January 2003 - December 2003

January 2003

Tax cuts: The only thing government can't afford: New cabinet level departments, entitlements galore and so much more! W. James Antle III wants to know why government can afford everything except for tax cuts?
Single Federal Code Redux Part Two: Using Congress to safeguard our liberties: Bruce Walker continues his look at the benefits of a more powerful federal government with the role that Congress would play in his scheme
Blackmun's bane: Attorney Mark M. Trapp reads Roe v. Wade and it's supporting documentation, something few people have apparently bothered to do, and discovers something interesting
Fighting for freedom while losing our freedom: Once again American soldiers stand ready to defend their nation's interests and free a people from tyranny. Alan Caruba says it's a shame no one cares about the diminishing freedom of Americans
Problems for the Axis of Weasel: Jackson Murphy says that world events are rapidly illustrating the irrelevance of nations like France and Germany
Walking on thin ice: All the protests and UN posturing doesn't change a fact, says Henry Lamb, Saddam Hussein is on the thin edge of the wedge and it's going to be George W. Bush to give him a shove
America's non-resolve to fight evil: Even as American soldiers prepare themselves for a seemingly inevitable war against Iraq Ed Cline says the United States is fighting the war against terrorism halfheartedly
Does the US have a double standard with regards to North Korea and Iraq?: David T. Pyne says it certainly looks that way. If you compare the actions of Iraq and North Korea, Saddam Hussein doesn't hold a candle to the belligerence of Kim Jong-Il
Why does Saddam pose an imminent threat?: If you don't know the answer, Carol Devine-Molin provides why she thinks Iraq is a clear and present danger to the United States and the rest of the civilized world
Sheryl Crow, useful idiots, and the fashionable anti-war crowd: Principled dissent to war is a good thing but Patrick Bryson has a big problem with the type of dissent being practiced by people like Sheryl Crow
Aren't we all guilty of excess?: Hypocritical celebrities are slamming America's "excess" but Brian S. Wise says Americans have nothing to apologize about
Doing what any father would do: One night last month Ronald Dixon wounded a violent criminal who had broken into his home and entered the room of his 2-year old child. Predictably he's being charged for using a handgun. Paul Walfield says that's outrageous
NDP Leadership 2003: Final Day: Barton Wong wraps up his coverage from the New Democrat leadership convention with some final thoughts about the convention and the election of Jack Layton
Layton Triumphant: Day Two, NDP Leadership 2003: Barton Wong continues his report from the New Democrat convention with some behind the scenes gossip
The NDP Leadership Convention 2003: Day One: Barton Wong reports from the first day of the NDP convention in Toronto. The whole world is waiting: which socialist will they elect as leader?
Alberto Gonzales and Priscilla Owen: Some conservatives are worried that Alberto Gonzales, a possible nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, may be too liberal. Robert S. Sargent, Jr. says they shouldn't be concerned
MEHPA: MEHPA's turning out to be like the monster that can't be killed in a horror movie. If you don't remember what MEHPA is, Paul Weyrich says it'll soon be coming to your state and you'll find out why it's such a danger the hard way
Take it from a Canadian: Hillary's dream will be your nightmare!: Speculation is mounting that Sen. Hillary Clinton will run for the Democratic nomination. Rachel Marsden says that one of Clinton's dreams, universal health care, is reason to hope she isn't successful
Hating America: Preemptive protests: Jackson Murphy says this past week's protests against a possible war in Iraq weren't impressive in numbers and certainly not in logic. They were, he writes, ignorant to today's realities
Pro-lifers must change more than the law: When it comes to political activism, the anti-abortion movement can claim many successes. W. James Antle III says while that's fine, the movement needs to do more
Control the language, control the debate: Israel may hold its own militarily but Avi Davis says it's the Palestinians who are winning the worldwide war of words
Anti-gobalization: The left's violent assault on global prosperity: Edwin A. Locke says we should ignore the anti-capitalist protestors and welcome global capitalism as the best means of creating worldwide freedom and wealth
Single federal code redux: Bruce Walker responds to W. James Antle III's and Robert S. Sargent Jr.'s thoughts on his idea that a big federal government isn't necessarily a bad thing
The utter waste of recycling: Alan Caruba is of the firm opinion that the concept of recycling is nothing but a whole lot of garbage
Get rid of the people!: Sen. Bob Graham, the man who wants to be the next American president, is hellbent on driving hundreds families from their homes in the Everglades. Henry Lamb tells you why
Sustaining socialism: Sustainable development is nothing but socialism in disguise, says Tom DeWeese, and one of the greatest threats to your liberty
Canada's socialist "third party": The NDP's influence in Canada: It's a popular notion in Canada that the socialist New Democratic Party is irrelevant in Canadian politics. Mark Wegierski says that's hardly the case
The hidden heroes: America's soldiers may soon be off to war and that takes a terrible toll on their families. Joyce Mucci reviews Heroes at Home: Help and Hope for America's Military Families, a book which helps them cope those long absences
Making the case for regime change in Iraq: Carol Devine-Molin believes that there isn't much of an argument for continuing to allow Saddam Hussein to remain in power
Drill in ANWR, don't help terrorists: If leftists are equating the driving of SUVs with terrorism then importing oil from Saudi Arabia can't be that much better. Paul Walfield says that's a good reason to drill for oil from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The dangers of letting police into our genes: Rachel Marsden isn't thrilled by the prospect that one day soon police will be collecting DNA evidence from you even if you're innocent
Congressman Trent Franks: A freshman worth watching: Paul Weyrich says the 108th Congress may be missing a few old faces but some of the new ones, like Trent Franks, promise to be interesting
When is it rape?: The answer is no one knows. Wendy McElroy says a recent court decision means that rape occurs anytime a women says it occurred
An interview with Michelle Malkin: W. James Antle III interviews Michelle Malkin, author of Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores, one of conservatism's favourite writers
Destroying polite fictions: Mark Steyn's The Face of the Tiger, a collection of his columns exploring the world after September 11, 2001, has become one of Steve Martinovich's favourite books
The National Referendum Act: Bruce Walker thinks one way to circumvent federal courts, obstructionist liberals, and other troublesome institutions would be via "National Referendum Act"
The hateful legacy of the British Foreign Office: Britain's attitudes towards Israel have always been mixed but when it comes to the British Foreign Office, writes Avi Davis, there is no mistaking the hostility
Capitalism is the cure for Africa's problems: Once again parts of Africa stand on the edge of another famine. Andrew Bernstein says that continent's problems are nothing that a good dose of capitalism wouldn't solve
The enemy's game plan: Michael Moriarty says the United States is playing something akin to what Michael Douglas was in the 1997 movie The Game and the end result won't be pretty
Showdown with Iraq and North Korea: Why is George W. Bush so focused on Iraq while seeming to ignore North Korea? Carol Devine-Molin says there is a difference between the two members of the axis of evil
Bush looks to individuals to grow economy: Sean Hackbarth says George W. Bush's massive tax cuts will allow Americans to pull their nation out of its current economic funk
The conservative case against a single federal code: A recent article by Bruce Walker on increased centralized government continues to draw responses. This week Robert S. Sargent Jr. takes Walker on
Leftist sacrifice-a-thon: The left is all about sacrifice these days. Unfortunately, writes Jackson Murphy, it's you that's supposed to be the lamb
Make your own explosives: Want some new ways to kill infidel Christians and Jews? Mii Almarkaz Alisslami Alilami has thoughtfully written a guide and Jeremy Reynalds says you can find it on the web
TV network's malfunctioning news: The impending paperback release of Bernard Goldberg's best-selling book, Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, reminds Alan Caruba of the morass the mainstream media is caught in
New Jersey's "smart guns," dead kids: Ted Lang says New Jersey wants all handguns to be "smart" but for some reason the state can't keep the children it cares for alive
Battling environmentalist myths: Steve Martinovich reviews Global Warming and other Eco-Myths a fine look at the science that disproves the environmentalist litany of dread
We the government: Forest firefighting season starts now: Worrying about Iraq is all well and good but John G. Lankford would like America's leaders to also worry about a firestorm that's about to once again start out west
This prison is built one person at a time: James Hall says Aleksander Solzhenitsyn would know well the prisons that are being built in the West
Not worth the paper they're printed on: Murray Soupcoff says the reason why international agreements negotiated by liberals seem to always fail is because they ignore reality
Liberal moral relativist theology misses the plain truth of the Bible: Rachel Alexander says there is a difference between liberal and conservative interpretations of the Bible and why she explains why she believes the liberal interpretation is wrong
Bush tax cut plan will force Manley's hand … eventually: Canadians shouldn't worry, writes Walter Robinson, the massive tax cut announced by George W. Bush will eventually force the Liberal government to do the same
North Carolina's John Edwards: Will the best debater come in second?: Paul M. Weyrich warns Republicans not to take North Carolina Senator John Edwards lightly. The man's message does have appeal with a huge block of voters
Re-nominating Pickering was the right choice: John Nowacki is pleased that George W. Bush has renominated federal district judge Charles Pickering to the federal court of appeals because he's the right man for the job
Lawsuit may redefine discrimination on campus: For years Christian campus groups have been attacked by universities on the grounds that they discriminate by not allowing non-Christian members. Wendy McElroy says that persecution may soon come to an end
The conservative case for a decentralized federal republic: Two weeks ago Bruce Walker argued for increased centralization of government in the United States. W. James Antle III says Walker made an eloquent case but he says there is a reason why America's Founding Fathers crafted the system that Americans have today
President Bush -- not Karl Rove -- is calling the shots: Paul Weyrich says that while Karl Rove is a valued aide to George W. Bush he's hardly the puppet master that the media is determined to make him out to be
ESR's Seventh Annual Person of the Year: Given how many of our readers voted for the man, it should come as no surprise who our Person of the Year for 2002 is
The real moral superpower is America: In his latest editorial, Canadian Steve Martinovich takes his country to task for arrogantly presuming it holds the monopoly on acting in a moral manner
Diplomythology: It might not be want to hear, especially if you're a parent paying for a child's higher education, but Bruce Walker says that formal education is meant to inculcate beliefs, not transmit knowledge
Chechnya; again and forever: Thanks to the international press the tragic story of Chechnya still makes the evening news. That said, Michael Leverone says they aren't telling the full story
The franchising of Hezbollah: Avi Davis believes that the United States, in its battle against al-Qaida, can't ignore the prominent role that Hezbollah has played in attacks on America and its interests
Time and terror: The Palestinians have the best propagandists in the world working for them: The western press. Steve Farrell says Time Magazine proved that in their selections for the best photos of 2002
"Beyond Petroleum", Beyond the truth: British Petroleum and ExxonMobil have been spending a lot of money lately to convince Americans they are environmentally responsible. Alan Caruba says BP's campaign is laughable
Balancing the environmental equation: Balancing the needs of the environment with the needs of human beings is a worthwhile endeavor. Henry Lamb argues that there is an easy way to do both
What really matters in life: Two recent articles in New York has Carol Devine-Molin whether having it all really means having all that you can
US sovereignty vote survey: We're still at risk: Tom DeWeese hopes the Republican victory in November translates into a renewed defense of American sovereignty in 2003
The blessings of liberty: Remember in this new year, writes Doug Patton, the personal freedom that you enjoy that other people fight their whole lives for
The Best Books of 2002: Steve Martinovich picks the books he thought were the best of 2002
What ever happened to revolutions?: Jackson Murphy believes that a little revolution in a couple of the world's trouble spots might just be what is needed
Why I do not believe in revolution: A lot of people like the concept of revolution to introduce change into a society but Daniel G. Jennings says history shows it usually only brings tyranny and bloodshed
Unsafe safety laws: Is their such a thing as too many safety laws? After two young men died near his home just before Christmas following the law Ted Lang believes so – Where everyone's a racist: Alanis Morissette wants you to visit a web site to learn about tolerance. Charles F. Wickwire says if you go, prepare to be declared intolerant
Coaching football and race: Greg Pomeroy says that Tyrone Willingham's success at ESR's beloved Notre Dame is good for football and good for America
The Raelians…it rhymes with aliens: Patrick Bryson says that the Raelians, the cult that claims to pulled off the first human cloning, reminds him more of the old sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun complete with William Shatner playing the role of The Big Giant Head
The future of fatherhood: The father's rights movement will continue to gain steam in 2003, writes Wendy McElroy, and promises to defend the rights of fathers, mothers and children
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award - None in January
Lingua Publicus

