The lies phony climate experts tell By Alan Caruba For decades now both the U.S. and Europe have suffered the arrogance and the lies of so-called "climate experts." Mind you, there are some real ones and, when it comes to global warming and climate change, the interchangeable names for the lies, they are the ones labeled "deniers" and worse for telling the truth. The fundamental lie is that humans, through their use of fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas, are creating huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) which in turn is warming the Earth. You will hear the lies again when the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases its latest report. "The report should galvanize the world to take urgent and collective action to curb climate change," says Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. "We're almost out of time to avoid the worst…" The problem for the phony "climate experts" is that the Earth has not warmed in the last 19 years and CO2 plays a minimal role in the alleged warming. What you never hear the "climate experts" tell you is that CO2 is vital to all life on Earth because it is the "food" that all vegetation depends upon for growth. More CO2 is a very good thing and, in the past, its levels in the atmosphere have been much higher. On October 24 my eye was caught by a news article that reported that "European Union leaders agreed on a set of long-term targets on energy and climate change, Friday, giving financial sweeteners and weakening some objectives along the way to secure a deal…European leaders committed to cutting carbon emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, which will be legally binding on every member state." One of the real meteorologists, Anthony Watts, took notice of the EU. "…Anyone who is expecting a rational re-appraisal of European environment policy—don't underestimate the blind determination of Europe's green elite to fulfill their dream of an emission free Europe. They will, in my opinion, happily bomb the European economy back into the stone age to achieve their ridiculous goal." In November of last year, Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, took note of Germany's "love affair with renewables (solar and wind energy) brings high prices, potential blackouts, and worries about ‘deindustrialization.'" "Like Mao urging peasants to melt down their pots, pans and farm tools to turn China into a steel-producing superpower overnight, Germany dished out subsidies to encourage homeowners and farms to install solar panels and windmills and sell energy back to the power company at inflated prices. Success—Germany now gets 25% of its power from renewables—has turned out to be a disaster." Jenkins noted that not only had Germany's output of carbon dioxide increased, but "money-strapped utilities have switched to burning cheap American coal to provide the necessary standby power when wind and sun fail." The cost of electricity rates in Germany is triple those in the U.S. Yes, solar and wind power everywhere require fossil fuel plants as a backup whenever the sun is obscured by clouds or the wind doesn't blow. In the U.S., Obama's "war on coal" has decreased the number of utilities that utilize it and, in turn, reduced the amount of electricity available. The prospect of blackouts here has increased. If we encounter a harsh winter, that would put people's lives in danger. One has to understand that the lies about global warming and/or climate change are in fact an environmental agenda designed to reduce industrialization and the use of energy everywhere. Harold Schwager, a senior member of BASF's executive board said in an interview, "Many European companies which are energy-intensive are finding out that the benefits of shifting investment to the U.S. are significant." Germany and the EU are driving out industry and the jobs it represents because of their idiotic carbon dioxide emissions policies. This is why we all need to understand the real "environmental" agenda. Writing in the Financial Times on October 27, Nick Butler said "Last week's European summit on climate change failed to address the hard reality that current policies are not working." As in the U.S. the construction of wind turbine farms such as the one offshore of Borkum, Germany in the North Sea only exist by virtue of extensive subsidies that are wreaking havoc on European energy markets. That's the reality! Here in the U.S. in 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama gave a speech in Golden, Colorado, saying that his planned investments in "green energy" would create "five million new jobs that pay well and can't ever been outsourced." How did that work out? Six years later we know those "green" jobs were not created and that his energy policies have actually reduced the production of vital electricity. Will new jobs in industries dependent on fossil-fuels be created? Yes and they will come from European industrial investment and increased oil and natural gas production here despite Obama's agenda. That is why the European Union's idiotic commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) is putting the entire continent in danger and that is why America has to stop providing subsidies and tax breaks to "renewable", "green" energy here and mandating its use. Whenever you hear some "climate expert" or politician refer to global warming or climate change, they are lying to you. We have more CO2 in the atmosphere and the Earth is still in a cooling cycle. Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center. © Alan Caruba, 2014