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Re-thinking military involvement

By Dale Schlundt
web posted August 18, 2014

With the growing concern over the ISIS in Iraq, it brings relatively recent and prolonged combat in the Middle East back into the hearts and minds of the U.S. citizen. Not to mention the bill we footed for it, and continue to do so. More importantly the human loss of life over the span of these numerous conflicts. One could sum up the current situation in a word, uncertainty. Uncertainty in our own country's future on the world stage.  Let us forget the Middle East for just a moment and consider military history in terms of what type of actions have both yielded success as well as have been sustainable long-term.

I will never forget, I was on my honeymoon a couple years ago and I sat down to read USA Today during breakfast one morning. One of the headlines read that Britain was selling off another one of their naval ships, due to increasing deficit. As a historian, this truly caught my attention. The reason being, that the study of history is not a specific event or date, but what historians do study is change over time. That time can be framed in a very large context or a much narrowed one. However, if we just take world affairs in terms of who would control the New World (North America) in 17th century, the English were a top contender. Following the Seven Years War, in the 18th century they were the inarguably the top military power in the world, their navy being a force to be feared. By the end of WWII, what was left was only a legacy of the past. Then in 2011, I see that headline. A fall from power that framed within the wide context of human history, was relatively short. Why? Too many battles, both within Europe and overseas.

Although oversimplified for the purpose of this article, it is none the less the correct. Setting aside extended Canadian/Britain relations, virtually every European power that staked a claim in North America within a hundred to two hundred years was politically gone, (with exception of their cultures). More to the point, their position as a leading power on the world stage on the path to being diminished.

Despite that fact that one could argue present day U.S. intentions differ greatly from those of European powers in the past, intentions are irrelevant.  Whenever someone mentions Britain, the next thought in my head is naval power, through the lens of a historian at least. However that is incorrect. Their efforts to impose power overseas were unsustainable. Historical trends reveal that truth. What should come to my mind is what county is next to fall from world power. Perhaps more importantly, who will be the next to rise?

Let us learn from history. ESR

Dale Schlundt holds a Master's Degree in Adult Education with a concentration in American History from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He is currently an Adjunct Professor for Palo Alto College and Northwest Vista College. Dale has written two books, Tracking Life's Lessons: Through Experiences, History, and a Little Interpretation and Education Decoded (A Collection of My Writings).






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