Fabrizio avoiding the media but she decided to weigh in with a tribute
Economics 102: Economics is a topic that usually sparks an argument but Dr. Robert Owens feels compelled to lay out some basic truths everyone seems to be ignoring
President Obama's sequestration strategy to oust House Republicans: Barack Obama says Americans will suffer is if automatic across the board spending cuts happen on March 1. Dr. Peter Morici says argues he's playing political games
The sequestration scare: Barack Obama says of the spending cuts take place as scheduled on March 1 are far too deep for Americans to live with. Rachel Alexander wishes they were deeper
Predistribution: Anyone got a spare joint?: Current economic policy is so out of touch with reality that Chris Clancy thinks some people must be on the wacky weed
Doctrine for practice or play: It's bad enough that America's constitution is subject to the "living document" doctrine but Robert T. Smith argues that the Bible should above that sort of nonsense
Race toward an Age of Reason: No Paine; no gain, Part 1: Debra Rae explores the influence that noted philosopher Thomas Paine has had on the current occupant of the White House
It most certainly is constitutional to withhold congressional pay: Constitutional experts -- some perhaps even well-meaning -- have argued that it would be unlawful to withhold pay from Congress. J.J. Jackson most certainly disagrees
The only good 'Redskin' is a deleted 'Redskin': Once again a campaign is afoot to have the NFL's Washington Redskins change their team name. Michael R. Shannon wants the team to stick to its guns
On giving pro-Obama military veterans a pass: The left is making much of the fact that Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel is a former soldier. Dan Nagasaki and Glenn Doi believe that shouldn't be the primary criteria
The next sunrise -- the light of liberty: As dark as things may be now, writes Mark Alexander, Americans need to understand that there is a sunrise coming
The relentless power of demography: Americans of all stripes aren't having babies and that means that the future of the United States isn't a bright one, argues Alan Caruba
Chapter Twenty Six Of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Abe Lincoln or Scarlett O'Hara?: The political elite and scene in the United States reminds Michael Moriarty much of the Southern Confederacy and enemy of freedom Scarlett O'Hara
The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part Two): Mark Wegierski examines various aspects and dimensions of media
Why not a $100 per hour minimum wage?: A proposed increase to the federal minimum wage has Dan Nagasaki and Glenn Doi wondering why Barack Obama wants to stop at $9 an hour
Killer Dorner's supporters are par for the left's course: Before he died in a hail of bullets and fire, cop killer Christopher Dorner found some public support. Selwyn Duke wasn't surprised that they were liberals
The sequester, the constitution & President Obama: Barack Obama is a self-styled constitutional scholar and yet everything about the approaching budget sequester does violent harm to the nation's constitution, argues Frank Salvato
Now soliciting bids for the G.I. Jane Combat Hall of Fame: Although women serving in combat positions in the U.S. military is essentially a fait accompli, Michael R. Shannon says biology still trumps ideology
Affirmative action, Klan-style: Affirmative action has instituted a system of racial discrimination and crippling of the individual to the extent that even Nathan Bedford Forrest would be proud, writes Robert T. Smith
Obama's progressive State of Disunion: Mark Alexander couldn't force himself to watch another Obama State of the Union address but he can read and respond to the president
What the sex lives of California mice can tell you: Alan Caruba says a new study has blown the lid off the scientific world: If you feed titanic doses of a chemical to mice you will observe an effect that might not be translatable to humans!
Carbon tax hallucinations: Carbon taxes will do nothing for revenues or climate, but will hurt job and economic growth, says Paul Driessen
Obama's carbon dioxide lies: Alan Caruba argues getting the truth out about climate change and carbon dioxide is facing a huge barrier: Barack Obama
Chapter Twenty-Five of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Mel Tormé’s Stardust: Michael Moriarty's admiration for Mel Tormé is absolute and much of that is due to the American singer's perfect rendition of songs like "Stardust"
The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part One): Mark Wegierski outlines a concerted critical theory of media
U.S. suing S&P may be very bad for investors and democracy: DOJ threats to charge S&P for optimistic ratings on mortgage securities smack of political vendetta, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Handle with care: Lisa Fabrizio doesn't think it a bad idea for Republicans to change the language they use to argue their positions to something a little more friendly
Whatever happened to free Obamacare?: Americans probably weren't expecting the massive increase in their mandatory health care spending that Obamacare will bring, says Rachel Alexander
The self-interest of dependency: Self-interest is a part of both the free market and the welfare state, says Robert T. Smith, but it's only a benefit in one of them
Canada's organic free-for-all: If Canadians believe that their organic food is more healthy -- or even Canadian -- they might be surprised, says Mischa Popoff
Crony capitalism: Barack Obama may be a socialist, if you listen to his critics, but Chris Clancy says under the current president crony capitalism is alive and thriving
John McCain's "racist" joke that wasn't: Selwyn Duke defends Sen. John McCain from a charge of racism after the Arizona Republican made a joke at Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's expense...and another Republican complained
Socio-political monkey business: Part 2: Darwin's domino effect: Debra Rae continues her critical look at the Theory of Evolution in her second and concluding essay in the series
The gun show loophole lie: Anyone who argues that there is a "gun show loophole" that allows firearms to be sold without background checks is straight-out lying to you, says John Bender
Sequester roll over, Part 2?: Another fiscal cliff quickly approaches and once again Barack Obama is attempting to maneuver the Republicans into a surrender. Mark Alexander hopes it isn't so
Obama's divide the GOP and conquer strategy: Rachel Alexander is more worried that Barack Obama will carefully pick which battles he wants to fight -- ones that will see the GOP split apart as they attempt to avoid public disapproval
Enemies of the constitution: A constitutional law professor last week argued that Americans should start ignoring the constitution. Alan Caruba isn't even sure where to start with his response
Chapter Twenty-Four of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The Red Game of Crocodile Tears: Michael Moriarty continues his life story and discuses the incredible feats of intellectual deceit that the progressive left employs
It's only natural: Robert T. Smith addresses a few big issues that environmentalists have been harping on in recent years and argues there is little to their doomsaying
The Islamist challenge from the Sahel Region and North Africa: French troops may have driven Islamist forces from power in parts of Mali but Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah argues that large parts of Africa face challenges
Has Facebook joined the leftist media?: It's possible that Nancy Morgan's Facebook account was hacked but the sheer number of conservatives complaining about censorship on the web site has her concerned
GDP contracts, jobs outlook sours: The American economy appears to be worsening and Dr. Peter Morici says that once again a cliff threatens the entire country
Liberal thinking in regards to "safe schools" is ridiculous: Liberals want safe schools and therefore argue that firearms should be banished but David M. Huntwork says that logic doesn't exactly make much sense
Socio-political monkey business: Part 1: Institutional monism: Debra Rae begins the first of a two-part series on the Theory of Evolution with a critical look at its credited originator and an alternate theory
The Boy Scouts: A deal with gay activists?: Dan Nagasaki and Glenn Doi don't have an issue with gay boy scouts but they are wondering why the Boy Scouts of America are debating the issue at this moment
Jesus: Another innocent man wrongly convicted: A recent Washington Post essay arguing Jesus Christ would have likely opposed firearms ownership didn't exactly convert Michael R. Shannon
Obama/Feinstein: Obfuscation and vilification: Mark Alexander examines Diane Feinstein's assault on the Second Amendment and some laughable comments by Barack Obama
Real sustainability versus activist sustainability: Activist sustainability concepts don't meet environmental, humanitarian or sustainability tests, says Paul Driessen
Lingua publica

