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A bridge too far

By Lisa Fabrizio
web posted June 30, 2014

I live in the Southwest corner of Connecticut, one of the bluest states in the nation. But despite the influx of New York liberals that have ruled the roost here for the last 40 years or so, a great many of my neighbors are down-to earth, common sense folks. And although the poisonous propaganda to which they are daily exposed has warped their voting habits in national elections, when it comes to handling the local purse, they are still Yankees at heart, which is why we usually elect Republican governors. And so there is some hope left here.

And when you're dealing with people who still retain even a modicum of common sense, sooner or later they're going to see the light of day, realize they're being taken for a ride and get fed up with the daily doses of leftist tripe served up daily by the Democrat Party and their entertainment, education and media wings. Because, despite their many victories achieved in the past few years through judicial and executive fiat, they may be finally overplaying their hand.

Take the Redskins fiasco. The number of aggrieved journalists is much greater than that of Native American organizations supporting a name change, while a recent poll finds that two thirds of Washington fans are against the change. But that matters little to the folks in charge of shaping public opinion. You see, graduates of journalism school are much better qualified than the hoi polloi to determine the laws which govern our nation as well as those which govern our hearts.

But much in the same way as the NSA and IRS scandals have opened the eyes of some folks to the nightmare of big government abuse, so too the involvement of the U.S. Patent Office has made many Americans sit up and take notice; not a good thing for liberals of any stripe. For when people put down their cell phones, turn off the idiot boxes and actually reason things out, the issues of the day take on a decidedly different tone.

The same can be said for gay marriage. I believe that most people with same-sex attraction are like many of my fellow Nutmeggers; pawns whose circumstances are used by radicals to promote their agenda. And, like most Americans, they probably prefer that the government get off their backs and out of their personal lives. And this is the reason that their fellow citizens have sympathized with their plight: because they felt that their behavior should not be criminalized as it was in the past. But sympathy can only carry so far.

Attempts to equate gay relationships with sacramental marriage, and governmental coercion of bakers and other merchants to produce goods for ceremonies they disapprove of, is bound to grate on Americans over time. Sooner or later, the average Joe starts to wonder what compulsion would be brought to bear on a baker who refuses to inscribe a congratulatory message on a cake for someone joining the Klu Klux Klan. But using the courts to attack constitutionally protected religious liberties is nothing new for the left.

And here is where the left may meet its Waterloo. Political correctness was once viewed as an oddity; the butt of jokes for late night comedians. But now, there is no sphere into which the Thought Police will not enter to seek out and destroy all who refuse to bow to their power. Yet however much Americans are portrayed as increasingly anti-religious, we are still, by and large, a God-fearing nation. And it's only a matter of time before the unholy alliance of liberalism and government oversteps its bounds; protesting every cross in every town and seeking to keep God's name from the lips of every student on every college campus.

One has only to look at public opinion surrounding the Obama Administration's fight against the Little Sisters of the Poor in order to see just how bad the visuals are becoming. There can be no greater illustration of the Founders' wisdom in enshrining the First Amendment in our Constitution, than to witness the might of the U.S. government being brought to bear against poor and simple nuns whose mission is to serve the most fragile among us. Without knowing even the first detail of this court battle, who but the most rabid partisan would not ask, "Has common sense disappeared from our country?" That is the question that will soon be answered: most pertinently this November. ESR

Lisa Fabrizio is a columnist who hails from Connecticut. You may write her at mailbox@lisafab.com.






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