February 2003

Baby Kim's secret weapon: Is it a new secret missile? A powerful new nuclear weapon? No, John Dawson says that Kim Jong Il's secret weapon is something supplied by Americans
Death to dictators!: Alan Caruba doesn't care what the doves say -- he wants dictators like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il and Muammar al-Qaddafi dead
Let's make March 5 a day to support the Bush Administration: On March 5 the anti-war movement plans on protesting a possible war against Iraq. Jeremy Reynolds is asking supporters of the Bush Administration to show up that day
Loony Clooney and the Hollywood left dishonor the memory of those who served: It used to be that the Hollywood elite served alongside their countrymen in times of war. Today, says Doug Patton, they are like George Clooney
The Spanish road: William S. Lind says there is a reason why a lot of the world is opposing the United States these days. They remember Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
Deficits and high spending can frustrate tax cuts: W. James Antle III reports that the Bush budget makes some of the same mistakes that previous ones did and could cause the administration some problems
The cost of freedom: James Macdonald argues in A Free Nation Deep in Debt that public debt was one of the forces responsible for democracy. Steve Martinovich finds his argument to be impressive
The Pander Bear: Pander Bear is awake and he's hungry! Bruce Walker says it, like the rest of the Democratic Party, is at risk of extinction these days
Global warming: The perversion of science: You knew it had to happen. Alan Caruba says environmentalists are using the recent snow storm in the eastern United States as proof that global warming is occurring
Chicago: The decadence of elitist cinema: The Academy may love Chicago and lavish awards on it next month but Gennady Stolyarov II says it represents the worst in cinema
Subsidizing the corporate green giant: Now that everyone's attention is focused on Iraq or North Korea, says Henry Lamb, some people are trying to take CARE of business back home
The UN's global malfeasance: Proponents of the United Nations say its opponents always exaggerate the organization's dangers. Tom DeWeese responds that Kofi Annan's public statements indicate otherwise
Elder abuse demands family solutions: As populations continue to age, writes Wendy McElroy, the horrible crime of elder abuse will continue to increase. The solution won't come from the government
On education: Progressive decay: When it comes to the education system today, says Bernard Chapin, it's the teachers who need to be taught
Liberal double standards on race: Liberals are given a free pass to make any statement on race that they like, something that conservatives cannot do and W. James Antle III is sick and tired of it
Let the U.N. die: Is the United Nations dead? If it isn't, argues Henry Lamb, then let it die already. It only exists now to contain the United States and not the evil in the world
The dark times: Hans Blix's report to the United Nations Security Council and the resulting reaction to it proves to Jackson Murphy that the world is drifting into darkness
The growing rift between the US and UN: The relationship between the US and the UN has never been a warm one but Carol Devine-Molin says it's never been worse
Is Washington playing at war?: Playing with war is like playing with fire, says William S. Lind, and the Bush administration may find it self burnt if its not very careful
The time for an American Foreign Legion: Bruce Walker says it would be a grand idea to launch an American Foreign Legion. An AFL would promote American aims, peace and stability, and reward her true friends with the ultimate gift
Maureen Dowd has a thought: Well, she usually has more than one but it's a specific thought that Maureen Dowd had concerning Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida that has Paul Walfield steamed
Just say no to the UN: It wasn't "Read my lips" that infuriated Steve Farrell, but the elder Bush's "New World Order." Farrell says any war in Iraq must be purely based on American interests and not United Nations concerns
Taliban as alternative lifestyle: Bernard Chapin thought he had little chance of losing a debate with elementary school students about America's virtues until he realized that he had walked into a trap
Feminism's tireless opponent: Steve Martinovich reviews Phyllis Schlafly's Feminist Fantasies, proof positive that passion and facts win every battle
Green Wealth: Funding the enemy: Who are some of the most profitable organizations in America? Alan Caruba says you won't find them listed on a stock exchange, rather they're lobbying government for more taxpayer funding
America needs a leader like George Washington: On President's Day, writes John Ridpath, make sure to spare a few thoughts for America's greatest leader: George Washington
Bill Clinton's legacy: Today's terrifying world of terror: The world is what it is today, says Murray Soupcoff, thanks to William Jefferson Clinton. He rarely missed an opportunity to do nothing when the day called for action
Iraqi women brutalized by Saddam: Feminists raised a bloody stink about the horrific treatment of women in Afghanistan and it was a Republican who liberated them. Wendy McElroy wants to know why these same feminists aren't now clamouring for the liberation of Iraqi women
The Axis of Complete and Utter Ignorance(tm): A member profile: When it comes to fighting terrorism, argues Rachel Marsden, Canada keeps proving that it just doesn't get it
There is no God, and Chomsky is his prophet: If the members of the anti-war movement are the faithful, writes Jon Yom-Tov, then Noam Chomsky is their prophet
Bringing real freedom to Cuba requires staying the course: Now more than ever, Paul Weyrich argues, the American embargo against Cuba must stand if Cubans are to enjoy liberty in the near future
Senate Democrats can't get their facts straight: John Nowacki accuses Senate Democrats of distorting the facts when it comes to the judicial nomination of Miguel Estrada
That useless U.N.: W. James. Antle III used to believe that the United Nations was a place where the United States could exercise world leadership. Those days have long passed
Building UN castles in the sky: Tom DeWeese is amazed that not only does the United Nations want a new skyscraper in New York, they essentially want the United States to pay for it
Poets against war are such a bore...: Did you know that February 12 is "Poets Against War" Day? Yeah, we weren't in the loop either. Murray Soupcoff fills everyone in
The theory of the Lecturing Class: The world, or at least our part of it, used to be divided into the working and leisure classes. These days, Bruce Walker says, the world seems to be divided into the servant and lecturing classes
It's not easy being orange: In just a few years, writes Jackson Murphy, some movie will feature a cast member breathlessly ask the head of the Department of Homeland Security "What colour it is?"
A conservative student's field manual: Steve Martinovich only wishes that he had Dinesh D'Souza's Letters to a Young Conservative while he was in university
Q&A with Dinesh D'Souza: Dinesh D'Souza sits down for a few questions about the importance of conservatism, feminism and reparations
The treachery of the French: For many Americans their hatred of the French is a relatively recent development For Samuel Blumenfeld it goes back four decades
France and Germany demonstrate contempt for America: There is no other way to describe the way the United States is being treated by her two allies in Europe, writes Carol Devine-Molin, then contempt
The great hydrogen myth: What does Alan Caruba think of George W. Bush's push for hydrogen powered cars? The science doesn't support the spending of billions of dollars on what is a pipe dream
Peter Paul & Hillary: Will it be a case of the little guy taking the fall?: Will the Clinton era ever end? Paul Weyrich reports on Larry Klayman's efforts to pursue charges against Bill and Hillary Clinton over fundraising irregularities
Killing us gently: A lot of people are worried about external threats to the United States. Henry Lamb says they would also keep an eye peeled out for more homegrown threats
A just war in Iraq?: Will a war against Iraq be a just war? Steve Farrell says according to religious writings, U.S. President George W. Bush is in the right
The Nazi background of Saddam Hussein: Any time someone declares that Saddam Hussein is no different than Adolph Hitler they are accused of being propagandistic. Charles A. Morse says the accusers don't know what they are talking about
The cheating heart: With the murder trial of Clara Harris in the news, Wendy McElroy decides to take a look at adultry and what it means
Why we go "out there": Why do we risk our lives to explore the universe around us? Alan Caruba says it is because we are a species that must find out what is over the next hill
On the fence on Iraq: W. James Antle III is no longer opposed outright to an invasion of Iraq but he says there are still a lot of questions the Bush administration needs to answer before he gets onside
Totally tubular: Never was the humble aluminum tube ever the subject of such debate. Jackson Murphy says when it comes to believing Iraq or the U.S. on what Saddam Hussein wanted to use 60 000 tubes for, he sides with the U.S.
Giving in to North Korean nuclear blackmail would encourage nuclear proliferation: David T. Pyne believes it's vital not to give in to North Korea's blackmail given recent history and possible future developments
Single Federal Code redux - Part three or how to make states sovereign again: Bruce Walker wraps up his series of articles advocating a single federal code with a look at how to make states more powerful
The Transportation Security Administration: A report card: Dallas Pierce judges how well the government is actually checking all of this suitcases and handbags that pour through America's major airports every day
The right man at the right time: If you are expecting a salacious tell all from David Frum's The Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush, writes Carol Devine-Molin, you'd best look elsewhere. As an insider's account, however, it's among the best
A dividing line in Israeli history: Avi Davis says last week's election victory by Ariel Sharon and Likud in Israel may be a watershed moment in that nation's history
Just plain racism: Paul Walfield doesn't think much of recent remarks by Nelson Mandela accusing George W. Bush of racism and America of committing "unspeakable atrocities"
Marching toward oblivion: Recent events at the United Nations prove, says Henry Lamb, that the international body is rapidly becoming irrelevant
Canada, wake up … your freedom, liberty and privacy are vanishing: Walter Robinson argues that the liberties that Canadians enjoy are rapidly disappearing thanks to the federal government and proposed legislation like its campaign finance reform
Dodge City?: Anti-firearms rights advocates love to proclaim America's city's aren't Dodge City and Americans don't need guns. Dr. Michael R. Bowen says we'd be a lot better off if cities were like Dodge City
Can radio worth listening to be saved?: Paul Weyrich received a present this past Christmas that he hopes will be the future of radio: the XM satellite radio and receiver
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

March 2003

Transforming Iraq and the world: Rebuilding Iraq after the war's end won't only be a service to Iraqis, but an example to the rest of the Middle East. Alan Caruba says the country may soon be a member of the modern world
U.N. may be a casualty of the Iraq War: Along with Saddam Hussein, the war in Iraq may also claim the United Nations as one of its victims, says W. James Antle III
They hate us, too: The hostility of the "anti-war" protesters is not toward war, nor even toward war with Iraq -- but toward America and its philosophy of individualism, says Peter Schwartz
Project Realignment: The war in Iraq won't simply realign the politics of the Middle East, writes Jackson Murphy, it promises to realign global politics
Different perspectives on power: Steve Martinovich thinks Robert Kagan's Of Paradise and Power is a remarkable look at the philosophical differences between the United States and Europe and what it means for the future
Troops anticipate breakfast in Baghdad: Carol Devine-Molin reflects on the opening days of the war against Iraq and what we've learned from them
Compass: Why is America at war? Robert Bové's cycle of poems about September 11, 2001 should provide an answer, in case you forgot the question
American hating bullies: Charles F. Wickwire says the bullies who destroyed a September 11 memorial in La Habra, California earlier this month only prompted an even greater show of support of America by Americans
Canada wrong to disavow a war with Iraq: Steve Martinovich is disappointed that Canada came out against the American-led war against Iraq
The failure of libertarianism: Make no mistake, Scott Carpenter is still a libertarian, he just thinks that the libertarian movement as a whole needs to learn a big lesson
Noble lies, innocent lies, damn lies and liberalism: There are all sorts of lies, says Bruce Walker, but their quality can vary greatly
"Lower Ed": Objectivity vs. knob-jectivity: It's bad enough that society as a whole is anti-objectivist but Bernard Chapin says that viewpoint is featured in the educational system as well
The most important legacy of Joe Coors: Paul M. Weyrich pays tribute to Joe Coors, a man responsible in many ways for today's American conservative movement
Canadian conservatism needs relationship rescue: "…and how's that working for Canada's neighbour?" - Part 2 of 3: In the second part of their series, J.L. Jackson and Lisa Snee look at what a lack of a conservative alternative in Canada has wrought
Think the Liberals manage tax dollars wisely? Is the earth flat?: Canada's Liberal federal government likes to proclaim its adeptness at management but Walter Robinson argues the numbers paint a different picture
Senate poised to vote on huge land grab: If your a fan of the Faith Based Initiative, or even if you aren't, Tom DeWeese says you should know about insidious Trojan Horses included in S.476
Government should not have the power to legislate morality: The US Supreme Court will be looking at Lawrence v. Texas this week, a case that every America should take more than a passing interest in, writes Onkar Ghate
Iraq war may kill feminism as we know it: The American-led war against Iraq may claim more than simply Saddam Hussein. Feminism as we know it may also disappear, says Wendy McElroy
New movie revives debates about Civil War: Whatever it's artistic merits, W. James Antle III says that Gods and Generals has at least prompted people to debate the ideologies behind the Civil War
The Highest Criterion: An interview with Roger Kimball: Bernard Chapin discusses culture and ideas with the man who may know them best, cultural critic and managing editor of The New Criterion, Roger Kimball
Conservatism's artillery battery: Regular ESR contributor Alan Caruba's Warning Signs was recently released and Steve Martinovich reviews it in blatant contempt of the concept of bias
Studying the heartbeat of the universe: It's not perfect but Steve Martinovich did enjoy Steven Strogatz's Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order
Paying unhappy Americans to leave - The Grateful American Citizens Act: There is so much in this week's article by Bruce Walker to get a lot of people angry so we'll just say this: Hate America? Here's 50 scram
What will this war cost?: Alan Caruba says the Pentagon is shoveling out money by the truckload during peacetime so forget about pinning a dollar amount to a war with Iraq. Worry about what it would cost if America didn't fight
Kofi Annan's arrogance: Henry Lamb is of the opinion that the only real arrogance belongs to Kofi Annan and the United Nations. It's UN's fault that a crisis over Iraq has erupted
America is not alone!: Although Americans may feel isolated these days, Alan Caruba says the truth of the matter is that a lot of people are behind the United States
God bless Tony Blair: Regardless of his politics, writes Doug Patton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a model of courage and honor for his continued support of the United States
A woman to replace Saddam: It's rumoured that George W. Bush will name Barbara Bodine as one of the administrators of Iraq after a war. Wendy McElroy says the people most likely to be unhappy about the news are feminists
Why this fan refuses to listen to the Dixie Chicks from now on: A recent comment by one of the Dixie Chicks has Paul Weyrich swearing he'll never buy another one of their albums
Endgame: The teams are on the field and the ball is about to be put into play. Carol Devine-Molin says it's now all over for Saddam Hussein
A liberal dose of patriotism: The left is correct, being anti-American is constitutionally protected. Gary Schneider says, however, that it's not being patriotic like many maintain
Canadian conservatism needs relationship rescue: "How's that working for ya'?" Part 1 of 3: In the first part of a three part series, J.L. Jackson and Lisa Snee argue that Canadian conservatism needs a strong dose of Dr. Phil reality
Ray Flynn for President: If Democrats really want to run a credible challenger to George W. Bush, Charles A. Morse believes that person would be former Boston mayor Ray Flynn
How our justices think: The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Ewing v. California gives a good indication of what kind of judges George W. Bush should be appointing, writes Robert S. Sargent, Jr.
"Americans think they can do anything." You bet we can!: Are Americans arrogant? Helen and Peter Evans say no and the reason people hate America is because they hate the individual
Cruel questions: Kimberley Lindsay Wilson says that the sad story of Jessica Santillan doesn't mean that there aren't some difficult questions that need to be answered
Senate should allow drilling in ANWR: Prices have exploded at the gas pumps but the problem isn't greed by oil companies. The problem is supply. Andrew Bernstein argues that ANWR would solve that problem
How the left guaranteed social spending: Social spending was out of control by the early 1980s, says Robert B. Carleson, until Ronald Reagan acted to reverse the trend
Privatize the space program: Everyone has a solution to fix the problems at NASA but Robert Garmong says the most obvious one is never mentioned
Useful idiots and useless arguments: The depressing Iraq war debate: Are you still having problems deciding your position concerning a war in Iraq? If so, chances are it's because both sides are doing a shockingly poor job of making their case, writes W. James Antle III
Tackling filibusters and creating history: Bruce Walker says that the Democratic filibuster targeting judicial nominee Miguel Estrada may backfire on them quite badly
Do liberals think about what they think about?: After reading a column by Anna Quindlen in Newsweek, Paul Walfield wonders if liberals really ever interrogate themselves about their own beliefs
Don't count on Arab democracy any time soon: If Iraq falls many people expect a new democratic republic to arise. Avi Davis and Khaleel Mohammed say that's not likely to happen
Saddam and a September 11 link?: The link between September 11, 2001 and Saddam Hussein is at best a tenuous one and Carol Devine-Molin says people should be investigating real threats
Canadian isolationism: Hokey Pokey diplomacy: J. L. Jackson compares Canada's foreign policy to a lame dance, one that reminds you of that guy you saw embarrassing himself on the dance floor this past weekend
"Peace-loving" protesters: Kent State revisited: A lot of the people protesting for peace these days are the most violent members of our society. Steve Farrell says we witnessed that at Kent State in 1970
Betrayal of Republicanism: Has George W. Bush betrayed the principles of Republicanism? James Hall says Dubya has turned his back everything conservatives should hold dear
A warning From Clausewitz: William S. Lind says Iraq isn't the most important target for the United States no matter what the Bush Administration believes
Islam's unholy war: Religion of peace? Perhaps, but militant Islam, writes Alan Caruba, has an impressive record in attempting to obliterate other faiths
Freedom rising: Henry Lamb says that despite all the bad news we've been hearing lately, the world is becoming a better place. Freedom, he says, is blooming everywhere
Self-esteem, snake oil and you: The self-esteem movement is like a plague on America, argues Bernard Chapin, with manufactured feelings all the rage
Return to sender: Audra Mitchell says Canadian's don't need Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's gift in the form of campaign finance reform, especially that makes them financial supporters of all political parties
New taxes: The wrong route to take for funding rail projects: If you want a new rail project in your city, writes Daniel G. Jennings, the last thing you want to do is try and get new taxes to pay for it
What if Reagan won in 1968?: Bruce Walker gathers some wool and wonders what the world would be like today had Ronald Reagan been serious about his 1968 run for the Republican nomination
An interview with Jay Nordlinger: Bernard Chapin talks with National Review managing editor Jay Nordlinger about politics, culture and and whether conservatives have lost the culture war
Showdown in Pennsylvania: Liberal Republican Sen. Arlen Specter is going to be facing a conservative -- and credible -- challenger during the Republican primary. He likely won't win, says W. James Antle III, but it is a sign of good things
Déjà vu on the brink of war: Today's headlines remind Alan Caruba of William L. Shirer's Berlin Diary: 1934-1941. Just the names of the major players and your reading current events and not history
The big picture: Carol Devine-Molin says we have to take a larger view of the war against terrorism and militant Islam and not get caught up with just the smaller stuff
War against everyone, everywhere?: William S. Lind predicts that American soldiers will have little success in battling terrorists in the Philippines
In defense of the cowboy: "Cowboy" may be a term of derision from some people but Andrew Bernstein says an American should be proud to be called one
CNN, the Contrary News Network: Last week in Britain's Parliament Tony Blair lost a major vote concerning the use of force against Iraq. Wait, he didn't. If you had skimmed CNN's headlines though, writes Paul Walfield, you would have gotten the wrong story
The historians vs. American history: You don't have to worry, your children are learning plenty of history in school these days. C. Bradley Thompson says, however, dubious knowledge at best is what they're mastering
Wildlands Project writ large: Yesterday's environmentalist wacko schemes are today's proposed legislation. Henry Lamb details a bill being pushed by New Jersey Congressman Robert Andrews
Entangling Alliances: George Washington vs. the UN: Who's in charge of a lot of American institutions? Tom DeWeese says in some cases it isn't Americans
Augusta critics cheapen real discrimination: Wendy McElroy reports that Martha Burk is back and with plans to protest the Masters tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club in April
Totalization: Rewarding illegal immigrants with Social Security: It's no secret that America's Social Security system is under serious pressure from an aging population. For that reason and others Paul M. Weyrich is opposed to expanding benefits to people who aren't even Americans
Senate Democrats: Filibusters are no longer just for the floor: Miguel Estrada isn't the only judicial nomination undergoing a trial by fire from Senate Democrats, reports John Nowacki. Every nominee is being targeted
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

