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Michael Lear: Part Twenty; The Red Islamic/Communist-Muslim Alliance and War Against Judeo-Christianity: Chapter One

By Michael Moriarty
web posted November 24, 2014

I never conceived that the world would grow so insanely old-fashioned that I might end up a Judeo-Christian martyr of some sort.

The Islamic intensity in Canada, only moderated by the great and divinely eloquent Pakistani voice of Tarek Fatah – the blindness of Islam, equivalent only to Germany's silent support of Adolf Hitler – one does contemplate the increasing possibility of violence.

As I recently wrote in the diary for my Third Symphony:


My concerns about some crazed Islamic Radical

beheading me or simply killing me on the run,

such executions are now happening sporadically all over the globe, and en masse at the hands of ISIS.

All doubts are resolved if and when I accept the

rather gruesome prospect

 of Judeo-Christian Martyrdom.


How was this prospect

ever constructed?!

I would prefer to die over ten years from now as a

mildly noted American composer.

Or at least the Renaissance man I have desired to be.

But a Judeo-Christian martyr?

God willing, such thoughts are simply the foolish meanderings within an old man of 73.

I've hardly been private about my convictions.

Or my thoughts about President Obama's undeniable contempt for America,  Judeo-Christianity and white people.

Would that, however, qualify me for Christian martyrdom?!

What even qualifies me as a Christian?

My four years of high school at the Jesuit University of Detroit.

The profoundest corner of my entire, rather sumptuous education, from Jesuit U of D to Dartmouth College and on into a Fulbright Scholarship at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

There my intellectual growth exploded spiritually when my Spring-break trip to Florence, Italy convinced me that everything the Jesuits had taught me about God and Christ was and still is The Truth!

Such a revelation, while under the supervision of William Fulbright's program to "liberate" American youth from American clichés and into becoming a more "worldly… traveler of the world."

"Traveler of the world" is code for Communist.

Here is a record of Fulbright's "Communist leanings".

From the above link, additions in brackets mine: "When some congressmen suspected that the Fulbright Resolution could lead to a sell-out of American sovereignty, Fulbright began a career of invective against patriotic, God-adoring Americans (like myself): "The professional patriots beat their breasts and wave the flag and shout 'sovereignty,' hoping thereby to frighten us like sheep, into the corral of isolationism. In the minds of many, the word 'sovereignty' has some mystical connotation in some way associated with divinity."

Fulbright's demagoguery and sound-bytes played as well then as they do today. His contempt for America rivals even that of Jonathan Gruber.

"Fulbright's stand against the investigation of Communists and his flair for internationalism made him the darling of the Left and, since 1943, the Mahatma of American socialists and internationalists. Walter Lippmann had been Fulbright's tireless cheerleader.

"In 1944, Fulbright did not run for re-election to the House but chose to run for the Senate. He was elected and re-elected three times. Two months after he took his seat in the Senate, Fulbright made his maiden speech and introduced what became some of his favorite themes. He castigated those Americans who were anxious to preserve American sovereignty.

"According to Fulbright, such Americans were confused. They should be ready to sacrifice sovereignty and other of their ‘most cherished prejudices', in the interest of internationalism (The New World Order) - a policy which would demonstrate ‘respect and consideration for a valiant ally[the Soviet Union] in peace as well as war.'"

No wonder I,

as a Fulbright Scholar,

was electro-shocked or,

as they term it in England,

ECT'd (Electro-Convulsively "Therapized")

ten times

at the legendary "Priory"

for mentioning "God"

one too many times.

Paul Robson,

an American Communist who began to leave

the Communist "thrall" in

 Soviet Russia,

received 50 to 60 ECT's

at "The Priory"!

He never recovered from that many "Shocks".

Paul RobesonHere is a photo of Paul Robson, prior to his ECT treatments.

The following is an excerpt from my Enter Stage Right article of September 24, 2012:

"Nothing taught me

more indelibly

 the potential evils of science

than my experience at The Priory.

From my previous article for Enter Stage Right: "Not without multi-leveled and intensely complicated irony, Paul Robeson, the legendary Communist baritone, had, before my own internment at The Priory, been treated there for two years, receiving something like 50 to 60 electro-shock or ECT treatments."

As described in Wikipedia, "He (Robeson) was admitted to The Priory hospital, where he underwent electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and was given heavy doses of drugs for nearly two years, with no accompanying psychotherapy."

Could Paul Robson have been

 showing "disenchantment"

with Communism?

Could he have "worried and disturbed" the Soviet powers that be? So much so that they sent him to the Priory for a "Wake-up call"?

The Fulbright Program certainly gave me the same "Wake-up call".

It didn't work for me.

The only "wake-up call" I honor in my life is God's Undeniable Presence within the Italian Renaissance.

In the same way that my experience of faith in God had cut my ties from the Liberal-To-Far-Left, increasingly-Fulbright-hold on the American performing arts… a Far Left hold on Fulbright scholars which the young, college graduates could hardly try and escape?!

Communist brain-washing?


And 50 to 60 electro-convulsive "therapy" sessions to cure Communist Paul Robeson of his threateningly un-Communist "depression"?!

The Wikipedia biography continues with comments-in-parentheses mine, "In August 1963, (roughly nine months before my own encounter with The Priory) disturbed about his treatment (at The Priory), friends had him transferred to the Buch Clinic in (Communist)East Berlin. Given psychotherapy and less medication, his physicians found him still ‘completely without initiative' (my condition after only ten ECT treatments at The Priory) and they expressed ‘doubt and anger' about the ‘high level of barbiturates and ECT' that had been administered in London (at The Priory). He rapidly improved, though his doctor stressed that ‘what little is left of Paul's health must be quietly conserved.'"

