2016 - December 2016
January 2016
The Iranian penetration of Iraqi Kurdistan: The Kurds are one of the West's staunchest allies in the Middle East but Lazar Berman says Iranian overtures to the proud people may be changing that
Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins a cultural analysis
The Thousand Year Peace: Chapter Thirteen: The New World Order House of Cards: Part One: Michael Moriarty turns the focus of his pen towards the radical sympathies he argues Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau share
Why do they lie to us over and over?: The Progressive Establishment continues to tell the same lies repeatedly and Dr. Robert Owens enumerates and answers some of them
Trump, Cruz and New York values: Sen. Ted Cruz's recent shot at Donald Trump over having "New York values" has prompted Selwyn Duke to ruminate about generalizations and profiling
Trump's 'New York values': Mark Alexander has one simple message for the millions of Americans who support Donald Trump's candidacy for the GOP nomination
China's market chaos: Obama should lift page from trump to avert crisis: China's steadily worsening economic woes coupled with an unvalued yuan are causing major issues for the United States...but they can be addressed, writes Dr. Peter Morici
Hillary's new "inevitability": Hillary Clinton is considered by many to be the next American president in waiting but John W. Lillpop says indictments are more likely
Hillary will not be indicted: The Obama administration is covering for their own and that means Hillary Clinton will never see the inside of a courtroom, responds John Bender
Hillary Clinton's email fiasco worse than originally suspected: Jim Kouri reports that the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton's unsecured emails continues and is part of a long pattern of sketchy behavior of the Clinton family
Will oil prices rebound in 2016? Interview with Carl Larry: Where will oil prices go in 2016? These days that's a hard question to answer but Nick Cunningham interviews oil industry expert Carl Larry in an attempt to make an informed prediction
Central planners freaking out about discussion of gold's role: The mere mention in some recent Republican debates of returning to the gold standard has caused a tizzy with the usual suspects and Clint Siegner takes the arguments of one opponent of the idea
Are there double standards in Israel's application of the rule of law in the territories?: U.S. Amb. Dan Shapiro accused Israel of using a double standard application of law -- one for Israelis, the other for Palestinians -- to which Amb. Alan Baker agrees...and explains why
Base policies on reality, not deceit: Paul Driessen says that Dr. Bob Carter understood that climate frequently changes, and we must prepare to adapt
Explaining the Islamic State phenomenon: Dr. Jacques Neriah explores the factors that led to the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham to becoming the largest and most capable terrorist group in the world
Life under an iron fist: Paul Driessen charges that federal government overseers are threatening property and livelihoods of hardworking Westerners
The Thousand Year Peace: Chapter Twelve: New World Order Narcissism: Film classic Gone with the Wind and its chief character Scarlett O'Hara reminds Michael Moriarty much of the self-imposed slow suicide America is undergoing
In search of a voice for the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski describes an attenuated fragment-culture
Happy days are here again again: You didn't hear the news? America's leaders say the country is back and all is well again! Dr. Robert Owens can't help but cheer!
Republican hopefuls clearing a path for Clinton: Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton must be privately thanking the field of Republican candidates for making her job of capturing the White House so much easier, writes Dr. Peter Morici
America's unsent distress signal: Charlotte B. Cerminaro wonders if America isn't like a famous empire of old that doesn't know it's doomed and merely waiting for the signal to learn its fate
War between Saudi Arabia and Iran could send oil prices to $250: If the lukewarm war between Saudi Arabia and Iran goes hot, says James Stafford, expect an immediate and massive hike in oil prices
Google designs the self–absorbed car for the self–absorbed man: Plenty of people are looking forward to the day of self-driving cars but Michael R. Shannon isn't and thinks they're more of a commentary on the world today
A path to making gold and silver the currency of the 21st Century: The digital economy might seem to be contra to a hard metals backed currency but Stefan Gleason believes that the two combined could present a challenge to fiat currencies
Rather than close Gitmo, Mr. President, send El Chapo there!: Barack Obama has a Gitmo problem and Mexico has an El Chapo issue -- John W. Lillpop says never have two issues dove-tailed each other more
A celebrity has her say: Internationally famed gorilla Koko recently had a message for humanity, writes Greg Strange, one that betrayed a striking knowledge of climate change issues
Obama's State of Delusion: There are few people happier that Barack Obama recently delivered his final State of the Union address...particularly since he doesn't have to analyze them any longer
Why good jobs are too few, wages so poor: Think good well-paying jobs are difficult to find now? Dr. Peter Morici says unless America's children concentrate on learning real skills, they'll be far worse off than today's job seekers
The Thousand Year Peace: Chapter Eleven: The Most Urgent Truth Inside America: Michael Moriarty wasn't particularly impressed by Donald Trump pulling the "birther card" against Ted Cruz recently -- when the real enemy is on the other side of the political aisle
A fragmented fragment-culture: Mark Wegierski offers a brief sociological sketch of the Polish-Canadian community
Fly me to the moon: As the mess in Syria continues to drag on without an apparent end, some have been calling for a No Fly Zone over the embattled country. Dr. Robert Owens thinks the idea's motives are transparent and a waste of time
The FDA has the blood of millions of Americans on its hands: Rachel Alexander takes a look at Darcy Olsen's recently released effort The Right to Try: How the Federal Government Prevents Americans from Getting the Life-Saving Treatments They Need
Donald Trump is a political and cultural phenomenon: Time Magazine may have preferred Angela Merkel for its Person of the Year but Selwyn Duke says the Republican front-runner is truly the most compelling person today
Iranian-Saudi relations before the abyss: Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran have flared into open hostility and Michael Segall says this is a continuation of a long struggle between different branches of Islam with an ending that likely won't be pleasant
Saudi-Iran dispute won't cause lasting oil price rally: Anyone expecting the tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran to begin pushing up oil prices -- at least for the long term -- will be greatly disappointed, writes Nick Cunningham
2016 race to global oneness: Primordial awakening to universal consciousness: For those who believe that the world is really just one entity, reports Debra Rae, 2016 is going to be a year full of activities
Every patriot's resolve: A new year brings new hopes and aspirations and Mark Alexander believes that America's founding fathers have good advice for everyone
Former U.S. Marine officer confirms Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi: Years after the murder of Americans at the Benghazi Consulate in Libya the truth remains a commodity in short supply, says Jim Kouri
The heat is on!: Paul Driessen wants to know why Volkswagen should be investigated for emission deception, but not government agencies?
2016 can be a blessed year, if….: Everyone looks to a new year as a chance for change and renewal and John W. Lillpop says 2016 can be a great year if two things happen -- sounds to us like you have a goal for this year
The Thousand Year Peace: Chapter Ten: The United Nations' New World Order Coup: Michael Moriarty would love to be optimistic about the coming year but he suspects some very dastardly acts are coming from the powers that be
Creative writing and the Polish-Canadian community: Mark Wegierski reminisces about a major Canadian writers' conference he attended a few years back
Shostakovich, the First Amendment, and the Russian Revolution: During the Soviet era composer Dmitry Shostakovich experienced the ultimate struggle between his artistic integrity and the demands of a totalitarian state, writes Charlotte B. Cerminaro
Terrorism in Israel – and America: The Beltway sniper offers lessons on Israel's continuing struggles with Palestinians, write Paul Driessen and Glenn Taubman
Judge unbelievably refuses to grant a retrial for former Rep. Renzi despite finding rampant prosecutorial wrongdoing: Rachel Alexander reports a disappointing end to the saga involving former Congressman Rick Renzi with a judgment that found misconduct but no need for a new trial
Economy would be better with a Republican president: Hillary Clinton believes that the American economy would be better served with another Democrat president. Dr. Peter Morici respectfully disagrees
$10 trillion investment needed to avoid massive oil price spike says OPEC: Low oil prices are the rule of the day but Nick Cunningham says a recent report from OPEC suggests that a lot of money needs to be pumped into oil production if the world wants to avoid massive price hikes in the future
February 2016
Did Justice Scalia already give us the solution to the problem of filling his seat?: The maneuvering to replace the Justice Antonin Scalia is in full-swing and Selwyn Duke argues that the late jurist had some thoughts on the U.S. Supreme Court
Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Five): Mark Wegierski looks at the perils of globalization
The killer of Antonin Scalia: The New World Order: The recent death of Justice Antonin Scalia serves as a metaphorical death of America's future if certain political forces are successful, writes Michael Moriarty
Fed could push economy into another recession: Dr. Peter Morici doesn't have much faith that the U.S. Federal Reserve will do what it needs to and not do what it must if the American economy is to continue its slow growth
SCOTUS — Better obstruction than destruction: Allowing Barack Obama to nominate the next member of the U.S. Supreme Court would invite disaster, writes Mark Alexander, and must be fought with everything the GOP has
Hitler, Mussolini, FDR and Obama: Failing to learn from history is a tragic sin, particularly when America's current course mirrors some of the nightmares of the past, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Trump tizzy in Virginia long before primary: The Virginia GOP's decision to require a "loyalty oath" for those participating in their primary next month has Michael R. Shannon shaking his head
Prospects for Bush Family "dynasty" end in South Carolina!: John W. Lillpop says the failure of Jeb Bush to continue he's family's political legacy was largely due to some rather unpopular stands he took and the rise of Donald Trump
Remember the Climate!: Barack Obama orders the Pentagon, generals and admirals to make climate change Job One, reports Paul Driessen
Why so many Americans find Trump and Sanders appealing: Why are a maverick businessman and a self-proclaimed socialist riding high in the polls? Dr. Peter Morici argues its because both of them are offering something the other candidates aren't
The Interlude II: The Combined Genius of Elia Kazan and Marlon Brando: Last week Michael Moriarty examined Elia Kazan's East of Eden...this week he takes a look at the triumphant pairing of the famed director and Marlon Brando
Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at some problems with Polish-Canadian identity
The Empire swallowed the Republic: When does a republic slip into the trap that turns it into an empire? Historian Dr. Robert Owens explores the question
Clinton's Democrats and Sanders' Socialists: Clinton the Democrat and Sanders the Socialist? Mark Alexander says there really isn't much of a difference between the two
I wish my column was 'more addictive than cocaine': It seems these days that if you want to declare something a public health hazard all you have to do is compare it to cocaine, writes Michael R. Shannon
Profiteers of climate doom: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, Willie Soon and David R. Legates have ten killer questions that expose how wrong and ideologically driven they are
T. Boone Pickens on Obama oil tax: "Dumbest Idea Ever": Rakesh Upadhyay doesn't think much of the Obama administration's proposed $10.25 tax on each barrel of oil produced in or entering the United States
Why the Federal Reserve always "happens" to be wrong: Stefan Gleason believes that the U.S. Federal Reserve is rarely right when it comes to its forecasts and that its actions generally cause more havoc then its goal of stability
Phantom thread of Islam in the fabric of America, Part 2: Dubious debt to Islam: Debra Rae concludes her short series looking at the allegedly long Islamic history of the United States through the filter of history and Christianity
Islamic refugee problem terrifying Europeans, coming to U.S. next: The chaos erupting in Europe over the admission of large amounts of Middle Eastern refugees will likely soon be arriving in the United States as well, writes Rachel Alexander
Audubon goes over the edge: Robert W. Endlich argues that the society's misleading claims about a climate crisis in the Arctic must be corrected
Tax oil to subsidize wind?: Barack Obama wants to punish oil industry to advance climate agenda. So do Hillary, Bernie and Mike, says Paul Driessen
Better red than Ted: The continuing popularity of Bernie Sanders among Democrats looking to nominate a new candidate for the presidency shows Dr. Robert Owens that the party has nearly completely gone over to socialism
The Interlude: The Genius of Elia Kazan: East of Eden: Michael Moriarty takes a break from politics this week to explore the man who was Elia Kazan and his triumphant adaptation to the cinema East of Eden
Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at some possible resistance to mass-media
If Trump is the answer...: If Mark Alexander had to he would vote for Donald Trump in a general election, but he argues that the flamboyant billionaire is not the solution to America's problems
Slow growth: Good for stocks, not jobs: The American economy is slowly improving and while that may be good for your stock portfolio, writes Dr. Peter Morici, good jobs will remain in short supply
NAACP head can use bad language when complaining about language because he's "one of the best guys": The head of one chapter of the NAACP believes that objectional language should be attacked immediately...except when he uses it, writes Selwyn Duke
Theatre of the absurd: The continuing controversy over the lack of black actors and actresses nominated for any of the key Academy Awards this year and the anger of people like Spike Lee has Greg Strange unmoved
Occupy trespassed for months, ranchers arrested after 24 days of trespassing: Rachel Alexander argues that there seems to be a disparate level of response from authorities when confronted by right- and left-wing protests
The typo that bloated a nation: Haste makes waste? Michael R. Shannon wonders if that old saying has actually made Americans a nation of stretchy pants aficionados
Phantom thread of Islam in the fabric of America, Part 1: Christian no more?: Progressives claim that America has had an Islamic presence since Day One, something that Debra Rae doesn't buy
The dethroning of cash: Discouraged, penalized, even banned?: Stefan Gleason examines the possibility that people one day -- sooner than you think -- could be pushed into using electronic currency instead of good old fashioned cash
The 2016 election: Jews and their politics: Dr. Steven Windmueller takes a close look at American Jews and what principles tends to influence their choices in politics and whom they vote for
How to avoid being raped? Just say no: Selwyn Duke reports that a new Finnish campaign aimed at stopping rape might just be a little ineffective
Obama's 0.7 percent "solution": Barack Obama, Democrats and bureaucrats are burying America's future under more federal regulations, writes Paul Driessen
Is Trump the First "European-conservative" American presidential candidate?: Selwyn Duke posits that Donald Trump has more similarity with European conservatives than he does with any traditional American definition of conservatism
Trump's got it right on trade: Donald Trump has been attacked for his economic prescriptions for the United States but Dr. Peter Morici believes the maverick businessman is pushing for the right actions
The Thousand Year Peace: Chapter Fourteen: The New World Order House of Cards: Part Two: Michael Moriarty concludes his mini-series about a post-Barack Obama America and what his plans could be
Questions of ethnic identity persistence in mass-media dominated North America (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the Polish presence in U.S. and Canadian pop-culture
Who voted for that?: America has changed radically over the past few decades and Dr. Robert Owens wants to know who actually voted for all of the changes that we've seen since the 1960s
Man's ego and Michael Bloomberg: The media was filled with reports last week that Michael Bloomberg was pondering a run at the presidency and Selwyn Duke has his thoughts on the matter
Steve Forbes speaks out on the presidential race, Fed recklessness, and gold: Mike Gleason speaks with former presidential candidate and businessman Steve Forbes about the current crop of presidential wannabe's, the U.S. Fed and the return of the gold standard
The first civil right: Barack Obama has made it clear he intends to go to war against the Second Amendment rights of Americans during his final year in office and Mark Alexander writes that Americans need to answer back
What if illegals were deported?: In a bit of satire (or is it?) John W. Lillpop imagines what would happen if deportations of illegal immigrants began in earnest
Trumping hydrocarbon fuels and consumers: Paul Driessen argues that too many presidential candidates -- including the so-called mavericks -- court corporate cash by promoting ethanol
60 reasons why oil investors should hang on: If you've been invested in oil you probably have had a bad year and nothing suggests that it's going to improve any time soon. Dan Doyle has a number of reasons why you should stick it out
March 2016
Why America is not safe from Islamic terrorism: Dr. Peter Morici argues that the United States cannot consider itself safe from Brussels-style attacks until it gets its hands dirty in the fight against ISIS
Perhaps history's most dangerous pair of American villains: Michael Moriarty considers the current president and one from the recent past to be the two most villainous leaders that Americans have ever experienced and much of the reason for the nation's problems today
