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Defending liberty

By David M. Huntwork
web posted July 28, 2014

We exist in a vast sea of ignorance and lack of understanding in regards to history, politics, and ideology. Not to mention the implications of each upon our nation and civilization. Perhaps we should not be surprised that large segments of society can't put the Civil War in the correct century or begin to find major countries on a map. There are entire political ideologies that rely on that mind-numbing, and sometimes frightening, misunderstanding and basic ignorance that a significant portion of society manifests as a source for their power and strength.

I find liberalism/progressivism to be little more than a mental poison, an ideological and philosophical cancer on society that is malicious and destructive to everything that it touches from the sanctity of human life, to the traditional family structure (the basic foundation of all civilization), to national security, to free enterprise and beyond. It is the bane of Western Civilization, the concept of personal liberty, and a threat to all I hold dear. And it too often shares the mentality (and dare I say even goals?) of some of the nastiest political philosophies that have ever marred the face of the planet. It must be opposed however and whenever it can.

I don't live in an ideological vacuum; instead I actively have an ideology and world view. Liberalism is a dangerous, vicious, corrupting and deceptive ideology that hates everything I believe to be true, right and correct. It is as much a religion or mental defect as a political philosophy and I will fight it however, whenever, and wherever I can. I'm proud to be on the front line in the culture and ideological wars for the heart and soul of this nation. No apologies are offered.

We are now engaged in a great struggle for the heart, soul, and future of a nation, a great people, and perhaps even Western Civilization itself. Progressivism destroys everything that is good and just and wages unrelenting war on everything I believe to be sacred, right, and true. They have no pity and are not constrained by the mores of tradition, values, honesty, or rule of law. They dismantle free enterprise, flood our nation with foreign immigrants both legal and illegal, dismantle and redefine the family, mock our traditions, slaughter the unborn, ignore our history, mock Christianity, and shred morals and values at every turn. There are not two equally valid ideologies to choose from. All paths do not lead to truth.

The road to serfdom is a path we would rather not take, and warning people what can eventually happen when you give up liberty, control, and decision-making to a monolithic, increasingly powerful, and rapidly growing government that seeks to dictate, regulate, or control nearly every aspect of your personal, business, and daily life is not paranoia, but reality. The face of modern fascism is far more deceitful in the modern age. Progressivism is fascism with a compassionate face.

Perhaps I take a larger view of "the struggle." People who are out to destroy everything I believe in and undermine the traditions, culture, language and institutions of Western Civilization certainly are an "enemy," at least the ideology they believe in is. Have you been paying attention? Are you aware of the agendas being enacted and the ones that are planned? Statism is alive and well my friend, and liberty and freedom are on life support.

The corrupt cabal who rule us now would have kissed the feet of King George and embraced his tyranny for the sake of "the common good." To the brave founders of this nation liberty was not just some obscure concept to give lip service to, but something worth fighting and dying for. It was real. We have lost that as a society and we must be willing to do what is necessary to regain it. Liberty is worth sacrificing everything for. It is at the core of what makes us free men.

The threat we face is not a fantasy, but a reality that is growing everyday. Defending the Founder's vision and the Republic they created with vigor and even their own words and passion is a great thing, not something to be avoided. We are defending their vision and their dream. We are the heirs to their gift and it deserves to be defended every way possible. They earned it and they deserve it. The era of ‘decorum' and polite political discourse is no longer with us and has been moldering in the grave for some time. That bridge has not only been crossed (by both sides) but has been burned down behind us.

Righteous anger and indignation is a fire that should be stoked, not extinguished.  Even Christ drove the money changers out of the temple. There is no shame in that but we all must do what we can to defeat the ideological barbarians in our midst.

If the Founders saw the state of the country they would be aghast at what we have allowed to happen to their bold experiment. Conservatives see themselves as the spiritual descendants of the Founding Fathers and the keeper of the flame of freedom handed down to us from them. What we see now is a protest characterized not by a roar for revolution, but by a call for restoration — repair of our Constitution's authority and return to its standard for Rule of Law.

"Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them." –Thomas Jefferson

It is interesting to see some factions of the Right not embracing guerrilla conservatism. The Left firmly trampled to death the last rules of civility and the argument of ‘we need to be nice, because if we aren't they might be mean to the next Republican president' is bologna (ask President Bush about that). If you show up to a gun fight with cardboard swords you are going to lose. I advocate ideological warfare and an energized, confrontational conservative movement. The Left is completely dominating in every arena and it is not by "playing nice." There are some who wring their hands about civility and propriety while the shining city on the hill is being looted and pillaged by the barbarian followers of an evil ideology. Let me know how "playing nice" works out. The rest of us will be in the trenches fighting the good fight. ESR

 David Huntwork is a conservative activist, columnist, and the proud father of three daughters. The son, grandson, and great-grandson of Ministers of the Gospel he brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. He believes that Faith, Family, and Freedom is the formula for success and the key to a good life and a healthy nation. David blogs at TheConservativeCitizen.com. You can contact him at Davehuntwork@juno.com.






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