April 2003

Total victory: Bruce Walker urges the democracies of the world not to make the same mistake they've made before when they were were satisfied with less than total victory
Confessions of a supply-side deficit hawk: W. James Antle III says there are extremes to be avoided on either side in the battle between Keynesians and supply-siders
The birth of the conservative movement: - Steve Martinovich finds William F. Buckley Jr.'s latest novel, Getting It Right, an enjoyable and informative read
A history of hate: Pierre Birnbaum's The Anti-Semitic Moment: A Tour of France in 1898 isn't perfect but Steve Martinovich says overlook some minor flaws and pick up this study of French anti-Semitism in the wake of the Dreyfus affair
Men at war: Steve Martinovich was truly impressed by All Day Permanent Red: The First Battle Scenes of Homer's Iliad - Rewritten, Christopher Logue's ongoing project to rewrite The Iliad
The thieves of Baghdad: Who stole all the treasures in the Iraqi National Museum? Jackson Murphy says the question is important, but not the most important one to come out of the war
American parasites: Charles Bloomer has a real problem with people who live off the fat of America but continue to criticize it
Greens and animal rights activists attack America: America may have defeated one enemy but Alan Caruba says there are others closer to home that continue their war against the state
Some thoughts on the (not so) new campus radicals: It used to be that students led the way when it came to radicals but now it's the teachers. Joseph Bressano discusses the effect that they are having
Iraqi immigration: Charles F. Wickwire believes that immigration may hold the secret for the future of Iraq and the entire Middle East
Holy Land Institute for the Deaf: Pioneers in education for the deaf: Jeremy Reynalds reports on the good work being carried out by Brother Andrew de Carpentier and Holy Land Institute for the Deaf in Jordan
Conservatives: Tuning in, turning on, and dropping out: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano is pleased that conservatives are increasingly dropping out of a mainstream culure that insults and denigrates them
In defense of fast food: David Veksler argues that Iraqis have better things to fear than the invasion of the mighty Big Mac
Big auto blackmail: What's next …a minister of minivans?: Walter Robinson is urging the Canadian government not to given into the big auto companies and provide them with hundreds of millions in subsidies
War may redefine gun control: Besides free Iraqis, the war in Iraq may also led many American women to rethink their support of gun control, writes Wendy McElroy
The end of the beginning: Many are celebrating what appears to be the end of the war in Iraq. Steve Martinovich cautions that the end of a greater war is still far away
Misunderstanding free speech: It's something that people, especially on the left, just don't seem to understand. Charles Bloomer says criticizing someone's viewpoints is not censorship or infringing upon free speech
The Nazism of Abu Mazen: Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, the future prime minister of the Palestinian Authority has a past no one seems to want to talk about. Charles A. Morse explains
April 15 is the real April Fool's Day: W. James Antle III says the real pranks and jokes come on April 15, a day where taxpayers are fooled
No blood for Congo?: Peace activists talk a good talk about the Iraqi war so Steve Martinovich is wondering why they haven't started protesting against the slaughter happening in Congo
America's best ambassadors: Our troops: For years the Muslim world has looked at the west with disdain...and not without some reason. Daniel G. Jennings says America's soldiers may change some attitudes
Ameriphobia: Can you imagine if France was the most powerful nation in the world? Bruce Walker says there is no reason to be afraid of America's power
How do you like them apples?: The war in Iraq has been good news for a lot of people, says Jackson Murphy, well, all except for the media
The liberal industrial complex: Yet another liberal writer has attacked the so-called military industrial complex. Michael Leverone says Bob Herbert should write about what he knows about
Why we must discuss a post-war U.S.: Everyone keeps talking about what Iraq will be like after the war but Wendy McElroy says it's just as important to ask that question about the United States
More hilarity at the United Nations: Is there anyone with a jot of sense who thinks it would be a good idea for the UN to lead the way in rebuilding Iraq? Linda A. Prussen-Razzano says Iraq proved the UN's irrelevance
Offer Syria the same deal we gave Iraq: Doug Patton believes that we should pull a George Patton and consider letting the U.S. military go on to Syria
The NDP's loony left and international terrorism: Canada's New Democrats continue to be a home for a unique brand of leftists. Joseph Bressano says that shows in their support for a terrorist organization
State Farm v. Campbell: Good results, bad jurisprudence: Robert S. Sargent, Jr. believes there needs to be a cap on excessive punitive damages but a recent Supreme Court decision mandating just that was wrong
The SARS hoopla: Carol Devine-Molin says there are some big questions about the SARS virus that people need to be answered but we shouldn't think of its outbreak as the end of the world
Stop the discrimination now!: The American government would dream of telling people where they could live so Ariel Natan Pasko is wondering why it's deciding where Jews in the Middle East call home
It is good to be a conservative: These are good days to be a conservative, says Alan Caruba. There is plenty of work yet to be done and the Republicans are the party to get things completed
A call for a new faction ... one which might very well do America proud: Daniel Ryan believes that America needs a new faction to promote, one that promises to do better than the failures of the past century
The Democrats: Just what do they stand for?: If the war on Iraq has shown anything, writes Paul M. Weyrich, it's that the Democrats seem to have no greater purpose than to complain about everything
Is Syria next?: Saddam Hussein's days are clearly numbered. Who may be the next to fall? Alan Caruba says that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is increasingly looking like a man with fear in his eyes. He has good reason to be afraid
The war on terrorism: Who's next? Henry Lamb writes that the war on terrorism means that any nation that sponsors or aids terrorists is a target
When the home front is a front: Ordinary life in wartime Brooklyn Heights: America is at war, writes Robert Bové, and you can see it in Brooklyn Heights, a place as far away from Baghdad as you can get
John Kerry's war for U.S. regime change: John Kerry's race for the Democratic nomination has led him to take some dubious stands concerning the war in Iraq, says W. James Antle III
Saddam's regime is folding fast: It's all over but the crying. Carol Devine-Molin says we'd best be prepared for the post-Hussein era in Iraq
Outside the political spectrum: A conversation with Jacob Sullum: Bernard Chapin talks with Reason senior editor Jacob Sullum about the libertarian movement's best known magazine, the war on drugs and where libertarians stand on the political spectrum
Propagating American values: Bruce Walker believes that one of the reasons the world seems to hate America is because no one is promoting American values overseas
Conservatism against the Radical Right: We're ready for the hate mail. Scott Shore says there is war within the conservative movement and the radical right must lose if conservatism is to have a future
A guide to how we feel: Paul Ekman is a pioneer in the field of non-verbal emotional communication and Steve Martinovich says that shows in Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life
The UN's power path: Greening the globe: Think the United Nations is dead because it lost out over Iraq? Tom DeWeese says the UN continues to promote its anti-freedom agenda
Rights, privileges and knowing the difference: There are a whole lot of Americans, argues Paul Walfield, that don't know the difference
Leftist feminists using war as podium: Although a majority of Americans are in support of the Iraqi war, it is creating some division. Wendy McElroy says the feminist movement is ensuring that it can capitalize
Dr. Helen Caldicott spits on my grandfather: One feminist trying to capitalize on those divisions is Dr. Helen Caldicott, who in the process of being opposed to the war in Iraq managed to slander generations of American men, including Glenn Sacks' grandfather
Kyoto in generic packaging : The Senate Energy Bill's Title XI: Like a vampire the Kyoto Protocol refuses to die. Paul M. Weyrich says the Senate's Energy Bill contains a provision that would revive it yet again
Senate Democrats: Taking judicial confirmations to new lows: When it comes to judicial nominations, writes John Nowacki, nothing has changed for Senate Democrats. They still continue to obstruct the process for political reasons
The militant peace movement: Bruce Walker has some questions about the peace movement, specifically the militant brand you see shouting slogans instead of explaining their position
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, R.I.P.: Liberal though he was, W. James Antle III says that Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a rarity in politics: he was an honourable man
Laying down 'the White Woman's Burden': It's popular to portray women in the Muslim world as captives of the burqa but Wendy McElroy says the truth is a little more complicated
Lying in protest: Trevor Bothwell doesn't have a problem who are against the war in Iraq for sincere reasons. He is annoyed, however, by people who ought to know better
Pop music in a time of war: Sean Hackbarth isn't a big fan of most of the music being produced about the war in Iraq. The songs are usually childish or insulting -- and that goes for both sides
News 24/7: Phillip J. Hubbell considers the news coverage of the war to be less than impressive. How many times can you report the exact same thing?
The muddled message of the liberal media: Many people are lauding the media's coverage of the war in Iraq but Carol Devine-Molin is no fan
Is Bush putting the skids to the UN?: Alan Caruba has a sneaking suspicion that U.S. President George W. Bush aims to pull off another regime located in New York
What's next for the U.N.: For a good reason as to why Bush is freezing out the UN, writes Henry Lamb, you only have to look at its actions
Shame on Amnesty International and the rest of the morally-challenged leftists: We'd say that Murray Soupcoff was at a loss for words to detail his outrage at Amnesty International and its peers but we're taking about Murray Soupcoff here
A modest suggestion: Robert S. Sargent Jr. has an idea for Social Security Administration that he believes the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have given the thumbs up
Reading is for lovers!: Educator Bernard Chapin believes that there is nothing more beautiful than the pleasure of reading the printed word
Minister Collenette visits Stupid Investments R Us: Since David Collenette was appointed transport minister, says Walter Robinson, Canada's airline industry has hit some major turbulence
Secretary Chao: Demanding transparency from unions can start a revolution: When the final list of most effective cabinet members of the current Bush administration is crafted, expect to see Elaine Chao's name high on that list, writes Paul Weyrich
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

May 2003

Economic conservatives think small, declaring victory and going home: Economic conservatives are hailing the tax cut passed by Congress but W. James Antle III wonders if they are perhaps being a little too enthusiastic
Why I'm a con-con: Last week W. James Antle III wrote about the lack of "con-cons" -- constitutional conservatives. Robert S. Sargent, Jr. says he belongs to the con-con club
The curious case of the disappearing nation: Jackson Murphy reacts to a Time Magazine cover story asking if anyone would notice if Canada simply disappeared from the face of the planet
Hope is dead: That's the message that David Grossman has in Death as a Way of Life: Israel Ten Years After Oslo when it comes to the possibility of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Steve Martinovich reviews this difficult set of essays
A story of friendship: Even being a New York Mets fan couldn't stop Steve Martinovich from being touched by David Halberstam's The Teammates which recounts the friendship of Bobby Doerr, Dominic DiMaggio, John Pesky and Ted Williams
Outflanking Democrats on gerrymandering: When it comes to the issue of gerrymandering Bruce Walker says the Republicans should give Democrats one of two choices
Too far east is west: Carol Devine-Molin isn't impressed by one brand of conservatism that has gone so far to attack other conservatives that they have in effect left the movement
Grassroots conservatism, hurrah!: What goes on at a conservative conference? Bernard Chapin says nothing but good old-fashioned patriotic fun
Al-Qaida and the "Nutty Professor": It takes a lot to be nominated as the writer of the silliest piece of fiction but Bill King believes that a SUNY-Binghamton professor may have not only done that but won the contest as well
Cultivating Iraqi lackeys: It didn't take long but the anti-Americanism of the American left has made its way to Iraq, says Peyton Knight
U.N. influence in Alabama: What's the United Nations doing in Alabama? If you have to ask, you haven't been reading Enter Stage Right long enough. Henry Lamb reports
The growing threat to religious freedoms: Gary Schneider reports on proposed Canadian legislation that will make it difficult for religions to promote their moral beliefs, legislation that could one day make its way to the United States
The pharaohs and kings are gone: but their taxes remain: Walter Robinson says that Canadians have had it with property taxes that don't seem to have any connection to reality
What happens when Chief Justice Rehnquist decides to hang up his robes?: That question may demand an answer soon. Paul Weyrich lays out what he believes George W. Bush ought to do when the inevitable day comes
The need for conservative and libertarian arts funding: The right has been traditionally opposed to arts funding and Thomas M. Sipos says that means we have little to offer the popular culture. It's time we built an infrastructure to support the artists on the right
Highest common denominator: An interview with John Derbyshire: Bernard Chapin chats with National Review contributing editor John Derbyshire about conservatism, the culture war and math. Don't let that last word scare you
Calling all con-cons: Revive constitutional conservatism: There are a thousand flavors of conservatives, writes W. James Antle III, and people are proud of their labels. The problem? He wants to know where the constitutional conservatives are
Air power: Visiting the White House is one thing, writes Kenneth T. Walsh, but being on board Air Force One is quite another. He explores the famous aircraft in Air Force One: A History of the Presidents and their Planes and Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
What happened to seriousness?: The post September 11 world was supposed to be a serious one, writes Jackson Murphy, but it's turning out to be anything but
Bill Bennett, conservatives and gambling: Bruce Walker isn't shocked by the Bill Bennett gambling story. He believes that conservatives are gamblers at heart and history shows that
The meaning of Jayson Blair: Kimberley Jane Wilson reflects on the scandal over at the New York Times and what it means to us all
Educating anarchists: Alan Caruba argues that teachers today seem more interested having their students drugged and learning marginal information to actually educating them
When will we take American education seriously?: Trevor Bothwell isn't convinced that anyone in the education system, regardless of what side your desk faces in the classroom, really takes their job seriously
Notes from Canada about education: Tuition tax credits could be a vehicle for true pluralism in Ontario: The Canadian educational scene isn't all that healthy either. Mark Wegierski looks at Ontario government's attempts to fix the system with tax credits
The Saudis lack accountability on terrorism: Carol Devine-Molin finds it hard to take Saudi efforts at fighting terrorism seriously
The road map to Hell: As the title of the essay suggests, Scott Shore doesn't think much of the peace plan currently making the rounds in the Middle East
Democracy in the Middle East: Ariel Natan Pasko takes a quick tour of the Middle East to see who's really interested in protecting the rights of citizens and minorities
Misunderstanding evil: To heck with root causes and all the other reasons the left uses to explain terrorism. Murray Soupcoff says he's perfectly comfortable to use the world evil
Castro and the intellectuals: Recent repression in Cuba has Fidel Castro warning the world's intellectuals not to against the family, reports Bill King
The government says you're fat: If the jihad against tobacco wasn't bad enough the American government now wants to tell you how to eat, writes Tom DeWeese
Lawyers in your medicine cabinet may keep needed drugs out: Edmund F. Haislmaier argues that trial lawyers and their lawsuits may keep drugs that you need out of reach because of alleged side effects
Cut men: Do they not bleed?: Wendy McElroy urges people not to put up with male bashing. Why should men be singled out for insults that no one else would be subjected to?
The one-man global content provider: It's no secret that Steve Martinovich is a fan of columnist Mark Steyn so you shouldn't be surprised he was thrilled to land an interview with him. And we didn't even have to have Steyn naked on the cover
The Conservative-Libertarian clash: Values and the free society: The war between conservatism and liberalism continues unabated but what interests W. James Antle III is the other war: the one that occasionally flares up between conservatives and libertarians
Finlandization is fine: Finlandization was a dirty concept during the Cold War but Bruce Walker takes another look at it to see what applicability it could have today
The other epidemic: West Nile Fever: Alan Caruba argues that everyone is so preoccupied with SARS that they're forgetting West Nile Fever, a virus that has actually killed Americans
Time to get behind missile defense: Canada has been hinting that it may get onboard with America's proposed missile defense system. Steve Martinovich says it's about time
Capturing the modern woman: The modern woman faces huge pressures in her life, something that Linda A. Prussen-Razzano says Danielle Crittenden's novel Amanda Bright@home illustrates quite well
A man's life: Jim Keeble's novel Men and Other Mammals explores a world that Steve Martinovich knows well: the world of the single man in his early 30s
Simpler cooking for sunny days: Nigella Lawson is back with Forever Summer, a collection of summer recipes, and Steve Martinovich can't wait for the warm weather to arrive
"I fear my own government more than the terrorists": Paul Walfield responds to a recent MSNBC editorial by Jill Nelson, one which she truly goes off the deep end
Is there an innocent explanation for apparent 60 Minutes lie?: During a recent 60 Minutes expose, a woman detailed her work in hunting down groups in the United States that supported terrorist activity. All good, says Jeremy Reynalds, except for one thing
The unscrupulous United Nations: Several recent news stories has underline the fact for Carol Devine-Molin that the United Nations is a dodgy organization at best
The boom in home school conventions: How do you know when something is taking off? The appearance of conventions. Samuel L. Blumenfeld takes a look at home school conventions
An African-American switch for the GOP: Robert S. Sargent. Jr. says the example of Ola Lewis shows that outreach to the African-American community is hardly wasted
Hyping hydrogen: The energy scam: Not long ago Alan Caruba argued that the "hydrogen economy" was a big money pit. The experts, it turns out, agree with him
Why liberals are such a bore: Despite their reputations for being fun people at parties, Scott Shore argues that liberals are really boring when you think about it.
The struggle for America's soul: People like Tom Daschle, writes Henry Lamb, represent a group that has a radically different view of the United States from the Bush Administration, argues Henry Lamb
Women with guns fight back: John Walsh may be a friend to police officers, writes Wendy McElroy, but he did nothing but set up three women who are law-abiding firearms owners on his talk show recently
Balkanization is good: Two years after he first argued it in this magazine, Bruce Walker still believes that Balkanization is more of a help than a hindrance to world politics. A casual look at history shows that it often helps the oppressed
World class Spectator: R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.: Bernard Chapin talks with R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., a man who justifiably deserves the title of "Hardest Working Conservative in America"
You've got to know when to fold 'em: Lessons for Bill Bennett: W. James Antle III responds to the news that William J. Bennett is not only one of the chief proponents of traditional morality, but a big loser in high stakes gambling
The Muslim's world future is freedom: Is the Islamic world doomed to dictatorship and violence? Noah Feldman argues in After Jihad: America and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy that it isn't. Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
Don't take John Boyd's name in vain: William S. Lind warns those who are arguing that Col. John Boyd's lessons on modern warfare have been successfully implemented in the American military machine that they could be wrong
Lauding the Bush team and our military: For Carol Devine-Molin the carrier landing by the Navy S-3B Viking jet containing George W. Bush last week neatly encapsulates the kind of person she wants holding the reins of power
If one Iran is bad enough, then two will be double trouble: Paul M. Weyrich is beginning to wonder if the United States should have first struck at Iran given the anti-American protests in Iraq
The roadmap to nowhere: The recent bombing in Tel Aviv signals to Alan Caruba that the latest roadmap to peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is a dead end
Iraqi Communists partying once again: The fall of Hussein regime has allowed an Iraqi communist newspaper to once again publish. Surprise, surprise, says Bill King, they're as clueless as our leftists
Beware the siren call for UN "reform": A lot of people are talking about reforming the United Nations in the wake of its failure over Iraq. Tom DeWeese says don't believe their hype
No oil for food: Wendy McElroy believes that the United Nations shouldn't be running the charitable programs that will help get Iraq back on its feet
The world's biggest shell game: Infectious Greed: How deceit and risk corrupted the financial markets attempts to explain how scandals like Enron and Global Crossing came to be. Steve Martinovich thinks it's a winner
Federal accounting failures: Enron's looks like small change: More than a few people thought it was hypocritical to drag the CEOs of companies like Enron and WorldCom in front of Senate hearings to explain alleged accounting frauds. Joseph J. DioGuardi explains why
Mysterious decline: Where are the men on campus?: Philip W. Cook and Glenn Sacks attempt to answer the question that everyone seems to be ignoring: Why are the number of men attending college and university falling so fast?
Senate hard-liners start new filibuster: Continuing to trash two centuries of precedent: The Democrats continue to obstruct the confirmation of George W. Bush's judicial nominees, this time adding Priscilla Owen's name to the list
The new conservative divide: Paleocons versus neocons: The conservative family isn't very happy these days. Rachel Alexander says that a schism has opened up between two prominent wings
A new GI Bill: Small government proponents won't like the idea but Bruce Walker believes that a new G.I. Bill might have the same positive benefits the post-Second World War version did
An interview with Richard John Neuhaus: Bernard Chapin discusses religion, politics and society with First Things editor in chief Father Richard John Neuhaus
Forget people, let's argue about politics!: Man may be a political animal but W. James Antle III is tired of the injection of politics in every aspect of life. Sometimes things transcend politics
Preserving a human future: It's not a grandslam but Steve Martinovich thinks Bill McKibben's Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age is a good prod for society to begin debating the ethics of some advanced technologies
America's fascination with the Peterson case: Carol Devine-Molin ponders America's fascination with the man who allegedly killed his wife and unborn child
SARS, Red China, and the future: Alan Caruba argues that the SARS outbreak confirms that China's leadership is still more concerned with power than good governance
Castro's cocky gamble: Cuban dictator Fidel Castro rolled the dice last month in the belief your attention was completely on the war in Iraq. Steven Fantina says it looks like he won
The "compelling state interest" test: It's a phrase you hear a lot in major court cases -- "compelling state interest" -- and Robert S. Sargent Jr. explains why its used by judges and what it really means
PETA – People Exhibiting Terrible Attributes: Some things don't change. Over the past couple of months, writes Paul Walfield, PETA has been up to its old publicity seeking tricks
A modest tax cut: Doing away with withholding: If you want to see real tax cuts, says Kevin Gabriel, you should change how people pay their taxes
President Bush's judicial nominees represent a legacy worth fighting for: Paul M. Weyrich believes that George W. Bush should concentrate on his judicial nominees being confirmed rather than his tax cutting agenda
On May Day celebrate capitalism: Global capitalism is the best means of creating worldwide freedom and wealth, writes Edwin A. Locke
Who's next? Laying bets on the next regime to fall: Most people seem to be putting money on Syria to be the next to be targeted in the war against terrorism but John Nowacki thinks it might be one of America's old enemies instead
The war is not over: Judging by Scott Shore, America's to-do list is a lengthy one if it wants to win the war against international terrorism and its supporting states
War and diplomacy after Iraq: Joseph Bressano says that while America's military victory in Iraq was astounding, people shouldn't forget that the carrot of diplomacy is also a valuable tool
After Saddam, what?: Steven D. Laib argues that the Iraqi people now need to liberate themselves from ideologies and beliefs that have done nothing but enslave them
Now the real war starts: Americans weary of the short Iraqi war had better not read William S. Lind's latest essay saying that the United States may be far from declaring victory
Only one minority needs representation in Iraq's new government: The individual: This week the United States will likely announce an interim government for Iraq. Robert W. Tracinski hopes that it focuses its benefits on any society's building block minority
Automobile conspiracies: Daniel G. Jennings is becoming more than a little tired of the theory that everyone is conspiring to kill off rail transit in the U.S. People who believe that are like conservatives of the 1950s
The great lie: Wendy McElroy believes the "woman as victim" has done more damage to women then the things that women are afraid of
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

