Hypocrisy on crime By Amy Ridenour Which government activity deserves funding from your tax dollars?
As contrary as these two activities are, part of our government believes in doing both. The federal government's Legal Services Corporation allows its funds to be used to keep criminals - as long as the criminals are not committing drug crimes - from being evicted from public housing. Legal Services used to fight to keep drug dealers from being evicted from public housing as well, but Congress forced it to stop in 1996. It continues to represent persons who allow their public housing unit to be used for drug manufacturing and dealing, however, just as long as someone other than the actual leaseholder commits the drug crime. 1 Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Andrew Cuomo, has "expressed interest" in filing a HUD lawsuit against gun manufacturers. 2 The suit would be filed on behalf of some or all of the nation's 3,400 public housing authorities that receive federal funding on the theory that persistent crime in public housing is substantially the fault of gun manufacturers. HUD is considering asking a court to force gun manufacturers to reimburse public housing authorities for funds they've spent over the years on alarm systems and security guards. Never mind that if a person living in public housing breaks a gun law, the federal government, through its Legal Services Corporation, may use tax dollars to prevent his eviction, as it did in one recent case in Washington state. 3 The federal government is willing to use tax dollars to fight in court against evicting most criminals from public housing. Yet it may sue gun manufacturers because there are criminals in public housing. Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a group that monitors Legal Services activities, thinks the government's position is senseless. "It's clear beyond all debate that Legal Services Corporation funding has hurt public safety by protecting criminal elements in public housing," Boehm says. "As long as federal tax dollars are used to protect criminals in public housing, it is outrageous that the government would try to blame a legal industry, gun manufacturers, for crime in public housing." Several things have led to this contradictory policy. Continued funding for the Legal Services Corporation, which was created to help poor persons who need legal services, is supported in part because politicians like to be seen as caring for the poor. Liberal politicians especially like the Legal Services Corporation because the lawyers it funds tend to file lawsuits that push public policies toward the left. As a result, Legal Services Corporation abuses, though numerous (in one case it funded an attempt by a child molester to obtain custody of a 12-year-old girl born as a result of his molestation of her mother when the mother was herself a 12-year-old girl 4), hasn't substantially lessened support among politicians for continued funding. Even getting Congress to put strict limits on the types of lawsuits the Legal Services Corporation can fund is difficult. Meanwhile, lawsuits against gun manufacturers are popular with politicians for other reasons. A successful government lawsuit can raise additional billions for politicians to spend without the political inconvenience of directly raising taxes. For Democrats, government lawsuits that give private trial attorneys a cut of the proceeds (as most do) are an opportunity to repay trial attorneys for their generous contributions to the Democratic Party. And filing lawsuits relating to popular causes and getting press attention for doing so often gets politicians favorable publicity. Politically expedient though they may be, the government's contradictory
policies waste taxpayers' money and aren't sound public policy. Poor folks
don't want to live with criminals and legislatures, not courts, should
make our gun laws. Americans have the right to expect the government to
use their tax dollars as wisely as possible. But wisdom has apparently
flown out the window. These cases should be about preventing crime but
instead seem to be more about promoting ideology, making money, paying
off campaign contributors and making politicians look good at taxpayer
expense. Footnotes: 1 National Legal and Policy Center, Legal Services
Accountability Project Report #88, October 4, 1999, reporting on Memphis
Housing Authority v. Thompson, 1999 Tenn. App. LEXIS 506 (Tenn. App. July
29, 1999). Amy Ridenour is President of The National Center for Public Policy Research, a Washington, D.C. think tank. Comments may be sent to ARidenour@nationalcenter.org. |
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