March 2013

Living in Obama's mad house: It's an upside down world that Americans live in today, one where even the Mad Hatter would be aghast, writes Alan Caruba
On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the religious divisions in the conflict
Chapter Thirty One of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The Black Eisenhower: Michael Moriarty believes that it is essential that Allen West be the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2018...for the sake of the United States
Is America a Republic or an Empire?: Dr. Robert Owens examines the hallmarks of empire and wants you to honestly ask yourself, "Is America a republic or an empire?"
Why the NRA is right about Hollywood: The political left can rail about "assault weapon-style firearms" until the end of time but Selwyn Duke says Hollywood needs to look in the mirror
Too many battles, not enough Bible: The Bible is garnering huge numbers but Michael R. Shannon says the miniseries is failing viewers on a fundamental level
Understanding the current state of the Iranian nuclear challenge: Iran continues to press ahead with efforts to build nuclear weapons and Dore Gold explains why it seeks the technology and when we can expect them to be successful
All we need is love: Robert T. Smith believes the drive towards same-sex marriage is an assault on religion and tradition and is only creating societal chaos
Quiet diplomacy toward the future we need: Forum for Democratic Global Governance: This month the Forum for Democratic Global Governance met in Sao Paolo to plan out how we should all be allowed to live, reports Debra Rae
Memo to the GOP: Liberty is colorblind: The GOP is concerned about the fact that women and minorities tend to vote Democrat and want to act. Mark Alexander argues the message should be pretty simple
The Obamacare 'Sting': Obamacare ought to remind Americans a lot of the classic con movie The Sting, says Frank Salvato, particularly when the real costs are felt
Geologist says Marcott's CO2 thesis failed: A recent study claiming the past decade has been warmer than most of the Holocene period doesn't pass the smell test, reports Dennis T. Avery
Hiding the slaughter: Big Wind hides evidence of turbine bird kills – and gets rewarded. Jim Wiegand explains how they do it
Treasonous Obama strikes again: Selwyn Duke truly hopes that no one was surprised at the news that Chinese nationals working at a sensitive NASA facility were engaging in wholesale espionage
Eco-imperialism joins vulture environmentalism: Obama appointees seek to impose ideological control over our energy, economy and property, says Paul Driessen
Americans will curse Obama for Obamacare: As the reality of the costs of Obamacare become a reality for Americans, writes Alan Caruba, Barack Obama should expect less love
On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part One): Mark Wegierski introduces his new series
Chapter Thirty of An Ecstatic Loneliness: American Suicide: The Republican Party reminds Michael Moriarty a lot of Ernest Hemingway: Suicide was the final end of the famed writer and the GOP seems determined to follow
What the greatest Catholic thinker says about the latest Catholic pope: New pope, old criticisms. Selwyn Duke says G.K. Chesterton addressed many of the points the Catholic Church's opponents have made some decades ago
Baseball saints and sinners: Another season of baseball is just around the corner and Lisa Fabrizio pays homage to Mariano Rivera for being a fantastic baseball player and human being
A slow motion revolution gathers speed: Although we shall not go gently into that good night it appears we are in the twilight of our Republic and about to enter the sunset of liberty and the dawn of an America with a living constitution, a herd mentality, and a cradle-to-grave welfare state, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Evolving thinking Republicans: Sen. Rob Portman has become the latest media darling for changing his position on gay marriage and Robert T. Smith wonders what happened to his long reliance on religious reasons for doing so
Republicans clueless about minorities: If the Republican Party is interested in recruiting white men, they're doing a fantastic job. Other groups? Not so much, says Rachel Alexander
Twenty-First Century High Plains Drifters: The next wave of genius investors is here and they're waiting to make a killing off our collective idiocy, says Chris Clancy
CPAC 2013 stands with Rand: Michael R. Shannon was at CPAC last week and by his estimation Sen. Rand Paul came out the winner over Sen. Marco Rubio
Bronze Star Power Point?: Did you hear the one about the American soldier who received a Bronze Star for creating a PowerPoint presentation? Mark Alexander says nearly everyone got the story wrong
Mississippi Bloomberg burning: There is no greater torture than politicians who are determined to do good on our behalf...even when we'd rather be left alone, says Selwyn Duke
Greenie lying bastards: Ron Arnold says Big Green's complaints about Donors Trust and climate skeptic money are hollow and pathetic
Obamacare costs set to implode in 2014!: Experts in the health care industry aren't shy about saying it: Health care costs for Americans are going to rise quite a bit next year, reports John W. Lillpop
Pondering secession: There are a lot of Americans who no longer wish to live under increasing and intrusive government and Bruce Walker says the issue of secession is on the table
The world is not having enough babies: Reproductive rates are dropping across the globe and Alan Caruba says that sort of thing is usually followed by some very big problems
The emergence of media: Humanity's endgame – a précis (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the exemplars of a media-tized society
Chapter Twenty-Nine of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The American "Eroica" Symphony: This week Michael Moriarty pays tribute to the late American composer Aaron Copland and his masterpiece Symphony No. 3
Federal Reserve constitutional or merely legal?: It might seem like the title is asking the same question twice but Dr. Robert Owens explains why the two aren't the same thing
In the media every silver lining is obscured by a cloud: Poverty rates for African-Americans and Asians is declining in Washington, D.C. Good news? Michael R. Shannon says it depends on which newspaper you read
As Dow sets records, stronger growth needed to sustain a bull market: Stock markets may be posting strong gains these days but Dr. Peter Morici says the American economy needs to pick up as well
Welcome to the Twilight Zone: If you have trouble understanding even the basics of economics Chris Clancy feels for you. That's why he has a suggestion for readers
Top television shows today full of garbage: If you haven't turned on a television in a while, says Rachel Alexander, you might be surprised to find out how much of a wasteland it has turned into
America's Game...Three-card Monte: The classic con game Three-card Monte is a lot like how American politics is running these days, writes Robert T. Smith
Political leadership….I knew I forgot something: Let us give our American history meaning: Why do there seem to be fewer leaders in American politics today as compared to the early days of the Republic? Dale Schlundt thinks he has the answer
Thought crimes and pastry guns: David M. Huntwork reacts to the news that a seven-year old student in Maryland was suspended for the high crime of fashioning a pastry into a gun
Heroes vs. statists: The fact that three students in Florida were suspended for disarming an armed fellow student tells John Bender everything he needs to know about today's education system
Obama's 'Republican Sequester' 2014 endgame: Barack Obama is masterfully moving the Republicans right where he wants them, says Mark Alexander, and that's losing in 2014
The hydra of government in medicine: Richard E. Ralston says government agencies are essentially ending the relationship that has existed between doctors and their patients
Our real man-made climate crisis: The crisis is due not to climate change, but to actions taken in the name of preventing change, argues Paul Driessen
New York's "Sustainability" Plan: aka "Agenda 21": Mary Kay Barton says there is an insidious plan to install the "New World" state-supported religion – Environmentalism
Obscene government waste: If the debate over sequester has done anything, writes Alan Caruba, it can be credited with focusing attention on government spending
Chapter Twenty-Eight of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Rainbow American Tyranny: Scarlett O'Hara, Medea and Karl Marx go a long way in explaining who Barack Obama is and what his plans for America are, says Michael Moriarty
The emergence of media: Humanity’s endgame – a précis (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the resistance to media
Time to register books and put reasonable restrictions on the 1st Amendment: If the left's argument that people need to be made safe from violence -- which means the banning of firearms, David M. Huntwork says that logic should be taken to its proper conclusion
Traditions: Traditions bind a society together and the quickest way to attack the body politic is to attack its long held practices, writes Robert T. Smith
Republic or empire?: The siren song of empire has seduced republics down through history to trade in their freedom for power, says Dr. Robert Owens
Unmasking the Grim Reaper's foot soldiers: Selwyn Duke says the political left displays its sociopathic behavior when it comes to issues like abortion
When honesty becomes optional: The level of dishonesty coming from the Obama administration concerning the sequester is breathless in its scope, says Frank Salvato
Race toward an Age of Reason: No Paine; No Gain, Part 2: Debra Rae concludes her look at philosopher Thomas Paine and his influence on Barack Obama's agenda for the United States
Iran's attempted rapprochement with Egypt: Implications for Sunni-Shiite relations: After decades of frosty relations Iran is attempting to win over Egypt and Michael Segall tells us what that likely means for the future
Britain narrowly escapes "green" blackout: Britain's environmentalist policies nearly plunged parts of the nation into darkness this winter and will create a catastrophe in the future, argues Dennis T. Avery
Every horrid thing about how healthcare is paid for today: More and more Americans are learning every day that Obamacare will cost them far more than they expected -- and the price tag isn't merely measured in dollars, says Alan Caruba
Lingua publica

April 2013

A perspective on the Second Boston Massacre: Nancy Salvato mulls her long fear of terrorism on American soil and the effect she hopes the bombings in Boston have on Americans
Earth Day's big lie: Today marks Earth Day and Alan Caruba argues that it is nothing but a pagan holiday that celebrates environmentalist untruths
Chapter Thirty Five of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The "Progressive Vision" for the Future: With the attack in Boston fresh on his mind, Michael Moriarty explores the progressive left's need for totalitarian control of humanity
The power of being "offended" in order to shut down political debate: It's almost like everyone is looking for the opportunity to be offended by something that someone says these days, writes Rachel Alexander
Stifling our children: Back when Lisa Fabrizio was a young child -- which wasn't that long ago -- the world was much simpler and purer place
If we blow it up again it will blow up again: Dr. Robert Owens asks how many times must this Ponzi scheme economy show itself for what it is?  How many times must this self-serving Progressive cabal be exposed for the hypocritical central-planning neo-fascists that they are?
Eco-activists: The primary job of the eco-activist these days, argues Robert T. Smith, seems to be to try and expand government as much as possible
Failed revolution: Jerry Clinton Oliver returns with The Diary, a sequel to his 2008 novel in which residents of a small town spark a second American Revolution and Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
The interview: Terry McAuliffe & the Boston Attack: With a tongue-in-cheek news "leak" Michael R. Shannon shows how one American politician intends to act in response to the attacks in Boston
Anti-growth policies slowing economy again: Dr. Peter Morici says that a raft of policies emanating from government are killing any potential economic growth for the U.S.
Spying on the progressives: If you haven't been paying attention to the far left recently, writes Rachel Alexander, you probably missed some of their new initiatives
Harry Reid: Battle over gun rights driven by 'imagined tyranny': Sen. Harry Reid declared that opponents to increased firearms control were driven by an imaginary threat by government. John W. Lillpop not surprisingly thought Reid was out to lunch
EPA's Tier 3 tyranny: High cost, no benefit rule making does nothing to forestall agency's quest for ecological utopia, says Paul Driessen
How rich Rockefellers battle the people's pipeline: Ron Arnold paints a picture of Rockefeller billions vs Canadian energy and sovereignty – and the impact on US jobs, security and families
Billionaire "forcing" climate change: Dennis T. Avery reports on a billionaire Wall Street hedge fund manager who is vowing to go to war against anyone who opposes his environmentalist agenda
What will happen to Europe?: It's not hard to see that Europe is travelling down a path which will see it eventually turn into a massive Third World state, argues Bruce Walker
Chapter Thirty Four of An Ecstatic Loneliness: From My Kristonysian Diary: Michael Moriarty has to credit a higher power for the positive transformation that his life has taken and all the beauty he's experienced
On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the impact of Oliver Cromwell
Is America under judgment?: God does not condemn societies because of the sin within them because the same sins are in all peoples at all times. Rather God condemns societies for the sins they condone, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Beating the leftists by properly defining the debate: If Second Amendment proponents want to win the gun control battle, says John Bender, then they have to take a page from the book of the left and redefine the debate on their own terms
Tougher gun laws won't much stem violence: Any gun control laws which may get passed might cause politicians to pat themselves on the back but Dr. Peter Morici believes they won't do much to actually make Americans safer
Before there was Thatcher, there was Churchill: Margaret Thatcher was an inspirational leader but Alan Caruba says before her was another titan that served as British prime minister
As iron sharpens iron: Mark Alexander pays tribute to the Iron Lady -- Margaret Thatcher -- whom he argues the world owes so much too
Am I a dangerous extremist? Are you?: The Department of Homeland Security, despite all evidence to the contrary, still considers conservatives to be America's greatest enemy, writes Alan Caruba
Stalemate in the Syrian Civil War: Two years into the Syrian civil war and not a lot seems to have been resolved, writes Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah
Umbrella organizations always leave taxpayers wet: At a national and local level Michael R. Shannon says that organizations made up of politicians dedicated to actually doing their jobs are usually another waste of time and money
Greedy green land grabbers: "Clean Development Mechanism" schemes drive out African villagers for "carbon offset" profits, says Ron Arnold
The dam is about to break: The reality about global warming may finally be admitted by its biggest orthodox proponents, reports Dennis T. Avery
Gun control is DOA in Congress: For all the talk of politicians promising new gun control measures this year, Alan Caruba is optimistic that Congress will do the right thing
Chapter Thirty Three of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The Proven Messiah of American Marxism, Bill Clinton, The Red Spider: Barack Obama only wishes that he had the skills that Bill Clinton seems to employ with little effort, writes Michael Moriarty
On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at economic/class, country/urban, and "ethnic" divisions in the conflict
Sanford and other toxic Republicans need to step aside for electable Republicans: Mark Sanford is back -- this time as the nominee for an open congressional seat in South Carolina -- and Rachel Alexander says the GOP needs do the right thing
A voter in the hand is worth two in the focus group: Michael R. Shannon doesn't think very much of a new Republican initiative designed to reach out to groups that traditionally vote Democrat
Jobs growth tanks in March: Last week's numbers from the U.S. Labor Department showed that jobs growth in the United States has continued to stall, says Dr. Peter Morici
Permanent disability: The only hope for American workers under Obama?: John W. Lillpop says new U.S. federal government figures show that if Americans can't find jobs, they'll find a way to get money: Claim permanent disability
A jerk java jolt for 'gay marriage': Mark Alexander reacts to a couple of news stories from last week which illustrates the ludicrousness of the political and cultural left
Is warming the "civilization-killer"?: Dennis T. Avery argues that human history has repeatedly proved that warming temperatures don't bring down civilizations, colder ones do
Important questions for Obama nominees: Obama's Interior, Energy and EPA nominees raise serious questions that need to be addressed, writes Craig Rucker
Cut fingers, cancer, bats and birds: Government bureaucrats delay life-saving road projects, but let wind turbines butcher bats, say Paul Driessen and James H. Rust
A carbon tax would destroy America
Climategate leaker: Civilization is being destroyed by lying "science" elitists
The insanity of the Cyprus crisis
Chapter Thirty Two of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The Black Jefferson Davisand His Pro-Abortion Confederacy:The Bipartisan American "Progressives"
Enough being depressed about the elections
If I were a governor�¦.
Senator John McCain: Collaborator
A very bad idea: Redefining marriage
Pascal Salin: Courage mes amis!
Senate prospects for 2014
Thoughts on gay marriage
War: What is it good for?
Lingua publica

