The realities of a community organizer's foreign policy By Frank Salvato The foreign policy of the United States under President Barack Obama, who came to the White House with the resume of an untested community organizer, no experience in political leadership, nor an iota of insight into international relations, has moved the whole of the world to the brink of total war. Those who pay attention to only what affects their lives – those who are taken in by the false promises marketed by the Progressive political class – are partially to blame. I say this not with a viciously partisan eye, but with sadness and concern in my heart for all humanity. But the onus of responsibility for our current situation – the world's situation – must lay at the feet of Mr. Obama and his closest advisors. In the beginning, in his speeches to prospective voters, Mr. Obama preached the Progressive gospel of the peace movement and the demilitarization of American foreign policy. He pledged to end the Iraqi conflict expeditiously and end the Afghan conflict in a timely manner. Sadly, and to their own shame, a majority of American voters bought into the pre-packaged marketing of the idea of Obama, the "first Black president," without realizing him as wholly unqualified for the job, and he was elected. It took him short order to keep his promises to the faithful voters who counted themselves amongst the anti-war movement; the "Bush-Lied-People-Died" chanters of so many protests around the country. In December of 2011, Mr. Obama, going so far as to supply the enemy with timelines and withdrawal dates, announced the end of the Iraq War for America's military men and women. Of course, he failed to secure reasonable status of forces agreements and insisted that the Iraqis had "turned the corner," and were now capable of defending their own country. This, of course, was the biggest miscalculation, with regard to foreign policy, that he has made as President of the United States. In January of 2014, when the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), a small but fiercely pious group of jihadists were making initial advances on many locations in the rural outposts in Iraq and Syria, USA Today's James Robbins pointed out to President Obama that the flag of al Qaeda was now flying in Fallujah and many other locations in Iraq, and among an increasing number of rebel factions in Syria. He also highlighted the fact that al Qaeda aligned groups has asserted a presence in parts of Africa, as well. Amazingly, arrogantly, but almost absolutely ignorantly, Mr. Obama responded:
Ignore Mr. Obama's substandard 7th Grade grammar for a moment, because, after all, it is "cool" to speak like one is uneducated. Jim Geraghty of The National Review writes that today, as Mr. Obama and his family vacation – yet again – in Martha's Vineyard, ISIS (now simply calling themselves the Islamic State) "controls a volume of resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations, makes $3 million per day selling oil on the black market," have taken "control of Iraq's largest dam and the power supply for the city of Mosul, are spreading into Lebanon, are threatening to starve or slaughter ‘at least 40,000 members of the Yazidi sect,' is organizing protests in the Netherlands and is stepping up its recruitment of Westerners." In addition to these truths, the Islamic State, which is winning on every battlefront on which they are engaged (remember, victors in war control land, not the skies), has declared the existence of an Islamic Caliphate. They have instituted strict Sharia Law in every area they control and have made the ultimatum to all non-Muslims in the "occupied territories" that they must convert to Islam, pay a jizya and live subserviently as Dhimmis, expatriate or die. In Mosul, at least for the Christians, this ultimatum is nothing more than a formality. In an interview with CNN's Jonathan Mann, Chaldean-American leader Mark Arabo reported that in Mosul "a Christian holocaust is in our midst...children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung." Mr. Arabo continued:
For the Islamic children in the ISIS "occupied territories" there only exists a future of jihad or martyrdom as ISIS jihadists execute an all-out recruiting effort throughout said "occupied territories," recruiting children, young boys, as young as 7 years old. This is ISIS, or the Islamic State. This is the barbarity that is being pursued in the name of the "religion of peace." This is the savagery that has been facilitated by US foreign policy under the Obama Administration. This is the future under an Islamic Caliphate of any size, in any land, for everyone, all of the time. Kirsten Powers, a columnist with The Daily Beast, a FOX News contributor, and usually an ardent defender of President Obama's, lashed out at Mr. Obama over his response to ISIS's attempt to "cleanse" the region of the "infidel":
And how does Mr. Obama explain his administration's underestimation of the savagery and barbarity of ISIS? How does he spin the issue to avoid responsibility for applying a "jayvee" foreign policy in a battle for control of first the Middle East and then the World? He blames it on "bad intelligence." This excuse – and that's what it is, an excuse – is inept, pathetic and infuriating. It is especially egregious in light of his unyielding criticism of the Bush Administration where skewed intelligence was concerned. And it projects to the cretinous barbarians of ISIS that they can rein down their savagery with little worry of any substantial response from the United States, sans a few drone and airstrikes. There are many of us who fully understood the threat posed by barbarians the likes of ISIS years ago. We begged our fellow Americans and freedom loving people around the world to awaken from their self-important slumber, to question the blather of the Progressive mantra of Islam being the "religion of peace," to realize that Muslims who follow the Quran and Hadith with fanatical devotion not only believe in their superiority to all other human beings, but believe it is their right to lord over them in the establishment of a global Islamic Caliphate. We were called haters and Islamophobes by the anointed chattering classes on both sides of the aisle. And we were delivered to today's realities. Perhaps we should revisit, with un-manipulated eyes, Mr. Obama's words, courtesy of Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times:
I wonder. Are we who were sounding the alarm bell then about jihad, Islam, caliphates and Islamic conquest seen in such a despicable light now? Are we seen as haters and Islamophobes; uneducated and enlightened in the gentle spirit of the "religion of peace"? It's actually hard to call us fanatical when you are staring at the severed head of a child impaled on a pike at a playground in Iraq. Isn't it? Frank Salvato is the Executive Director for a grassroots, non-partisan, research and education initiative focusing on Constitutional Literacy, and internal and external threats facing Western Civilization. He is featured at Because Our Republic Is Worth It. Mr. Salvato sits on the board of directors for Founders Alliance USA, a solutions-oriented non-profit organization. He also serves as the managing editor for Mr. Salvato has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is a regular guest on talk radio across the country. Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements. He can be contacted at