seize Enter Stage Right![]() Then write a letter to ESR for publication! Names withheld by request and all letters are subject to editing for length, clarity or language. Letters from anywhere on the political spectrum are welcome and will be printed. Please state whether you wish your name to appear with the email. Send your hate-filled vitriol or love-filled praise to web posted June 23, 2008 Re: The Countrywide six by John Bender (June 16, 2008) Dear Mr. Bender, I just read your essay, and have two thoughts that should be kept in mind:
Which gets me to one question that I have for anyone that harps on the woes of Conservative Republicans in 2008 (or any year): If a conservative says he/she is more Conservative than Republican, even though the two are conflated in the American mind for easy analysis, what message does that conservative send to the American people? Don't you think that it's no surprise that Republicans are "dispirited" when their own intellectuals and media tell them they are bums? Regards, Bradley J Schwartze web posted June 16, 2008 Re: No to reelection Congress is not working, and that is chiefly due to the fact that its reelection rate is 98%. Why should they rock their boat when they always get reelected? Regards, Nelson Lee Walker web posted June 2, 2008 Re: A Hooters girl in every bed by J.J. Jackson (May 26, 2008) Couldn't help but notice the recent article by J.J. Jackson concerning, if he is elected president of these United States, his "promise" of "a Hooters' girl for every man", and "a Chippendales' male for every woman". This is just as ridiculous and outrageous as those old-time politicians who used to promise "2 chickens in every pot, and 2 cars in every garage". Unless those politicians owned the largest poultry farm, and the largest automobile maker in the nation, they could never even begin to make good on such ideas'. Sounds like someone needs to see a good psychologist for delusional thinking. There is not a single politician in this country, nor any other nation on earth, who could ever keep such an unreal promise. It appears that the only types of people who run for offices in this country are the biggest crackpots this land could possibly find. Is it any wonder that America is in the miserable shape that it is in, financially, spiritually, morally, or any number of other conditions? Remember Al Gore? He keeps running around with his "global warming crisis" nonsense, and people in well-to-do positions keep praising him as if he were Almighty God Himself! Gore and all of his "save the earth" followers are in for one heck of a surprise in the years to come, as biblical prophecies come to pass concerning the judgments of God being poured out upon the sun, the earth, the oceans, lakes and rivers, etc... We are all here upon this earth for but a short time, and this planet is not a "living entity" as Gore likes to believe. Rather, it is a testing ground of faith, and many people will fail that test because they "love their own lives, the world's pleasures, and the feeling of power" far more than they love the Creator; God! William G. Smith Re: Hillary: Determination vs. defiance This is a quick, brief, and open letter to all remaining Democratic Voters, Delegates, Super Delegates and indeed to the Democratic Party itself as it gathers yet again in a circle to set up a final firing squad to select a Presidential Nominee. As I look over the political landscape of this campaign, I am absolutely astonished how resolutely and rapidly the Democratic Party -- given the historically low ratings of the current Republican President and all members of Congress -- had a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain political advantage and then blew it. While a determination to win not only is an asset but also a political necessity (from memory it took Richard Nixon three tries before he finally made it) – oppositional-defiance combined with a willingness to win at all costs, including references to political assassinations, is a despicable and destructive character fault in a candidate. As all citizens ponder their votes, I would urge one final consideration. As a nation, do we want a President who, when awakened by the red telephone in the middle of the night, can resolve crises with intelligence, character, and courage – or – do we want a President who, when setting foot on foreign soil, can't tell the difference between incoming flowers and incoming enemy fire. Gordon E. Finley |
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