June 2003

Impeachment: "Be prepared" is good advice for the Bush White House: Paul M. Weyrich says that the White House had better be prepared in case the left and other enemies of the Bush administration want to make a serious case over the issue of WMDs and Iraq
Big government conservatism alienates libertarians: W. James Antle III says the long-time alliance between libertarians and the Republican Party may be at an end. The cause? The Republican failure to oppose the growth of government and civil rights intrusions
The war for the war: Few people argued more forcefully for a war against Saddam Hussein then Christopher Hitchens. A collection of his essays makes up A Long Short War: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq and Steve Martinovich checks it out
The birth of a modern rite: This October marks the 100th anniversary of the World Series between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Boston Americans, which Steve Martinovich found ably covered by Autumn Glory: Baseball's First World Series
Baseball and the art of war: Now that you know how the game was played, Jackson Murphy reviews Moneyball: Baseball and the Art of War, which tells you how the game is played today
Chicken soup humor: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano found Martha Bolton's collection of humorous pieces in I Think, Therefore I Have A Headache to be uneven but when it was good it was very good
Ode to The Smiths: Bernard Chapin says Anthony Gancarski was wrong to describe 80's band The Smiths as "conservative" in a new The American Conservative piece but he says they still rocked
Beethoven's piano sonatas: Robert S. Sargent, Jr. argues that there is little you could do that would aid you spiritually more than to listen to Beethoven's piano sonatas
Nude camping: it's not just for adults anymore: Paul Walfield reports on a nudist camp for teens. Yes, you read that right. Lutz, Florida is home to a nudist camp for people between the ages of 11 and 18
The New York Times v. truth: Bruce Walker says the New York Times' problems with the truth stretch back decades and it's time the newspaper fessed up to its crimes
Senators reconsider a filibuster from hell: There could be a huge battle over the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, says John G. Lankford, if the Democrats decide to listen to their environmentalist wing
U.S.-U.N. struggle moves to ICC: Nothing exemplifies the battle between the United States and the United Nations than the fate of the International Criminal Court, writes Henry Lamb
Is Iran next?: It's the question a lot of people are asking. Carol Devine-Molin says looking back to how America has reacted to tyranny could serve as a road map for regime change in Iran
A tax cut for all Canadians: Walter Robinson argues that a Bush-style tax cut is hardly an impossibility for Canadians. The money is there...all the federal government needs is the will to proceed
Lawsuit lotto reaches burned ruin of R.I. nightclub: It shouldn't be a surprise to learn that lawyers are lining up as many people as possible to sue after a tragic fire at a Rhode Island night club earlier this year. Deroy Murdock reports on what's going on
Many divorced fathers struggle desperately to remain in their children's lives: It's popular for the media to report on the scourge of deadbeat dads but there's an opposite side to that coin. Glenn Sacks says there are fathers who aren't allowed to see their children
The hazards of a smoke-free environment: Robert W. Tracinski argues that the real threat is not cigarettes but the unfettered power of government
The federal judiciary: Devout Catholics need not apply: Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor is learning the hard way, says John Nowacki, that being a devout Catholic only makes your judicial confirmation more difficult
A conscientious objector to the Gender War: Wendy McElroy is tired of the war between feminists and the rest of society. She offers some advice for how to end the conflict
We want Hillary!: Faced with a leadership deficit many Democrats are salivating at the prospect of Hillary Clinton running for the Democratic nomination in 2008. Bruce Walker wants them to bring it on because the Republican Party can outgun that candidacy quite easily
The Clintons' new campaign manager: Jean Chretien: Michael Morarity gets the sense that Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien is blocking tackles for the Clinton family
Fusion on the right: An interview with Joe Bast: Bernard Chapin sits with Heartland Institute president Joseph Bast and they discuss taxes, education, uniting the right and other topics
Taxing our way to prosperity: The Democrats' strange version of fiscal responsibility: The Democratic Party has lately been trying to portray itself as the party of fiscal responsibility. W. James Antle III surveys reality for his response
Time to take a stand against North Korea: Steven Martinovich says it's not only security that should prompt us to take a strong stand against North Korea but also because of morality
The Iranian conundrum: Iran poses a big problem for the United States, argues Alan Caruba, and until America decides what to do Iran will continue to be a danger to everyone
June 17, 1953: An uprising Americans should remember: The date may not mean anything to you but Paul Weyrich says something historic happened that day that should never be forgotten: It was the first and only attempt by East Germans to rebel against communism
Bush in the Middle: East, America, of-the-road: John G. Lankford is a bit puzzled by some of George W. Bush's recent moves
The Declaration philosophy - Part I: The origins of rights: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano explores the inherent philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence in the first part of a series
Passing the gas test: Environmentalists and members of Congress share at least one thing, writes Henry Lamb, neither of them can pass a simple test on economics
The great national land grab: Peyton Knight argues that H.R. 1427, legislation that would create national heritage areas, is a danger to property rights and local zoning
Free speech protects profit-makers, too: Everyone seems to have free speech rights except for Big Business. Robert Garmong says that's immoral and contrary to what a free society stands for
Wally, we hardly knew you: It seems that you really can't keep a good man down. Paul Walfield reports that Walter Cronkite is planning a comeback with a new syndicated column
The anti-male New York Times: Not only has it had some problems with the truth, which is bad enough, but Wendy McElroy believes the New York Times has an anti-male agenda as well
New study, case may help California children of divorce retain bonds with both parents: Glenn Sacks says that a case in California and a study on custodial parents who move their children away from their fathers may help the children of divorce
Give Bush's roadmap a chance: No one is giving the Bush Middle East peace proposal decent odds to succeed but W. James Antle III believes it's worth pursuing nonetheless
Dismantling the Palestinians' WMH: Murray Soupcoff says that the Bush peace plan will work only if the Palestinians give up one of their most potent weapons
Preserving society: An interview with Joe Wiegand of the Family Taxpayers Network: Bernard Chapin chats with Joe Wiegand of Illinois' Family Taxpayers Network about taxation and education funding
Regime change and Nazi Germany: It's a legitimate question that the anti-war side never answered: When is it justified to go to war against a tyranny? Bruce Walker explores the answer
The rise of the fourth branch: Walter Olson lays bare the effect that trial lawyers are having on America in The Rule of Lawyers: How the New Litigation Elite Threatens America's Rule of Law. Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
Supersized loser week: Mel Torme and Frank Sinatra said it best: "Only time's gonna set us free/Beautiful losers/You beautiful losers/Here's to you and here's to me". Jackson Murphy says a few people were listening to "Beautiful Losers" last week
Revisiting the global warming hoax: Alan Caruba argues that the evidence continues to show that global warming is just a hoax by the environmentalist movement
Nevada v. Hibbs, a step backward: Robert S. Sargent Jr. is very disappointed by the decision in Nevada v. Hibbs and especially disappointed by Justice William Rehnquist
A critical look at the UN: Steve Farrell has nothing but praise for Steve Bonta's Inside the United Nations: A Critical Look at the UN
Habitat for inhumanity: Paul Walfield reacts to news that Habitat for Humanity is building a new theme park in Georgia, one will bring the joy of Third World slums to its visitors
The unsavory Clintons: Hillary Clinton will undoubtedly enjoy big sales of her book which will be released today but Carol Devine-Molin doesn't think her future is all that bright
Why conservatives will be watching the 2004 U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania: Thanks to some shenanigans by the American Conservative Union's chief, the Senate race in Pennsylvania should be a soap opera, says Paul Weyrich
Gender issues impacted by masculinists: Wendy McElroy says that the very fact that men's rights advocates are prompting a backlash means that they are having an effect in the debate over gender issues
Carolyn Kuhl: Another exceptional nominee, another target for a filibuster: John Nowacki reports that Carolyn Kuhl will likely join Miguel Estrada and Priscilla Owen as targets of Democratic filibustering
A good idiot is hard to find: People who consider themselves part of an elite love to describe the majority as idiots. Brian C. Tiemann responds that's just sour grapes and reveals the speaker's true feelings about humanity
If spending isn't cut, taxes will rise: The lesson of the Ronald Reagan era, argues W. James Antle III, is that tax cuts must be combined with spending cuts. If they aren't, he writes, entitlement spending will force taxes up again eventually
Busting filibusters: Democrats love to use the filibuster to frustrate Republican efforts but Bruce Walker says there are some ways around the tactic
Hope over darkness: When Aaron Hanscom was ten-years old he told an interviewer that his hero was Bob Hope. At the time he didn't understand why but he knows now
Colombia's elite, FARC, and the "root causes" of terrorism: UN special envoy to Colombia James LeMoyne recently started a controversy after pinning some of the blame for that country's problems on its elite. Joseph Bressano says LeMoyone wasn't entirely wrong
Take preemptive steps against Iran: Scott Shore argues that the U.S. must strike while the iron is hot and preemptively deal with Iran before the situation gets too serious
One down, two to go?: There are plenty of good reasons to deal preemptively with Iran, writes Steve Martinovich, but there are a few good reasons not to as well
The beginning of the end of chaos?: With a war in Iraq over opponents of the Bush administration are now accusing it of being ill-prepared for peace. Jackson Murphy responds
Of time and the rivers: William S. Lind says the reason why peace will be so difficult to achieve in Iraq is because the war is only over when your enemy says its over
A new Mid-East peace plan: Carol Devine-Molin isn't all that confident about the prospects for peace even with a new road map
Blessed tolerance: The virtue of a republic in decline: What happens when equality turns into the belief that all moral viewpoints are equal? Steve Farrell says Plato answered that question thousands of years ago. We still haven't learned
A time for decisiveness: Bernard Chapin argues that instead of resting on their laurels, Republicans should use the fight over George W. Bush's tax cut to go all out
Co-ed, multi-ed, no-ed: Paul Walfield reacts to news that Wesleyan University in Connecticut will offer a "gender-blind" dormitory in September for students who aren't sure what gender they are
First Amendment protects barking… but not commercial speech?: Amy Ridenour believes that commercial speech is no less important than any other protected form of speech
The value of error: The example of Jayson Blair, and an error she made in a column last week, has underlined to Wendy McElroy who the victim of dishonest journalism really is
Trent Lott: Freed from the constraints of leadership: Since being forced to resign earlier this year, writes Paul M. Weyrich, Trent Lott has been doing some good work as Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

