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Racists vs. sexists

By J.J. Jackson
web posted February 18, 2008

So which are you?  Are you a racist or are you a sexist?  This is the question that is facing Democrats this election year as they head to the polls and decide whether to vote for Hillary Clinton or for Barack Obama.

Barack Obama and Hillary ClintonBoth are left wing, socialist disciples of Karl Marx touting class warfare, "free" money handouts, retreat from fascist terrorist threats and offering up the comforting hand of the nanny state to tuck their supporters in at night.  All that's really missing from either's platform is a government program to provide everyone with their very own "rich" person who will be required by federal law to fetch you a glass of milk to help you sleep at night.

Aside from minor differences in how they will accomplish these goals, the only thing that distinguishes the two is that Barack Obama has dark skin and Hillary Clinton has ovaries.  And in a party built on the pillar of identity of politics, where the group one belongs to is more important than anything else, this sets up clear battle lines.

Ask someone why they are voting for Hillary Clinton and dimes to donuts you will hear them gush about how she is a "strong woman" and it is time for a "woman president" while discussing how vile and evil George Bush is.  Ask someone why they are voting for Barack Obama and you can bet their Social Security Crazy Check that you will hear them talk about how he is a "black man" and that it is time for a "black president" somewhere in the same breath as they talk about how he "inspires" them and it is time for some nebulous "change".  Whether either of them actually will be good presidents, understand the Constitution or will even uphold it is virtually irrelevant in any conversation about how these folks have voted.

Sure, Clinton and Obama supporters will claim that there is more that separates these two as candidates than these reasons but there really is nothing more.  Like I said, they are both running on the same basic platform.  Details may vary, and with Clinton they may vary on a daily if not hourly basis, but boil them down and you get the same basic plan for enslaving the productive workers of America to liberal special interests who need tax dollars to survive in a cruel world they don't have the stomach for.  What this primary comes down to among Democrat voters is which is more important to them and which do they think makes a superior candidate.  Will it be race or gender?

Webster's dictionary defines a racist as someone that believes "that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority" or one that has "racial prejudice or discrimination".  So, for Democrats this means if you are voting for Barack Obama because, essentially, he is black you have "discriminated" and determined that his racial trait produces "an inherent superiority".  You damn racists.

Webster's dictionary defines a sexist as one that exhibits "prejudice or discrimination based on sex".  So, for Democrats this means if you are voting for Hillary Clinton because, essentially, she is a woman you have exhibited a prejudice for that trait of hers and "discriminated" in her favor based on sex.  You damn sexists.

I have yet to hear a conservative or a even a moderate Republican say that they are voting for their candidate because he (or she) is "white" or "male" as they walk out of a polling place and are confronted by television cameras and reporters.  Of course, ask a liberal why this is and I can tell you their response.  Their response will be something along the lines of, "Well, we know they are racists and sexists.  Even if they won't admit it."   Psychologists call this sort of thing projection.

Of course, they "know" these things even though it is never said.  Well, they are the thought police after all.  And all the while, when you turn on the evening news and watch interviews with Democratic voters, you will still hear them talk about how they voted for Hillary because she is a "woman" or Obama because he is "black".  As Ronald Reagan once opined, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so."

For the Democrats it appears that the racists, those that believe that Barack Obama is the superior candidate because he is black, have gained the upper hand.  He has been winning rather decisively as of late over the sexists who think that Hillary Clinton would be better because she is a woman.

This will lead to some interesting dynamics come the end of this process.  If Obama wins will the sexists come over and support a man?  If Clinton somehow salvages her campaign will the racists come over and support a white woman?

My prediction?  In the end the racists and the sexists will form an uneasy alliance in order to support their common goals of a government so big that if you sneeze without using a handkerchief you will be thrown in irons and hauled off to jail for spreading infectious germs and burdening the newly founded government run health care system unnecessarily.  ESR

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor of Conservative News & Opinion – The Land of the Free and also the owner of The Right Things – Conservative T-shirts & Gifts. His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at http://www.libertyreborn.com






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