Change is good

All good things must come to an end and Enter Stage Right is no exception. Okay, that's not true, ESR itself isn't coming to an end, but a certain part of it is.

Since June 1996, ESR has published on a monthly schedule, and for its original purpose, that time line worked quite well. I started this little effort with the intent of presenting commentary on the big issues of the day, whether it was gays in the conservative movement or school vouchers, and while a monthly schedule has enabled well thought out pieces to be published, it has also held up development of what ESR could be.

As an example, I regularly receive pieces which -- because of current events -- demand to be published immediately. And while I have placed pieces up during a month, it has been rare. Usually I wait until the next issue to publish the piece, which sometimes means it's a little dated or not as relevant as it could be.

So beginning next month, our third anniversary on the web, ESR will begin publishing on a weekly cycle with new pieces appearing every Sunday. The total number of articles which appear during any given month -- averaging about 15 to 25 pieces during the past few months -- will likely not change at first, but new pieces will appear sooner. Certain sections, like our Site of the Month, will appear as usual, while others -- such as the Earth is Flat and Vinegar in Freedom awards, Lingua Publicus and my editorials -- may be updated more regularly.

The more cynical of you will doubtless think that this is an attempt to drive up traffic, but since I earn no money from ESR, it doesn't matter to me whether I garner a few thousand to a few million visitors in a month. We're moving to this new schedule to give you the latest commentary as soon as possible.

It means more work for me, but hopefully more relevant and perhaps even more pieces for you to read.

This, of course, places pressure on me to present more pieces to you. If you'd like to be published in ESR we'd be more than happy to accommodate you. As always, we won't print just anything, but if you have a great piece you'd like to be considered, send it along and we'll consider it. Viewpoints from almost anywhere on the conservative map will be accepted!

Thanks for reading,

Steven Martinovich

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The new look (again)

You'll notice that Enter Stage Right's front page changed slightly last month with the addition of side bars for some of the links that were lower on the page. April's original front page was up less than one day when Joel Miller of Real Mensch emailed me a front page he threw together (after hearing me gripe about the one I had been using for only one month), one that I liked enough to immediately upload.

It's so good, in fact, that I have ended my quest for the perfect front page. Joel's handiwork does the job beautifully and allows me to spotlight special content, all in less space than April's original front page did.

Many thanks to Joel for his great work!

How to write for ESR without writing for ESR

You actually can do it! Don't have enough time to write an article? Then write a letter to the editor! Every page has an e-mail link that you can use if an article riles or inspires you. Start writing!

Survey says

If you have a spare moment, please feel free to fill out the survey ESR has set up. It's your way of giving us some feedback...what you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to see more or less of. So far the response has been I preaching to the converted?

ESR wants you!

The rate of expansion here is frankly overwhelming and its soon time to begin expanding the staff around here. Interested in getting on our masthead? Want to volunteer writing, editing, whatever? Write us!

Submissions wanted!

Got the writing bug? Need to vent? Then write for Enter Stage Right! We can't pay you, but then it's not about the money, is it? Here are submission details.

Visit our sister site

ESR's Conservative Site of the Day has been up since January 1, spotlighting the best in digital conservatism every weekday. Up to 200 people a day now visit! If you're jonesing for a good conservative website, make sure to visit it at

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