TX Democrat gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis' slip is showing
By Michael R Shannon
web posted January 27, 2014
Wendy Davis is not the first Democrat to use a fetus pile as a stepping–stone to higher office. She's only the latest. But Wendy is in such a hurry to run for governor of Texas that she's left a lot of inconvenient facts behind.
Davis first came to prominence when she lead a filibuster on the floor of the Texas Senate in favor of allowing women to abort their child as late as three months into the pregnancy. She termed it a "human right." In contrast to Senator Ted Cruz (R–TX) who read children's books during his filibuster, Davis essentially read the unborn the riot act.
Although Davis is ruthless when it comes to the unborn, she expects Texas voters to have enough sympathy for her climb up from a hard–scrabble background to make her the first Democrat governor since 1995. She describes herself as a divorced teenage single mom who went from living in a trailer to Harvard Law and the Texas Senate.
Like Massachusetts' Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Falseahontas), Davis believes that redneck chic is a real vote getter among women and low information voters. And just as Warren's tale of adolescent privation and Native American ancestry didn't hold up to scrutiny, neither does Wendy's.
The only element of the tale that's entirely true is she's a woman, of sorts. As reported by The Dallas Morning News' Wayne Slater, Davis was 21–years–old when she divorced. After the divorce she remained in the mobile home where she'd been living with her former husband. Although she may not have been too popular with neighbors since she also received three vehicles in the settlement.
Based on those qualifications I could be governor of Texas having lived in a trailer for an entire semester at college.
Davis didn't stay single for long. Seeing an opportunity she morphed into a dress–wearing John Kerry. Wendy had her father approach a friend of his and ask, "How do you like younger women? My daughter wants to go out with you." Husband–to–be Jeff Davis said in an interview. "I was flattered so I took her out. We dated two or three years, then got married."
Jeff paid for Wendy's last two years at Texas Christian University, although her spin is, "It was community resources. We paid for it together." Sure, Jeff wrote the check and she cashed it.
Mother–of–the–Year Wendy then applied to Harvard Law School and was accepted. (I would really like to get a look at her application essay. It would no doubt move Charles Dickens to tears.) After her acceptance at Harvard, Jeff dutifully cashed in his 401(k) retirement account to cover the initial years and then took out a loan to pay for his wife's last year.
In the meantime Wendy was faced with a dilemma regarding the children. Her daughter from her first marriage was 8 and the daughter with Jeff was 2, so it was obviously way too late to abort them. But how would it look for a hot little blonde to be toting children that reminded her of mobile housing?
So she left both girls with Jeff back in Fort Worth while she went to pursue her dream solo.
Wendy graduated in 1993 and returned to Fort Worth where one assumes her daughters asked to see a photo ID and then welcomed her home. In 1998, running as a Republican, Davis won a seat on the city council and began her climb up the political ladder.
Ironically enough, the day after Jeff made the last payment on the loan he took out for Wendy's Harvard Law degree, she moved out and filed for divorce. Of course Wendy takes umbrage at the thought that poor Jeff was just another stepping–stone. Slater quotes her vehemently denying any exploitation, "I was a vibrant part of contributing to our family finances from the time I graduated to the time we separated in 2003," she said. "The idea that suddenly there was this instantaneous departure after Jeff had partnered so beautifully with me in putting me through school is just absurd."
Vibrant? Who talks like that and what does it mean? Wendy oscillated when she got a check? Here's a rule of thumb from a media consultant: When descriptive words are excessive for the surrounding context it means they're lying. Like when Obama talks about "robust diplomacy."
For his part, Jeff wasn't feeling so beautiful. The divorce filing listed adultery on Wendy's part and he asked for a restraining order against Ms. Vibrant requesting the court require her to refrain from the use of drugs or alcohol "within 24 hours of contact with her children."
The divorce allowed Wendy to again demonstrate her deep concern for children as she chose to give sole custody of her 12–year–old daughter to her husband; saying it just wasn't a good time for her to have a daughter tagging along.
So there you have it. The darling of Texas Democrats and leftist abortion supporters nationwide is a liar who won't even agree to raise her own daughter if it interferes with her overwhelming ambition. She's used and discarded her way into Democrat political stardom.
Maybe Wendy Davis is simply the culmination of the decades–long feminist campaign to remake America. Now a woman can be as callous and unscrupulous as male politicians and still run for office.
For her part Davis realizes she's going to have to do something about that biography. "My language should be tighter," she said. "I'm learning about using broader, looser language. I need to be more focused on the detail."
Or she could just trying telling the truth for a change. 
Michael R. Shannon is a public relations and advertising consultant with corporate, government and political experience around the globe. He is a dynamic and entertaining keynote speaker. He can be reached at mandate.mmpr (at) gmail.com. He is also the author of the forthcoming book: "Funny Conservative" Is Not an Oxymoron. (Or any other type of moron).