For a new cultural criticism -- thirty years since the Pet Shop Boys' Please: Mark Wegierski offers a "retro review" of a classic 1986 recording
Can the GOP learn from Hillary in their nominee crisis?: The Republican Party continues to tear itself apart -- with wounds both self-inflicted and otherwise -- and John W. Lillpop wonders if it can take page from its Democrat rivals
Is Turkey planning to destabilize Lebanon?: Continued instability in the Middle East has given Turkey the opportunity to assist forces friendly to Ankara, writes Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah
Stock prices poised to charge higher: Dr. Peter Morici argues that a confluence of factors have combined to promise further gains from the U.S. stock market
The current oil price rally is reaching its limits: Stock prices may continue to rise but Nick Cunningham believes that the recent increase in oil prices will stall very soon thanks to still increasing storage levels and other factors
What happened on Oahu didn't stay on Oahu: Scientific detective work stopped cholera – now it needs to separate myths, mites and neonics, writes Paul Driessen
Death of America: Why this presidential election isn't as important as people think: Everywhere you turn people are saying that this is the most important presidential election in American history. Selwyn Duke would like to cast some cold water on that assertion
G. K. Chesterton: Michael Moriarty uses English writer and lay theologian G.K. Chesterton to launch a broadside against a Catholic Church that he argues has truly lost its way
In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part Four): Mark Wegierski examines the cultural life of the Polish-Canadian community in North American context
Are we as dumb as they think we are?: Considering all of the lies that are being sold to the American people by Barack Obama and his fellow travellers, Dr. Robert Owens asks the obvious question that only Americans themselves can answer
Blind to facts, GOP headed for a disaster of its own design: If the Republican Party is destroyed at the polls this November they can only blame themselves, argues Dr. Peter Morici
The 'art' of the heel: Contemptibly dishonorable or irresponsible person: As a Christian Karen Norling is dumbfounded that Donald Trump has put one over on her fellow believers and many in the Republican Party
GOP must call in outside help to deal with nomination crisis!: Given whose left standing on the Republican side in the race for the presidency, writes John W. Lillpop, the GOP might need to look to the Democrats in order to figure out who to nominate
On presidential character: Americans have had some real characters serve as president but Mark Alexander says a president needs to have real character if they are to serve and lead in an inspirational manner
Florida governor needs to sign landmark alimony reform and shared parenting bill: Rachel Alexander hopes that Florida Gov. Rick Scott signs a recently passed bill that would implement major reforms to child custody and alimony laws, legislation bitterly opposed by elements of the Florida Bar
Oil won't stage a serious rebound until this happens: Oil prices have risen recently, giving some hope to those who need higher prices, but Nick Cunningham believes they shouldn't hold their breath
Masters of disguise: 'Green' evangelicals disguise anti-life policies as pro-life, perpetuating suffering and death, write E. Calvin Beisner, Janice Shaw Crouse and Austin Ruse
Washington's despotic lawlessness: We've had a "try and stop me" president. Now we need one who will invalidate those actions, writes Paul Driessen
A leftist and her money are soon parted: What happens when you run a liberal coffee shop and sell your product more expensively than jet fuel? Michael R. Shannon says the outcome should be pretty obvious
American Suicide: Michael Moriarty argues the Bush family's fight against Donald Trump is proof enough of their malice for the traditional values of the United States
In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at English-language Polish-Canadian writing
Fed should delay raising interest rates until after presidential primaries: Dr. Peter Morici argues that there are several reasons why the U.S. Federal Reserve might want to wait a few months before taking action on interest rates
A government of fallible men to rule fallible men: Government today, particularly in the United States, is administered with a very misguided philosophy, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Who are the 'Establishment Republicans'?: Donald Trump and his supporters argue that it is "establishment Republicans" who are opposed to his candidacy. Mark Alexander rejects that assertion
Will being 'kinder, gentler' destroy Donald Trump?: Last week's GOP debate, one in which Donald Trump notably was less combative, also turned out to be one of the most boring debates. John W. Lillpop hopes that's not the start of a trend
$67 oil has all the majors converging here: Most oil rich nations are struggling in a market with suppressed oil prices but Nick Cunningham reports that there is one country that isn't doing too badly
Banning fossil fuel benefits: Paul Driessen asks if their abysmal grasp of energy and economics make Hillary and Bernie unfit to govern?
