Media refuses to scrutinize Obama's background and socialist agenda By Carol Devine-Molin Unfortunately, the American people cannot readily obtain the information they require to make a fully informed decision on Barack Obama, since the Leftist mainstream media lies and obfuscates for Obama, while regularly denigrating John McCain and his wife Cindy. The New York Times hit piece on Cindy McCain dated October 17, 2008 was refuted by her lawyer who also said, "It is worth noting that you have not employed your investigative assets looking into Michelle Obama. You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, Dreams of My Father. Nor have you interviewed his poor relatives in Kenya and determined why Barack Obama has not rescued them. Thus, there is a terrific lack of balance here."
In contrast, John McCain has been given an anal examination about every aspect of his life, past and present. Moreover, the mainstream media has shrouded Obama in a cloak of "inevitability" in order to shape public opinion in a pro-Obama mode. Leftwing media types can't be bothered with the truth, since they're only concerned with advancing their narrative and getting Obama elected. The truth of the matter is that McCain and Obama are in a statistical dead heat in this campaign. Thankfully, even without knowing all the details on Obama, many Americans already intuit that he lacks the character, judgment and experience to guide the nation through these perilous times. It's only Fox News, conservative publications such as the National Review and the Washington Times, and the New Media [talk radio and the Internet] that are making a concerted endeavor to unearth information on stealth candidate Obama and provide political analysis with proper context on the deleterious nature of socialism. Given the unprecedented tumult confronting this nation [including the war on terror, the credit crunch that threatens to collapse our entire economy, and a Congress run by Leftist elites who have lost touch with the values of the majority of Americans], the current race for the oval office is a profoundly high stakes election. Leftists are promulgating downright falsehoods when they claim that high levels of taxation will be confined to the "rich". Obama and his fellow socialists are literally planning to spend trillions for their "womb to tomb" Nanny state programs, including socialized medicine, and they'll need mucho dinero for funding. Eventually, anyone that earns any money or creates any wealth will be taxed (or pay fees) at increasing levels to maintain the government leviathan. Tax monies will be utilized for more ineffectual Big Government programs and "redistribution of wealth", which is an abuse of the tax code. As to socialized medicine, it ultimately provides poor quality health care that bankrupts governments and results in long waiting lists and rationing of services. Go ask the Canadians or the British. In comparison, America's privately run health care system provides the best services in the world. I'm particularly intrigued by Obama's Big Lie that he'll offer "tax relief" to 95 percent of Americans paying federal income tax. You would think that "tax relief" is for those that actually pay taxes. Mind you, only 62 percent of the populace pays federal income tax, so where does Obama get the 95 percent figure? The other 33 percent (who do not pay taxes) obviously are not going to get genuine tax relief. They'll be getting a welfare check that's euphemistically called an "earned income tax credit". And wait until all the new regulations are enforced. The Leftist elites always seem to be above the rules that they impose on the rest of us. They're class-A hypocrites and dissemblers. Noteworthy, the political center-right [that constitutes about 60 percent of the populace] doesn't mind paying for essential government services, for our safety and security, for the elderly and disabled individuals that can't work, or for a temporary hand-out to the less fortunate. They don't even mind a tax break for those who truly pay taxes, in order to help fund healthcare. However, they do mind being subjected to confiscatory levels of taxation for the purpose of implementing: a) socialistic "sharing the wealth" re-shaping of America, and b) creation of a huge welfare state. It's laughable that Americans are supposed to trust Congressional politicians and federal bureaucrats when they've bankrupted the major entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) and the housing industry. It bears repeating that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with half of their portfolios in subprime mortgages, were "ground zero" in the housing meltdown that subsequently contaminated the entire economy. Moreover, it was the Democrats who turned a blind-eye to the severe problems of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, despite the numerous calls for reform by President Bush and Senate Republicans. Only Congress can make laws and spend money, and it's been run by the iron fist Democrats for the past two years. Perhaps with the exception of the Armed Forces, the federal government has screwed up and corrupted just about everything that it has touched. If you think America is fiscally insolvent now, just wait until the Obama socialists have their way. They will loot the national treasury worse than the Wall Street types, and leave America a second rate nation. But then again, that's always been the ultimate goal of the anti-American crowd. Their idea is to relegate our nation to the dictates of the United Nations, which is nothing more than a den of iniquity and incompetency. If you plan to be "on the dole" for the rest of your life, then socialism is rather attractive. However, if you embrace the American dream of aspiring to earn more, buy a home or start your own business, then socialism is a nightmare. Socialism punishes success because it takes an ever increasing percentage of your monies to fund Big Government and the welfare state. Moreover, with the far Left Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, the Obamabots will be able to do as they please without compunction. Carol Devine-Molin is a regular contributor to several online magazines.