ESR spotlight on property rights issuesRecent articles about property rights issues that have run in Enter Stage Right Man claims NYC officials are abetting neighbor's theft of his property: John and Irina Hockenjos have spent the better part of the past decade fighting both a neighbour allegedly trying to steal their property and a city that seems to be aiding him, says Selwyn Duke Reducing Antiquities Act land grabs: Paul Driessen argues that special interests blatantly misrepresented President Trump and the Interior Secretary’s actions regarding the Antiquities Act Life under an iron fist: Paul Driessen charges that federal government overseers are threatening property and livelihoods of hardworking Westerners Immigration Executive Order -- All smoke and mirrors: Whether or not Barack Obama is able to pull off his amnesty, says Mark Alexander, the Democrats will win big with their constituencies The systematic elimination of private property: Jane Gaffin urges you to watch a video you can find online which features New Mexico rancher Wayne Price chronicling the assault on private property rights Time for the states to take back their land from the Feds: Alan Caruba argues that the 50 states need to start asserting their rights to the land that the American federal government has grabbed up Agenda 21 continues to drive people from the land: Jane Gaffin argues the point behind most environmental initiatives -- even the seemingly benign -- is to drive people off their private property The United Nations Agenda 21 land grab: Jane Gaffin argues that the UN's Agenda 21 essentially gives governments a licence to do anything they like Survival depends on stopping the insidious Agenda 21: The UN's Agenda 21 is predicated on stripping you of the life that you enjoy and Jane Gaffin argues we need to start fighting back very soon The difference between Planning 101 and Planning 102 is...: Henry Lamb has never had a problem with a local government legitimately trying to plan for the future. What's happening these days goes far past that Where's the exterminator?: Measures which strip away your property rights are a lot like termites, says Henry Lamb. Even if you can't see them they're still eating you out of house and home Homeowners' associations becoming unavoidable and quasi-governmental: Property owners don't simply have government to fear, argues Rachel Alexander. Homeowners associations are becoming monsters as well Randall O'Toole misses the fine print: Tom DeWeese believes that a prominent anti-Smart Growth crusader isn't quite aware of the big picture when it comes to the role of the United Nations in all of this Winning the battle for freedom: If you want to defend your right to private property, says Henry Lamb, you'd do well to follow the lead of Houston County, Minnesota What happened to freedom?: It used to be a person could do what they wished with their property. Henry Lamb says these days that same person is subject to rules crafted by international bodies "Smart growth" is un-American: America's Founders were pretty specific in their desire not to tell Americans how to use their land. Henry Lamb says government's today have forgotten that Anti-smokers wage war against private property In Pennsylvania: The Big Mother Brigade is on the move in Pennsylvania, reports J.J. Jackson, and their target is anyone who would allow smoking on the premises of their business Is private property the foundation of prosperity?: You either have the right to own property or you are property. Henry Lamb says Americans are seeing a steady erosion of their right How much land should the government own?: A looming battle in Tennessee over land owned by a private firm is highlighting the cost of government buying up land, says Henry Lamb International law expert: US internationalists selling out US property rights: The one-worlders aren't merely content with destroying American sovereignty, says one legal expert, they're also working to destroy the property rights of their fellow citizens, reports Jim Kouri The "Specter" of condemnation hangs over all property: Perhaps it's not surprising. Tom DeWeese reports that none other than Sen. Arlen Specter is standing in the way of legislation that would protect the property rights of Americans How U.N. Biosphere Reserves expand: Decisions made by organizations that do not answer to Americans are responsible for an increasing amount of land taken out of private use, says Henry Lamb Paul McCartney: A victim of his own gibberish: Paul McCartney has agitated for years on behalf of environmentalism and it appears, writes Tom DeWeese, that the singer is experiencing the fruits of his labours A corporation does the right thing …for the right reasons: It's always nice when someone does the right thing...even nicer when they do it for the right reasons. That's why Tom DeWeese is heaping praise on BB&T and Montgomery Bank Eminent domain by another name: The use of eminent domain became controversial in 2005 but Henry Lamb says government has other ways of taking your land that provokes far less outrage Is your private property in jeopardy?: Your right to private property used to be inviolate, writes Henry Lamb, but these days it's subject to a series of conditions Sustainable development vs. private property rights: Henry Lamb argues that sustainable development is nothing less than an attack on property rights. What's scarier? Most Americans don't seem to mind America at work: America's courts may not be on the side of property right but that doesn't mean that ordinary Americans have given up the battle, writes Henry Lamb Take me out to the ball game where my home once stood: If Americans are expecting Congress to do something about outrageous decisions like Kelo v. New London they'll be waiting for a long time, writes Paul M. Weyrich Oh Madison, Where art thou?: The recent beatings that the right to private property took in America's highest court makes J. David Breemer wish James Madison were alive today Sustainable development, smart growth and Kelo: Organized theft by any name: Tom DeWeese wonders if the decision in Kelo v. New London was one of those that was influenced by international law and treaty Supreme Court deals blow to property rights: Steve Martinovich says that last week the United States Supreme Court told Americans that they do not have a right to their private property if someone else wants it Caught in government's vise: making a "willing seller": When the government wants your property and is threatening to take it via eminent domain, writes Henry Lamb, there really isn't anything voluntary about your sale The tyranny of eminent domain: Tomorrow America's Supreme Court begins hearing arguments in Kelo v. New London, a case that may either end up protect property rights or eviscerating them, argue Larry Salzman and Alex Epstein Measure 37 to the rescue: In the war between property owners and government, the Davids of the world are still capable of winning battles. Peyton Knight reports on one victory in Oregon Stealing property rights in the name of historic preservation: If you live in an old home you better be wary of your neighbours and municipal government, says Peyton Knight, because they might try and decide the fate of your property America