The new Constitution of Americas Union
By Henry Lamb When President Bush and his CANAMEX counterparts assemble in New Orleans today for the 4th Annual Summit of the Americas, they will undoubtedly discuss a growing problem: how to continue denying that they are building a North American Union. Despite the official denials, the snickering and the ridicule, the process continues. The President, himself, may be just a pawn in a much bigger game being played by geo-political forces that also do not exist - officially. These forces have created Constitution for Americas Union. The bigger game includes six such "unions", all of which are to function under a "reformed" United Nations. It is important to note that among all the web sites linked to this Constitution for Americas' Union, it is impossible to identify the individuals, or the organizations that are responsible for the initiative. There is only a postal address in Sidney, Australia. It is extremely significant, however, that several recognizable non-government organizations are identified as "dedicated to helping." It should come as no surprise that The Clinton Global Initiative is among these NGOs. The Clintons have long been advocates of global governance. Since there is no effort to create a North American Union, or global governance, according to Mr. Bush and many leading pundits, there could not possibly be an official blueprint for global governance produced by the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance in 1995. Nor is there an official U.N. Millennium Declaration that describes – in flowery U.N. ambiguity – the goals of global governance. Even though U.S. officials pretend they do not exist, these documents are important because they pave the way for the Constitution of the Americas, and the other five global "unions." They all advocate the same end goal: global governance. The North American Union is but one, extremely important, step toward this ultimate goal. The Constitution for Americas' Union is the most explicit statement of goals yet made public. It is so extreme that a casual reading would likely result in immediate dismissal by Americans who still have some knowledge and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution. Who, in his right mind, would support a document that created a "Supreme Council," of selected individuals to advise the "Secretary General" of the Americas? This proposed constitution bestows the rights, not only to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but also the right to adequate housing, a job, food, and good health. It would abolish the concept of taxation, and impose, instead, a system of voluntary giving determined by the wealth and productivity of each individual. Those who produce wealth would "give" more than those who do not. Those who do not produce wealth have a government-bestowed "right" to receive housing, food, and living expenses provided "voluntarily" by those who do produce wealth. To insure that the "voluntary" gifts are adequate, the constitution authorizes the government to impose fees for the services it renders, which may be applied selectively to those who "have", and not applied to those who "have not". The system of governance created by this proposed constitution could not possibly be communism, because the government is advised by a "Supreme Council," not a "Supreme Soviet." Moreover, its supreme authority is a "Secretary- General," after the fashion of the benevolent United Nations, not by a "President." Each "system" of government would have a "Supreme Director" of: planning; building and construction; culture and entertainment; education; employment; energy; finance; fitness and health; eco systems; justice; and many, many more. Each "Supreme Director" would be appointed by the Secretary-General, and would have "sole authority" over all aspects of his domain. This proposed constitution is a wish list for the utopian one-world government pursued by some for more than a century. While officials scoff at such notions, the world continues to move closer and closer to the procedures and belief systems espoused by these advocates. While there may be no "official" connections between this proposed Constitution of Americas Union and the official Security and Prosperity Partnership, many of the goals are the same. Could we get inside the various working groups, and the various NGOs that support these goals, it would not be at all surprising to learn that many of the individuals are participants in both. In fact, where discoveries have been made through Freedom of Information investigations, NGOs such as the Council on Foreign Relations, and their individual members, do participate in the working groups and processes of the SPP.
Whether "official" or not, the SPP is moving toward a North American Union that meets many of the objectives of the Constitution of Americas Union. Mr. Bush, and others, can deny, deny, deny. All their bluster and ridicule combined cannot erase the clear facts that exist for all to see. This process will continue to march forward unless we all rise up to stop it. Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO), and chairman of Sovereignty International.