Socialism is overwhelming capitalism

By Henry Lamb
web posted April 24, 2000

Evidence is everywhere; socialism is overwhelming capitalism. What's worse, Americans seem to be unaware, unconcerned, or unwilling to do anything about it.

The so-called grassroots demonstrations in Washington, as well as in Seattle, blatantly call for a global socialist regime to cancel third-world debt and clamp down on profiteering multinational corporations.

The media portray the demonstrations as the passionate concerns of grassroots organizations. The fact is that these are the goals of the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance, published in Our Global Neighborhood in 1995. These goals are given visibility by the well- funded, carefully orchestrated tactics of the U.N.'s "civil society" army of non-government organizations (NGOs).

The underwear-clad, puppet-totin' clowns who attract TV cameras provide the stage upon which the Roger Moores and Ralph Naders can denigrate corporations while weaving a warm cloak of compassion around the socialist ideas of taking from the wealthy to relieve the suffering of the poor.

The demonstrations in Washington and Seattle are not about shutting down the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The demonstrations are about consolidating the functions of these organizations under the direct control of the United Nations, where the NGOs have much greater influence over their operations.

Big labor has been seduced into getting into bed with these protest clowns, in an effort to protect American workers from unfair trade practices in third-world countries. Environmental organizations join the fray to support the notions of environmental protection in third-world countries. In doing so, both are supporting the reality of a global socialist regime to govern world trade, dictate environmental policy around the world, and put an end to the spread of capitalism through private investment.

In Washington, speaker after speaker chastised corporations for extracting profits from third- world countries. Their preference is to have the United Nations Development Program, or the U.N.'s Global Environment Facility (GEF), dole out money for projects in third-world countries. To do so, of course, the U.N. would have to first take the money from those who have earned it, and give it to those who have not.

NGOs accredited by the U.N. are increasingly chosen to administer the funds funneled through the U.N. According to the 1998 GEF financial report, five major NGOs were named as executing or collaborating agencies on 42 projects which totaled $792.7 million. The five NGOs are: The Nature Conservancy; Greenpeace; World Resources Institute; World Wildlife Fund; and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Is it any wonder that NGOs want the money to flow through the United Nations?

What's troubling is the apathy that American affluence has produced among people who historically despise socialism. There has been little or no reluctance to allow the federal government to continually tax and send hard-earned dollars to the United Nations Development Program, GEF, and literally hundreds of other U.N. agencies that are not affected by Jesse Helm's war with the U.N. General Assembly.

The Clinton/Gore administration has not simply been sympathetic to the goals of the U.N., it has actually pushed the U.N. agenda at international meetings and implemented the agenda at home - with or without Congressional approval.

The designation of yet another national monument at the Sequoia National Forest is praised by environmental NGOs as strong leadership, when in reality it is another step toward the implementation of the unratified U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity, with complete disregard for the more than 10,000 requests by area citizens to not designate the monument.

Al Gore's re-release of Earth in the Balance, with a new introduction reaffirming everything he said back in 1992, is abundant evidence that he prefers a global socialist system to reorganize society around the central principle of protecting the environment - and eliminating the internal combustion engine.

Nowhere in the speeches delivered in Washington, in President Clinton's remarks at Sequoia, nor in Al Gore's book, is there any concern expressed for protecting the fundamental principles of freedom upon which the American powerhouse has grown. Nowhere is there a defense of capitalism as the fundamental principle responsible for economic prosperity. Nowhere is there condemnation of the collectivist, centralized policy-making bureaucracy that is the essence of socialism and a perfect description of the United Nations as it transforms itself to embrace, ensnare, and enslave the 21st century.

Evidence is everywhere. While most Americans seem unconcerned, a few organizations are working to shift the focus from global socialism to global freedom - beginning in the United States. These organizations have adopted the theme "Freedom 21: Advancing the Principles of Freedom in the 21st Century," as an alternative to the global socialist agenda. If Americans don't rise up and protect the principles of freedom, who will?

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization, and chairman of Sovereignty International.

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