The left's message to teens: More sex, no guilt, no consequences By David M. Huntwork Now that our society has officially lowered us all to the level of rutting rabbits, the Coalition for Positive Sexuality ( is specifically targeting and encouraging promiscuous sex, abortion, and homosexuality to young teenagers. The Younger the Better should be their slogan. Funded by the homosexual lobby (and perhaps finally putting the myth that there is no homosexual agenda to rest) CPS is aggressively pushing its agenda of more sex/no guilt/no consequences to young and impressionable children at public schools nationwide. The greatest concession to personal responsibility and self-restraint that they attempt is to urge you to try and not catch a STD. It is a good example of the alliance between the homosexual and Feminista movements. Anything to undermine traditional morals and values and the traditional family structure that they jointly regard as their greatest enemy. As if our kids aren't over-sexed enough, our "progressive friends" would apparently have the youngest of teenagers take this site to heart and find the nearest straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered individual so that they can explore their sexuality together. How endearing and touching. And if you are worried about the physical, emotional, or spiritual consequences of such actions you are probably just some sort of repressed fuddy-duddy who's out to ruin the fun for everyone else. So to all the young and impressionable teens out there, Just Say Yes! And while you are there, you can learn how to ‘clean your works' in case you've been doing a little shooting up with your buddies. "If you think you might be queer, relax! Everyone has questions about their sexuality at some time or another, and exploring your sexual feelings is important and exciting. If you think you are queer, try to find a lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgender community center near you, where you can meet other queers your age…" …"Abortion is a simple medical procedure which ends a pregnancy. Throughout history, around the world, and in many religions, women have used abortion as part of our healthcare." Not to be outdone, Panned Parenthood is now targeting teens with a site called A Naked Notion ( with Laci Green. There, impressionable teens not only get the same, reassuring message that abortion is safe and no big deal but also get to learn fun and exciting tidbits about women squirting, multiple orgasms, coming out as a bisexual, pulling out, Halloween slut shaming, posting nude pics, and lots of hooray for the gay propaganda. You know, things you want some stranger instructing your children about. All courtesy of taxpayer dollar subsidies to Planned Parenthood. And lest I forget to mention it, for the curious among us, they have released their Getting Kinky BSDM 101 video promoting sado-masochism and bondage. I have posted it below so that you can gather your teenage prodigy around the computer to explore the ins and outs of pain and pleasure together as a family. You might as well get something out of it. You're the one paying for it. Laci, the brainwashed leftist drone, is just another example of why the ideology of the Left is little more than a mental disease that, while occasionally titillating and "entertaining," just continues the mad rush to undermine all concepts of morals, values, family, and personal responsibility. It is increasingly obvious that nothing is taboo, sacred, or holy in their sight. It is an ideology that at its core insists on the suspension of all moral judgments. There is no right and wrong, just different It's the "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we may die" philosophy that teaches those who in fact are still children to have more sex without guilt and "screw the consequences" whatever they may be. They know and understand that if they can get their value system and twisted view of the world ingrained in children early enough, they've probably got them for life. David Huntwork is a blogger, columnist and the proud father of three daughters. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of Ministers of the Gospel he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. He believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. David blogs at You can contact him at