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T'was the night before liberal Christmas 2008

By J.J. Jackson
web posted December 22, 2008

The tradition of my rewriting T'was the Night Before Christmas into T'was the Night Before Liberal Christmas continues in 2008.  It has become quite a popular tradition with several imitators popping up, but each year it remains one of my most popular and much anticipated pieces with email starting in October asking me what will be the theme of this year's variant and seeking sneak peaks.

It seems like each and every year I put off writing it until later and later which makes getting the rhyming and cadence down harder and harder.  But, I am not the type of person that likes to disappoint my readers.  So, without further ado, I present to you T'was the Night Before Liberal Christmas 2008!

T'was the night before Christmas and all 'cross the land
Liberals were all giddy and were rubbing their hands.
Obama was elected and their white guilt did subside
No longer to the term racist would they have to abide.

On the great eve of November the fourth,
Obama played to the gleeful crowd for support.
But the seas did not part and their bills were not paid,
None the less it was all still a great cavalcade.

But now sits Obama; his brow it is furled,
As he ponders and thinks what to do with the world.
Outside on the lawn, there is a parade,
Of people lined up, who have bought his charade.

At his side stands a man far from morose,
It's his good friend, the evil George Soros.
A firm hand on Barack's shoulder, for this is his man,
He says to the Messiah, "Now on with our plan!"

The dissidents are snuggled all warm in their beds
As secret police fanned out to crack a few heads.
And I with my pistol and the wife with her's too,
We awaited to see what would be our taboo.

Would it be working too hard?  Perhaps earning too much?
The complaint to be written surely would contain such.
Especially now as Obama ascends,
With Congress in the hands of his liberal friends.

His plans were laid clear and he spoke of them bold,
Recited were each for all to be told.
His words weren't couched or hidden by stealth,
He came right out and said he would redistribute the wealth.

Now McCain in his kerchief and Palin with her gun,
Both came to grips with what happened to their run.
McCain's and his fans had heaped up plenty of blame,
But most of it all was quite so insane.

Old John blamed the right and conservatives you see,
For not falling behind his liberal agenda with glee.
His supporters blamed Sarah and her droll right wing views,
They scoffed and they chuckled that she would fill Reagan's shoes.

But the fact of it all, no matter what they might claim,
As a candidate for the right, McCain was distinctly so lame.
From coddling illegals to destroying the amendment that's first,
His name often did all good conservatives curse.

Now too liberals have become less happy you see,
As Obama reneges on promises once made with glee.
Withdrawal from Iraq and tax hikes on the wealthy,
Both he's told the left that they would not soon see.

In Illinois there is scandal for his vacant Senate seat,
The Governor sought a price and with many people did meet.
At first Obama denied he had a hand in the sell,
Until on tapes appeared his own man – Rahm Emanuel.

Lots of his donors expect some sort of reward,
For they never give anything without an accord.
Many are trying to muscle up to the bar,
America they want as the new U.S.S.R.

Not even in office for even a day,
From Chicago politics he can't get away.
So much for the change and also for hope,
It's just more of the same and a big rope-a-dope! ESR

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor contributor to American Conservative Daily and also the founder of SignalCongress.com.  He is the owner of The Right Things - Conservative T-shirts & Gifts. His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at http://www.libertyreborn.com.






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