End notes

web posted January 1999

I've always felt uncomfortable beginning a description with the words "Best of".

This issue, for example, is dubbed The Best of 1998 and features nearly 30 pieces Enter Stage Right ran last year. Problem? I like to think that every piece run last year was "the best" and ESR published well over 100 quality essays and articles on every topic conceivable.

So instead of referring to this month as the ueber-issue of ESR, I'll just say that the pieces in this month's issue are a representative example of what I thought were some good stories. The process was admittedly largely subjective. If you wrote in and said you liked them or I thought the piece was snazzy, you'll see it this month.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the writers and fellow publications which generously allowed the use of their material in our pages. Many thanks!

Some specific thanks go to (and if I have forgotten your name, please accept my apologies):

Writers - David W. Almasi, Brian Micklethwait, Vin Suprynowicz, Walter Block, Michael Miller, David Ridenour, Stephanie Herman, David A. Tomlinson, Joe Kellard, Jim Hinter, Rupert Murdoch, Charlton Heston, Amy Moritz Ridenour, David Hogberg, Craig Docksteader, Charles VanEaton Ph.D., José Piñera, John Carlisle, Susie Dutcher, Davy Crockett, Rex L. Fuller III, James Damask, Faye Anderson, Kevin Bertram, Ken Burton, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, David Hackworth, Andrew Coulson, Neil Murphy, Gerard Jackson, Sean Hackbarth, Tom Adkins, Garry Breitkreuz, Stephen Moore, Dennis Rice, Keith Wade, C. Grady Drago, Sam Wells, Michael R. Allen, Jim Hill, Kimberly Wilson, Rod D. Martin, C.W. Mayer, Reason Magazine, The Freeman, Journal X

Art direction/Photography - Fabian Hynes, Anthony Szwec

Technical support - Gilles Melanson

Philosophical support - Michael Miller

Spiritual guidance - James Brown

Thanks for reading,

Gord Gekko

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

New look next month

The final touches are being put on a new look for ESR! The index page has been redesigned to load faster and be a little more compact. You would have seen it this month but I wanted to tweak it a little longer. Come back in February to see our new look!

How to write for ESR without writing for ESR

You actually can do it! Don't have enough time to write an article? Then write a letter to the editor! Every page has an e-mail link that you can use if an article riles or inspires you. Start writing!

Survey says

If you have a spare moment, please feel free to fill out the survey ESR has set up. It's your way of giving us some feedback...what you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to see more or less of. So far the response has been positive...am I preaching to the converted?

ESR wants you!

The rate of expansion here is frankly overwhelming and its soon time to begin expanding the staff around here. Interested in getting on our masthead? Want to volunteer writing, editing, whatever? Write us!

Submissions wanted!

Got the writing bug? Need to vent? Then write for Enter Stage Right! We can't pay you, but then it's not about the money, is it? Here are submission details.

Visit our sister site

ESR's Conservative Site of the Day has been up since January 1, spotlighting the best in digital conservatism every weekday. Up to 200 people a day now visit! If you're jonesing for a good conservative website, make sure to visit it at https://www.enterstageright.com/site


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