The systematic elimination of private property By Jane Gaffin Private property ownership, the cornerstone of democracy, is the heart of all other rights and freedoms. Without the right to own private property, other rights and freedoms are worthless: the right to vote, the right to religion, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to freedom of expression and thought, the right to mobility. In other words, without the rights to individually own and control personal and real property, the rights to life, liberty, security of person and due process of the law — everything –- is surrendered to the autocrats. Without inalienable rights and freedoms endorsed by a nation's constitution, citizens are reduced to human property owned by the state. The quickest way to individual ruination is through the nationalization of land and mass people-control which is manipulated by a very few universal power mongers who have more wealth already than they can use in a lifetime but continue demanding that the individual citizen contribute more. First, the government kleptocrats take all the people's money from their bank accounts, then all their lands to render them unproductive paupers with no home of one's own, then make them and their children servants forevermore. Below is the Oathkeeper URL for an insightful 18.5-minute Liberty Northwest News presentation that also can be watched on such places as YouTube or the Ask search engine. In The Systematic Elimination of Private Property, New Mexico rancher Wayne Price provides testimony to the abuses he and other ranchers have suffered over the last many years at the hands of the United Nations Agenda 21 land-grab movement and the government minions who bear no qualms about carrying out the orders. Mr. Price, who comes from a long line of heart-breaking experiences fighting government encroachments against his private property rights, gave this interview when he came in support of the Bundy family who were under siege at Bunkerville, Nevada, near Las Vegas, in April, 2014. As soon as he arrived at the Bundys' Bunkerville ranch, he realized no national media outlet was covering the government's unconstitutional attack on U.S. citizens. Mr. Price called Alex Jones at his InfoWarscommand center in the Texas capital city of Austin, the showcase of Agenda 21 implementation. The astute Mr. Jones heads up a dominant alternative media source and quickly recognized the federal government's unprovoked assault on the Bundy-owned ranch and the grazing rights dispute on public lands as Agenda 21 personified. Perhaps a culmination of reasons spurred Mr. Jones to immediate action. While chomping at the bit to be at the center of action himself, Mr. Jones was otherwise personally committed. Able to spare a two-man crew, he dispatched journalist extraordinaire David Knight and cameraman Josh Owens who seemed to magically appear in several places at once, covering all bases of action that was beamed back to the Austin command center for worldwide distribution. It was InfoWars broadcasts that incited the corporate-owned media to move its lazy arses. None of those major media presstitutes had ever heard of, much less mentioned, Agenda 21. Most commentators moronically spewed and spun political-correct rubbish and rhetoric without an iota of comprehension of what they were dealing with for truth. The exception was Fox Broadcasting. Nevertheless, nobody there ever referred to the situation by its real name, either: Agenda 21. In the video, Mr. Price speaks of being too traditional at first to accept what was happening to him over the encroachment on his land. He just wanted to "go along to get along" (a.k.a. Agenda 21 jargon). Eventually, he listened to his son and discovered his problems stemmed from the fraudulent United Nations Agenda 21, an abomination born in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 as an environmental lie. Agenda 21 is a blueprint for how society will exist and behave in the 21st Century. Regardless of which path is followed in the labyrinthian framework all passages lead to formation of a totalitarian one-world government. The plot was masterminded by a small coterie of mad global elites under the environmental guise of "saving the planet" for every "endangered" species that are purported to be more important than humans. Therefore, land-grabbing is high on the list of Agenda 21 implementation. Mr. Price talks about why one New Mexico rancher was eventually sprung loose from his incarceration in a federal "re-education" gulag while another rancher languishes in what might truly be one of those FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) "re-education" camps. Due to the Agenda 21 system, farmers and ranchers are being forced off their land in the name of "environmentalism" to give way to the rabid greens' moneymaking scheme of Rewilding America. Mr. Price knows what he is talking about. Therefore, I implore you, if you don't do another blessed thing today, please watch this video presentation by Northwest Liberty News on Oathkeepers or on YouTube or on or wherever you like. You still have a smidgin of free choice remaining. Every word, every thought presented by the interviewee is absolutely true. He's lived through Agenda 21, Biodiversity Project (a.k.a. Agenda 21), Wildlife Program (a.k.a. Agenda 21), sustainability (a.k.a Agenda 21), private-public partnership (a.k.a. Agenda 21); Endangered Species (a.k.a. Agenda 21). It all ties together in a complex lattice work. Under Agenda 21, people will no longer be allowed to eat red meat, thus no more reason for cattle, thus no more reason for water rights, thus no more reason for farmers and ranchers to live on and own land or have benefits of exercising grazing rights. Governments everywhere are forcing property owners off the land into high-density "stack'em and pack'em" ghettos. Please take 18.5 minutes out of your life to listen to this man of the land who has lived this nightmare. You will learn more than you want to know. Then pass this video on to all your friends, whether you think they will be interested or not. They may think they aren't interested now. But they soon will be when they discover they, too, are prohibited from owning titled and personal property — not a car or a bike, not even a Smart Phone. URL: Jane Gaffin is a freelance writer living in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, and can be contacted at or visited at