Why are the Republicans committing suicide?
By Dr. Robert Owens With what could be a wave election on the horizon in November due to the unpopularity of Obamacare, why is the Republican leadership raising the white flag? With the end result being a perpetual Democrat lock on the White House if amnesty brings tens of million illegals out of the shadows and into the voter booths, why is the Republican leadership ridiculing those who oppose it and working to implement it daily? This is like the captain of the Titanic steering his ship into the iceberg on purpose. It seems so inexplicable yet at the same time it appears so obvious. A Progressive is a Progressive no matter whether there is a D or an R after their name. Or to put it another way, a chameleon may change its colors but you can always tell a leopard by its spots. With the best government money can buy leading the way like the Pied Piper we are flowing like lemmings towards a cliff. We learned nothing from watching the USSR disappear overnight. One day after generations of nightmarish oppression we woke up and it was there and by the time we went to bed it was gone. This great jailhouse of nations spent itself into oblivion chasing centrally-planned visions of utopia and bled itself to death in Afghanistan. Now we are whistling in the wind as our Progressive regime and its counterfeit conservative fellow-travelers dance to the K-Street tune of crony capitalists more concerned with purloined profits than with patriotism. The two-party system has evolved into a strangle-hold on power by a twin headed bird of prey that makes Mexico's PRI look like a pale imitation of an oligarchy masquerading as a representative republic. An obviously biased major media ranges from a thinly disguised front for the DNC over at MSNBC to an almost blatant mouthpiece for the RNC at Fox. The populace has been dumbed down by generations of educational malpractice and is lulled to sleep with the bread and circus routine of government support and 24/7 sports addiction. It is a well-known truism that if you tax something you get less of it and if you subsidize something you get more of it. In America today we aggressively and progressively tax the income of producers while we pay more to those who do less. A culture of entitlement has ensnared a majority of the population. Those who complain about their grandchildren getting trophies for showing up eagerly accept Social Security checks even though they should know the money they paid in was flushed down the Washington maw before they sent it in. A war on poverty has cost trillions and produced no change. A war on racism has produced an entire industry that exists to perpetuate racism in set asides and quotas. Endless wars for peace have only brought more wars as anonymous drone strikes produce as many new enemies as they kill current ones. Something has gone drastically wrong with the greatest experiment in human freedom the world has ever seen. While we worked to produce food for our families those we had entrusted to be the caretakers of freedom sold our birthright for a bowl of porridge. And now the opposition, the very ones we have elected to reverse these trends, proposes to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by conceding on Obamacare and passing amnesty. To imagine that they are misguided is I believe misguided. Mistakes of this magnitude are not made innocently. There is no way our pretend protectors haven't known since Obamacare passed that no entitlement has ever been repealed. And I predict even if the Republicans win both houses of Congress and the Whitehouse they still would not repeal Obamacare, but they would instead "fix" it. Likewise, there is no way these RINOs don't know that if they pass amnesty Texas will suddenly face the possibility to returning to the Democratic tent which means a perpetual Democrat lock on the Electoral College. The Republican leadership knows these things yet what do we see? John Boehner, the Speaker of the House mocking those who oppose amnesty and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the House Republican Conference Chair saying, "We need to look at reforming [Obamacare's] exchanges." I have always felt and continue to feel that raising a white flag is not an effective way to lead a charge. Even though like roaches when you turn on the light these "leaders" will skittle back for cover once their enraged followers shoot down these trial balloons this is how they want to reach across the aisle and shove the knife in their own back. We can't really say there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two parties. The Democrats seem to be in the business of managing America's decline by retreating from the role of policeman of the world while the Republicans led by their Neo-Con wing would have us in wars in Syria and possibly Europe. They may divide on foreign policy from surrender to attack; however, on domestic policy no matter what they say they are both for bigger government, crony capitalism, and socialized everything else. If the everyday working people whatever their gender, whatever their color, whatever their religion want even a shot at regaining control of the ship of state we need to come up out of the boiler room that is keeping this thing moving, demand to be heard, and take all these perpetually re-elected despots for a perp-walk to the dustbin of History. The big question is how? Tune out the propaganda machine of the major media, organize a viable opposition party, give of our time, talent and treasure, and most importantly vote against them all. Don't re-elect anyone. Turn the whole lot of them out and bring in a new batch. We would do better if we just drafted the first 537 people from any telephone book to be the representatives, senators, vice president, and president. They couldn't do any worse than spend more than we make and at least there would be someone in there who might actually work for a living. The Committees of Correspondence, the Sons of Liberty and other organizations fuelled and supported the Revolution that made us free. Without organization nothing of importance is ever accomplished. To restore limited government, personal liberty and economic freedom organization is needed or we will continue our drift into a centrally-planned surveillance state that still calls itself the land of the free and the home of the brave.
So why are the Republicans committing suicide? It isn't because it is the only honorable thing left to do since they have betrayed the trust of their supporters. It isn't because they see no other way out like the zealots at Masada. It is because the spirit of limited government they once represented is already dead and we just don't know it. It all makes sense to me now, so can we please wake up and do something about it? Dr. Robert Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2014 Robert R. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens