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By Dr. Robert Owens
web posted October 13, 2014

Barack Obama as Alfred E. NeumanThe once haute couture No Drama Obama has fumbled his way to the "What me worry?" of Alfred E. Neuman. 

After almost five full years of the coolest, smartest, least prepared president America has ever had it has become obvious, even to the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media, that except for efforts to transform America into a Social Democracy we are rudderless. 

In Josh Kraushaar's "Obama's Pass-the-Buck Presidency" in the National Journal we are told, "The president has a pattern of deflecting blame and denying responsibility."  After an off-duty officer tackled the recent fence jumping knife totting intruder in the White House, after a gun totting felon was allowed on an elevator with the President, and after it was revealed that there have been more than a thousand security breaches on Obama's watch one Secret Service Agent told a Congressman recently, "We just keep getting lucky."   

There in a capsule is our hope for America.  Let's just hope we keep getting lucky.  We have been able to survive the Clinton interlewd.  We survived George II and his endless wars for peace.  If we are lucky we will survive BHO and his campaign to remake America.  That is a big if. 

 While President Obama seeks to throw the Intelligence Community under the bus for his failure to react to the rise of ISIL it turns out that he has been getting explicit warnings all year.  Now we learn that he skips over half of his intelligence briefings or as one source at the State Department puts it "He receives briefings whenever he can."  One Obama national security staffer said, "Unless someone very senior has been shredding the president's daily briefings and telling him that the dog ate them, highly accurate predictions about ISIL have been showing up in the Oval Office since before the 2012 election." 

Maybe if we put the cover of Golf Digest on the intelligence briefings they would get a closer read?  Perhaps somebody could put them in the 10 letters he reads every day to stay connected to the common people.   

I don't believe that he isn't told.  I don't believe he doesn't know.  I believe he doesn't care.  His only interest is in his agenda: the transforming of America.  Anything outside of that is a distraction, and something to be shooed away until the polls say he has to do something.  Except for the transformation processes it is government by reaction moving by fits and starts into the shabby dim future. 

Whether you agree with the president's new war or not the fact that he seems to learn everything from watching the news should be disturbing to anyone.  Especially since anyone who has been watching the news knew about ISIL at least since they captured Fallujah back in January.  It makes me wonder what news is he watching: The Daily Show? 

They called Reagan the Teflon President because no matter what happened nothing ever seemed to stick to him.  Perhaps we should call BHO the Teleprompter President.  It seems as if he doesn't read it on his teleprompter he doesn't know about it.  Then again without the teleprompter and the Hollywood script writers he doesn't sound quite as slick as we usually hear him in his stage-managed photo ops. 

Or perhaps it is as the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media spin it, "Obama is so smart that his mouth can't keep up with his brain"  This explanation resonates in Academia where Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss is on record stating that BHO is the smartest man to have ever been elected president even though he admits he has no idea about the president's IQ.  Or as Mark Steyn explains  the spin, he is just too smart to be President and we were too dumb to know he was too smart. 

Just like the legions of economists who are constantly surprised by whatever seems to happen next, our Teleprompter President is waiting to see what he reads next to know what happened yesterday.  Perhaps we should change our national anthem to "Don't Worry Be Happy," our national motto to "What me worry?" and our national pastime to watching BHO golf. 

So while our soon-to-be lame-duck president rides his golf cart into the sunset singing, "It ain't me Babe, no, no, no it ain't me babe" blaming everyone else for everything or as Bart Simpson is wont to say, "I Didn't Do It, Nobody Saw Me Do It, There's No Way You Can Prove Anything!"  ESR

Dr. Roberts Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future and can be found at http://drrobertowens.com © 2014 Contact Dr. Owens at drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens






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