July 2003

The quandary of compassionate conservatism: The mantra of compassionate conservativism has allowed the Republican Party to steal some of the Democrat's thunder, argues W. James Antle III, but it also threatens to damage the party over the long term
The case for an African-American Political Party: Do African-Americans need their own political party? Bruce Walker says it would give the black community much more power and stop their reliance on the ineffectual Democrats
American governor: California's total recall: Jackson Murphy mulls over the potential star power that we could see in the race to replace Gray Davis as governor of California. Snoop Dogg anyone?
The missing link: The New York Times is asking where the proof is that Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were conspiring together. Robert S. Sargent, Jr. says that proof has already appeared in the mainstream media
Sons of dogs: Forget the critics, writes Carol Devine-Molin, the deaths of Saddam Hussein's sons is a major victory for Iraqis and the American-led war against the former dictator
September 11 could have been prevented only by having a principled foreign policy: Onkar Ghate says America's intelligence services weren't to blame for September 11, 2001 but rather an unprincipled foreign policy
Time for Canada to disengage from Iran: Owen Rathbone believes that recent events in Iran should show Canada that its policy of engagement with the theocratic regime has led to a dead end
Is Iran next?: William S. Lind warns the United States of adding Iran to its to-do list unless it wants a war that it doesn't want or is equipped to fight
The BBC gets its man: The BBC set out to nail the British government over claims of weapons of mass destruction but their ultimate victim, says Murray Soupcoff, was David Kelly and the truth
The faith-based initiative is a Trojan Horse: Tom DeWeese argues that George W. Bush's faith-based initiative may have been designed to move charity to the private sector but it will also do a lot of damage to those groups
The Declaration Philosophy: Part III – The protection of rights: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano continues her look at the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence with the third in a series of essays
Light'm up until the UN says you can't: Are the men in the black helicopters coming after smokers next? Alan Caruba says we can thank in part George W. Bush for that possibility
Congress let U.S. down: Congress had two opportunities to send a message to the United Nations in July, writes Henry Lamb, and it failed to do so both times
Art: Put your money where your mouth is: Conservatives talk a good talk about allowing the free market to reward good artists but Mathew Kay says they haven't translated that thought into action
America and the Democratic Party could use a man like Harry Truman again: If the Democratic Party wants to mount serious opposition to the Republicans, says Daniel G. Jennings, then finding a candidate that reminds people of Harry Truman wouldn't be a bad idea
Protecting the privacy of the law-abiding citizens: The Terrorism Information Awareness program may look dead right now but Steve Lilienthal says the program is like a vampire. You have to keep the stake in it
False rape charges hurt real victims: Whether Kobe Bryant is ultimately found guilty of rape or not, writes Wendy McElroy, a lot of men find themselves falsely accused and their lives ruined
Brazil: Trouble in Lula-land: The good news is that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hasn't taken Brazil down the Marxist path like everyone thought he would. The bad news? Bill King says that Lula is being threatened on his left by radicals and that could spell his demise in the comings weeks
Confession: I am in love with Dr. Condoleezza Rice: Alan Caruba joins a growing list of ESR staffers who are totally smitten with George W. Bush's National Security advisor
How to find a Democrat – still: Kentucky governor is mired in a bit of a scandal, says Bruce Walker, but the media seems intent on not telling you his party affiliation
Can Dean take the heat?: Howard Dean likes to present himself as a centrist but Paul Weyrich argues that the former Vermont governor is little more than a liberal wearing sheep's clothing
Living constitution, dying republic: W. James Antle III says that recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court don't read like neutral applications of the law as it is written and understood
Dred Scott, Roe v. Wade, and state's rights: Robert S. Sargent Jr. argues that the injustice visited upon Dred Scott should serve as a lesson to those who believe in abortion
Bang, bang, my baby shot me down…: Tom DeWeese believes there is no reason to ban toy guns just because a seven-year old walked into a store and announced he was holding up the place
Johnny Depp, pirate of St. Tropez: Another day and another American Hollywood celebrity throwing down at the land of his birth. Paul Walfield isn't very impressed with recent comments made by actor Johnny Depp
Acoustic Wellbutrin: If you need a pick-me-up, writes Bernard Chapin, you could hardly do worse than The Strokes' 2001 album This Is It
Complexities of federal data mining: With the power of data mining, argues Steve Lilienthal, the federal government will be able to make a lot of assumptions about you and some of them could cost you
The medical liability crisis affects us all: Americans like to believe that medical malpractice woes and lawsuits are a problem for doctors to live with but Edmund F. Haislmaier says that's short-sighted thinking
Mounting troop casualties are the real concern: While the media is concerned about "16 words" Carol Devine-Molin says the real story is the mounting number of American casualties in Iraq
American exceptionalism: A letter to a leftist friend: Patrick O'Hannigan responds to a constant stream of emails from a friend about what the United States represents today
Death of the CBL: If you weren't aware of it, Canada had it's own national baseball league. Well, they will until their version of an all star game this week. Jackson Murphy wonders why anyone bothered
Don't expel Arafat 2: The rerun: The Israeli government is once again hinting at expelling Yasser Arafat. Ariel Natan Pasko says the chances of that happening are nil and Arafat will always escape trouble
The New Yorker and the facts: When it comes to the changes that the American military is going through these days William S. Lind says the New Yorker doesn't know the facts
Feminists slurping at the public trough: If you want to see how feminists try and avoid criticism, writes Wendy McElroy, all you have to do is look at Canada and the example of Pierrette Bouchard
Trouble on the right? Bush and his conservative base: George W. Bush may look unbeatable for 2004 right now but that could change easily. W. James Antle III says the conservative wing of the Republican Party is become increasingly disenchanted with their president
The 16 word gamble: If the Democrats and those opposed to the war in Iraq really believe that 16 words will bring down the Bush presidency Jackson Murphy thinks they're deluded
Democrats spin intel factor: Considering that George Tenet has taken the blame and British PM Tony Blair continues to defend the assertion that Iraq attempted to obtain enriched uranium, Carol Devine-Molin doesn't think much of the Democrats' latest cause
The rise and fall of Jorg Haider: Lothar Hobelt's Defiant Populist: Jorg Haider and the Politics of Austria explores who the controversial Austrian politician is and how he achieved prominence. Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
When Castro dies and Cuba lives: Bruce Walker envisions the day when U.S. President George W. Bush can visit a free Cuba, one that will be an inspiration to the rest of Latin America
A campaign for liberty: The Liberian occupation: Gennady Stolyarov II would support an American-led occupation of Liberia if it would answer certain issues and not just be another example of wrong-headed altruism
Those whom the gods would destroy...: Liberia may be a worse hellhole than New Jersey, says William S. Lind, but that doesn't mean that the United States has a duty to send in soldiers to keep the peace
International Criminal Court or international mischief?: The fact that the International Criminal Court may soon indict British PM Tony Blair for his participation in the Iraq war proves, argues Tom DeWeese, the U.S. made the right decision to withdraw from the 1998 Rome Statute
Israel, stay out of "entangling alliances": In both Europe and Israel there's growing talk of the Jewish state joining the European Union. Ariel Natan Pasko believes that's a very bad idea
The indigence industry: It's become so bad in Canada, writes Audra Mitchell, that even the homeless go on strike in the belief that they are owed money by the rest of society
The many faces of Barney Frank: There are many things you can say about Barney Frank but Charles Morse says common sense isn't one of them
Protecting bears, not people: In New Jersey animal rights activists are working overtime to protect bears but Alan Caruba says it's the people who are at risk
Earth worshippers cause death in space: Former NASA flight controller Hannes Hacker says that environmentalists bare part of the blame for the Shuttle Columbia disaster
Greens beat the bushes: It isn't only politicians who are awaiting 2004. Henry Lamb explains that environmental organizations will throw all their efforts into beating George W. Bush
Now which is the party of the people?: Jeremy Reynolds argues that the defeat of legislation that would have capped damage awards in medical malpractice cases shows who the Democrats really represent
Preparing tomorrow's conservative leaders: Paul M. Weyrich says there are several conservative academics which may point to the future of America's higher education system
The cost of the 'ethical' assault on honest businessmen: Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein argue that far from targeting criminals, George W. Bush's war on business corruption has painted all businessmen and women with the same brush
Hollywood: Comic book heroes count more than the U.S. military: In the twisted world of Hollywood Daniel Jennings says there's more concern about portraying fictional comic book heroes respectfully than there is of portraying American soldiers the same way
The PCspeak of diversity: The language of "diversity" is nothing more than a modern version of George Orwell's Newspeak, writes Wendy McElroy
On Liberia: Intervention for me, but not for thee: Just months after America was decried by some for being imperialist for invading Iraq in the interests of American national security, W. James Antle III says those same people are now demanding American intervention in Liberia
Keating on the Court: Whoever is the next nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court is going to face a fierce battle. Bruce Walker argues that nominating Frank Keating would blunt most of the weapons the Democrats would use
AIA v. Garamendi, another step backwards: Everybody has been discussing two major U.S. Supreme Court decisions dealing with racial preferences and anti-sodomy laws but Robert S. Sargent Jr. is wondering why AIA v. Garamendi is being ignored
A passion for life and flight: Alberto Santos-Dumont wasn't the first person to fly an airplane but Steve Martinovich says that doesn't detract from Paul Hoffman's Wings of Madness: Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight
Race strikes out: Jackson Murphy says there is a simple reason why baseball is becoming less racially diverse -- at least when it comes to the number of African-Americans on club rosters -- and it's due to a change in managerial strategy
Striking a seal on asbestos: For once Sen. Orrin Hatch's talents for compromise may actually do something positive. Amy Ridenour says that Hatch's efforts to end the asbestos lawsuit lottery may pay off
The rise and fall of Canada’s only conservative magazine: J. L. Jackson mourns the loss of The Report, Canada's only conservative print magazine passed away late last month
Conservative radio host set to challenge Barney Frank: Samuel L. Blumenfeld says that ESR contributor Charles Morse is about to take on one of the toughest political challenges: knocking off Barney Frank
Paine's prophetic dream: Steve Farrell argues that America's Founding Fathers weren't just products of the European Enlightenment. They also had deep religious beliefs
Our capitalist economy, our socialist government: Alan Caruba says the socialists have won. Everything that they wanted the American government to take over has been achieved
Transforming American society: These days the most dangerous place seems to be as a landowner whose property is coveted by the American government. Henry Lamb says the American government is coveting a lot of land
NPR and I are now divorced: Jan Ireland used to be married to National Public Radio but after the relationship hit an extended rough patch she decided to call it off. She feels much better now
Caring less for our children: Paul Walfield reports on a fight that occurred in Lafayette, Indiana about a pedophile who thought he had a right to cruise public parks and fantasize about children
Accolades and advice to Cleland: The Washington Post reports that Max Cleland is bitter about the loss of his Georgia Senate seat. Paul M. Weyrich has some advice for him
Support the Iranian freedom movement: Carol Devine-Molin says Americans should stand beside the youth of Iran who daily risk injury and death to protest against that country's theocratic regime
Our friend Saddam: William S. Lind believes the key to pacifying Iraq may not be to kill or prove that Saddam Hussein has been killed, but keep him least in the fears of Iraqis
In the best interest of the children...: The newest debate in family law is whether both parents should receive custody of the children in the event of divorce. Wendy McElroy reports on the debate over the "rebuttable presumption of joint custody"
Strom Thurmond, R.I.P.: When it came to the media they only had one way to describe retired South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond: as an ex-segregationist and former Democrat. W. James Antle III says Thurmond's legacy encompasses much more -- both good and bad
A couple of extraordinary gentleman of the 20th century: Strom Thurmond and Sir Denis Thatcher were polar opposites in many ways but both were interesting characters and gentlemen, writes Jackson Murphy
How to find a Democrat and how to spot a liberal: When it comes to the media's reporting, argues Bruce Walker, it's pretty easy to see who is a liberal or a Democrat by how the media describes them
The most important book you will read this year: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano found Forced Exit: The Slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder to be a deeply compelling work
On the 136th anniversary of Confederation: Canadian identity and its predicaments: After 136 years you'd think some questions would be resolved by as Mark Wegierski aptly illustrates, Canada is a unique situation
The Declaration Philosophy - Part II: The nature of rights: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano continues her look at the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence with the second in a series of essays
Declaring our independence: The spirit of the Declaration of Independence has been obliterated, argues Alan Caruba, but an activist federal government that regulates every aspect of your life
Put the "independence" back in Independence Day: The forgotten meaning of America: Independence Day isn't just a holiday, writes Michael S. Berliner, it represents the meaning of the United States
Schwarzenegger contemplates political run: Getting rid of Gray Davis would be reason enough but Carol Devine-Molin says the Austrian Oak would be a perfect governor for California
Senate Democrats choose fire and fraud over flora, fauna and humans: Another year, more forest fires and Senate Democrats playing their old games. John G. Lankford reports on the latest goings on
And the pendulum swings: The environmental extremism of the Clinton-Gore years are behind us but Henry Lamb says we still have a ways to go before restoring sanity when it comes to environmental issues
Middle East archeology: If history were an archeological dig, writes Avi Davis, then you'd find little beyond failed peace plans buried on top of each other
Waksal should have read Ayn Rand: Sam Waksal could have portrayed himself as a real-life version of Hank Rearden. David Holcberg says it looks like Waksal never read Atlas Shrugged
Second thoughts on the Saga story: The treatment of women by the Saudi government is abhorrent, writes Wendy McElroy, but deploying American firepower to rectify that would be a big mistake
Children's Hope Act: A proven method of school choice: Paul M. Weyrich offers some praise for Rep. Trent Franks and some legislation he's pushing that could finally bring some measure of school choice
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

August 2003

The virtue of recall elections: Liberals -- not to mention many conservatives -- aren't big fans of recall elections. Despite the fact that California's is turning into a carnival Bruce Walker has nothing but praise for them
Recalls could force politicians to recall the Constitution: Recall efforts can be easily abused, and chances are they will be in coming years, but W. James Antle III said if used properly they can do much good
Is California a prize worth winning?: It's assumed that a victory by a Republican in California's recall election will help George W. Bush in 2004. Paul M. Weyrich isn't convinced
Schwarzenegger stumbles, but can still recover: After a promising beginning Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign has begun to falter. Carol Devine-Molin says his supporters shouldn't worry
Notes on the Big Blackout: The solution to avoiding future blackouts like the one that hit parts of the U.S. and Canada last week is simple according to Alan Caruba. Build more power plants
The case against lawyers: Walter Olson agrees to take the stand and submit to questioning by Steven Martinovich over the state of the American legal system
Searching for faith: Kristin Ohlson looked for faith with cloistered nuns in Stalking the Divine: Contemplating Faith with the Poor Clares. Steven Martinovich found her journey to be inspirational and touching
The success that was the war in Iraq: "Peace" protesters are once again attacking the Bush administration over the war in Iraq. In his editorial Steve Martinovich says it's obvious they haven't noticed what's been going on since the war's end
The fun of just watching: There's a reason why August is dubbed "the silly season." Jackson Murphy responds to some of the 'major' news stories that have captured our attention recently
(C-BINO) Confirmed Bachelor In Name Only: Last week W. James Antle III wrote that he rather enjoys being a young single man and sees little reason to get married. This week Bernard Chapin responds
One man, one woman: Pete Vere responds to W. James Antle III's marriage piece from a traditional Catholic perspective. Marriage is much more than a mere contract he argues
North Carolina: Pickup of a Senate seat?: Robert S. Sargent Jr. reports that Sen. John Edwards' quest for the Democratic nomination for president is causing Democrats problems in North Carolina
When good Democrats go bad: When people want to praise Sen. Joe Lieberman they call him a moderate. David N. Bass says in today's Democratic Party that's a pejorative
Joe Biden's declaration of candidacy: Sen. Joe Biden announced last week that he will not seek the Democratic nomination for president but that didn't stop Andrew Alexander from crafting a speech for him
The Third Sector in action: Last week Henry Lamb described what the Third Sector was. This week he shows where they get their money from and what they use it for
How not to use Light Armored Vehicles: There's a right way to do things, a wrong way to do things and the army way of doing things. William S. Lind says using Light Armored Vehicles in Iraq is a classic illustration of the latter
Israel, hit Syria not Hezbollah: Ariel Natan Pasko argues that Israel should stop striking terrorist group Hezbollah and go to the source of the problem, namely Syria
Ottawa's Kyoto plan: Another billion-dollar boondoggle: Canada's federal government finally released last week their plan to reduce so-called greenhouse gas emissions. Not surprisingly Walter Robinson is far from impressed
America's European Supreme Court: Paul Walfield is tired of the progressives sitting on America's Supreme Court forgetting what their job description states
The marriage strike: Why are fewer people getting married these days? Wendy McElroy says men are realizing that marriage is hardly an equal partnership these days
The problem with marriage today – is me: The biggest threat to the institution of marriage may be people like W. James Antle III. He's part of that growing group of people who are economically independent and who like being single
The marriage quagmire: The expansion of marriage to same-sex couples is dominating debate these days and Wendy McElroy says she has a simple solution to the issue
The very worst president: Last week Bruce Walker dreamed that Douglas MacArthur had served as president. This week he wishes that the man who beat Charles Evans Hughes had never sat in the big chair
A journey through life: Steve Martinovich finds The UFOs of October to be a marvelous collection of poetry that fulfills the noblest function of literature: An exploration of life
'Running Man' Schwarzenegger poised to 'Terminate' Gray Davis: Carol Devine-Molin says that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the ideal candidate to replace Gray Davis whether or not Republicans are wholeheartedly behind him
Spinning their wheels: Remember when Republicans were caught up in an orgy of hate over Bill Clinton? Jackson Murphy says it looks like the Democrats are making the same mistake with George W. Bush
Realism at school: Why does Bernard Chapin work at an alternative school? Because the forces of political correctness can't make inroads in a place where reality reigns supreme
Happy cows, desperate PETA: How desperate are things for PETA? Paul Walfield says they're angry about a California commercial that shows animated cows in a state of happiness and they're suing to stop the ads from running
The natural gas crisis: Greens engineer another disaster: Why have natural gas prices exploded in recent years? Alan Caruba says you can thank our old friends, the environmentalist movement, for effectively engineering a shortfall
A new chapter in the church hierarchy: The Catholic Church has had its problems over the last couple of years, writes Paul Weyrich, but if you can praise the institution for one thing it's the consistency of its position on abortion
Go right young Catholic: Peter Vere argues that Canadian Catholics, long important as a key to the continued domination of the Liberal Party, if they are to take their faith seriously need to find a new political home
Losing our liberty in the name of fighting terrorism: Tom DeWeese says recent victories in the House of Representatives that blunt the powers of the Patriot Act aren't written in stone
Adding privacy to Patriot: Legislation offered up in the Senate should correct some of the more egregious aspects of the Patriot Act, writes Steve Lilienthal
The Third Sector: What's the "Third Sector"? Henry Lamb says it's special interest groups who have injected themselves into the policy making process
Democrat analysis more like wishful thinking: The Democrats admit that George W. Bush will be difficult to beat in 2004, writes Bobby Eberle, but their analysis of the issues is out to lunch
Defining libertarianism down: Libertarians in California had hoped that Arnold Schwarzenegger would try and become governor but W. James Antle III says that The Terminator was a faux libertarian at best
At Casino America: the house must win: Jackson Murphy doesn't know whether a "futures market" would have accurately predicted a terrorist attack but he does believe it was an innovative idea
Truman's nightmare: At the end of the Second World War Harry Truman's biggest nightmare wasn't a powerful Soviet Union, but the popularity of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Bruce Walker says the world would have been very different with MacArthur sitting in the big chair
Douglas Coupland grows up: Douglas Coupland's latest novel, Hey Nostradamus!, revealed to Steven Martinovich that the man who defined Generation X is pondering some weighty issues these days
VENONA: What my father didn't know: A lot of people are upset by Ann Coulter's defence of Sen. Joe McCarthy. Alan Caruba argues that they remind him of his father
The AMD-Chinese connection: Chip maker AMD says it's not worried that the Chinese government might use a new supercomputer for military purposes. David M. Brown isn't so sanguine
A close look at the Senate Majority Leader: Some prominent Republicans have been complaining about Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's leadership but Paul M. Weyrich says he's doing a fantastic job
An impending religious persecution in Canada?: Earlier this year Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien swore that the legalization of same sex marriages wouldn't forces changes on religious institutions. Peter Vere isn't convinced
The problem with today's feminism: Judging by Rachel Alexander's article, there isn't just one problem with feminism today
Prisoner releases from Hell: Ariel Natan Pasko says past history should teach Israelis one thing: releasing prisoners or engaging in exchanges merely restores manpower to terrorist groups
The Declaration Philosophy: Part IV – The amorality of rights: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano continues her look at the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence with the fourth in a series of essays
The Mirror of ERISED: Helen and Peter Evans react to a UC Berkeley study that compares noted conservatives to monsters like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini
The search for wholeness in society, personality, and romance: Mark Wegierski examines the concept of romance and how we look at it in both rational and irrational terms
Doctors, not lawyers, should treat mental illness: New drugs aimed at treating schizophrenia are being targeted by lawyers looking for a big payday but Amy Ridenour says that only means the victims of that illness will suffer more
University students deserve human rights: Before you pack your children off to university next month, writes Wendy McElroy, make sure you equip them with some necessary equipment
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus

