seize Enter Stage Right![]() Then write a letter to ESR for publication! Names withheld by request and all letters are subject to editing for length, clarity or language. Letters from anywhere on the political spectrum are welcome and will be printed. Please state whether you wish your name to appear with the email. Send your hate-filled vitriol or love-filled praise to web posted August 25, 2008 Re: Obama will lose by Jack Ward (August 11, 2008) I am so upset with Mr. Ward because his article is completely ACCURATE when it comes to how an Obama supperter like me is currently feeling. I am 28 and live in Madison, WI and I voted for Obama in Feburary during the Wisconsin Primary because I was really impressed with his words. My complete frustration with Republicans today is that they have become cheerleaders to their party leaders. Loyalty should stand with the Constitution and not to either party. So if I do vote for Obama this November, I think you should realize that there is some level of hesitancy with which I do it, but at this point I would rather vote for hope without proof rather than this "stay the course" attitude which I feel will take this nation to ruin. Sincerely, |
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