Why was Paul Robson first sent to The Priory?

He was a ward of the International Communist Party and was subsequently sent immediately to East Berlin because the savagery of England's Priory failed to work.

Why would The Priory be the first place of treatment for the well-known Communist Paul Robson if The Priory's ostensibly Catholic name and Catholic appearance weren't hiding its own Profoundly Communist loyalties?

What little was left of myself, after The Priory, took ten more years to grow into some recognizable measure of self-assurance.

What had "disturbed" the "experts" at The Priory?

My joyous certainty of God's existence after having experienced the glories of Florence, Italy: the Biblical themes not only running throughout the consciousness of the greatest artists and sculptors of that period but the thrilling virulence with which the Bible had inspired the greatest of these creators, from Michelangelo to Germany's Johann Sebastian Bach. This legendary Bach of the18th Century was forever living in my memory and inner ear as I gazed up at The David and Il Biancone, the "Big White One" in the Piazza della Signoria of Florence.


Bach and the equally gigantic creators of  15th and 16th Century Italy were still tied in equal measure to the Judeo-Christian Bible.

Next week I will examine those Communist or Neo-Soviet corners of the world that expect some alliance, if only momentary, with Islam and its beheading hatred of both Jews and Christians. An alliance perfectly akin to Stalin's non-aggression pact with Adolf Hitler.

Returning to the article on the atheistic and committedly Marxist, William Fulbright: "Before Fulbright had completed his first year as a Senator, he established himself as one of that body's most fervent apologists for Soviet Dictator Stalin and his regime. Said Fulbright, in one of his most apologetic moments: "The Russian experiment in socialism is scarcely more radical for modern times than was the American Declaration of Independence in the days of George III.

"Added to Fulbright's pro-Communist, pro-internationalist, anti-patriot ranting's were his fulminations against the Constitution of the United States. Here Fulbright's Rhodes scholar heritage shone through as he stumped for a parliamentary system of government, modeled on Mother England's, to replace the American system. When both houses of Congress were held by Republican majorities in 1946, Fulbright went so far as to urge Democratic President Truman to resign since that is what a British Prime Minister would do in a similar situation."

No wonder Fulbright's most loyal disciple – also, because of Fulbright's help, a "Rhodes Scholar" – William Clinton created the American Presidential Administration which I, while living in America, fought against most and, because of the "Fulbright Fraternity", its power and influence, I felt obliged to leave America and move to Canada.

God bless Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, presently the greatest head of state that the world possesses right now!

However, as an increasingly devoted "Christian" of the "Judeo-Christian Civilization", I find myself facing Communism's new alliance with Islam.

The Red Chinese/Iranian alliance!

The one that recently prowled the Mediterranean in joint military/naval maneuvers.

More from this link:

"Added to Fulbright's pro-Communist, pro-internationalist, anti-patriotic rantings were his fulminations against the Constitution of the United States.

"Here Fulbright's Rhodes scholar heritage shone through as he stumped for a parliamentary system of government, modeled on Mother England's, to replace the American system.

"When both houses of Congress were held by Republican majorities in 1946, Fulbright went so far as to urge Democratic President Truman to resign since that is what a British Prime Minister would do in a similar situation.

"Fulbright's contempt for the Constitution, which he had sworn ‘to support and defend,' was never better demonstrated than in a speech he delivered to a Stanford University conference in 1961. Said Fulbright on that occasion:

"The President (italics mine) is hobbled in his task of leading the American people to consensus and concerted action by the restrictions of power imposed on him by a constitutional system designed for an 18th century agrarian society far removed from the centers of world power.

"It is imperative that we break out of the intellectual confines of cherished and traditional beliefs and open our minds to the possibility that basic changes in our system may be essential to meet the requirements of the 20th century....

"He [the President] alone, among elected officials can rise above parochialism and private pressures. He alone, in his role as teacher and moral leader, can hope to overcome the excesses and inadequacies of a public opinion that is all too often ignorant of the needs, the dangers, and the opportunities in our foreign relations....

"Public opinion must be educated and led if it is to bolster wise and effective national policies. Only the president can provide the guidance that is necessary, while legislators display a distressing tendency to adhere slavishly to the dictates of public opinion....

"I do not know if the American people can be aroused in time from their current apathy and indifference and educated to the necessity for challenging tasks and policies that break sharply with the traditions of our past."

As Jonathan Gruber has echoed Fulbright's certainty, "The American people are stupid!"

The Communist Chinese

and Neo-Soviet Russia's Vladimir Putin

and the Marxist/Muslim President Barack Obama

would be, in Senator Fulbright's estimation, a brilliant New World Order.

Their brilliance has them both siding with Iran and Iran's nuclear dreams of destroying both Israel and America.

Ending all of Judeo-Christianity!

Will they get away with it?

It is The Bible – which contains the absolute soul of both Israel and America – versus the very temporary alliance of Marx's atheist Communist Manifesto with the Allah-worshipping Koran.

Which side will win?

Red Islam is unavoidably a "house-divided".

As Lincoln prophesied, "A house-divided cannot stand."

All of President Obama's efforts to "divide" America will simply separate the "chaff from the bran", ultimately leaving America as pure an inspiration as she was in 1776.

Red Islam, God-fearing Communists?"

Such a house-divided?!

We shall see. ESR

Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who starred in the landmark television series Law and Order from 1990 to 1994. His recent film and TV credits include The Yellow Wallpaper, 12 Hours to Live, Santa Baby and Deadly Skies. Contact Michael at rainbowfamily2008@yahoo.com. He can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/@MGMoriarty.






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