May 2013

The case for impeachment: Bruce Walker argues that Barack Obama's crimes are materially different from those that nearly started impeachment hearings against Bill Clinton...which is why Republicans need to act
Be afraid. Be very afraid: The Obama administration's war against a few media outlets reminds Alan Caruba of another government's fight against newspapers
Chapter Forty One of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The Divinity of Acquaintanceship: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to the recent literary and philosophical efforts of another writer for ESR, one Bruce Walker
Triplegate: It's like Saul Alinsky is running the country: The spate of scandals surrounding the Obama administration makes Rachel Alexander think that Barack Obama listened a little too closely to Saul Alinsky
The IRS scandal smoking gun?: Barack Obama maintains that he had no idea the IRS was tar getting conservatives but Dr. Peter Morici isn't buying it
Anyone for a laptop?: Chris Clancy reminisces of an encounter he had once with two English public servants on vacation in China and what it taught him about the difference between the public and private sectors
The crazy descent into madness: If you want to demonize a behavior and those who practice it, writes Jane Gaffin, a pretty effective way is to simply declare them mentally ill
What is it about 'stereotype' that the Tea Party doesn't understand?: Virginia Republicans went ahead and chose a black man for their candidate for the state's Lt. Governor race and the media had a snit about it, reports Michael R. Shannon
Is Egypt heading toward a military regime?: Just three years after the Mubarak regime was toppled it would appear that Egypt is already sliding back towards a military backed government, writes Dr. Jacques Neriah
Prince Charles: Too "green" to be king?: As Prince Charles continues to push his environmentalist views many in England are wondering if the heir to the throne has crossed a line, writes Dennis T. Avery
Big Green helps Big Wind hide bird and bat butchery: Ron Arnold asks why do taxpayers have to subsidize this? Why do environmentalists give it a free pass?
The President as Sergeant Schultz: Barack Obama's repeated insistence that he didn't know what was going on when it comes to recent scandals reminds Alan Caruba of a famous fictional character
Can there be today a properly balanced society and psyche?: As the warm exuberance of late-Spring arrives, Mark Wegierski looks at the sociology of romantic affinities
Chapter Forty of An Ecstatic Loneliness: The Marxist Priest Of Nixon In China: A recent aborted listening of John Adams' Nixon in China prompted Michael Moriarty to muse about some supposed heroes
The seventeen year itch: Over the next few months a new brood of cicadas will emerge and Lisa Fabrizio says if they had generational memories they would be shocked at what they would see
The bugs are back: The lack of extreme weather and the accompanying bureaucrats has forced the media to find a new thing to obsess about this summer, writes Michael R. Shannon
"A nickel isn't worth a dime today": None of us gets to live in the world we grew up in because the world moves too fast.  Things change. What was science fiction yesterday is your cell phone today
As a CEO, President Obama gets an "F": Dr. Peter Morici knows a thing or two about what makes a successful leader and Barack Obama isn't one of them
What kind of people are we?: The trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell was quite illustrative at how debased our society has actually become, says Robert T. Smith
Precious: The cycle of dependency that government welfare creates is built upon a foundation of character destruction, writes Chris Clancy
Sacrificial lambs: Kevin Gabriel argues that the people who died in the Benghazi embassy were sacrificed by the Obama administration for several key reasons
The green enemies of humanity, science, and the truth: There's plenty of fabrication in the environmentalist movement but Alan Caruba believes that Friends of the Earth may top them all
If there was ever a golden opportunity: Conservatives who talk impeachment over the most recent scandals to hit the Obama administration need to get realistic, argues Frank Salvato
Obama's 'enemies list' -- Tyranny in action: Mark Alexander argues that the fact that the IRS targeted conservative groups proves the tyrannical tendencies of the Obama administration
Iran fears growing Israel-Azerbaijan cooperation: Israel and Azerbaijan seem to be building up their relationship and that spells a blow to Iran's dream of regional hegemony, says Michael Segall
A bee in their bonnet: Anti-pesticide activists falsely blame new pesticides for bee colony problems says Paul Driessen
Obama breeds rebellion among the states: Thanks to Obamacare, writes Alan Caruba, Barack Obama has managed to prod several states to actively resist federal laws
Chapter Thirty Nine of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Film Noir’s Black and White Mirror Images: Michael Moriarty takes some disparate threads and weaves them together in his exploration of the Boston bombings
Did you do anything to keep liberty alive?: The coming mid-term elections may well be the most important in our lifetime.  America faces a crisis as profound as the Revolution and as divisive as the Civil War, says Dr. Robert Owens
Canadian banks: Legalized bandidos: Without much fanfare, says Jane Gaffin, Canada's federal government has essentially given the nation's banks permission to raid deposits if they get into fiscal distress
Anti-Americanism increasing at the United Nations: The UN's members have never been fans of the U.S. but Rachel Alexander says it's actually getting worse these days
The tears of Benghazi: Alan Caruba pays tribute to some of the men who testified last week at Capitol Hill regarding the terrorist attack last year that saw the American consulate in Benghazi overrun by terrorists
Benghazi: Progressives rewrite history in real time: Frank Salvato charges that the Obama administration's constantly changing story over the terrorist attack in Benghazi is an old tactic of the political left
Touring Benghazi: Robert T. Smith finds it hard to believe that he could arrive in Benghazi faster flying on commercial flights but America's military, located across a narrow sea, could do nothing to help the American consulate
What's the difference between Mark Sanford and Bill Clinton?: Selwyn Duke isn't exactly pleased that Mark Sanford won his bid for a congressional seat last week but the alternative was worse
Successes and failures of the BDS campaign: Actions, like those of Stephen Hawking to withdraw from an Israeli scientific conference, have little real impact on the country, argues Adam Shay
Senate GOP supports remote control taxation: Michael R. Shannon says Senate Republicans who voted for the Marketplace Fairness Act deserve nothing but scorn
Tyranny? What tyranny?: Barack Obama recently spoke to graduates at Ohio State University and it was as bad as you would expect it to be, writes Mark Alexander
Obama's and Holder's selective constitutional deafness: Selwyn Duke thinks it quite insulting that the Obama administration is threatening states who refuse to enforce federal laws they think are unconstitutional
A climate cycle delivered our cold spring: Cold where you are? Dennis T. Avery says there's a pretty good explanation for the cold spring much of North America is experiencing
Amnesty bill is a massive multi-million dollar fraud: Alan Caruba argues that the proposed Senate amnesty bill would essentially encourage illegal immigrants from around the world to flood the United States
Our un-news media: Student of history Bruce Walker says that today's American media is beginning to resemble the news services that were prominent during the "glory" days of the Soviet Union
Chapter Thirty-Eight of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Rainbow American Tyranny: Barack Obama and the Old South share many similarities and chief among them is the absolute disregard for human life, writes Michael Moriarty
Questions: Lisa Fabrizio has a lot of questions these days from government and her fellow Americans but she doesn't really expect to get answers to many of them
Why I am no longer a conservative Republican: If we want a different world we have to start at the only place we have the absolute sovereign ability to make a change, we must start with ourselves, writes Dr. Robert Owens
The parable of how to fill a pool: Barack Obama, like many of his fellow travellers, has been taking money from the productive or borrowing it in an attempt to fill the shallow end of the pool, says Robert T. Smith
Iran's plans to take over Syria: Iran's attempt to turn as much of the Middle East into a Shiite preserve is proceeding with its work in Syria, reports Shimon Shapira
Airline passenger detained for being a jerk: Selwyn Duke hopes that a passenger who acted like a horrible jerk on a recent flight doesn't spark even more regulations
Jobs growth rebounds in April but more trouble ahead: America's unemployment rate dipped marginally in April but Dr. Peter Morici says that the economy's problems are far from being resolved
The real thing: Compared to other nations on the planet Americans still enjoy a high level of personal freedom but Nancy Salvato says it's not like it used to be
Soaking the poor: Healthcare reform was sold as a way to help the poor pay for medical services. Richard E. Ralston says the exact opposite has happened
Free market energy policies can end economic malaise: Non-comprehensive, none-of-the-below, Washington-dictated energy policies guarantee decline, argues Craig Rucker
Obama to DoD: Court martials for the faithful: Are you a person of faith serving in America's military? Mark Alexander says you better not make that too apparent these days
Pulitzer Prize winning idiot: Alan Caruba wasn't particularly impressed with Thomas Friedman's attempt to link the need to higher taxes and the terrorist attack in Boston
Chapter Thirty Seven of An Ecstatic Loneliness: Putting My Faith Back In Jazz and American Movie Stars: Esperanza Spalding: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to two American female artists he believes are titans of their craft
On the 325th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution: The historical significance of the English Civil War (Part Six): Mark Wegierski traces the effects of the conflict through the centuries
The revolution passed in the night: There is one over-riding constant that defines the present era.  America has a President who advances values and policies opposed to the beliefs of a vast number of Americans, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Obama Administration's suspicious behavior handling the Boston Marathon terrorists: Rachel Alexander isn't one for conspiracies but she's more than a little suspicious over how the brothers responsible for the bombings in Boston were handled
King of news: Steve Martinovich thought Roger Ailes: Off Camera an enjoyable effort that revealed quite a bit about the controversial founder and president of Fox News
The EPA snake pit: To be the head of the Environmental Protection Agency means it's your job to try and destroy every aspect of the American economy, argues Alan Caruba
The e-tax scam: The e-tax that many Senate Republicans are supporting has nothing to do with fairness and everything to do with politicians attempting to avoid an unpopular move, says Mark Alexander
Politics of international diffusion: Our common future: Debra Rae reports on yet another conference and its now predictable aim of trying to eliminate the sovereignty of the U.S.
Melting pot in the wrong hands? What could go wrong?: For decades we've all been told that the "melting pot" concept of society was wrong. Harold Witkov wonders what happens when someone finally makes use of America's new creation
Caught in the crossfire: Its been ignored by the media but George S. Kulas says in any war between North and South Korea there are plenty of U.S. civilians in the line of fire
Conservative media elites, progressives & the blood of Boston: Frank Salvato believes the bombing in Boston should have forced the media to confront a reality that it has steadily avoided for decades but not much is likely to change
Support drilling, fracking, Keystone … and exports: Paul Driessen argues that We don't need to restrict oil or gas exports. We need to open more lands to leasing and drilling
Lingua publica