September 2003

Deicide and The Passion: The controversy over Mel Gibson's movie The Passion misses, argues Jeff Snyder, what the story really means and it has nothing to do with who is to blame for Jesus Christ's death
What Bush really told the UN: Many people listened to George W. Bush's speech at the United Nations on September 23 but Alan Caruba thinks a lot of people missed what he was trying to say
The failure that is the war against terrorism: Think the war against terrorism is going well? In an interview with Steven Martinovich, Dr. Ivan Eland of the Center on Peace & Liberty argues that the Bush administration is dropping the ball
Steel tariffs were bad economics and bad politics: George W. Bush thought a lot of good would come from the increase in steel tariffs he ordered in early 2002. W. James Antle III says the move turned out to be anything but beneficial for the economy or Bush
The other treason: There are two kinds of treason according to Bruce Walker: The active treason of people like Alger Hiss and the quieter treason of people who worked to bring communism to the United States
Poor Marwan!: While Yasser Arafat enjoys the support of many, writes Ariel Natan Pasko, Marwan Barghouti sits in an Israeli prison. It just isn't fair!
Beethoven's symphonies: In June Robert S. Sargent, Jr. praised Beethoven's piano sonatas. This week he urges you not to overlook the master's symphonies
NYSE chairman should have kept his money -- and been proud of it: Edwin A. Locke believes that former NYSE chairman and CEO Richard Grasso, vilified for accepting a $139 million compensation package, should have kept all the money
Aborting the will of the people: Americans overwhelmingly support a ban on partial-birth abortions but that isn't stopping Sen. Tom Harkin and the rest of the Democrats from fighting Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, says David N. Bass
Candidate Wesley Clark: Filmmaker Michael Moore may be excited by Wesley Clark's decision to seek the Democratic nomination but Carol Devine-Molin is less than impressed by the former Army general
No football for me this year: Long a fan of football, that most conservative of sports, Trevor Bothwell says he's boycotting the NFL this year because of its descent into racial political correctness
Mahogany, Peru & poverty: NRDC's eco-lies continue: What's the Natural Resources Defense Council up to these days? According to Alan Caruba it seems to want to make poor Peruvians even poorer
Environmental litigation threatens endangered species: Out of control litigation over the environment is actually threatening to do what the environmentalist movement doesn't want to see: threaten endangered species. Dana Joel Gattuso explains how
Renegade court strikes again: The Ninth Circuit Court has made plenty of news over the past year or so with controversial decisions, writes Doug Patton, and last week was no exception
Confronting prison rape: Rape in prison isn't just confined to the television show Oz. Wendy McElroy says we should all be concerned about what happens in prison
Spectrum shifts and public opinion polls: The left loves to portray the right as extremists. The reality, says Bruce Walker, is that the American public sides with those so-called "extremists" on many issues
War on terror not just another issue: Just two years into the world war against terrorism the issue itself has become just another item for debate, writes W. James Antle III
September 11 and the nine dwarves: Last week Charles Bloomer observed a link between a debate involving the nine Democratic hopefuls for president and the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. The two events led him to ask some questions
Bush's PR difficulties with Iraq: Why is U.S. President George W. Bush having public relations problems over the issue of Iraq? Carol Devine-Molin pins the blame on both the left and the right
It's the style, stupid: Virginia Postrel explores why style and aesthetics is important to us in her new book The Substance of Style and Jackson Murphy believes she did a convincing job
The ever evolving brain: Steve Martinovich finds Richard Restak's The New Brain: How the Modern Age is Rewiring Your Mind an interesting overview of how our brains are being changed and charted in this modern era
Locke v. Davey: While people are focused on the struggles of Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore and his Ten Commandments monument, Mark Brnovich says there's another more important case in the United States
The price of freedom. Pay it!: A lot of people are unhappy with George W. Bush's recent request for $87 billion to continue the war against terrorism but Alan Caruba says it's a necessary price
The Declaration Philosophy, Part V: This right before all others: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano continues her look at the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence with the fifth in a series of essays, this time focusing on the right to life
The rerun continues: Once again Israel is talking tough about Yasser Arafat's future but Ariel Natan Pasko isn't fooled...he knows Arafat isn't going anywhere
The fall of Abbas: Why such surprise?: Avi Davis is surprised that there was so much shock over the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas as Palestinian prime minister. He believes that result was practically pre-ordained
Day of the blogger: Despite the increasing popularity and influence of blogs, the mainstream media treats them as if they were pariahs. Blogger John Hawkins thinks that will soon change
Public marathons for charity: A dissenting view: It's not a popular position to hold but Scott Shore is no fan of those public marathons for charity that tie up city streets and he doesn't care if you call him a curmudgeon
Politicians, scripture and tax collectors: Alabama Governor Bob Riley proved what Paul Weyrich has long argued: politicians who ask for tax hikes don't become more popular
Should Americans surrender their freedom for government drugs?: A Medicare prescription drug bill that Congress is attempting to put together takes away choice from Americans, says Richard E. Ralston
Free trade equals prosperity: Edwin A. Locke argues that global capitalism is the best means of creating worldwide freedom and wealth. If only last week's protestors at the WTO meetings in Cancun would listen
Constitutional liberties on standby: What's the latest threat to the personal liberty of Americans? Steve Lilienthal says it's called CAPPS II and it's a database that identifies passengers on airlines by a color-coded risk assessment
The personal is personal: The 1960s feminist motto "The personal is political" has penetrated all aspects of society, writes Wendy McElroy, and eroded our privacy in the process
Government has to be paid for: TNSTAAFL. Milton Friedman, not to mention Robert Heinlein, know what people like Howard Dean appear never to learn. W. James Antle III says There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Everybody but me: Last week Yasser Arafat blamed Israel and the United States for the death of the road map to peace. In his editorial Steve Martinovich says Arafat should look in the mirror
The myth of interdependence: It's long been held that the interdependence of nations is a positive development. Bruce Walker argues that it isn't so
The writing's on the wall: Robert S. Sargent Jr. says that Roe v. Wade took a serious blow from a recent court decision by the Mississippi Supreme Court
Posner explains 'Why America Slept': Carol Moline-Devine writes that Gerald Posner's Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11 contains some very interesting insights into the world of terrorism and the fight being waged against it
Unholy narcissism fuels left and right extremists: Neither Paul Hill, the man executed for killing an abortion doctor, nor Raed Abdel-Hamed Masq, the man who killed dozens in a terrorist attack in Israel, are men who represent religion despite what their fans say, writes Jan Ireland
Walking the intellectual high wire with Roger Scruton: Murray Soupcoff has nothing but praise for English author Roger Scruton, a man who brings a powerful intellect to the analysis of culture
Not just for so-cons: Why fiscal conservatives should vote FCP: There are plenty of conservatives in Ontario who don't want to vote Progressive Conservative in October. Peter Vere says they should consider casting a ballot for the Family Coalition Party
The illusion of national security: Big government fans promised that the war on terrorism would make Americans more safe. Tom DeWeese says that little has changed since September 11, 2001
The timid war on terrorism: A majority of Americans think the war on terrorism is going according to plan but Elan Journo and Yaron Brook believe that the U.S. is losing the war because it is ceding moral ground
USA PATRIOT riding into the sunset: Paul Weyrich argues that unless John Ashcroft is willing to admit that there are problems with the USA PATRIOT Act he shouldn't be surprised by the battle conservative groups are putting up
The advent of Christian feminism: What's got feminists scared? Wendy McElroy says Christian feminists are going to shake the politically correct world up with their arrival on the scene
Racial preferences and recycled Jim Crow arguments: The government demanding knowledge of our racial make-up should be an odious reminder of America's past, argues W. James Antle III, which is why Ward Connerly's Racial Privacy Initiative must be victorious
Breaking the chains: For James Landrith the Racial Privacy Initiative is a deeply personal issue and the proposition's victory won't just be political but moral as well
Grover's charge: An interview with Grover Norquist: Tax reformer Grover Norquist sits down with Bernard Chapin and discusses taxes and the Leviathan that feeds off them
September, do you know where your quagmire is?: It's a new month so that means it's time to play Chicken Little over Iraq again. Jackson Murphy responds to the latest charges that Iraq is turning into a...wait for it!...quagmire
How to talk for a living: Politicians, Partisans, and Parasites: My Adventures in Cable News by Tucker Carlson tells the behind the scenes stories in cable news and Steve Martinovich enjoyed it completely
Blaming America from the right: Anti-Americanism isn't just a feature of the left, says Steven Martinovich. Rogue Nation: American Unilaterialism and the Failure of Good Intentions by Clyde Prestowitz is proof of that
Tom Clancy's new generation of heroes: Tom Clancy and a new Jack Ryan are back with The Teeth of the Tiger. Steve Martinovich reviews the latest novel in the long running techno-thriller franchise
Conservation of conservatism: Brian Tiemann simply doesn't understand why his liberal friends think conservatives are little mora than pure evil
Yes Canada, I prefer American healthcare: The one article of faith that Canadians hold dear is that Canadian healthcare is superior to America's system. Canadian Peter Vere, who made the move down south, says Canadians are wrong
Dick Morris opines on the Clintons: Dick Morris' career almost ended in ignominy but Carol Moline-Devine says that ex-Clinton consultant has become a responsible political pundit these days
"Enlibra": EPA's new wolf in sheep's clothing: Think Christie Whitman was bad as EPA Director? Alan Caruba says Mike Leavitt is going to be a lot worse
The cost of turning green: It's not be easy being green and it's not cheap either. Henry Lamb wishes people pushing environmentalism calculated all the costs of their desires
The second worst president: Anyone can tell you who they think the worst president in American history was but how many people can name their number two? Bruce Walker can
NEA to target Republicans in 2004: The National Education Association is once again proving that it's mission in life has little to do with education. Samuel L. Blumenfeld reports the NEA will be heavily involved in the 2004 elections
Better education through vouchers: Paul Weyrich thinks Trent Franks' Children's Hope Act will do much good in American public schools and most importantly will help children
Total surveillance equals total tyranny: Who are the winners when government expands surveillance of its citizens? Tom DeWeese says it isn't the citizens
Radical Islamic group claims upcoming event is not a celebration of terrorism: Jeremy Reynalds says what Al-Muhajiroun says and what it is doing are two very different things
Going to extremes: The issue of father's rights may heat up into violence soon, argues Wendy McElroy, unless people begin taking the issue seriously
Arnold for governor, McClintock for US Senate: Taking back California, one position at a time - Bob Chandra
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

