Americans are losing their freedom By Alan Caruba February 1st was National Freedom Day. It commemorates Lincoln's signing of the House and Senate resolution that later became the 13th Amendment. Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865. Short of another Civil War, Americans have reached a point verging on the loss of their Constitutional freedoms as ever before. The issue then was slavery, but Americans are rapidly moving toward having their Bill of Rights annulled by a President intent on ruling as a despot, making them slaves of a regime that rules as he wishes, ignoring the Constitution and Congress. His actions have been supported by the Democratic members of Congress and because Republicans only control the House they have seen their legislative efforts to oppose the regime blocked, often by one man, Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader. The nation's media with few exceptions have supported or ignored the President's actions. Why is this happening? A brief review of the means put forth in Saul Alinski's "Rules for Radicals", written by a "community organizer", outlines what Obama is doing as he seeks to turn America into a socialist state. It is a process that progressives/liberals have been pursuing since early in the last century. 1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people. And what if Congress, as World Net Daily's Bob Unruh has written, has empowered the President to "arrest, kidnap, detain without trial and hold indefinitely American citizens thought to ‘represent an enduring security threat to the United States.'" That's what the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) does! "Some of the nation's most respected legal teams are asking the Supreme Court to take up a challenge to the indefinite-detention provisions" of the Act "charging that the law has created the framework for a police state." That's how far along we are toward the destruction of the U.S. Constitution. "The 2014 NDAA was fast-tracked through the U.S. Senate, with no time for discussion or amendments, while most Americans were distracted by the scandal surrounding A&E's troubles with ‘Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson. Eighty-five of 100 senators voted in favor of the new version of the NDAA, which had already been quietly passed by the House of Representatives." Sen. Ted Cruz, a leading opponent of Obamacare, writing in The Wall Street Journal, said, "Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the President's persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat…the President's taste for unilateral action to circumvent Congress should concern every citizen, regardless of party or ideology." Americans will soon have little recourse against a government intent on controlling every aspect of their lives, spying on them, and arresting them for criticizing it. Americans fought a war to end slavery. Will we have to fight to resist becoming slaves? Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center. © Alan Caruba, 2014