Black America...piece by piece
By Tom Adkins
posted February 1999
The Democrats were once the party of the little guy, the poor, the
downtrodden, the oppressed. They defended the weak against the strong,
always standing for social justice.
Today, they rabidly defend the right of the most powerful man on earth
to molest innocent women, attack them if they dare complain, and his
right to lie about it in court.
Democrats sold out.
Shocked? Don't be silly. The Democratic party has been practicing political
prostitution for a long, long time.
This may be a sell-out of American women. But Black America will suffer
the greatest fallout. Here's why.
The long fight
For hundreds of years, black people have fought for their freedom across
the world. But America defeated slavery, Jim Crow laws and state-sponsored
racism in the relatively short span of about 100 years. The greatest
weapon in this war? A simple phrase in our constitution; "All men
are created equal." That concept has been the trump card against
anyone attempting to claim superior legal rights over another.
The next battle
Legal victories are fine. But the real battle against racism won't
be complete until we win the hearts and minds of American people. Beating
people over the head with lawyers won't work. This calls for subtle
intellectual persuasion. The only path to victory over such entrenched
viewpoints is the unquestioned superiority of the "All men are
created equal" concept. Embrace this concept, and victory is certain.
Abandon this concept, and the battle against racism is lost.
The great blunder in defending Bill Clinton lurks quietly in this background.
By supporting Clinton's right to break laws which would land anyone
else in prison, Black Americans tacitly expose themselves by legitimizing
a two-tiered system of justice.
Suddenly, a century's worth of civil rights achievements have no foundation.
Black America is giving racists the greatest gift they could possibly
ask for; surrendering constitution protection against separate rights.
Have fun trying to put that horse back in the barn.
Selling em down the river
As liberalism has failed over the last 30 years, Democrats have sold
out just about every constituent they claim to represent. Pick em.
They sold the poor into socialistic welfare.
They sold out American families by raising taxes 400 per cent.
They sold out children by ruining schools.
They sold out unions with NAFTA and GATT.
They sold out gays with "Don't ask, don't tell."
They sold out environmentalists and campaign reformers in one stroke
by confiscating Utah's Escalante coal region as a payoff for illegal
Indonesian campaign donations.
They sold out human rights by trading with China.
Now, Democrats have sold out the whole concept of equal justice by
defending a sexual predator disguised as a president.
Like Lucy convincing Charlie Brown that this time she really won't yank
the football away at the last second, hapless liberal victims keep falling
for the same Democratic lies. And no liberal constituency has been betrayed
so often, so easily, as Black America.
Just like the old days, they are enticed, captured, then sold down the
river of political expediency. Who are you gonna believe? The party
that tells the harsh truths, or the slick salesmen who tell wonderful
By blindly supporting Democrats for 30 years, Black America has turned
its culture inside-out. Black welfare dependency created a high illegitimate
birth rate, devastating the once rock-solid black family. Religion has
been banished. Urban schools were ruined. Without fathers, morals or
education keeping kids in line, black-on-black youth crime is the prevalent
cultural trauma that dominates urban black life. To keep power, Democrats
evolved into the Pimps of Personal Failure.
Yet Black America sticks by their Democrats, becoming an enabling force
behind a man who has spent his lifetime preying upon the weak. Ironically,
Black defenders of Clinton have fallen for the old trick of attacking
the victim, long used by racists. They are peddling their own political
capitol at a fatal discount. How can racism be defeated if you've just
convinced the nation that separate justice is acceptable?
The Democratic party has always been a political M. C. Escher painting,
where magnificent convoluted logic becomes a patchwork of irreconcilable
political expediency that goes nowhere. The real tragedy is this liberal
paradox is cashed on the expense account of their constituents. This
time, they're selling Black America further down the river of cultural
failure by convincing them to throw away the greatest tool to pound
the final nail in the coffin of racism: the United States Constitution
and the rule of law.
This piece originally appeared in The
Common Conservative and is reprinted with their kind permission.