October 2003

Winning California - Round Two: The battle in California is far from over, argues Bruce Walker. Remember the name Janice Rogers Brown because you might be hearing it quite a bit in coming years...if she's not filibustered first that is
Living in post-constitutional America: Constitutional conservatives love to argue that Americans need to get back to how the founding fathers envisioned the United States would work. W. James Antle III agrees but argues con-cons need to remember a few things
Memos and the Kobayashi Maru: The flap over the leak of a memo written by Donald Rumsfeld concerning the war against terrorism reminds Jackson Murphy of the Star Fleet test that only James T. Kirk managed to successfully complete
The Tao of The Gipper: Peter Robinson didn't just write speeches for Ronald Reagan, he learned a lot about life as well. Steven Martinovich reviews How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life
The war against liberty: James Bovard lays out a devastating critique of the Bush administration in Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil and Steven Martinovich thinks he makes a number of important points
Christians and the constitutional landscape: Kathy Shaidle reviews Judicial Activism: A Threat to Democracy and Religion, a survey of the state of constitutional law in Canada and its chilling effects on religion
How porous should our borders be?: If you're looking for a rational immigration policy, writes Steve Farrell, why not consult Thomas Jefferson?
Anti-social studies: Social studies used to be about teaching young people about the world around them. These days, says Bernard Chapin, it exists to indoctrinate them
Only half-married: Forget the controversy over same-sex marriage, write Helen and Peter Evans, not many people seem to understand what traditional marriage is anymore
The Pope is dying: It's time to come clean: Pope John Paul II has long made conciliatory and welcomed gestures towards the Jewish community but Ariel Natan Pasko wants him to make one huge one: the return of the Jewish people's rightful inheritance
Some Canadians hoping for "regime-change" in Ottawa: Mark Wegierski reports that some Canadians are hoping for a conservative revolution in Canada. History, however, indicates that none shall be forthcoming
The radical green god-squad: It's hard enough to make a living at ranching, argues Henry Lamb, without the sanctimonious environmentalist movement -- with the help of people in government -- making it even more difficult
Why the national debt matters to you: Remember the furious debates over the national debt over the past two decades? Jill S. Farrell says America's debt is still an important topic even if the media ignores it these days
Guarding "Buy America" defense manufacturing: Regardless of what you think of the "Buy American" creed, writes Paul Weyrich, making sure America's defense industry is more self-reliant isn't a bad idea
The real threat is not cigarettes but the unfettered power of government: As anti-smoking activists enjoy one victory after another, Robert W. Tracinski warns them that there is a far greater danger to people then the threat of secondhand smoke
Killing the Good Samaritan: There once was a time when a man would leap into the hell itself to help out a woman in need. What happened? Wendy McElroy says you can thank the politically correct movement for tarring all men as potential demons
Democrats as the loyal opposition: The Democrats don't have to be in power to have a positive influence on politics, argues Bruce Walker. They can also serve as an honourable opposition
A Navy Seabee in Iraq: Robert S. Sargent, Jr. talks to a Navy Seabee recently returned from Iraq for the real story as to what's going on in that nation. The news is nowhere near as bad as you've been hearing
The future of Iraq: The media loves to report suicide bombers who are striking at liberty in Iraq so Samuel L. Blumenfeld isn't surprised that people are pessimistic about that country's future
What gun control doesn't do: Gun control advocates have long argued that regulation is needed to prevent loss of life. Steven Martinovich says that 24 000 gun laws don't seem to have much of an impact
Rush haters don't like the dittoheads either: Rush Limbaugh's enemies aren't merely content with using the outspoken radio host's problems against him, writes W. James Antle III, they want to use those problems against his listeners as well
The murder of Terri Schiavo: Doug Patton argues that the impending death of Terri Schiavo is nothing less than a watershed moment in American history
Raining on the euphoria of the merger: Conservatives in Canada are gleeful over the impending merger of the country's conservative parties but Jackson Murphy can barely stifle a yawn
The different styles of conservatism in Canada: Canada itself may tend towards the center-left but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a legitimate conservative movement. Mark Wegierski investigates some of the varieties:
Foggy Bottom thwarts America's security: Americans are right to wonder occasionally whose interests the U.S. State Department is representing, writes Carol Devine-Molin
The case for off-shore drilling: Alan Caruba has no kind things to say about people who are attempting to block oil exploration off the coast of New Jersey
Egyptian tunnels to heaven: Ariel Natan Pasko believes Israel should tackle the problems of smuggling tunnels where they originate from: Egypt
Peace, pain, Sukkot: Israel will embark on another prisoner exchange -- this time hundreds of people will be turned over for one Israeli citizen and three bodies -- and P. David Hornik isn't a fan
The "Precautionary Principle": Environmentalists use the so-called "Precautionary Principle" to validate their policies so Henry Lamb wonders why that same principle isn't valid when George W. Bush used it to invade Iraq?
Lying about sports: Bernard Chapin argues that sports must always remain the preserve of the fanatic -- the fan who would risk life and limb to watch their team play -- men like Johnny Q-bacca
Why liberals kill more people than guns: Pete Vere and his mother love to argue about gun control and abortion. Vere reminds his mother that abortion takes a far greater toll of life then do firearms
Ill-considered communist revival: Communism is experiencing a revival in Russia, says Paul Weyrich. He believes the party's new recruits should visit North Korea and Cuba to experience what they are arguing for
Child welfare system must grow up: Wendy McElroy says America's child welfare programs in many states are nothing short of disasters and it's the children who are paying the ultimate price
Decentralizing the federal government: Forget about cosmetic changes that appear to bring government back to the people. Bruce Walker literally wants government to decentralize radically so that government is amongst the people
Conservative-Libertarian split: Liberals get it, conservatives don't: W. James Antle III believes the political left has realized what the political right refuses to: the right's traditional constituencies have been taken for granted in recent years and may be up for grabs
A history of lost Christianities: The early history of Christianity is explored in Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scriptures and the Faiths We Never Knew and Steve Martinovich thinks Bart D. Ehrman has a winner on his hands
Curing Islam's sickness: Abdelwahab Meddeb argues in The Malady of Islam that Islam is sick from the disease of fundamentalism and offers his solutions to the problem. Steve Martinovich reviews his efforts
Bush and budgets: The good, the bad, the ugly: We can all agree that George W. Bush's profligate spending is hardly inspiring, but Jackson Murphy asks those considering voting Democrat whether they'd be better off with someone else in the big chair
The right is on the way back: Michael Moriarty believes that conservatives around the world should take heart that Arnold Schwarzenegger won the California recall election last week
The real world series: We're not far away from baseball's World Series but Henry Lamb says we should be more concerned about another world series that will take place in November 2004
There is no electrical grid: When the blackout hit earlier this summer the experts fell all over themselves describing a failure in the distribution grid. Alan Caruba argues that there is in fact no real grid
Time Magazine's rush to declare defeat: In a recent cover story Time Magazine all but declared the Iraqi post-war situation a catastrophe. Samuel L. Blumenfeld says they have it all wrong
Confronting the Syrian threat: Carol Devine-Molin says that Israel recognizes it even if the rest of the world doesn't: Syria is a sponsor of terrorism and a danger to global security
Take the money and run: Clark and CAPPS II: Americans don't have to wonder where Wesley Clark stands on the issue of their liberty. Steve Lilienthal says the money speaks for itself
Where have you gone, Isaac Newton?: Science used to be based on reason but these days, writes David Harriman, it's becoming indistinguishable from the very things it used to attack
Campaign finance limits violate free speech: The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act -- under review by the U.S. Supreme Court -- is an ominous limitation on free speech, says Andrew Lewis
Help for hiring legal immigrants: This week the U.S. House of Representatives is considering the expansion of a pilot project designed to check whether someone is a legal alien when they are applying for a job. Paul M. Weyrich says the system isn't a cure-all but it will help
Collective Western guilt burdens today's children: Many in the West today are labouring under the burden of guilt over what has happened in the past. Wendy McElroy believes that's what may be motivating charges of rape in Kenya
Open borders Freedom Ride to nowhere: Equating illegal immigration with the 1960s civil rights movement is an error in logic, writes W. James Antle III in response to the recent "Freedom Ride" for immigrant workers
Supporting Arnold, the Republican nominee: Suck it up, conservative Republicans in California. When you go to the polls on October 7 your choice is the Democrats or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bruce Walker says choose the Austrian Oak
See no evil: News that David Kay has found no weapons of mass destruction has spawned countless of "informed" editorials blasting the Bush administration. Jackson Murphy wonders why they don't tell the whole story
Why Rush Limbaugh's big mouth mattered: Whether Limbaugh was right about Donovan McNabb's high profile being as a result of his race, argues Kimberley Lindsay Wilson, he was wrong about some other things
Limbaugh's secret life: Rush Limbaugh is a man who refuses to wear jeans because he doesn't want to look like a hippy. Who knew before last week that he was also a drug addict? Carol Devine-Molin feels for the man
On the pleasure of reading old magazines: One of Samuel L. Blumenfeld's joys is reading old magazines. They tell you a lot about the world and how it's changed over the past century
Kiss your property rights goodbye!: Government isn't the only danger to property rights, writes Tom DeWeese. He counsels you to avoid neighbourhoods with homeowner's associations. They can be just as bad as out of control government
The green enemies of progress: The environmentalist movement can wrap their ideology up in all the scientific language they can muster but for Alan Caruba their message is clear: progress is morally wrong
Choosing America's future: When you cast your ballot next year, writes Henry Lamb, include in your analysis of each candidate who you think will make sure that America's supply of oil isn't choked off
Vive L'Alberta Libre! An interview with Bruce Hutton of the Separation Party of Alberta: Quebec isn't the only Canadian province that flirts with separating from the rest of the country. Alberta has long had its own secessionist movement. Peter Vere talks with one of its leaders
Two sides Of Schumer: It appears for Sen. Charles Schumer that the seriousness of leaks is determined by the political affiliation of the man serving as president. Paul M. Weyrich explains why he believes that
Charles Pickering: A man of great honor and courage: Charles Pickering finally made it out of the Senate's Judiciary Committee last week. John A. Nowacki says it's about time the character assassination he's suffered come to an end
Health and taxes: Even worse than death and taxes: If you let the government control how you receive health care, says Richard E. Ralston, you get the worst of all worlds
The Caucasian Club: Robert S. Sargent, Jr. doesn't particularly care for clubs that define themselves by race but he wishes high school student Lisa McClelland and her push for a "Caucasian Club" well
Republicans will pay for Bush's bad transit policies: By pushing bus-based transit systems, argues Daniel G. Jennings, George W. Bush risks alienating a large pool of voters
The wall in my heart: Israel's rapidly growing security wall promises to keep the country safer -- or at least that's what the government hopes -- but Ariel Natan Pasko isn't a fan
Baby Kim's secret weapon: Why does Kim Jong Il continue to get away with tweaking the world's nose? John Dawson says it's because everyone believes there is no objective standard for moral judgment
Families pay price for government spending: When experts try and figure out why families are under such strain today, argues Wendy McElroy, they often forget to include the cost of government
John Kerry, semi-supply-sider?: Is John Kerry turning into a supply-sider? Probably not but as W. James Antle III points out, Kerry is at least against repealing a tax cut for middle class families which differentiates him from the other Democrats
Calling a constitutional convention: Bruce Walker argues that the only way to stop all the abuse of the American Constitution is to hold a constitutional convention and give the country back to its people
The day America changed: Murdering McKinley: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt's America isn't perfect but Steve Martinovich found it a great guide to an event changed the course of a nation's history
When the revolution goes wrong: Keith D. Cummings' Opening Bell starts where Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged ends off: a revolution of the mind. Steven Martinovich reviews this first time novelist's effort
The thought police strike back -- SMU affirmative action bake sale shut down: Want to protest your favourite liberal cause on campus? No problem. Want to protest affirmative action? Brendan Steinhauser says schools are considerably less supportive
Time to get serious: The Democrats' frenzy of Bush hatred should be a message to the Republicans and George W. Bush, writes Jackson Murphy, that things are looking good for long as they keep their eye on the ball
The United Nation's fork in the road: Kofi Annan was right last week when he stated that the United Nations has come to a fork in the road. Alan Caruba says that he just doesn't understand where the paths lead to
Restructuring the U.N.: There's nothing wrong with the United Nations that a good deal of massive restructuring wouldn't solve, writes Henry Lamb
Holy places: Who is the latest target for the European Parliament? A monastery located on Mt. Athos in Greece. Their crime? According to Paul Weyrich they've earned the ire of some for being an all-male environment
Mafiosos, terrorists, and all that jazz: Terrorism isn't just a religious obligation for some people, it's also a business for other people. Carol Devine-Molin explains
Greens bash Democratic governor for speeding: David N. Bass says recent news that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson loves drivers with a lead foot spotlights the dislike the Greens and Democrats have for each other
Israeli left: Love your enemy, hate your brother: The Israeli left isn't all that different from the American left, judging by what Ariel Natan Pasko has to say about the subject. In Israeli, the left is more interested in the people trying to destroy their country than those who are the targets
Kids just don't understand: The real cause of online music piracy: Why do teens pirate music on the Internet? Barry and Michele Fagin say they haven't been taught what intellectual property rights are
Rumors of coal's demise have been greatly exaggerated: The Ontario election campaign has seen a lot of talk about the death of coal as an energy source. Jason Hayes believes coal isn't going away any time soon
Pickering deserves another unanimous confirmation: Once again Charles Pickering will be declared a racist by some members of the Senate and once again it won't be true. John Nowacki says Pickering deserves a position on the Fifth Circuit
Do poor fathers deserve debtors' prison?: The common answer is that "deadbeat fathers" deserve to rot in jail but Wendy McElroy says that reality is far more difficult than easy answers
Convicted murderess can get custody but decent fathers can't: What's one way to get custody? Murder the father of your children, get convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Glenn Sacks says that didn't stop Clara Harris from receiving joint custody of her two children
Farmers for Freedom
Site of the Month
Earth is Flat Award/Vinegar in Freedom Award
Lingua Publicus
Letters to the Editor

November 2003

Massachusetts marriage ruling is judicial activism in action: Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, writes W. James Antle III, the recent court ruling in Massachusetts was an example of personal opinion trumping the rule of law. That's judicial activism no matter what the outcome is
The journey from slave owner to emancipator: There are a lot of people who will consider Henry Wiencek's An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves and the Creation of America a smear on Washington's reputation but Steve Martinovich believes it was an honest treatment that humanizes America's first president
Barbra Streisand: The new Janet Reno: Michael Moriarty has a long history with former Attorney General Janet Reno but he decides to turn his guns in a new direction: Barbra Streisand for placing herself in the midst of The Reagans controversy
Don't rush Iraq to democracy: Steve Martinovich argues that history has proven that you don't introduce democracy into a nation like Iraq too soon or you might create as many new problems as you've solved
Another spin on school choice: Bruce Walker argues that all levels of government should get involved in providing education to produce competition, something he believes would radically improve public education in America
Educators vs. reading: Once again national tests have shown no improvement in reading scores and Onkar Ghate says it's because educators refuse to give up the whole language method of reading
Liberal senators block Child Medication Safety Act of 2003: The CMS Act would prevent schools from forcing parents to drug ADD diagnosed children but several senators on the left are determined to block its passage, writes Samuel L. Blumenfeld
President Bush versus the Leftists: Everyone was expecting a catastrophic trip for George W. Bush while he was in Britain. Carol Devine-Molin says the Texan did very nicely in Old Blighty
The Democrats' Southern problem: Bobby Jindal's loss in Louisiana has been suggested by some that the Republican tide in the southern United States is beginning to recede. W. James Antle III believes you'd have to be delusional to agree with that notion
More freebies for older Americans: Despite how popular free drug benefits for the elderly may be, and the elderly undoubtedly love the idea, Keith D. Cummings says that it's state sponsored robbery
Do we want another Jessica Lynch?: Kimberley Jane Wilson says the Jessica Lynch story should prompt Americans to finally debate with themselves whether they really want women to serve in combat situations
Jessica Lynch, Col. West, and common sense: In dangerous times, argues Trevor Bothwell, the U.S. Army needs men like Lt. Col. Allen West. Instead, they're attempting to run him out of the military
The political pornography of saving the children: Untold numbers of African children die every year because poverty robs them of a chance to live. So what concerns the United Nations? Murray Soupcoff says the world body is more interested in discussing poverty in the United States
Demolishing political correctness: One teradactyl at a time: When it comes to battling the politically correct Bernard Chapin says the time is right to now carry the war to them. After all, you lose nothing by having a sanctimonious person hate you
Toward a conservative conception of privacy: Steve Lilienthal urges everyone to remember that the battle for your privacy shouldn't be confined to simply targeting the federal government. The war has many fronts that need soldiers
Alien Tort Claims Act used against poor Africans: Why should American lawyers limit themselves to screwing over fellow Americans? John Meredith says class-action lawsuits filed against U.S. corporations who did business in apartheid-era South Africa will harm poor South Africans the most
Where are the fiscal conservatives?: There's a spending spree the likes that Jill S. Farrell has never seen going on at Capitol Hill and she's like to know what happened to all the self-styled fiscal conservatives
Fathers protest unjust custody laws: A lot of fathers are protesting the fact that as soon as they are divorced the powers of the state are turned against them when it comes to the issue of their children, writes Wendy McElroy
LaMusga move-away case: Fathers' rights showdown in CA Supreme Court: One of the issues worrying men who've lost custody of their children, says Glenn Sacks, is the issue of allowing custodial mothers to move hundreds or thousands of miles away and separating children from their fathers
Creating a new holiday: If we can't get his face on Mt. Rushmore, why not dedicate a whole day to him? Bruce Walker proposes a campaign to create a holiday named after Ronald Reagan...and none of that "President's Day" stuff either
Failing to make the case against LBJ: Barr McClellan tries to make the case in Blood, Money and Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K. that Lyndon Johnson was one of the men responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Steve Martinovich wasn't convinced
Unfunny untruths: Michael Moore's Dude, Where's My Country? commits the worst sins that funny books about politics are supposed to avoid. It wasn't funny and it you can't trust much of anything that's in it. Steve Martinovich explains why
The galaxy strikes back: Heinlein Award winner Robert Zubrin's science fiction novel The Holy Land takes on the War on Terrorism. Jack J. Woehr had some problems with it but did find it to be thought-provoking
Far sides of the world: Jackson Murphy saw Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World this weekend and it gets him thinking about the future of Iraq
Bush's vision for the Middle East: George W. Bush does indeed have a great vision for the Middle East, writes Robert S. Sargent Jr. The problem? He doesn't provide a road map to get there
Secret memo linking Saddam and al-Qaida: The U.S. Department of Defense may not be pleased about its leak but Carol Devine-Molin says a memo detailing the links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida is eye-opening
The chickenhawk slur: The extreme left once again dragged out the "chickenhawk" slur to stifle debate, reports John Hawkins. He wonders if they know who would belongs in that category if the insult were to be taken seriously
From the front lines of the culture war...A diary of Terri's vigil: By coincidence of geography Peter Vere just happened to be in the middle of the Terri Schiavo protest last month. In a series of diary excerpts we learn what it was like to be in the middle of the storm
The twists and turns of the Jessica Lynch story: David M. Huntwork argues that the Jessica Lynch story has raised many issues that need to be addressed, ones being ignored in favor of using her story to score points
Check power or checkmate?: Checks and balances were built into the U.S. Constitution for a reason, says Steve Farrell. Power, even in a democracy, corrupts...unless men have become angels
Ignorance about energy: Alan Caruba believes that a lot of people need a good dose of common sense when it comes to energy and the issues linked to it
Ignoring Thomas Edison: Thomas A. Edison worked a lifetime to improve the lives of Americans with his inventions but today, writes Tom DeWeese, people are determined to destroy his legacy
World socialists call for world government: Lovers of the United Nations hate to hear their beloved referred to as "socialist" and yet, says Henry Lamb, Socialist International proves that the description is apt
The big guys try to write their own bonanza: Regardless of what you think of the faith-based initiative, writes Steve Lilienthal, the Senate version contains an odious provision if your a fan of private property rights
Colleges charge big for worthless curricula: Given the incredible cost of college and university, says Wendy McElroy, it's a travesty that youth today are graduating without even a passing knowledge of the fundamentals
GOP also needs to remember the Reagan legacy: W. James Antle III is pleased that the GOP defended the Reagan record from being smeared by a now cancelled CBS mini-series. He just wishes the GOP would do a little more in living up to the man's legacy
The First Amendment, corporate power, leftist whining and The Reagans: Bruce Walker is tired of the left portraying CBS' decision not to air The Reagans as a right wing hit on free speech. When it comes to the truth, organizations like CBS have a lot of sins to pay for
Time to kiss and make up: A growing number of Canadians want stronger ties with the United States. Steve Martinovich hopes Canadian government begins to move in that direction
State of the media address: Bernard Goldberg is back with Arrogance: Rescuing America from the Media Elite, his latest indictment of a biased media and Steven Martinovich reviews his efforts
The forgotten heroes of World War II: It's not perfect but Steve Martinovich finds that A Question of Honor: The Kosciuszko Squadron: The Forgotten Heroes of World War II does manage to inform the reader how important the Poles were to winning the Second World War II
Music for a free nation: God and country come together in One Nation Under God, a collection of instrumental recordings featuring some of America's best military bands. Steve Martinovich judges it a nice addition to your collection
Judges matter: Control of the judiciary is too important for gimmicks: How are the Republicans fighting the continued filibuster of George W. Bush's judicial nominees? By planning a sleep over on the Senate floor. W. James Antle III wants somebody to get serious about going to bat for conservative judges
Fighting the Michael Moore Matrix: Neo of The Matrix was offered the choice to take the blue pill or the red pill. Jackson Murphy says for many people they woke up and believed the world according to people like Michael Moore
Putting the "quagmire" in perspective: It is indeed tragic when coalition forces in Iraq suffer fatalities but Charles Bloomer urges you to keep the numbers of deaths in perspective
Iraq heats up: There has been some bad news coming out of Iraq lately but Carol Devine-Molin argues that it would be unthinkable for the U.S. to leave now
Birds of a feather, flock together: When it comes to ideas about Iraq's immediate future, writes Henry Lamb, it's not surprising that the left moves in lockstep
Iraq is not Vietnam: The United States is engaged in a battle for hearts and minds in Iraq, argues Jackson Murphy, but the situation isn't the same as Vietnam despite what the media likes to tell the American people
Worth fighting for? Faint light from the hear of Iraq darkness…: Murray Soupcoff wishes that George W. Bush would address some serious concerns about Iraq rather than lapse into cowboy talk
The Europeanization of American education: Thomas Jefferson was strenuously opposed to sending American children to be educated in Europe. Steve Farrell says Americans did the next worse thing: they brought Europe to America's schools
Where are the "human shields" for Israelis?: Impressionable young Westerners flocked to provide protection as human shields for Palestinians and even did so for Saddam Hussein's brutal fascist regime. Ariel Natan Pasko wonders why Israelis don't merit the same passion
Love letters from leftists: Using the mountain of hate mail he's received from the left, Bruce Walker constructs a handy guide for future letter writers if they want to get their point across
The singular Mr. Gioia: A poet helms the NEA: Dana Gioia is the newly named chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts and a poet. Robert Bové examines some of the ideas the former vice president for marketing at General Foods will be bringing to bear in his new job
Feminism as an educational virus: Feminism may be under attack in mainstream society but as an educator Brian Chapin knows that it continues to penetrate the classroom with an increasingly hostile ideology
The way they lived then: Marriage is one of the world's oldest institutions but P. David Hornik says it was a different kind of institution for people of his grandparents' era
Government enforced attitudes and beliefs: Land of the free? Alan Caruba argues that there are a lot of things you simply aren't allowed to say these days
"New Civics" means "Global Governance": Being a good civic citizen once meant being a good America. Today, argues Tom DeWeese, it means believing in ideas like global government
Tiny type and lots of labels - At what cost and what effectiveness?: Attorney Marion Edwyn Harrison has had enough of small print and labels. Unfortunately, Harrison writes, the American government isn't finished making sure everything is labeled for our protection
Better now than later: Tightening the USA-PATRIOT Act: It's still not too late to reign in the USA PATRIOT Act, argues Steve Lilienthal. The SAFE Act would rectify many of the serious problems introduced by the legislation designed to aid law enforcement in fighting terrorism
Pro-lifers link euthanasia to abortion: Wendy McElroy believes the pro-life is making a mistake by attempting the case of Terri Schiavo to the wider debate over abortion
Dissolution of the governors association is no answer: America's governors may be calling for more money, writes Jill S. Farrell, but that doesn't mean that the federal government has to give in or take action against them
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Letters to the Editor

