Homosexual hypocrisy

By Antonia Feitz
web posted December 13, 1999

For pure hypocrisy you can't beat the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Committee which organized this year's annual and well-named Sleaze Ball, held on October 2. Homosexuals are quick to squawk the stupid word 'homophobia' if anybody objects to the proselytization of their views in schools. And they've successfully lobbied the New South Wales government to make vilification -- including 'severe ridicule' -- of homosexuals a crime. But it seems that they can vilify and ridicule any group they like, dahling.

Perhaps the fun had finally gone out of mocking Christians, because this year the homosexuals decided to mock Hindus. Note well that they would never mock nor denigrate Aboriginal beliefs. So much for any principles among the Committee. Along with infantilism, the lack of principles is another hallmark of political correctness. Mocking traditional religions is fun; mocking indigenous beliefs is racism. Offending Christians is legitimate; offending homosexuals is 'hate'. You get the picture.

Well with any luck, they just might have overstepped themselves this time. We are told that we live in a post-Christian society, and except for the so-called fundamentalists -- i.e. Christians who adhere to traditional doctrine -- the majority of so-called Christians have indeed caved in to the homosexual push. But to their credit, the Hindus seem to be made of sterner stuff. They were outraged by the theme of this year's Sleaze Ball -- 'HomoSutra' -- and they had every right to be.

Obscene posters advertising the ball as a "good karma gay and lesbian event" were on public display all over Sydney. They were even in shop windows where children could see them. They featured Lord Vishnu with a tilak in the form of a penis and testicles on his forehead. (A tilak is a sacred symbol worshipped by Hindus). In one hand Lord Vishnu held a lotus flower, and in the other a large crystal ball in which two men were engaged in anal sex. Another image on the poster featured a naked women also holding a lotus flower and a crystal ball in which two women were engaged in sex.

If the posters were highly offensive to the religious sentiments of the Hindus, what word could be used to describe the 'decorations' at the ball itself? With no regard for common decency, let alone respect for a foreign religion, the homosexual organizers used images of the most sacred deities of Hinduism as decorations at their drug-abusing party. Lord Rama, Lord Shiva and Lord Buddha were all degraded in this way.

But the piece de resistance was an 18 foot statue of Ganesh, outrageously renamed 'Gay-nesh' for the night, and depicted with huge breasts. Ganesh is the elephant-headed Hindu god of wisdom or prudence, and is one of the most popular and loved Hindu deities. In front of the statue of the god, homosexual dancers in full leather fetish costumes simulated homosexual oral, anal and group sex. Hollywood's got nothing on the Sydney Mardi Gras homosexuals for decadence.

As Hinduism -- along with all the major religions of the world -- condemns homosexuality as immoral, this event was sacrigilious, pornographic, obscene and greatly distressing to those of the Hindu faith. But the homosexual bigots who so callously mocked the deepest religious feelings of the Hindus might yet have to answer for it.

They might belong to the elite of Sydney society and the arts establishment, but in insulting the Hindus their brains have clearly been addled by too much substance abuse. And that's no idle slur. Referring to the forthcoming ball, the homosexual newspaper "Brother Sister" wrote: "Score your drugs early from someone you know and trust, and avoid scoring on the night." ( (Qld Edition, Issue 156). Why are homosexuals allowed to openly flout the law?

No, insulting the Hindus was a pretty stupid idea actually. They're not soft pushovers like the majority of nominal Christians. And there are millions and millions of them. There are over 80,000 in New South Wales alone, and they are very, very angry. The NSW "Indian Observer" has called upon its readers to act by writing letters of protest to the sponsors of the ball. It helpfully points out that at 45c a stamp, the action will only cost each family a total of $4.05.

An article in the November issue said: "Hindus should be absolutely shocked and disgusted with the fact that their deities have been desecrated to the extent that it has now become a theme for the homosexual elements of this society. No one denies other groups their fun and frolic regardless of whether they are into hetro-sexual [sic] or homosexual acts, but when they resort to blaspheming another religion, then it is time for action."

And action time it is. Australian Hindus are asking corporations such as QANTAS to justify their financial support for an event which depicted Hinduism in a denigrating fashion; which gave the false impression that Hinduism accepts homosexuality; which condoned the public display of pornography; and which made a mockery of the tolerance and respect for others in supposedly multicultural Australia. They are also demanding the sponsors withdraw all present and future funding for any event which defames any religious faith. And to apologize to all Hindus, both in Australia and around the world.

What a breath of fresh air! This is no mealy-mouthed accommodation of immorality under the guise of 'diversity'. This is an in-your-face defence of your religion. What a contrast to Christians' meek acceptance of the vilification of their religion. Though it's only November, people are already groveling about Christmas being 'culturally insensitive' to minorities. In a circular written by a cross-cultural consultant, some Sydney pre-schools have been advised that celebrating Christmas, "may in fact be offensive". (Sun-Herald, 28/11/99)

Cross-cultural consultant, indeed! Is there no end to the production of overpaid, unproductive, bureaucratic parasites these days? No government has any right to hinder the celebration of Christian festivals on the spurious grounds that they are "no longer culturally appropriate", as one kindergarten director was told. She said many parents were very upset that there would be no nativity scene at the end-of-year concert. There's to be no more fun for little boys and girls dressing up as angels and shepherds and Jesus, Mary and Joseph. And oxen too, of course.

To put the matter into perspective, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 70.9 per cent of Australians call themselves Christians. Against that, just 1.1 per cent are Buddhists; 0.4 per cent are Hindus; 1.1 per cent are Islamic; 0.4 per cent are Jews; and 0.4 per cent are "other religions". All up, non-Christians total a tiny 3.4 per cent of the Australian population. A hefty 16.6 per cent are "no religion"; and 9 per cent are "not stated". (ABS, unpublished Census data 1996).

It's long been open season on Christians. The trouble is that too many of them put up with it. Christians ought to recall that Jesus Christ himself got so angry at the desecration of the Temple that he actually kicked over the money-changers' table -- kicked it! -- and even laid into the changers themselves with a handy bit of rope.

The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Committee have been allowed to get away with this vilification for far too long. Fair's fair: if it's a crime to mock homosexuals, it should also be a crime to mock religious people. Anything else is hypocrisy, not 'homophobia'.

Antonia Feitz is a senior contributor to Enter Stage Right and a terror to liberals in her native Australia.

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