June 2013

The continuing collapse of the global warming hoax: Slowly but surely, writes Alan Caruba, the reality about global warming is getting out -- aided by truth-seekers around the world
Keeping Score In America: Chapter Two: What does Michael Moriarty intend to do with his latest series? Essentially how he got to where he is today
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Two): Mark Wegierski begins his careful look at different types of violence in society
Banks cooking up another financial crisis: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Dr. Peter Morici says America's banks are once again lighting the fuse for another economic catastrophe
The role of the federal government: The debate over the role of the federal government usually revolves around the differences between Republicans and Democrats, says Lisa Fabrizio
Big Brother is a bugging me!: In response to the news that the U.S. federal government is data mining hundreds of millions of its citizens, Harold Witkov offers up a humble poem
Our privacy has been plundered: It doesn't matter where you turn, argues Jane Gaffin, the government has managed to insert surveillance capabilities in almost every commercial electronics product or service
Did no one see it coming?: In the early days of Marxist activism, did no one see what the actual outcome would be? Chris Clancy says a few did
Getting it wrong about "getting it right": The remarkable lavish praise by Justices Thomas and Scalia of radical liberal judicial activists: According to Lester Jackson, Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia love to heap praise on their fellow SCOTUS members. Jackson believes that praise is not deserved
Marco Rubio is dead to me: Any credibility that Marco Rubio might have had as a conservative -- at least on the issue of immigration -- disappeared recently for Selwyn Duke
It's the profiling, stupid!: If profiling is bad -- even if its terrorists who are the target -- why the left is giving the Obama administration a pass over data mining, wonders Mark Alexander
A climate debate: Both sides showed up!: Denis Avery attended the remarkable recently: A debate on climate change where both sides actually bothered to show up
Living in the government's fishbowl: News of the American federal government's massive spying program on its citizens means its time to make some changes, argues Alan Caruba
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part One): Mark Wegierski attempts to describe notions of the sovereign in traditional societies, and what happens to these when societies become non-traditional
Keeping Score In America: Chapter One: Michael Moriarty officially launches his latest series with admissions about his unfamiliarity with computers, growing fatter and how he learned to "keep score"
Why Europe?: Why did Europe leap ahead of other regions of the world in so many different fields? A few ingrediants that other places were mising, says Chris Clancy
Barack Obama...poster child: Robert T. Smith argues that Barack Obama is the embodiment of his political party's belief system and that's why they'll never abandon him despite the scandals
The schools' sinister war on guns: Schools aren't simply content with attempting to create safe spaces for their children, writes Selwyn Duke, they're actively trying to condition children to hate firearms
Why 'government' & 'creative' aren't usually found in the same sentence: Michael R. Shannon's local county government decided it needed a new logo and he wasn't surprised that they came up with something completely bland
Reeling in the years: Removing God from from every aspect of American life doesn't make a whole lot of sense given that Christianity informs most aspect of public and private life, argues Charles Sporleder
The crimes of an ideological agenda: The increasing number of scandals surrounding the Obama administration are merely the symptoms of a long illness, writes Frank Salvato
Economy adds 175,000 jobs in may but trouble ahead: The month of May saw some jobs growth in the U.S. but Dr. Peter Morici believes that may not last
Liberty, security, privacy, Big Brother, and the concept of the common good: Barack Obama in the past has asked Americans to trust him. David Huntwork says recent revelations have proven why that was a bad idea
Libya deja vu: Arming Syrian rebels likely to usher in al-Qaida: With Russia supplying the Syrian government with advanced arms there's increasing talk of arming the Syrian rebels. Rachel Alexander argues that it's a bad idea
All the things we do not know: The attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro decades ago neatly illustrate how Americans don't know how their government works to shape history, writes Alan Caruba
The Camelot fraud: The 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy takes place this year and Bruce Walker argues that the late president's reputation only gets worse
Keeping score in America: Michael Moriarty launches a new ambitious series which he hopes will eventually be published in the form of a book
The planned obsolescence of incandescent bulbs and conservatives: If leftists had their way, says Harold Witkov, they would love to do away with conservatives much in the same way that they've done with incandescent light bulbs
Is the Necessary and Proper Clause either necessary or proper?: Dr. Robert Owens wonders Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. Constitution has essentially contributed to a diminishing of freedom for Americans
IRS│SRI: Recent testimony by IRS officials in the ongoing scandal of the agency targeting conservatives brought a few truths into spotlight for Robert T. Smith
New organization of leading women for shared parenting may finally end courts favoring mothers: Rachel Alexander hopes that new organization composed of prominent women will change family courts into fairer institutions when it comes to custody of children
President Obama's agenda fails the middle class: Democrats desperately want Barack Obama to tell Americans how his agenda is helping them but Dr. Peter Morici says it's an impossible task
How leftists judge great women: The way that leftists fail to acknowledge prominent conservative women reminds Bruce Walker of the way communists used to scrub undesirables from history
The seriousness of the charge – Thoughts on presidential scandals: Lisa Fabrizio believes that the many scandals of the Obama administration will never earn the attention that prior scandals -- such as those of Richard Nixon -- did
Conflict resolution through cultural diplomacy in the Middle East: In an address to a conference in Istanbul recently Amd. Alan Baker argued that simply signing a document isn't enough to promote peace in the Middle East
Mindless "green" indoctrination of children: Fracking offers a case study of propaganda by environmentalists, teachers and fellow students, writes Paul Driessen
Political agendas and half-staff flags: Lowering a flag to half-staff is meant as a display of respect for someone who is no longer with us but Mark Alexander believes Barack Obama also uses it as a political tool
Obama appeasement of China, Japan wrecking recovery: Ahead of the next trade deficit report Dr. Peter Morici argues that American economic policies have made a bad trade situation far worse than it should be
The bright side of amnesty
Greedy Africans are starving our cars
Obama's enormous climate lies
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Three
Leftus Ignoramus
Nearly one year on, SCOTUS ruling on ObamaCare lamented—By Obama and Democrats!
On my honor
Precautionary double standards
Living rich and famous, Obama style
Why liberals kill
Lingua publica

July 2013

Legislative power and  the constitution: The move by Barack Obama to delay implementation of parts of his healthcare reform has Bruce Walker urging action by Republicans
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski argues that liberals have usually been far more successful in politics than conservatives
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Seven: "Skittles anyone?": Swiss composer Arthur Honegger and the transformation of the United States of America into something its founders hadn't intended inform this week's essay by Michael Moriarty
Living in a communist economy: The United States may have won the Cold War but the war for America's capitalist soul has been lost, says Alan Caruba
Detroit: The left's model for success: Detroit has declared bankruptcy and Rachel Alexander says we should all learn a lesson from the city's failure
U.S. should step back in Egypt, elsewhere: Dr. Peter Morici argues that the U.S. is in serious danger of over-reaching by being involved in so many international issues
News v. propaganda: The danger of losing a check & balance: Frank Salvato says that the Obama administration and its allies have almost completely abandoned all pretense of being transparent to Americans
Global Future 2045: Part 2: The sci-tech revolution: Debra Rae wraps up her two-part series investigating the people and their plans for re-shaping the world through education and technology
Reformation: The Reformation which fractured Europe for so long may seem like ancient history but Lisa Fabrizio argues that America may be going through the same process this very moment
What do we tell our kids?: In the wake of the George Zimmerman trial the children of America understandably have many questions. Robert T. Smith tries to answer some of them
In the absence of theory: Someone once said the difference between theory and practice is a lifetime and Chris Clancy argues one that one theory that has become dominant is impacting many lives
International nongovernmental organizations:  "Global conscience" or powerful political actors?: Non-governmental organizations may have currency with governments, the media and the public but Dr. Rephael Ben-Ari has serious concerns about how they operate
Ten Billion and catastrophe?: Climate change is rapidly losing steam as a fear generator among the public so humanity's enemies are going back to an old campaign to scare us, writes Dennis T. Avery
Organic crops are tested for pathogens, right? Nope: We need to check organic crops for bacteria, to ensure they really are healthy – and safe to eat, argues Mischa Popoff
Easy money, opiate of the American economy: The American economy is addicted to the U.S. Federal Reserve's easy money policies and getting off the drug isn't going to be pleasant, says Dr. Peter Morici
Are Americans living in a police state?: Land of the Free? Alan Caruba argues that enough legislation exists to turn the United States into a low grade tyranny
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Six): Mark Wegierski looks at questions of how much force can be legitimately exercised in a society
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Six: What had the greatest impact on a young Michael Moriarty? A piano and loneliness, he writes
Our sure victory: The forces of liberty are on their heels and facing defeat on a number of fronts but Bruce Walker writes that others have faced more difficult odds and came out victors
Women vs. men: Who governs better?: A recent article argues that women make better senators then men but Selwyn Duke says the author's biases were fairly obvious
Hide your carbon!: Robert T. Smith argues that Barack Obama's recent declaration on the subject of carbon is based on very little actual science
Tyranny is as tyranny does: Dr. Robert Owens wonders if Americans have come full circle when it comes to the long list of grievances that prompted their ancestors to change the course of history
Obama now has little choice but to back the Egyptian military: With the forces of democracy weak in Egypt Dr. Peter Morici believes that Barack Obama really has no choice of who to support in the nation
Egypt after Morsi: The defeat of political Islam?: Has political Islam been decisively defeated in Egypt? What's next for the ancient kingdom? It's dangerous to make predictions but Dr. Jacques Neriah attempts to make some educated guesses
Global Future 2045: Part 1: The Avatar Project: Global policy makers always seem to have a mania for redesigning the future by meddling in the present and Debra Rae begins a new series exploring one such plan
Obama: Forcing Christians to eat the pork: Why is the federal government so intent on forcing religious organizations to distribute contraceptives under the employer mandate? Selwyn Duke says a historical example might provide the answer
America's mess in Egypt: Dr. Peter Morici argues that the Obama administration has backed itself into an ugly corner after initially supporting Mohamed Morsi's Islamist government
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Five): Mark Wegierski examines some problems with liberal approaches to various types of violence
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Five: Who would be a perfect one-two punch in the White House? One of Michael Moriarty's choices won't surprise you but the other one might
Is Snowden a spy or a hero?: Whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor to the U.S. is a question that has yet to be answered but Alan Caruba has other questions he'd also like answered
How would our forefathers judge Edward Snowden?: A few hundred years from being removed from getting the answered question in person isn't stopping Dale Schlundt from wondering what the Founding Fathers would have thought of Edward Snowden
Science proves leftists are wimpy: Michael R. Shannon couldn't help but have some fun at the news of a new study which argues fiscal conservatives tend to be physically stronger
Are the states out of date?: Dr. Robert Owens argues we must face the fact the dam has broken and the foxes are guarding the hen house. The ship has sailed and the fix is in
Race to the trough: Common Core conundrum: Part 2: Cheat for success: In the conclusion of her two part series on the Common Core education standard, Debra Rae looks at some of the big players behind the campaign
Trayvon, Rachel and White Privilege: In a news story that is nothing but a minefield when it comes to race, Selwyn Duke took issue with one writer's recent argument that most white people don't understand their black counterparts
Strategic shifts in the Middle East: Israeli Minister of Foreign Relations Yuval Steinitz says Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are important but there are also several other issues in the Middle East that need resolving
Jobs growth picks up, policy reforms needed to do better: Job growth in the U.S. is beginning to pick up but Dr. Peter Morici says the nation's economic policies must change in order for that to remain the case
Liberty -- Endowed by whom?: Mark Alexander argues that conservatives -- in their debate with the political and cultural left -- often forget to underline that there are certain essential truths to their arguments
A nasty organic hepatitis outbreak: Despite what apologist and promoters say, organic foods are not safer, and can be deadly, says Mischa Popoff
An unhappy Fourth of July: The United States celebrates its birthday this week but Alan Caruba says with Barack Obama in the White House there isn't all that much to be happy about
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Four): Mark Wegierski asks if the dice have been loaded against traditionalists and conservatives in current-day liberal democracy
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Four: According to Michael Moriarty, there is in fact one major event in American history which has essentially told the story of her decline
Obama's climate action masks hidden agenda: Barack Obama's Climate Action Plan won't do much to curb carbon emissions, writes Dr. Peter Morici, but it will do at least one thing
Climate alarmism's 10,000 commandments: EPA fiats threaten American lives, livelihoods, living standards and life spans, writes Paul Driessen
Pushing back: Bruce Walker despises the word that Paula Deen has used to describe African-Americans but he believes her ouster off the Food Network was a PC campaign
Can learning the truth unlearn the lie?: The very reason for a written Constitution was and is to limit the government created by that document to the powers expressly delegated, says Dr. Robert Owens
Socially engineering racial conflict: A long time ago Selwyn Duke decided that he would never use the term "African-American" and he says he has a very good reason why that is
Race to the trough: Common core conundrum - Part 1: National control of ideas: Debra Rae launches the first of a two part series on the Common Core system of education and the left is so invested in its success
Obamacare vs. reality: Americans were promised a financially sustainable expansion of health care with Obamacare. Richard E. Ralston says reality has intruded
GDP growth slows, Fed between a rock and hard place: The American economy continues to show slow growth and Dr. Peter Morici says that may force the U.S. Federal Reserve to continue its quantitative easing program
It can happen here: History rarely repeats itself perfectly but Alan Caruba believes that Holocaust-style events in the U.S. are a real possibility
Lingua publica