December 2003

Dilemmacrats: The Democrats are lining themselves up for a loss next year, says Bruce Walker, and the cause will be their out of control hatred -- best exemplified by Howard Dean -- for George W. Bush
Absolute power corrupts: What Saddam teaches us about unlimited power: Saddam Hussein proved once again, writes W. James Antle III, that Lord Acton was right when he argued against absolute power
A missed opportunity: Earlier this month Shirin Ebadi of Iran received the Nobel Peace Prize. In his editorial Steve Martinovich blasts her for criticizing the West instead of spotlighting the fight for democracy in her homeland
The best books of 2003: Book editor Steve Martinovich announces his picks for the best books of 2003
The art of leadership: For centuries politicians have looked to Niccolo Machiavelli for inspiration but Steve Martinovich thinks that Carnes Lord's The Modern Prince: What Leaders Need To Know may replace The Prince
Seeking simplicity through God: There is no such thing as an easy spiritual journey and Steve Martinovich says it's the same with Paula Huston's The Holy Way: Practices for a Simple Life
Ringing in 2004 with orange: Another victory for that unilateralist cowboy in Washington, D.C.! Jackson Murphy argues that while Libya's renunciation of WMDs may not make the world appreciably safer it is still a victory for global security
Iraq's ripple effect: Carol Devine-Molin says that recent successes in the war against terrorism are due only to one thing: the policies of the Bush administration
"V-Day" in Amherst: In the arms race with Berkeley, Ca. to find out who is the more irresponsibly liberal, Amherst, Mass. has kicked it up a notch, says Isabel Lyman, with the announcement that high school students will be treated to a performance of The Vagina Monologues
Oh what a year it was!: There was some bad in 2003, writes Alan Caruba, but for the most part the year was filled with a lot of good news
Howard Dean and the gentrified left: Post-modern busybodies?: Murray Soupcoff asks where, oh where, are the Democrats today? The answer? traveling down a different path from the rest of Americans
Canadian conservatism needs relationship rescue: "How's that working for ya?" Canadian conservative agenda?: J.L. Jackson wraps up her three part series on the future of Canadian conservatism by calling on her counterparts to develop a real agenda that they can take to Canadians
I'll take free speech over political correctness: Rob Anders, a member of Canada's Parliament, argues that legislation designed to protect gays and lesbians from discrimination will end up stifling free speech
U.N.: Butt out!: Henry Lamb says that the United Nations shouldn't presume to think it has a voice concerning the future of Iraq. America's goals for Iraq and what the U.N. desires are not the same thing
Pulling the shades on the Ace of Spades: We've all gotten spam offering to sell us theme decks of cards but Mark Vorzimmer might actually take the plunge by picking up The Affirmity Deck
Those wild and crazy Democrats: Phillip J. Hubbell has the news: The Republicans have Bigfoot and will spring the news just in time for the 2004 election!
An open letter to the people of Afghanistan: In framing a new constitution, Afghans should embrace the ideals of America's founding fathers, writes C. Bradley Thompson asks
Marriage and the state: Part II: Sean Turner concludes his two part series about the institutions of marriage and state by arguing that conservatives are wrong to believe that marriage is a responsibility of government
Show the mothers compassion: Excommunicate the politicians: As a Catholic canon lawyer Peter Vere abhors abortion but he's angrier at Catholic politicians who ignore their faith and continue voting in favor of pro-abortion legislation
Property owners concerned about USA-PATRIOT: Dorothy Bartholomew is part of a growing number of Americans angry at the growing use of the USA-PATRIOT Act to target Americans, says Steve Lilienthal
The conservative cookie rebellion: Wendy McElroy argues that the recent number of cookie sales designed to criticize affirmative action were parody and satire and shouldn't have been stopped by university administrators
Rejoice, Saddam has been captured! But what happens next?: Saddam Hussein's capture this weekend will answer a lot of questions, writes W. James Antle III, and probably raise a whole host of new ones as well
Turning on the lights: It isn't the end but it is the end of the beginning. Jackson Murphy hails Saddam Hussein's capture and says it closes the opening chapter in the liberation of the Iraqi people
Hang Saddam, then Arafat: Ariel Natan Pasko is overjoyed at the capture of Saddam Hussein. He argues that the next target should be Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat
Saddam's capture signifies turning tide: Carol Devine-Molin believes that Saddam Hussein's capture marks a psychological point in campaign against terrorism
Getting ready for 2004: Slate's Field Guide to the Candidates 2004 is a nice quick and dirty guide the candidates for president in 2004 but Steve Martinovich wished it contained more in depth analysis
America has grounded the Wright brothers: Heike Berthold believes that America has abandoned the cultural values that made the Wright brothers' great achievement possible
The American Empire: Tantae molis erat American condere gentem. Get used to it, says Alan Caruba, we are living in the early days of the American Empire. This empire, however, is a defensive entity
The long road for the Canadian right: Despite the obvious strengthening of the Canadian right, writes Mark Wegierski, the new Conservative Party of Canada faces an uphill battle against the Liberal Party and the extra-parliamentary Left
Arnold Schwarzenegger minister?: Many American conservatives are dismissive of Arnold Schwarzenegger's conservative credentials but Michael Taube says he would have been a dream candidate in Canada
Judge Martin's cabinet on the job titles and record, not on map locations: Speaking of Canada, newly minted Prime Minister Paul Martin introduced his new cabinet last week. Walter Robinson wasn't very impressed
Marriage and the state: Conservatives and liberals are now in the midst of a battle to determine how the state should define marriage. Sean Turner believes that the debate should be over something else entirely
Impeachment, the unused check: Instead of complaining about judicial activism, argues Robert S. Sargent Jr., legislatures should invoke the weapon of impeachment to send a signal to the judiciary
What's in a name?: Allan Bormel is of the opinion that Hiibel v. Nevada -- the case of a man who refused to give his name to a police officer -- is the wrong one to use in the fight to protect our privacy
Why are Jews liberal…and why we're becoming more conservative: American Jews may have a history of voting left, writes Charles Morse, but he believes -- based on his own history -- that those days will soon be over
A shot in the arm...or the foot?: Free medicine and free beer share one thing: neither is really ever free. Keith D. Cummings says that Americans will eventually pay a price if government moves to control the price of medicine
Jennings stumps for government action against food: Last week ABC aired a documentary about the role that government and business play in the fattening of Americans. Trevor Bothwell says that subtlety wasn't one of the program's strengths
Stealing our children's birthright: Organizations like The Nature Conservancy, argues Henry Lamb, are robbing America's land of its values and has the potential to turn Americans into a land of renters
Concerned conservatives, not Chicken Littles: Ever since the USA-PATRIOT Act was passed, conservatives have warned that it could be used against them. Don't believe them? Steve Lilienthal says you should consider the case of James Pouillon
Ask before you give: This season domestic violence centers will be asking you for money. Wendy McElroy urges you to give as much as you can -- but not before you ask some important questions
Navigating by the neon lights of Taco Bell or Tim Hortons: There has been a lot of talk that Canada is cool because it isn't a nation of Starbucks' and Taco Bells. Jackson Murphy argues that Canada and the U.S. aren't so different
A forgotten war and its heroes: With The Burma Road: The Epic Story of the China-Burma-India Theatre in World War II Steven Martinovich says Donovan Webster has done the men of the China-Burma-India Theatre justice
Bill Clinton's sins of omission: Richard Miniter's Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror shows, says Carol Devine-Molin, that history could have been different had Bill Clinton acted against Osama bin Laden during his presidency
Pure adrenaline?: Linda A. Prussen-Razzano thinks a lot of John B. Olson's medical thriller Adrenaline but she thinks it could have been even better
The tipping point: Bruce Walker argues that there will be no major battle that will spend the end of the left, merely a point from which they will not be able to recover
We remember the Reagan years: Patti Davis confirmed what we all feared in a People essay, that her father Ronald Reagan was fairing poorly. W. James Antle III responds that we'll remember the past for him
Playing Israeli politician: Ariel Natan Pasko says that the Geneva Initiative authored in part by Dr. Yossi Beilin spells nothing less than an imperiled future for Israel
Where's Janet Reno when we need her?: Keith D. Cummings wants Janet Reno to lead a charge against a federal government which is making it difficult for Americans to engage in charitable efforts
A lovely lump of coal: Alan Caruba dearly wants the United States to receive a huge lump of coal in its stocking for Christmas. Why? Because it's wonderful energy source despite what environmentalists tell the American public
The courting adventures of unemployed man!: Bernard Chapin's good friend Yakov recently lost his job, something that doesn't help any man on the dating scene
Prejudging Bush in Iraq: There are legitimate criticisms of what's going on in Iraq, argues Rachel Alexander, that critics can stop repeating the tired arguments of why the United States shouldn't have gone to war in the first place
Ashamed of strength: Never afraid to back down from a fight, Jeremy Reynalds is taking on liberals in Albuquerque who want a 70-foot ballistic missile removed from the city's downtown because they are offended by the fact that it was used for military purposes as well as the space program
An Rx for our ailing health care system: Caps on lawsuit awards: If you want to improve health care, say David and Amy Ridenour, then it's time to get a handle on the explosion of lawsuits that's bringing down the system
How the left stole Christmas: Even the Grinch eventually was infused with the spirit of Christmas. Hans Zeiger says, however, the political left continues its war on the Christian holiday
The UN wants to control the Internet: We know what you're thinking about that headline: Tom DeWeese is engaging in some more right-wing United Nations bashing. The problem for you is that he's right
U.N. says Yellowstone no longer "in danger": The fact that the United Nations has lifted its "in danger" designation from Yellowstone National Park doesn't mean, says Henry Lamb, that the world body is through trying to dictate American land use policy
Free speech in action: Howard Kaloogian argues that the protest over the CBS mini-series The Reagans is free speech at its best despite what liberals would have you believe
Hats off to Senator Frist: When Bill Frist was elected Senate Majority Leader Paul Weyrich wasn't all that impressed but he says the man's list of accomplishments have completely changed his mind
Media fails public in Jackson case: Regardless of what you think about Michael Jackson and the allegations surrounding him, Wendy McElroy says the media has done an abysmal job serving the public
What exactly do big government conservatives want to conserve?: The Republican Party is spending like a party that wants to remain in power, writes W. James Antle III, but the real price could be the party's soul
Riding in cars with candidates: Jackson Murphy says that Walter Shapiro's One Car Caravan: On the Road with the 2004 Democrats Before America Tunes In is a marvelous look at an election that is still many months away
All in the family: Many things may be changing in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban but Steve Martinovich says that when it comes to the role of women Åsne Seierstad's The Bookseller of Kabul shows that some things stay the same
Killing millions to "save" the Earth: The real victims of the environmentalist movement are the world's poor, says Alan Caruba, and he says Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death makes a strong case in favor of that argument
Films we will never see: Hollywood is great at making movies that denigrate conservative heroes which is likely why a list of movies Bruce Walker would like to see will never be made
Bush thrills troops, overshadows Hillary's trip to Baghdad: George W. Bush's visit to America's soldiers in Iraq was, in Carol Devine-Molin's opinion, a political masterstroke. That's why she could care less about the moaning and groaning about the trip from the media and Bush's political opponents
The U.N. needs Robert Vaughn: Actor Robert Vaughn is earning a little side money in commercials for personal injury lawyers. Keith D. Cummings the pitch Vaughn uses in those commercials should also be adopted by the United Nations
Who is a "Palestinian refugee"?: The "right of return" has long been a staple demand when it comes to negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Who is a refugee? According to Ariel Natan Pasko the current definition is so broad as to be virtually worthless
Get feminist complaint canals off our urinals!: Regardless of where you stand in the debate over various aspects of the feminist agenda, says Bernard Chapin, unisex washrooms have to be something we can all be opposed to
Criminal activity or Christian persecution?: Jeremy Reynalds reports on the case of Joshua Fellman who -- along with his sister and a friend -- were charged with illegal hacking at Rogers State University. Was the charge justified or was it in response to Fellman's Christian activism?
Who owns "public" land?: In the United States the federal government has long maintained that it owns so-called "public land." Henry Lamb says a recent court decision may throw that belief right out the window
Zero patience for zero tolerance: Many people are big fans of the "zero tolerance" approach when it comes to violence in our public schools but Wendy McElroy says it comes at a price: the terrorization of innocent children
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