The Enter Stage Right Link of the Month


Women have needs. I know that may come as a surprise to some men, but women have needs which must be fulfilled. Conservative women especially.

Let's face it, with very few exceptions, all the large women's organizations are apolitical or liberal. That leaves conservative women in a bind if they want or need to meet, network or share ideas with those of like minds. Well, they would be in a bind if it wasn't for Rightgrrl, one of my favourite web sites. It's getting so big that it even has a newsgroup (alt.politics.rightgrrl) dedicated to it.

Launched in April 1997 by Stephanie Herman and Carolyn Gargaro, two women who grew tired of explaining why they were pro-life and conservative, Rightgrrl bills itself as a web site for women with the "right" attitude for good reason. Staunchly pro-life, Rightgrrl serves as a for conservative women, celebrating those in the movement by naming them Featured Rightgrrls, running essays written by women, serving as a clearing house for abortion information, maintaining watches on Al Gore and the National Organization for Women and holding chats, among many other features. The depth of this web site astonished me.

Not that it's a perfect web site. Rightgrrl exists to refute the notion that women should be liberal and pro-choice, but in their zeal to promote the pro-life cause, the web site strongly implies that being pro-life is the only type of conservative you can be, something I do not hold to be true since I am a pro-choice conservative myself. I don't hold that to be a mark against Rightgrrl though. If conservatism is big enough to include a rabid free-marketeer like Steve Forbes and a protectionist like Pat Buchanan, then I think the tent is big enough to include enthusiastic pro-lifers and pro-choicers. Rightgrrl simply sits on the pro-life side and that's their choice.

Though some might slam it for being too feminine with its pink and red color scheme, I personally enjoy Rightgrrl's design. It's pleasing to look at and fairly easy to navigate. The only design issue I have are the transitions employed when one surfs from page to page. The site seems to run slower because of those transitions, an effect that I find adds little to the experience of surfing web site.

Minor quibbles aside, Rightgrrl should be the default home page for every conservative woman on the Internet. It provides a nascent community for women who are often ignored by parties and politicians except when it's time to bring out the vote. Make your voice heard...get involved, agitate and prove that women don't have to be liberals.

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