August 2013

Why the GOP lost and how it can win: The key to a GOP victory in 2016 may very well be a reaction to eight years of Barack Obama and his policies, writes Alan Caruba
Labour Day: More to the left – more to the right: Mark Wegierski says that both the genuine left and the genuine right can celebrate Labour Day
Keeping Score In America: Chapter Twelve: Julie Harris: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to Broadway legend Julie Harris, a five time Tony Award winner who sadly passed away this weekend
Government shutdown? Blame Obama & Reid: Barack Obama and Hill Democrats love to say that the GOP is trying to show down government but Frank Salvato argues it's just propaganda
Term limits for federal judges?: Lester Jackson believes the only way to keep out-of-control federal judges in line is to introduce term limits -- which he admits will never happen
It doesn't make sense: America's direction not making sense to you? Dr. Robert Owens says whatever you say about the nation's political leaders, they aren't stupid people
Occam's razor: Every aspect of your life is now subject to some expert's opinion. Robert T. Smith says sometimes a simple approach is appropriate
Consultants who think they are kingmakers: Have you heard of Boyd Marcus? Michael Shannon says he's the latest GOP consultant to think he has a out-sized voice on who should be Republican candidates for office
The sacrifice of your health care: Obamacare means the sacrifice of functional health care -- something that people are only just beginning to find out, writes Richard E. Ralston
Have the fundamentals of Israel's strategic environment inextricably changed?: Dore Gold explores the question of how much the strategic environment for Israel has changed with the latest round of turmoil in the Middle East
The three-decade delay of a nuclear waste repository: The Yucca Mountain repository for nuclear waste has been delayed for three decades and Alan Caruba says it's time that it finally open and perform its task
Decoding the left's 'tolerance and diversity' agenda: Mark Alexander says that Barack Obama and his allies are using a diversity agenda in order to attack the American values of faith and family
It's not your father's Republican Party anymore: Everyone loves to portray the Republican Party as a nest of ultra-conservatives dominated by the Tea Party but Alan Caruba says the reality is somewhat different
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Eleven: Reverie No. 1: Michael Moriarty discusses a new symphony he's just started working on and an acting career which probably saved him from becoming a liberal
Vacuous verbiage: Lisa Fabrizio was car shopping recently when she was reminded how much of the American lexicon has been taken over by politically correct verbiage that doesn't mean much
Chaos: Barack Obama uses chaos -- both in tactics and agenda -- to keep his opponents off-balance and Robert T. Smith says it's time for Republicans to mount an effective response
Obamacare - Good enough for you, but not good enough for Congress: In a classic case of only understanding the consequences of their actions after the fact, Michael Shannon reports that members of Congress aren't keen fans of Obamacare...for themselves
The Kurdish awakening in Syria: Could it lead to regional war?: The war in Syria was already an ungodly mess but Dr. Jacques Neriah says it could get a whole lot more complicated if the country's Kurdish population decide they want to realize their ambition of a homeland
Egypt's Islamic chaos, America's Islamic threat: Egypt doesn't merely pose a threat to those who in in the troubled country. Alan Caruba argues that elements in the country pose a threat to the United States as well
Memo to CinC: The jihadis are alive and well: The Obama administration has publicly proclaimed the war against terrorist groups to be effectively over -- Mark Alexander says the groups would like to disrespectfully disagree
Carbon dioxide: The "gas of life": Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule -- the target of such hatred by environmentalist and governments make life on Earth possible, says Paul Driessen
Putting bicycles ahead of people: Pressure groups and government officials are seizing property – with no accountability, reports Tom DeWeese
Not so bright lights: Environmentalists love to talk about renewable energy but Craig Rucker says there are a lot of facts that most people are unaware of that make it less than desirable -- particularly to end users
Abandoning the Middle East: The U.S. used to be a key player in shaping Middle East politics. These days? Alan Caruba argues the country can only react to the rapid changes taking place in that region today
The leftist trust: The huge loss resulting from the sale of the Boston Globe recently didn't surprise Bruce Walker. He argues that the left's desire to ignore what Americans want has led to the media's diminishment
Keeping Score in America:  Chapter Ten: My Yearly Visit To "The Rach", His Third Piano Concerto and Olga Kern: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to Sergei Rachmaninoff's greatest work and the Russian classical pianist who does it the greatest justice
Dispensing with the 'It's the law' rhetoric: The Obama administration's refusal to fully implement the Affordable Care Act shows proves that the left's attachment to hypocrisy, writes Frank Salvato
Tough choices behind Obama's mortgage initiative: Barack Obama wants private banks to use your money to underwrite 30-year mortgages at affordable rates. There's a few problems with that, says Dr. Peter Morici
Why the RNC chair is right to ditch NBC and CNN hosting debates: Rachel Alexander believes that Reince Priebus is right to threaten to pull the 2016 GOP debates from NBC and CNN if the two networks go ahead with their plans to air flattering Hillary Clinton programming
The Babe and the Cynic: Many people would describe themselves as cynics these days -- perhaps because they believe a world-weary attitude allows them to see more -- and Selwyn Duke has some thoughts about that
President Christie? It could happen: Alan Caruba argues it's not a ridiculous proposition for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to be nominated in 2016 and be a very credible candidate
Despicable president threatens veteran benefits: Barack Obama is blaming the sequester for any future cuts to veterans' benefits but has no problem spending money on his pet causes, charges John W. Lillpop
The U.S. military is on life support: Possible budget, equipment and personnel cuts -- not to mention social engineering -- have put the U.S. military in a precarious position, argues Alan Caruba
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski concludes by calling for a symbiosis of traditionalism and liberal democracy
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Nine: Looking Ahead: Michael Moriarty's latest chapter of his current series deals with his plans for his music and why he writes it
Obama policies stir passions but worsen inequality: Barack Obama is proposing a new raft of government programs and their attendant spending and Dr. Peter Morici argues nothing good will come of it
Racial warfare: All wars generally come to an end but Lisa Fabrizio says the racism industry and its perennial war is one of those that's too politically valuable to end
Trite: Americans have essentially ceded their freedom in return for a false cloak of security and Robert T. Smith says the country's good run is now over
History doesn't happen in the past: The country is literally crumbling around them and Dr. Robert Owens says those who value what America used to stand for need to get into the battle
The sleazy semantics of death penalty opponents: Language can be a powerful weapon and the opponents of the death penalty appear to be aware of that, writes Lester Jackson
White House has 'peculiar' justification for illegal immigration: Channeling some unpleasant history the Obama administration says illegal immigrants are necessary for America's farms to continue to exist, reports Michael R. Shannon
Profile: Col. George Everett 'Bud' Day: The recent death of Col. George Everett "Bud" Day served as a good counterpoint to Barack Obama meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart
Obama's policies, biases destroy full-time jobs: The American economy added jobs during the month of July but Dr. Peter Morici says if you look at the numbers behind the unemployment rate it becomes a little less encouraging
Global warming: It's happening again: Dennis T. Avery didn't think much of a recent hearing organized by Sen. Barbara Boxer or her chief witness
Ozone, Mo'Zone and NoZone: Killing our economy, jobs and welfare – for phony health and environmental reasons, writes Paul Driessen
If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit: The collapse of Detroit is the outcome of decades of liberal policies and indicative of what will happen to America as a whole, argues Mark Alexander
Violence and the civilized society: Conformity and dissidence in different societies (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski points to the almost insoluble dilemma of current-day "soft-totalitarianism"
Drowning in sea level nonsense: Politicians on the American east coast want to spend tens of billions to protect against sea level change, plans that Alan Caruba calls ridiculous
Keeping Score in America: Chapter Eight: The American Holocaust: Michael Moriarty wants more Americans to take a public stand against what he calls America's Holocaust, the continued legality of abortion
Does Europe need monarchs?: Last week was a big week for European monarchies and Bruce Walker argues that though many think it an outmoded institution, it can still play a role in saving that continent
Obama road show is all about politics, not economics: Dr. Peter Morici isn't particularly impressed by Barack Obama's attempts to sell his economic agenda to Americans
America's Rubicon: Robert T. Smith urges Republicans congressmen to finally decide one way or the other whether they will fight Obamacare or allow Caesar's legions into Rome
'Dickileaks': The continued popularity of men like Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer proves to Frank Salvato that Americans have accepted dishonesty is the new norm for their political representatives
Total recall: Why recall elections are a must: Some argue that recall elections should only be reserved for removing politicians for illegal behavior but Selwyn Duke doesn't want that tool limited
Libertarian environmentalism: Who knew it worked so well: For whatever reason most people don't think of libertarians as being environmentalists but Timothy Tarkelly argues that philosophy can offer some solutions without expanding government
World Future 2013: Part 1: The next horizon: Predicting the future is a practice almost as old as humanity but Debra Rae says a recent conference aimed at transforming humanity's future
Fracking brings employment and economic revival: But anti-energy activists promote falsehoods about this vital, safe job-creating technology, says Paul Driessen
Why doesn't George Zimmerman mind his own business?: News that George Zimmerman rescued a family from a burning vehicle which prompts Michael R. Shannon to call on one of his critics to be a little more consistent
Delaware's "future weather": We’re getting burned by phony science and authoritarian power grabs, report Paul Driessen and David R. Legates
Lingua publica

