Michael Lear: Part Twenty-One: The Red Islamic/Communist Muslim Alliance and War Against Judeo-Christianity: Chapter Two By Michael Moriarty Well, most of us know that Communist Russia (Stalinist, Putinized or otherwise) and Red China (Maoist or Politburized) have rarely agreed about much of anything. Why? They've never trusted one another and never will. If Mao and Stalin A daydream best defined by this new, superstar hope for The New World Order: Barack Hussein Obama, The Marxist Muslim Saboteur of America. And Congress refuses to impeach him! The President is playing hardball! Congress wants to keep the game softball. The Ferguson riots and Obama's comments about them tell the world everything, yet Congress remains cowardly, lame and increasingly deaf! Suicide!! American suicide. Exactly how Abraham Lincoln predicted the United States would be destroyed. Suicide. As of today, the fourth day following the grand jury's judgment of innocence for Officer Darren Wilson, protests still erupt. Last week I made a promise: "Next week I will examine those Communist or Neo-Soviet corners of the world that expect some major alliance with Islam and its beheading hatred of both Jews and Christians. An alliance perfectly akin to Stalin's non-aggression pact with Adolf Hitler." The most obvious, after the Chinese and Iranian display of naval power, will be the Red Chinese, Russian and Iranian naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean off the coast of its other ally Syria! In addition, 2015 will again contain joint naval exercises by China and Russia. I suspect these undeniable, saber-rattling provocations to the Free World are further plans to enable and further empower President Obama! Sound ironic? That the previous and rather long-term enemies of the Free World should be working in a profoundly devious coordination with the supposed leader of the Free World, the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama! They were intended to be puzzling and, for the initial stage of the Obama Game Plane, unbelievable!! Here is the cry of the Politically Correct: "President Obama can't possibly be a secret ally of the declared enemies of America: Red China, Neo-Soviet Russia and Radical Islam!!" I do believe that Obama is working together with both Putin's Neo-Soviet Russia and the Communist Politburo of China to deliberately renew a Cold War friction and fiction that will enable Obama's racial-baiting to provoke "just grounds for martial law!"
As I often say about Obama's entire "Fundamental Transformation of The United States": it has all been created as grounds for a PRESIDENTIAL DECLARATION OF MARTIAL LAW! Meanwhile the Republican Intellectuals, Washington's Right-Wing Poo-Bahs still wish to be clever and to remain certain that they can out-fox The Fox. However, And that America's first battle cry was: Yet The Righteous Republicans don't wish to descend to that level and bite this serpentine President with the justifiable and, by now, obligatory venom of Impeachment! Why? Lincoln's warning: "America The price America pays Suicide. Civil War The "enlightened despots" What is The New World Order? Unconditional surrender to Communism If Vladimir Putin And Americans increasingly vote And Radical Islam This New World Order Those men above us all H. W. Bush, They are the very "enlightened despots" All, Why? These "enlightened despots" A tyranny and cowardice Yes, How so? Because of men Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who starred in the landmark television series Law and Order from 1990 to 1994. His recent film and TV credits include The Yellow Wallpaper, 12 Hours to Live, Santa Baby and Deadly Skies. Contact Michael at rainbowfamily2008@yahoo.com. He can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/@MGMoriarty.