The carbon tax scam By Alan Caruba In a recent appearance before a congressional committee, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told them that the agency's proposed sweeping carbon-regulation plan was "really an investment opportunity. This is not about pollution control." If the plan isn't about pollution, the primary reason for the EPA's existence, why bother with yet more regulation of something that is not a pollutant—carbon dioxide—despite the Supreme Court's idiotic decision that it is. Yes, even the Court gets things wrong. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is vital to all life on Earth, but most particularly to every piece of vegetation that grows on it. Top climatologists tell me that it plays a very small role, if any, in the Earth's climate or weather. Why would anyone expect a gas that represents 400 parts per million of all atmospheric gases, barely 0.04% of all atmospheric gases to have the capacity to affect something as huge and dynamic as the weather or climate? When something as absurd as the notion the U.S. must drastically reduce its CO2 emissions is told often enough by a wide range of people that include teachers, the media, scientists, politicians, and the President, people can be forgiven for believing this makes sense. What Gina McCarthy was demonstrating is her belief that not only the members of Congress are idiots, but all the rest of us are as well. Faking Climate Data "The science is clear. The risks are clear. We must act…" Sorry, Gina, a recent issue of Natural News, citing the Real Science website, reported"(in) what might be the largest scientific fraud ever uncovered, NASA and the NOAA have been caught red-handed altering historical temperature data to produce a ‘climate change narrative' that defies reality." As reported in The Telegraph, a London daily, "NOAA's U.S. Historical Climatology Network has been ‘adjusting' its record by replacing real temperatures with data ‘fabricated' by computer models." The EPA has been on the front lines of destroying coal-fired plants that produce the bulk of the nation's electricity, claiming, like the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth that coal is "dirty" and must be eliminated from any use. On July 29, CNSnews reported that "For the first time ever, the average price for a kilowatthour of electricity in the United States has broken through the 14-cent mark, climbing to a record 14.3 cents in June, according to data released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics." A Carbon Tax What the Greens want most of all is a carbon tax; that is to say, a tax on CO2 emissions. It is one of the most baseless, destructive taxes that could be imposed on Americans and we should take a lesson from the recent experience that Australians had when, after being told by a former prime minister, Julia Gillard, that she would not impose the tax, she did. They get rid of her andthen got rid of the tax! As Daniel Simmons, the vice president of policy at the American Energy Alliance, wrote in Roll Call"Australia is now the first country to eliminate its carbon tax. In doing so, it struck a blow in favor of sound public policy." Initiated in 2012, the tax had imposed a $21.50 charge (in U.S. dollars), increasing annually, on each ton of carbon dioxide emitted by the country's power plants." At the time President Obama called it "good for the world", but Australians quickly found it was not good for them or their economy. Favored by several Democratic Senators that include New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen, Alaska's Mark Begich, and North Carolina's Kay Hagan, the Heritage Foundation, based on data provided by the Energy Information Administration, took a look at the impact that a proposed U.S. carbon tax would have and calculated that it "would cut a family of four's income by nearly $2,000 a year while increasing its electricity bills by more than $500 per year. It would increase gas prices by 50 cents per gallon. It could eliminate more than a million jobs in the first few years." Simmons noted that "It only took (Australians) two years of higher prices, fewer jobs, and no environmental benefits before they abandoned their carbon tax." We don't need, as Gina McCarthy told the congressional committee, "investments in renewables and clean energy" because billions were wasted by Obama's "stimulus" and by the grants and other credits extended to wind and solar energy in America. They are the most expensive, least productive, and most unpredictable forms of energy imaginable, given that neither the wind nor the sun is available full-time in the way fossil fuel generated energy is. Both require backup from coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy plants. In addition to all the other White House efforts to saddle Americans with higher costs, it has now launched a major effort to push its "climate change" agenda with a carbon tax high on its list. A July 29 article in The Hill reported that "Obama is poised to sidestep Congress with a new set of executive actions on climate change." If we don't jump-start our economy by tapping into the jobs and revenue our vast energy reserves represent, secure our southern border, and elect a Congress that will rein in the President, the U.S. risks becoming a lawless banana republic. Carbon taxes are one more nail in the national coffin. Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center. © Alan Caruba, 2014