Vacationing Obama style -- hypocrisy's finest hour By Mark Alexander It is said that Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar "fiddled while Rome burned" when the Great Fire of 64 AD destroyed much of the Eternal City. Nero was not a fiddler, but many historians believe he began the fires in order to clear a section for construction of a palatial tribute to himself, the Domus Aurea ("Golden House"). Not to be out-fiddled, the Imperial Chief now occupying the White House, and his sycophantic Left-elite entourage, are slumbering at the golf course on tony Martha's Vineyard Island, "putting while the world burns."
When Obama isn't vacationing in Hawaii, or on a $100 million "family heritage tour" of Africa, or off on one of his endless golfing or fundraising junkets across the nation at taxpayer expense, he clearly has a penchant for The Vineyard, where he has taken presidential summer vacations every year -- except one. Notably, he skipped the MVI trip ahead of his 2012 election bid against Mitt Romney, because hobnobbing with his "Rich and Famous" benefactors while framing his campaign with class warfare rhetoric might have created some cognitive dissonance for even his most obedient disciples. No doubt Obama is laying the foundation for his "Golden House," as did Bill and Hillary Clinton, who regularly vacationed on MVI when they occupied the White House. As you recall, the Clintons were "dead broke" when leaving office, but they somehow seem to be getting by just fine and visited the Obama's last week. Now, if your only source for information on Obama is the White House press blog, you'd never know he's on vacation, because there's been no mention of "Martha's Vineyard" -- and for good reason. Exotic presidential vacations don't go over well when all those "hard-working Americans" Obama so often exploits in his stump speeches are barely making ends meet because of his failed economic policies. Indeed, illegal immigrants are streaming across our southern border, and a recent study found that the net jobs created since 2000 have been taken by immigrants instead of by the record numbers of unemployed Americans. Beyond our shores, as a direct result of Obama's foreign policy malfeasance, there is a dramatic resurgence of al-Qa'ida terror around the world, the Middle East is melting down, there is religious genocide in Iraq and Central Africa, Putin's "Russian Spring" is in full bloom, Assad has long since laughed away Obama's Syrian "red line," Iran's nuclear bomb production is nearing completion, and there is a looming pandemic threat on our horizon. Meanwhile, Obama is on the putting green. And why not? Desperate to distance herself from a failed foreign policy she helped create, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned her former boss's international efforts last week: "Great nations need organizing principles, and 'Don't do stupid stuff' is not an organizing principle." Unfazed, Obama predictably pulled out his favorite rebuttal -- "Blame Bush."Obama can sit back and coast now, having set into motion policies that, if left unchecked, fulfill his promise of fundamentally transforming the United States of America -- undermining our heritage of Liberty and all that is good and right about our great nation. So, does it really matter that he's putting while the world burns? According to his legions of Leftmedia apologists, no. As ABC News put it, "Obama is catching flak for doing something tens of millions of Americans do every summer." But make no mistake: Obama has set a record pace for vacations, golf outings and fundraisers, and he has logged more hours on the most luxurious private jet in the world with the most costly support teams, all at gargantuan taxpayer expense. Monday night, he hosted his 401st fundraiser, having already far outpaced the number of political events George W. Bush attended over his eight years -- by almost 40%. One of his MVI neighbors noted that an entertainer at the latest event was belting out lyrics to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered." Indeed, Obama is bought and paid for! As public opinion analyst John Zogby said, noting Obama's dismal approval ratings, few Americans across the country are "singing and dancing to Pharrell Williams' 'Happy.'" But do any of Obama's hard-core base supporters care that this consummate hypocrite, pathological liar and textbook pathological narcissist, is leading them like so many lemmings toward the abyss? Do they care that in the 2008 campaign, then-Senator Obama promised he would not be a "recreational president," insisting, "The bargain that any president strikes is, you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you." Do they care that during his first term, their Community Organizer in Chief repeatedly promised that "I/We will not rest ... until every American who wants a job can find one ... until anybody who's looking for a job can find one ... until the American Dream is within reach for everybody ... until businesses are investing again and businesses are hiring again and people have work again ... until we have revived this economy and rebuilt it stronger than before ... until we are creating jobs and opportunities for middle-class families ... until we have moved beyond the cycles of boom and bust ... until we build an economy that's ready for America's future ... until we're not just recovering, but we're prospering ... until every American who is able and ready and willing to work can find a job ... until these seeds of progress grow into a broader prosperity, not only for all Americans, but for peoples around the globe ... until we have fully recovered from this recession ... until we get this right ... until we get the job done ... until brick by brick, block by block, our communities are being made whole again ... until anybody who works hard can earn their way into the middle class," ... ad infinitum. Of course, the White House did announce that Obama will interrupt his vacation for a quick hop back to DC on Monday, probably to sign an executive order fast-tracking citizenship for illegal immigrants -- you know, the ones who are taking all those jobs from Obama's most vociferous base supporters, and enabling them to remain, in record numbers, on government subsistence.
Memo to America: FORE! Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post.