September 2013

Easy money is narcotic: The U.S. Federal Reserve has pursued easy money policies in an attempt to boost the American economy but Dr. Peter Morici says it will do little good
George Parkin Grant and Canada in process: 25 years since the passing of George Grant, Mark Wegierski asks, has a more authentic traditionalism become impossible in current-day Canada?
Chapter Fourteen Of Keeping Score In America: Memory Lane: Although primarily known as an actor, Michael Moriarty argues that the music he composes says more about America then anything else he does
Presidential osmosis: Despite the constant message from the White House, writes Lisa Fabrizio, the United States is not in a good place and it's not showing any signs of getting better
A word to the wise: When you guarantee success and when everyone gets a trophy just for showing up few will strive to do more than is required, says Dr. Robert Owens
Off–year election prospects grim for conservatives: Michael R. Shannon isn't expecting much good news in gubernatorial elections for this year -- particularly when Republican candidates are acting like Democrats
Progressives, Dems slap the faces of Benghazi dead: Frank Salvato says Progressives and Democrats outdid themselves last week during a hearing into the Benghazi slaughter
What might be expected in monitoring Syria: lessons from past Middle East weapons inspections: Based on previous attempts to monitor chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in the Middle East, Dr. Dore Gold isn't particularly convinced by the agreement to destroy Syria's weapons of mass destruction
Arctic grabs gullible sailors: Environmentalists predicted that the Northwest Passage would be largely free of ice this year. Dennis T. Avery reports that sailors found otherwise
The biggest lie exposed: Alan Caruba argues that the biggest lie of the environmentalist movement -- the notion that human beings are responsible for climate change -- is being revealed as a falsehood
Real climate science the IPCC doesn't want you to see: Paul Driessen says The Heartland Institute has released their Climate Change Reconsidered report. Get it. Read it. Speak out
The New York State wind wars: Production tax credit lets Invenergy hide the facts and desecrate rural America, says Mary Kay Barton
The Perfect Storm: ObamaCare and DemoDebt: Next week marks two important events -- a showdown over America's debt and the next implementation deadline over ObamaCare -- and Mark Alexander says it will help determine the course of the nation's future
Why millennials won't turn "conservative": Expecting today's crop of youth to turn conservative one day? Selwyn Duke says you'll be hoping for nothing
Chapter Thirteen Of Keeping Score In America:  Sergei Rachmaninoff: The world is a dangerous and confusing place which is why Michael Moriarty says if you need reassurance of a Divine presence you only need listen to Sergei Rachmaninoff
My Cold War and now yours: Many of the readers of ESR had to live through the first Cold War with the U.S. facing off against a hostile Soviet Union. Alan Caruba argues that history is apparently repeating itself
Obama earns F for Syria follies: Russia has essentially put Barack Obama in a very difficult spot over Syria, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Spinning the Syrian spin again: Mark Alexander can only shake his head at how Barack Obama was completely outmaneuvered over the issue of Syria by Vladimir Putin
Feeling threatened? Borrow a legislator!: Defenders of the Second Amendment have to work hard to counter fallacies and outright untruths when talking to their opponents, says Michael R. Shannon
To bee or not to bee: Paul Driessen says the ongoing reports in the media of honeybees rapidly disappearing are greatly exaggerated
The ethanol debacle: The EPA appears to remain fully committed to its mandate of gasoline blended with ethanol, a policy that Alan Caruba argues costs the economy untold billions and distorts the global food supply
A global force for good: The U.S. Navy has billed itself as a global force for good and Dennis T. Avery is a believer even if Barack Obama doesn't appear to be sold
Obama policies make inequality a lot worse: Barack Obama became president based on the mantra of bringing change and unfortunately too many Americans have discovered just that, writes Dr. Peter Morici
The curse of liberalism: Liberalism has become a self-perpetuating ideology in which is preserves the problems impacting the poor and middle class in order to also present itself as a solution for them, writes Alan Caruba
Political apathy destroying middle class comforts: Rachel Alexander argues that the American middle class needs to become politically active if its to survive into the coming years
The Syrian gambit: Critical mass in the Middle East: Mark Alexander believes that congressional Republicans should not be endorsing Barack Obama's desire for a military strike in Syria
President Obama's shift on Syria and western strategy: Regardless of what path Barack Obama eventually chooses when it comes to Syria, says Jonathan D. Halevi, the outcome will be a very uncertain one for American interests in the Middle East
The Middle East's peace of the grave: The only true peace that occurs in the Middle East seems to come sadly when the dead are laid to rest. Alan Caruba says Barack Obama won't find the kind of peace he's looking for in Syria
Keeping Score In America: Chapter Twelve: The Reconsidered Reverie #2: Michael Moriarty will pay tribute to American philosopher/writer Walt Whitman with a symphony that has long been contemplated
Growing up: America seems to be in the grips of an affliction where even adults act like children. Lisa Fabrizio hopes that this perpetual adolescence comes to an end at some point
I'll try not to get arrested: The radicals of the 1960s have become the establishment -- The Man to use their jargon -- and with it have brought societal decay, says Dr. Robert Owens
Fear not! Obama's prosecutors are on the job: Lester Jackson highlights a recent conviction you probably hadn't heard anything about to buttress his argument about the awfulness that Barack Obama's federal prosecutors are
TSA annexes NFL: Fans hitting NFL stadiums yesterday for the season opening Sunday games likely discovered the new reality when it comes to stadium security, writes Michael R. Shannon
Part-timers, discouraged workers dominate jobs report: Last week's jobs report for the American economy once again spotlighted troubling issues that no one seems to be interested in addressing, says Dr. Peter Morici
Stop denying climate science and ACT!: Collapsing science, economies and international cooperation require that we refuse to act, argues Paul Driessen
We paid for it. We have a right to see it: Publicly-funded scientists who keep their work secret should be censured and cut off from future funding, says Ron Arnold
Lingua publica

