The Left
The Right
Human nature can be reshaped
by the hands of the state |
Human nature can not be redesigned |
A fair wage |
Wages must be based on productivity |
Differentially abled |
Handicapped |
My Dinner with Andre |
Breakfast with Blassie |
Public funding of culture
is necessary for our culture |
Government subsidies allow artists to produce junk
that interests no one |
Security seeking |
Risk taking |
The free market ignores
the poor |
The market only recognizes individuals, not groups |
Feelings |
Thoughts |
Alec Baldwin |
Charlton Heston |
Power |
Liberty |
Marijuana |
Cigars |
Racism, reproduction
& recycling |
Reading, writing & 'rithmatic |
The constitution is a
living document |
The constitution is an inviolable compact of and for
the people |
Pro-abortion |
Anti-abortion |
Takers |
Doers |
Ecology |
Conservation |
Gender (Socially determined) |
Sex (Biologically determined) |
Indoctrination |
Education |
The military is a vehicle
for social change |
The military objective is simply to defend and protect
this country |
Cooperation |
Competition |
Pursuit of equality |
Pursuit of excellence |
It takes a village |
It takes a loving mother and devoted father |
Womyn |
Ladies |
Moral relativism |
Transcendent moral order |
Health care should not
be left to the market |
Government control of health care will cause immense
harm |
Karl Marx |
Adam Smith |
Group rights |
Individual rights |
The market panders to
greed and selfishness |
The alternative to the market is violence and coercion |
John Kenneth Galbraith |
Milton Friedman |
Joy Browne |
Dr. Laura Schlessinger |
Liberal |
Conservative |
Do your own thing |
Do good and avoid evil |
Self-esteem |
Intellectual training |
The death penalty is
uncivilized |
High crime rates are uncivilized |
Supports government farm
programs |
Farm programs distort resources |
Whole language |
Phonics |
Ebonics |
Greek, Latin and Hebrew |
Guarantees an assortment
of socioeconomic rights |
Providing these "rights" will destroy the
rights of others |
Quotas |
Merit |
Roosevelt |
Reagan |
Democrats |
Republicans |
All persons should perform
some type of national service |
Compulsory national service is another form of involuntary
servitude |
Root causes |
Wrong choices |
Wealth must be redistributed |
Wealth must be created |
Truth is relative |
There are absolute truths |
Human rights are more
important than property rights |
Property rights are the foundation of all rights |
Protectionism |
Free trade |
Sustainable economics |
Free market economics |
Jean Jacques Rosseau |
Edmund Burke |
Counterculture |
Judeo-Christian culture |
Crime is an economic
problem |
Crime is a moral problem |
Prefers the public |
Prefers the private |
Deconstruction |
Hermeneutics |
Believes conservatives
are reactionary |
Thinks liberals are utopian |
Centralization and planning |
Decentralization and free enterprise |
Humanity |
Individuality |
There is too much inequality
of wealth |
Free people are not equal, equal people are not free |
Welfare |
Charity |
Tough on hate crimes |
Tough on all crimes |
Alan Alda |
John Wayne |
Stop global warming |
Stop global whining |
Visualize peace |
Peace through strength |
Idealism |
Common sense |
The personal is political |
The political is personal |
Antitrust laws prevent
monopoly |
Antitrust is destructive to efficiency and consumer
choice |
Government should create
and protect jobs |
Jobs can only be created by the market |
Plato |
Aristotle |
Herstory |
History |
Outcome-based education |
Back to the basics
Cats |
Oklahoma! |
As what your country
can do for you |
Ask what you can do for yourself |
Mainstream media |
Talk radio |
Lawsuits assure victim's
right to compensation |
Favors tort reform |
Society is an entity
in itself |
Society is the complex relationship between many autonomous
individuals |
Pessimists |
Optimists |
"A rat is a pig
is a dog is a boy" |
Man is the pinnacle of creation |
Industrial policy |
Individual goals |
Anita Hill |
Clarence Thomas |
Possesses a moral vision
of a good society |
Desires moral and virtuous society |
Poverty is caused by
a lack of opportunity |
Poverty is primarily caused by a break up of the family |
Politically correct |
Correct |
Progressive taxes |
Flat taxes |
Teamwork |
Management |
Socialized medicine |
Consumer choice with health care |
Has only friends to the
left |
Has only enemies to the right |