Zinn a "peace professor?" By Charles A. Morse web posted November 26, 2001 The Boston Herald (11/20) refers to Boston University Professor and leftist historian Howard Zinn as a "peace professor" in reporting on a speech he delivered to Newton North High School in Newton, Mass. But what sort of "peace" does Howard Zinn believe in? Given the record of communism in the twentieth century, with over 100 million people liquidated, and given Zinn's lengthy record of support for communist causes, it's quite clear that when Zinn speaks of peace he can only mean the peace of the grave. It really should be viewed as quite astonishing that the likes of Howard Zinn and his ilk would be considered as representatives of peace. The fact that they are speaks volumes regarding how much our society has lost its way. In his speech to the impressionable teenagers of Newton, Zinn equated U.S. military action in Afghanistan to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. He stated that "The terrorists of Sept. 11 did a horrible thing to us, so we do terrible things to the people of Afghanistan. That is immoral and puts us on the same level as a terrorist." In an earlier essay by Zinn, published in "The Progressive" entitled "Respecting the Holocaust," he pulled the same trick when he equated the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews to U.S. support for freedom fighters in Central America. Using this same line of reasoning it could be argued that the allied landing on the beaches of Normandy, where no doubt civilian casualties occurred, would be morally equivalent to the Nazi Holocaust as well. Zinn represents a materialist outlook, which is the belief that only matter exists and that there is no such thing as a spiritual or supernatural dimension. The materialist, as a result, rejects the idea of objective morality, which is a spiritual concept. For example, to the materialist, a rapist who murders his victim could, under certain circumstances, be viewed as morally equivalent to a rape victim who kills the rapist in self-defense. In both cases someone has been killed, hence, from a materialist perspective, both situations could be viewed as morally equivalent. Morality, for the materialist, is not a matter of right or wrong but what is perceived to be good for the cause. This is why leftists have supported communist movements who have killed 100 million human beings. These killings were done, they believe, for the sake of "progress" and are therefore permissible. If a perceived enemy of "progress" like, for example, capitalist America is involved in someone's death this is viewed as an atrocity to be amplified as much as possible. The left uses the dialectic as a method of implementing their agenda. This method calls for two opposing elements to collide in order to create a new situation or a synthesis. This is why the "work" of the left is to fan the flames of political and social conflict, the dialectic, in order to bring about the desired clash. Thus the left seeks to intensify race, class, gender, and other conflicts in order to usher in the synthesis, which is socialism. Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels came up with this strategy. Socialism is nothing more than the re-marketing of the ancient, moth-eaten, aristocratic idea that a society should be controlled by an enlightened oligarchy. This is why true believing leftists like Howard Zinn loathe America with its self-rule, individual rights, sovereignty, property, private industry and family. These natural institutions lend themselves to liberty and self-reliance rather than fealty to an elite. They portray America, therefore, as immoral while authoritarian communism as moral. Like the Islamic extremists who blew up the World Trade Center, the leftist views America as the greatest obstacle toward the achievement of his faith. Both of these political faiths view America as the great Satan and for essentially the same reason. Unlike Zinn, most American leftists are camp followers, in it for the social benefits, and have no idea what the left is really all about. America is by no means perfect nor do we claim to be. Unlike the utopian-minded left, we recognize the imperfect nature of human beings and of our own society. We consider the best way to insure a more moral society is to honor the G-d given rights of each individual. This is why, unlike the societies that follow the philosophy of Howard Zinn and his ilk, America is the most moral, prosperous, and genuinely peaceful society in history. At the end of World War II, many former Nazi's explained away the Holocaust against the Jews by equating it with the bombing of Hiroshima or the firebombing of Dresden. When Zinn equates the terror attack on the World Trade Center with the American military response, he is worse than the former Nazi because at least the former Nazi was trying, however wrongly, to defend his own country. Chuck Morse (http://www.chuckmorse.com/) is the author of the recently released Why I'm a Right-Wing Extremist which is available at http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/7510. Enter Stage Right - http://www.enterstageright.com