October 2013

Obama's legacy is failure: Despite what his supporters would argue -- and that's a diminishing pool, Alan Caruba says Barack Obama's ultimate legacy is one of near complete and total failure
Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at "feudal values plus high technology"
Chapter Nineteen of Keeping Score in America: Two Heroes of Chicago: Evil always thinks itself the toughest foe but then it meets men like Miles Turner and Pat Hickey from Chicago. The city had prey it keeps people like them, says Michael Moriarty
When the Have Nots become the Haves: Dr. Robert Owens says that the Saul Alinsky influenced policies of the Obama administration have effectively made the middle class mere bill payers
The battle between language and liberty: The far left and right the same thing? Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie: How the Myth of an Ideological Spectrum Helps Evil in Our World, 3rd edition, Vol. 1 makes that and other argues and Steve Martinovich was a fan
The rise of the machines: Today's kids have taken to technology in a way that few older generations can understand, argues The App Generation: How Today's Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World, which Steve Martinovich reviews this week
Obamacare and America's journey into the third world: The mess over the Obamacare web site proves that the United States is unable to even pull off relatively simple actions, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Justice Thomas' remarkable flirtation with multiculturalism: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is justly honoured by conservatives for his constitutional approach to the law but in public he often makes statements that undercut his rulings, says Dr. Lester Jackson
We're the next Greece: Americans may be breathing a sigh of relief that the government shutdown is over but Rachel Alexander argues that their problems are far from over
Market hours: What is their effect on the economy?: The Great Depression is still fodder for debate and Brenna Fisher takes on a noted economist on the subject of market hours and how it affected the U.S. economy
Worth repeating: God is always the convenient scapegoat: Every time a tragedy occurs the unbelieving always ask, "How could God allow this to happen?" Jane Gaffin wonders why the Almighty has to answer for someone else's sins
Increasing clouds and thunderstorms for climate alarmists: Science-based analyses are gaining ground, despite bureaucratic tricks. It's about time, write Paul Driessen and Madhav Khandekar
What's good and right about America?: There is a lot of rancor in America these days -- particularly when it comes to the political world -- but Mark Alexander would like to remind you of the true essence of the country
How advice from three Frenchmen could have won the shutdown battle: Michael R. Shannon believes that Republicans could have won the shutdown battle had they only remembered the motto of three famous warrior Frenchmen
Jefferson Davis, Adolph Hitler and Neville Chamberlain walk into a bar…: This year has reminded John O. S. Houston of years in the world's past and he doesn't mean that is a flattering comparison
The press endures Obama's unrequited love: Barack Obama came into the presidency promising openness and transparency. Alan Caruba says that America's journalists may finally be learning the truth
Chapter Sixteen of Keeping Score in America: The scales of American suicide: Allen West's recent defence of Lt. Clint Lorance is proof positive of the retired soldier and politician's importance to America, argues Michael Moriarty
Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at high fantasy and sword-and-sorcery
Blood, sweat and tears: America did not spring up fully formed, writes Lisa Fabrizio, it took a lot of hard work over centuries to build a new nation
Obama's costly victory on debt ceiling: Barack Obama may have won the war over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling but Dr. Peter Morici says the U.S. paid a heavy price
Silver linings on the CR and DC debacles: The Republicans once again came out the perceived losers in a shutdown but Mark Alexander says there are some positives they can take away from it
Liberty, tyranny and the rule of law: When there are no laws -- or they are used capriciously, writes Dr. Robert Owens, then there can be no liberty
Watch your guns around Obamacare: Although the toughest anti-firearm provisions were removed from Obamacare, Rachel Alexander says that there are still dangers
How Obamacare screws the working class...hard: Try and contain your surprise but once again the middle class is going to get jobbed and this time by Obamacare, writes Frank Salvato
Iran vs. the West: Endgame?: Many are hailing the apparent rapprochement between Iran and the U.S. but Michael Segall argues that the Persian nation is playing a different game
Is Obama creating a martial-law-ready military?: Since Barack Obama assumed the presidency some very strange things have been going on with America's military, says Selwyn Duke
The power of the FDA must end: Richard E. Ralston argues that the FDA stands in the way of Americans becoming healthier and abuses its power
Life in a climate cataclysm box: Like hermit crabs, climate alarmists scramble to find new ways to hide, when put in a box, write Dennis M. Mitchell and David R. Legates
We need zero tolerance for "zero tolerance": The war against children even talking about guns part of a wider societal campaign that needs to stop, writes Alan Caruba
Leftist fanatics responsible for government shutdown: Barack Obama is blaming Republicans for the government shutdown but Dr. George Reisman says fanatics among his ranks should be feeling the heat
Raising the debt ceiling, a fool's journey: Democrats may be warning of dire consequences of not raising the debt ceiling but Dr. Peter Morici says it will be a good thing in the long run
Deja vu: The pretend debt ceiling crisis: Rachel Alexander isn't convinced that there is a debt crisis...rather she views it as a spending crisis
Chapter Sixteen of Keeping Score in America: Communist coyotes and a Christian fawn: Michael Moriarty discusses the pack hunters that the left are and one of their more famous Christian victims
Give them an inch: The debacle involving the ObamaCare web site illustrates perfectly why government can't be trusted to deliver health care, says Dr. Robert Owens
Civilization's new trajectory: Part 2: From feudalism to class warfare to socialism to techno-fascism: Debra Rae concludes her two-part series how some are attempting to alter the path of civilization in order to further their goal of complete control
TP troubles: Flushing price controls: Venezuela's current shortage of toilet paper proves that prices controls simply don't work, writes Shannon Wade
Obama's intransigence closed America's natural wonders: He wants to make the impasse painful and personal – while blaming Republicans, argues Ron Arnold
Government has met the enemy and it is us: The closure of so many parks, monuments and other federal entities should prove to Americans the real attitude of their federal government, says Michael R. Shannon
Fallacious claims prop up ethanol: Paul Driessen has one question: How can members of Congress still support rising renewable fuel mandates?
Does global warming science matter?: Politicians are constantly raising science as the underpinning for their climate change campaigns but Dennis T. Avery wonders if they really care
The science fiction of IPCC climate models: Kesten C. Green, J. Scott Armstrong and Willie Soon argue that climate policies need scientific forecasts, not alarmist scenarios
The face of tyranny: Barack Obama's refusal to negotiate with Republicans in Congress to end the government shutdown shows that history does repeat itself, says Alan Caruba
Facing tyranny, the GOP had no choice: While he doesn't fully endorse the Republican position on Obamacare, Dr. Peter Morici says the GOP had no choice but to act against it
Another pretend government shutdown: The media may be breathlessly reporting about the U.S. federal government's shutdown but Rachel Alexander is less then impressed
Chapter Sixteen of Keeping Score in America: Wally’s Catbird Seat: Michael Moriarty details his intense fascination with Walt Whitman and the exceedingly complex relationship he has with the American poet and journalist
Fair play: The United States used to be all about justice and liberty. These days? Lisa Fabrizio argues that a new national ethos seems to be the governing principle
Why "equality" must die: In an inherently unequal world, argues Selwyn Duke, expecting perfect equality among people is simply silly and unrealistic
Federal government: Embarrassing to the point of painful: The battle over the shutdown has shown that government in America has simply grown too much, writes Frank Salvato
Why central planning won't work: Dr. Robert Owens argues that central planning can't work because it substitutes imperfect human knowledge over the wisdom of the Divine
Opportunity cost and the college decision: High school senior Hannah Kovscek compares her decision on whether to attend college -- and which one -- to an old economic principle
Racists and Senator Ted Cruz: Sen. Ted Cruz has been making a lot of news lately and that naturally has the left in a tizzy. John Bender believes their attacks are racially motivated
Civilization's new trajectory: Part 1: Chess men of transformation: Debra Rae begins a new series where she details the attempt to transform human through some powerful means
Tea v. the GOP: Getting it right: The Republican Party has been torn apart by infighting and Mark Alexander says it is time for everyone in the GOP to start picking wiser battles
After the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Is Hamas in Gaza next in line?: After bringing the hammer to the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr. Jacques Neriah believes that Egypt's army is poised to launch nothing short of a war against Hamas
Pope Francis said what?! Actually, no, he didn't: You've probably been hearing that Pope Francis has been saying some interesting things about capitalism, homosexuality and abortion lately. Selwyn Duke says you probably heard wrong
The tax-exemption rip-off: Nick Nichols details how your tax dollars help radicals attack our energy, industries, jobs and living standards
A very angry America: Everywhere you look -- particularly when it comes to politics -- everyone seems to be pretty angry these days, writes Alan Caruba
How to enrich or impoverish a nation: The lack of one important ingredient usually determines whether a nation succeeds or fails, argues Selwyn Duke
Chapter Fifteen of Keeping Score in America: The Red Trinity And Obama’s Leap Into War: The Catholic Church, Barack Obama's drive to war and the reality behind seeking bliss all come together in Michael Moriarty's latest missive
Common Core for all: If the Common Core curriculum reminds you of an old ideology that Americans once opposed there's a good reason for that, says Rachel Alexander
The real-time evolution of 'soft despotism': Tyranny doesn't always come obviously. Frank Salvato says recent examples have shown that despotism can sneak in and impose itself right into the open
The question is, "What's the answer?": The rules of the game have been so distorted by the government that honest and open competition is almost impossible, says Dr. Robert Owens
Guns, and other WMD: Two rather important news stories broke out of the meeting of the United Nations that many people weren't aware of that they should definitely take notice of, reports Mark Alexander
The 2020 Olympics: Is it worth it?: Tokyo was recently awarded the 2020 Summer Games which, given Japan's massive economic issues, was probably a bad idea, writes Brenna Fisher
Remembering the 1973 Arab oil embargo: Politicians, policy makers and journalists may remember the embargo, but ignore its lessons, says Paul Driessen
The latest Italian job: Italian farmers, facing insect infestation, pay dearly for Europe's anti-GM stance. So do consumers, writes Mischa Popoff
Are Americans stupid?: It is probably unfair to generalize an entire nation but Alan Caruba believes that Americans are getting dumber and dumber and it is having an effect on the country
Leftist hysteria over Monsanto: The left may be making the most noise about GMOs but Rachel Alexander says both sides need to be careful in the debate over Monsanto's products
Lingua publica

December 2013

The looming Democrat disaster: Bruce Walker predicts that 2014 isn't going to be a fruitful year for Democrats for both historical and current reasons
China! China! China!: Decline and eventual senescence have been predicted in the past for the United States, writes Alan Caruba, and once again a foreign power is being picked as the next successor
The nature of things: Dr. Robert Owens argues that progressive political policies are an anathema to nature which is why they collapse sooner or later
Chapter Twenty Three of Keeping Score in America: Alban Berg, The Prophet: Michael Moriarty believes that there is much we can learn from the complex work of Austrian composer Alban Berg
Economy not fixed, another crisis brewing: Janet Yellen recently boasted that the American economy had created millions of jobs and was on its way to recover. Dr. Peter Morici doesn't share her enthusiasm
DUI checkpoints: Yay or nay?: Big government types love DUI checkpoints but Rachel Alexander argues that they have numerous problems associated with them
Lies. Damned lies. And Obamacare statistics: If Michael R. Shannon compiled statistics the same way that the federal government did, he writes, the American economy would be booming
Obamacare Lawbreaker in Chief: Barack Obama: Barack Obama's decision to "allow" insurance companies to keep plans his administration claims are substandard reeks is law-breaking on an epic scale, argues Selwyn Duke
The abandoned American Indian of the U.S.: All sorts of political calculations are made by politicians when appealing or discussing groups of Americans but Dale Schlundt says the country's original citizens are always ignored
Getting Gettysburg right: Barack Obama recently recited the Gettysburg Address but "forgot" two words. Mark Alexander believes the omission was absolutely deliberate
Standardized testing, human capital, and Virginia's new governor: What is truly effective?: Homeschooler Brenna Fisher has plenty of concerns about newly elected Virginia governor Terry McAullife -- chief among them is his plan to reform standardized testing in the state's schools
Science and journalism take a vacation: Paul Driessen asks, Was the London Times snookered by Greenpeace activists – or willingly complicit?
Poland recognizes the real global warming agenda: Decades of oppression make Poles wary of being subjugated in name of "climate protection", says David Rothbard
The importance of prices: Outside of the weather few things are complained about as much as the price of goods and services. Andrew Badinelli bravely leaps into the debate to examine the matter
John Kerry: A world class doofus: If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has proved anything over the past few weeks, argues Alan Caruba, it is that the Obama administration's foreign policy is nothing short of inept
The Obama purchase: Liberals still can't admit they bought a clunker: Five years into the Barack Obama era and most liberals still can't admit that they didn't quite get what they hoped for when he was first elected, writes Selwyn Duke
Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at Romantic resistance to late modernity, and two classic dystopias
Is Obama brilliant or stupid?: There's plenty of debate on whether Barack Obama is a genius or a complete fool. Alan Caruba believes that the evidence speaks very clearly
Chapter Twenty two of Keeping Score in America: American Reichstag Fires: This Friday marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Michael Moriarty examines it in with the view that it is a far bigger event then a simple act of madness
Ronald Reagan's lost legacy: Sadly there is no Ronald Reagan on the current political scene and nor does it look like one is imminent but Bruce Walker says that can change in an instant
Health cares: If Obamacare has done anything, argues Lisa Fabrizio, it's that socialism is a complete failure when it comes to much of anything
ObamaCareless: Have no fear, writes Richard E. Ralston, the Obamacare web site will eventually work just fine...though its aim won't quite be what most people expect
Step by step, inch by inch: Transforming a society from free to tyranny can be done quickly but sometimes an incremental approach works best, says Dr. Robert Owens
Dodd-Frank: Making it harder for you to get a mortgage: Dodd-Frank was sold as making the American banking system safer but Rachel Alexander argues that all it has essentially done is make it harder for Americans to buy a home
A successful script for prolife Republicans: Whether Republicans like it or not, writes Michael R. Shannon, Democrats are going to make abortion an issue and any GOP candidate needs to be ready with a response
The emerging Geneva Agreement with Iran: Dr. Dore Gold believes that the slowly coalescing deal between Iran and the U.S. Security Council -- which would appear the Persian nation to continue enriching uranium -- will be a dangerous international security
Obama and U.S. economic suicide: Barack Obama is demanding that U.S. businesses use more renewable energy, something that Dennis T. Avery believes will further harm the already damaged U.S. economy
BO's 'lessons learned'?: Barack Obama keeps telling Americans that the Obamacare fiasco is a learning experience but Mark Alexander says the president's comments last week proved otherwise
Grounds for impeachment: Alan Caruba argues that there are several compelling grounds that Barack Obama could be impeached....though he's not holding his breath
Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at cyberpunk
Chapter Twenty One of Keeping Score in America:  Marxist Lies and Brutality: Barack Obama is the current head of a long tradition which sees the political left use whatever methods it has at its disposal to get the job done, writes Michael Moriarty
The last word on the Cuccinelli race: Ken Cuccinelli may have lost in Virginia but Selwyn Duke says looking at the numbers shows that Tea Party candidates may do well in 2014
Chris Christie for President?: He's disliked by conservatives and he doesn't seem too enamoured of them either -- yet could Chris Christie actually be the GOP nominee in 2016? Rachel Alexander doesn't think there's much to be worried about
Political action follows political philosophy: Every political philosophy eventually prompts people to act, says Dr. Robert Owens, and the progressive political philosophy is perfect evidence of that
The Jewish question: Part 2: God's answer to "Convenient Hatred": Debra Rae wraps up her two part series on the scapegoating of the Jewish people throughout history and what Gold's answer to it is
Republicans: Rework Obamacare to win elections: Like it or not, argues Dr. Peter Morici, Obamacare is a permanent reality and Republicans need to start working to correct its many flaws then promise to repeal it
O'Care success? Unfortunately yes: Barack Obama's critics are describing Obamacare as a complete failure but Mark Alexander argues that the president's landmark government program is completely achieving its goals
The few, the proud, the unisex: Barack Obama is trying to extend his hand everywhere, writes Michael R. Shannon, including the uniforms of the United States Marine Corps
Obama's Iranian deal is a new disaster: Any deal reached with Iran on its nuclear ambitions isn't worth the paper that it's printed on, says Alan Caruba, given how far you can trust any rogue nation
Solar industry takes on crony capitalism in Arizona: In Arizona, reports Rachel Alexander, a fledgling solar industry is attempting to take on Republicans and a company granted a monopoly on energy generation
Obama's tsunami of lies: In a town where pretty much everything that can be done has been done, Barack Obama may have set new lows for credibility, writes Alan Caruba
Eurosclerosis comes to America: The United States has entered an age where competing demands at home and abroad mean a decline for the superpower, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Chapter Twenty of Keeping Score in America: The liberal confederacy: Abortion and the media's attempts to favourably compare Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are the grist for Michael Moriarty's mill this week
Examining the four main foci for traditionalist impulses in fantasy and science fiction (Part Three): Mark Wegierski wonders whether neo-traditionalism is a future possibility, or if it is mostly confined to alternative-history
The environmental enemies of energy: America in economic chaos? Don't worry, says Alan Caruba, environmentalists are still waging their war against energy
Obamacare's media mandate: The media may be intent on spinning every story in favour of Barack Obama but Lisa Fabrizio believes people can figure out the truth
There are lies, damned lies and Democrats: At least one Democrat is very clever, writes Selwyn Duke, when it comes to explaining why millions of Americans are losing their health care plans because of Obamacare
Obamacare flimflam exploited gullible voters: Barack Obama's promises for universal health care took in some very naive people, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Sisi fever: Will the general be the next president of Egypt?: Dr. Jacques Neriah examines General Abd el Fattah el-Sisi, the man who will very likely be the next strongman ruler of Egypt
The Jewish Question: Part 1: Fallen man's "convenient hatred": Throughout history, writes Debra Rae, the Jews of the world have been a convenient scapegoat for people's ills and have suffered for it
Why changing demographics mean more Democrats: Simple numbers show that an increase in people who have a tie to government means that there will be more people voting Democrat, says Michael R. Shannon
Do the math – Count the cash: Al Gore, Bill McKibben and the color of money: A true religious experience, write Paul Driessen and Dennis Mitchell
Learning and succeeding "differently": "Transforming Lives - Realizing Possibilities" motivates the Oakwood School and its students, reports Paul Driessen
Lingua publica

