The French First Lady: Eye candy and air
By Selwyn Duke
Well, at least she knew the word "insidious." Let's me make sure I fully understand the situation. Is this the same France that in 2005 suffered riots by what the article calls "disenfranchized youths" (I call them something else) in which tens of thousands of cars were burned? Is this the France that is being Islamized as we speak? Of course, in the minds of leftists, the problem is that "white political and social elite that smacks of colonial times." And, for those of you too dense to understand the theory, allow me to enlighten you. You see, the problem is that certain folks are "disenfranchised" (by the way, the word means "to deprive someone of the rights of citizenship." Yet, all French citizens enjoy full rights of citizenship). So what you have to do is give them all the welfare they want and positions they haven't earned, hand them the reins of power, allow them to become the majority, and let them shape the culture in whatever way pleases them and everyone in France will have equal rights, peace, joy, hope and tranquility. Yes, we can! Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, Stupidité! The article also states the following:
What is so funny about this is that up till not that long ago Europe characterized us very differently. We were knuckle-dragging troglodytes who could never move beyond the antebellum mentality, remember? Now, all of a sudden, because we have a melanin-advantaged Marxist-elect, we're a beacon of enlightenment. Well, golly gee, merci bien, comarade! Vive la révolution! For those who don't know, this is another example of situational pronouncements, a characteristic of those divorced from Truth. Some European leftists really believed we were bigoted before November 4, some didn't; some really believe we're not bigoted now, some don't. The real issue is that they don't really care; it's all just a matter of utility. At the moment, touting us as a great fruit of modernity serves to shame their own culturally-suicidal useful idiots into embracing even more leftist policy. And you don't have to be Niccolo Machiavelli reincarnated to understand this. As for Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, take a gander at her (her picture isn’t hard to find) and understand that some stereotypes have a basis in reality. But, on the bright side for her, by the time she is put in a burka, she'll have lost her looks anyway. Oh, she also took a potshot at Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for humorously characterizing Obama as "tanned." Said the first lady, "I'm very glad to have become French."
Well, I suspect Berlusconi is very glad she became French, too.