Then and the defenders of Bill Clinton have changed their
Then |
Now |
Ask for the Rodino model. |
Deny you ever wanted the Rodino model. |
Ask for the impeachment process to be limited to Monica Lewinsky.
Complain that it's only about Monica Lewinsky and
that there isn't anything regarding Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate,
etc. |
Demand that Ken Starr testify. |
Blame the Republicans for wasting everybody's time
with Starr's testimony. |
Demand that Ken Starr defend his
report. |
Assert that Ken Starr had no right to "promote"
his own report. |
Advocate, draft and vote for the
Office of the Independent Counsel Act. |
Decry the OIC as illegal, unlimited in power and scope,
and abusive. |
Agree that if the President had
an affair with an intern, that would be very serious. |
Say that it's "just" about a "consensual"
affair with an intern. |
: Say that if Clinton lies before
the Grand Jury, it would be grounds for impeachment. |
Say that lying to a Grand Jury "does not rise
to the level of an impeachable offense." |
Agree that perjury would be very
serious, if it were proven. |
Assert that perjury is not that serious. "Everybody
lies about sex." |
Assert that what the President did
was "reprehensible" and "indefensible." |
Maintain that the President's offenses are "trivial"
-- and keep on defending them. |
Claim that the President's actions
warrant a severely worded censure. |
Hold a pep rally to show your total support for the
President. |
Maintain that when Clarence Thomas
talked dirty to an employee (although unproven), that is sexual
harassment. |
The President can grope anyone he wants, and that
is not sexual harassment (apparently, as long as the subordinate
welcomes the advances and the perpetrator is a liberal proponent
of abortion rights). |
Linda Tripp is Public Enemy #1 for
betraying a "friend" who wanted her to commit perjury.
Clinton can betray his wife, his family, his oath
of office, his oath in a court of law, and the country, but it's
not as bad as what Linda Tripp did. |
Accuse Republicans of being partisan.
Guarantee that all Democrat Senators will vote against
conviction. |
Declare that the President should
have an opportunity to defend himself, to rebut the charges, and
to cross-examine his accusers. |
A trial isn't necessary. |
: Decry the impeachment proceedings
in the House based on "lack of evidence." |
Assert that no trial is necessary because we have
all the evidence. |
Accuse Republicans of not wanting
witnesses. |
Say there is absolutely no need for witnesses. |
We cannot put the country through
a long impeachment trial. |
If you bring in witnesses, we're going to prolong
this trial and drag it out as much as humanly possible. |
The President has admitted to wrongdoing. |
The President should never admit to doing anything
wrong, because it would put him in legal jeopardy. |
"Impeachment is the equivalent
of political assassination." |
"It doesn't feel so bad to have been impeached."
The process is taking too long.
The process is moving too fast. (Repeat) |
Praise the President's call to "Stop
the politics of personal destruction." |
Private investigators using FBI files from the White
House basement, Ms. Rodham-Clinton's rantings about the "vast
right-wing conspiracy," and the antics of hatchet men like
James Carville not withstanding, the real politics began when Clintonista
Larry Flynt holds a press conference to initiate the "personal
destruction" of some Clinton critics in Congress. |