December 2013

The centennial of a failure: Today marks the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Federal Reserve but Bruce Walker isn't celebrating an institution he says has done so much damage to America
Chapter Twenty Seven of Keeping Score in America: Mel Tormé: Doubtless there are things that you are grateful for this holiday season. On that list for Michael Moriarty is one of the greatest of the American singers: Mel Tormé
Never the twain shall meet: The English and French both had their theories of liberty but each is different enough from each other that they can't possibly end up in the same result, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Asian trade treaty will destroy America: If you haven't heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership then you should familiarize yourself with it because it will change America, argues Alan Caruba
Reality TV shows aren't all a bad thing: Cultural conservatives tend to give reality TV a jaundiced look but Rachel Alexander argues that it isn't all bad
The nuclear option: Misplaced conservative outrage: Sen. Harry Reid recently embraced the so-called "nuclear option" and earned scorn from the Republicans. Lester Jackson doesn't think much of their outrage
House GOP doesn't listen any better than Walmart: Over the past few weeks Michael R. Shannon has written about Walmart and the House GOP -- two topics he returns to this week with notions of boycotts in the air
The Father of All Mercies: Another year in the books and Mark Alexander says at this time of the year -- even with all that has gone on -- you should be of good cheer and spirit
Obamacare's broken promises, Obama's broken second term: If Barack Obama had planned on pursuing any large initiatives during the remainder of his term, argues Dr. Peter Morici, Obamacare has essentially ended his dream
When Britain savages itself: Controversial talk show host Michael Savage was recently invited to Britain to debate at the Oxford Union but is barred by the British government from entering the nation. Michael R. Shannon has some thoughts on the matter
'Little Ice Ages' caused suffering in Spain—as they always do: If the planet is warming, writes Dennis T. Avery, then we should be happy because colder temperatures always bring about widespread strife and suffering
The financial collapse of America: Including unfunded liabilities the U.S. faces nearly $90 trillion in debt. Alan Caruba argues that unless something changes quickly, the future of the country is dark
Chapter Twenty Six of Keeping Score in America: Four profoundly important saviors of my self-respect: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to several titans of the arts that he credits for both furthering his career and himself
Six that saved the war: Five men and one woman helped save the the United States during the Revolution and Steve Martinovich was gratified to learn more about them in George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution
We feel your pain: Young conservatives today must feel like the Obama era has lasted forever. Take it from older conservatives like Lisa eventually does get better
Liberty makes ignorance necessary: One of the key essential points of freedom, argues Dr. Robert Owens, is that it brings both the possibilities of success and freedom
The Communist Mandela: For all the praise that is heaped on Nelson Mandela, writes Bruce Walker, a salient fact must be rememebered: He was a communist
Volcker Rule arrives with the hidden jewel in Dodd-Frank: There is plenty to hate in the Dodd-Frank financial reforms but Dr. Peter Morici believes there is at least one tool contained in them which will be of benefit to the American economy
Millennials finally turn against Obama, want recall: One of Barack Obama's strongest group of supporters -- America's youth -- may have finally turned against him, reports Rachel Alexander
House GOP has nothing to offer conservatives: Last week's budget plan -- that has been endorsed by the House GOP -- is a betrayal of conservatives, says Michael R. Shannon
Tea Parties, laces, and baby doll faces: 2014: Child slavery no more: For 2014 Debra Rae hopes everyone gets a little more serious about fighting the horrific scourge of child slavery and prostitution
No moral grounds for Obamacare: Defending Obamacare on moral grounds is nothing short of an empty guilt trip, argues Jason Sagall
Obama's moment of truth---about his lies: Have Americans finally woken from their slumber and realized that Barack Obama has told an incredible number of lies? Alan Caruba hopes so
Art of the Big Lie: Mark Alexander believes that Barack Obama has mastered the art of the "big lie" -- a distortion of truth so grand that is surpasses the regular efforts of ordinary politicians
Conflicting expectations from the Geneva Document between the P5+1 and Iran: Dore Gold says that when you hear members of the P5+1 and Iran talking about the Geneva Document you would almost think that they weren't discussing the same agreement
Iran is now Obama's BFF: Barack Obama's complete mishandling of the Middle East and America's allies there mean that countries like Iran can now finally realize their dreams, argues Alan Caruba
Chapter Twenty Five of Keeping Score in America: Leonard Bernstein: Michael Moriarty only had the pleasure of meeting the late Leonard Bernstein one time but the American conductor had a profound effect on his life
You didn't build that: Dr. Robert Owens argues that the reason why so many fail at grand schemes is their mistaken belief that they played a conscious role in helping to build our civilization
Witness to history: Under the Wire: Marie Colvin's Final Assignment is a fitting memorial to Marie Colvin, the American war correspondent who died last year in Syria, writes Steven Martinovich
Christmas alone: The yuletide season is billed as one of family and gatherings but Jane Gaffin argues that some people simply like to spend the holidays in solitude -- and enjoy time apart just as much
High school sex ed indoctrination reaching dangerous levels: Rachel Alexander's argues that sex education in many of the nation's schools have moved far past simple information and gone into the realm of indoctrination
Walmart encourages Grinch accusations: Walmart has many defenders -- including its regular detractors -- but Michael R. Shannon argues that the company brings some bad press on itself
Obamacare… Echoes of Stalinism past: The utter catastrophe for many that marked the recent formal launch of Obamacare reminds Dr. Peter Morici of another famous event
Memo to Demos: It ain't the website: Democrats keep defending the barely functioning Obamacare web site as if that was the primary issue but Mark Alexander writes that the story is a little bigger then that
Economy adds 203,000 jobs, Fed pull-back on bond purchases grows likely: The American economy added jobs last month but Dr. Peter Morici argues that other avenues need to be pursued if faster growth and job creation is to be realized
Living on the edge of a volcano: Living next to an active volcano is usually recipe for disaster and Alan Caruba argues that everyone in the world has taken up residence next to many metaphorical volcanoes
Violence is very human: Violence has been in the news a lot lately and its continued existence is a sad reality. Alan Caruba argues that being weak certainly invites more violence
Chapter Twenty Four of Keeping Score in America: The Bush/Clinton Toilet’s New World Order: This week Michael Moriarty discusses the so-called conservative media and the contributions made by the late Andrew Breitbart
The problems of war: David Mamet's novella Three War Stories wasn't a complete success but Steve Martinovich found enough in the playwright's latest effort to keep him satisfied
The prospect of World War Three: The interm agreement that the U.N. and Iran reached on that nation's nuclear program has too many parallels to history, argues Alan Caruba
Iran looks beyond the nuclear talks: Michael Segall argues the recent interim agreement reached with Iran on its nuclear program is only a beginning and progress must still be made in thwarting plans for nuclear weapons
Obamacare: Arrogance, corruption and abuse: Only the extremely arrogant could believe they could write legislation that would effectively replace the free market for tens of millions of people, writes Dr. Peter Morici
A climate of fear, cash and correctitude: Trashing real science to protect grants, prestige, and desire to control energy, economy, lives, report Paul Driessen and Dennis Mitchell
Lies my president told me: Climate exaggeration and prevarication bring horrid policies and massive wealth redistribution, argues Paul Driessen
History falsifies climate alarmist sea level claims: Robert W. Endlich says that seas have been rising and falling for thousands of years – without help from the EPA or IPCC
JFK: Liberal legend: Last week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and there was much praise for the late president. Lisa Fabrizio isn't quite the fan of the man that many others are
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