sold out: Henry Lamb says that the United States is being sold out one parcel of land at a time to governments. One day, he argues, Americans could wake up to find themselves renters in their own country Property rights up for grabs: Henry Lamb says a man's home is his castle...unless the government declares otherwise and in recent years they've been doing just that all across the United States The erosion of property rights: The government should be the protector of property rights, not one of their worst violators, argues Larry Salzman Too late for one, SCOTUS accepts land use case: With Kelo v. City of New London the U.S. Supreme Court may finally institute some limits in the use of emminent domain though, Cheryl K. Chumley writes, it came too late for one woman Invasive species: The newest threat to property rights: If S. 1072 is passed into law, argues Peyton Knight, American property owners could become the targets of environmentalists and bureaucrats Another small step for property rights: The war to protect property rights saw a battle won on behalf of Americans, writes Henry Lamb, and it's thanks to George W. Bush At last, a property rights victory!: Every now and then the good guys win. Henry Lamb says a recent Michigan State Supreme Court ruling shows that there are limits to what land the government can expropriate from property owners Bush administration sells out property rights: George W. Bush came to power promising to protect the rights of property owners but has done nothing in four years, writes Peyton Knight Uncle Sam's reality: As soon as you ask why the American federal government owns so much land, says Henry Lamb, you inevitably come to the conclusion that it's wrong that it does How treaties trump the Constitution: Where did America's federal government get the power to regulate private property and manage wildlife? Henry Lamb explores when these powers were "discovered" Welcome to the People's Republic of New Jersey: If state ownership of property is a feature of Marxist states, writes Alan Caruba, then New Jersey is doing a good job of aping the discredited system Who has a right to your property?: Henry Lamb responds to a concerned reader who believes that no one can truly own property, that the Earth belongs to us all Building resistance to government control: It used to be that government could do whatever it wanted when it came to land use but Henry Lamb says people all over the world are beginning to fight back RS 2477: Archaic law imperils private property: A.J. Chamberlin knows first hand what can happen when old land use and public access statutes are used against property owners in the western United States Return of the CARA monster: Bad things never die and CARA is proof of that. Tom DeWeese says Congressman Don Young is back with another version of Conservation and Reinvestment Act Conservation or confiscation?: Government is fond of referring to 'conservation efforts' when it regulates how land is used -- including private property -- but these days, says Alan Caruba, it's more confiscation than anything else U.S. backs U.N. plan to control land: Back in 1976 -- of all years -- most Americans wouldn't believe that the government was out to control as much land as possible. Henry Lamb says a growing number today realize that's exactly what's happening Highlands Conservation Act: Stealing private property with public dollars: Another day, another attempted government land grab. Cheryl K. Chumley reports on the Highlands Conservation Act, legislation with the potential to place another two million acres under government control RS 2477 reform is needed to protect private property: If RS 2477 -- an 1866 piece of legislation designed to allow public access to public lands -- ever did any good, argues Mark Boslough, it doesn't these days. Now its used as a weapon against private property owners Property owners concerned about USA-PATRIOT: Dorothy Bartholomew is part of a growing number of Americans angry at the growing use of the USA-PATRIOT Act to target Americans, says Steve Lilienthal Kiss your property rights goodbye!: Government isn't the only danger to property rights, writes Tom DeWeese. He counsels you to avoid neighbourhoods with homeowner's associations. They can be just as bad as out of control government Kids just don't understand: The real cause of online music piracy: Why do teens pirate music on the Internet? Barry and Michele Fagin say they haven't been taught what intellectual property rights are Transforming American society: These days the most dangerous place seems to be as a landowner whose property is coveted by the American government. Henry Lamb says the American government is coveting a lot of land The great national land grab: Peyton Knight argues that H.R. 1427, legislation that would create national heritage areas, is a danger to property rights and local zoning Senate poised to vote on huge land grab: If your a fan of the Faith Based Initiative, or even if you aren't, Tom DeWeese says you should know about insidious Trojan Horses included in S.476 Whither property rights?: Whenever Paul J. Cella III hears the words "land reform" he gets a cold chill down his back. It never means anything good Property rights loss invites anarchy: Whether or not the United States goes to war with Iraq, says Tom DeWeese, some Americans are already fighting a war and the front maybe your home Property rights take a hit: The "Sawgrass Rebellion" may have fell apart before it even began, writes Tom DeWeese, but that doesn't mean that the fight has been lost Attacking America's heritage: That's right, there's yet another piece of legislation that threatens property rights in the United States. Peyton Knight explains the significance of H.R. 2388 Sustaining nothing, losing everything: Make no mistake about it. If you are an American, H.R. 1433 and S. 975 are attacks on your property rights. Tom DeWeese explains why The back room deal to destroy America: In the year that Sen. Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party, he's shown why he never should have joined in the first place. Tom DeWeese details his efforts to push through bill S.975, the Community Character Act Unsustainable freedom: It isn't an choice of how much of sustainable development and freedom you want, writes Henry Lamb. You either take one or the other, but you can't have both Property rights under assault in Arizona: Invoking the power of eminent domain used to be reserved for needed civic improvements. In Mesa, Arizona, says Vin Suprynowicz, it allows the city fathers to act like real estate agents Just a matter of time: Eliminating the words "private property" from the final draft of the Declaration of Independence has given rapacious bureaucrats the ability for years to try and grab as much of it as possible. Albert V. Burns details the latest attack on American freedom Giving with one hand, taking away with the other: A government agency promotes homeownership for minorities. The problem? Another government agency is doing all that it can to stop homeownership, says David W. Almasi For the public good: Eric Miller reports that city governments are increasingly using the power of eminent domain not to improve their cities, but to shred the right to private property |