The silent dog of the prediction markets, and what Donald Trump needs to do: Can prediction markets -- essentially stock markets for the trading the outcome of events -- predict who will win in November? Daniel M. Ryan addresses the question
Stanislaw Skrowaczewski: Sometimes you've had enough of politics and need to recharge with something a little more elevated. For Michael Moriarty that came with the recent discovery of conductor Stanislaw Scrowaczewski
In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some prominent Polish émigré writers and professors in Canada
Flagging economy should advantage Trump over Clinton: Dr. Peter Morici believes that if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton face off against each other this fall, women and the rest of America would do better under the billionaire
Two words that would seal Trump's deal for me: Michael R. Shannon doesn't think much of Donald Trump's conservative credentials, such as they are, but he argues one issue would instantly make all of that irrelevant
Where was the 'fire in Romney's belly' four years ago?: Last week Mitt Romney took aim at Donald Trump as a fraud and liar. John W. Lillpop wishes Romney had the same spunk when he ran against Barack Obama
Mocking Marco: While Ron Marr has no great love for Donald Trump -- whom he finds to be a barely believable candidate -- he has nothing but loathing for Florida's favourite son, Marco Rubio
To write the future read the past: Searching history books for facts is a fool's exercise, writes Dr. Robert Owens, but that doesn't mean that reading about the past is an activity without value
The Age of Unenlightenment: Information surrounds us like a dense cloud but Charlotte B. Cerminaro argues that most people these days are missing the key ingredient in determining what's actually important and true
"A Coming Political Revolution," a "Champion" of the People, and "a Future to Believe in"? Be careful what you wish for: George Orwell's classic Animal Farm should be an illustrative example to millions of Americans during the current election cycle, writes Debra Rae
Last-ditch assaults on affordable energy: Barack Obama and his allies are doubling down on biofuels and climate, and against carbon-based fuels, says Paul Driessen
The knife and the message: The first 100 days of the new Palestinian uprising: Hirsh Goodman explores the latest Palestinian uprising, one note characterized by mass protests and riots, but rather individual and apparently spontaneous stabbing attacks
Why oil booms and busts happen: Nawar Alsaadi examines history and the world today to explain why we continue to see a boom/bust cycle in world oil prices every few decades
Are wind turbines killing whales?: Environmentalists say navy sonar hurts whales, but Paul Driessen and Mark Duchamp argue they are ignoring impacts of offshore wind farms
Trump's most taxing questions: Why does Donald Trump resist calls to release his tax returns and answer some questions about his true net worth? Mark Alexander believes it speaks much to the bigger questions surrounding the maverick businessman
A new kind of target: Low-information journalists pile on conservative prosecutor: Across the United States, writes Rachel Alexander, state bar associations are using their power to attack conservative prosecutors in an attempt to remove them from office or destroy them if necessary
Economic literacy 101: Paul Driessen asks if millennials really want the Big Government socialist policies Bernie and Hillary advocate?
In search of a distinctive English-language Polish-Canadian writing (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at Apolonja (Pola) Maria Kojder, representative of a fragmentary tradition
The New World Order Cabal vs. The Trump/Putin/Beijing Triumvirate: What are Donald Trump's motivations and desires for the world? Michael Moriarty explores what role America and the world he believes the billionaire wants to play
What I like about Bernie Sanders: Dr. Peter Morici is an economic conservative but he has to admit that there is a part of him that likes Bernie Sanders
The Trump freight train: Donald Trump cleaned up in Nevada last week -- including amongst Hispanics -- and Mark Alexander looks into why the billionaire continues to lead the Republican pack
Earthquakes of the Middle East: Nearly five years after the first stirring of the Arab Spring, writes Dr. Jacques Neriah, the Middle East continues to suffer massive spasms and no one knows what the region will look like in another five years
Cupcake Kasich is a (rather dull) tyrant enabler: Ohio Governor John Kasich may be running for the GOP nod but Selwyn Duke believes he's no less a fan of state interference in our lives than his counterparts in the Democrat Party
Who will be left standing at the end of the oil war?: The ongoing glut of oil and accompanying low prices is nothing but an attempt by countries like Saudi Arabia to preserve market share, writes Charles Kennedy
The escalating war on cash and what it means for metals: People are increasingly being forced into electronic transactions, a potential attack on privacy and economic liberty, writes Clint Siegner, which makes precious metals all that more attractive
British hospitals in the red send strong warning to the U.S.: The political left in the United States wants little more than a universal health care system and Rachel Alexander says what that means can easily be seen in a nation like Britain
Apple versus FBI technobabble: John W. Lillpop will freely admit that he doesn't understand much of why the FBI and Apple are fighting over the encryption on the company's popular series of cell phones
April 2016
Bart Simpson For President: Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency is reminding Dr. Robert Owens of the lovable scamp Bart Simpson who seemingly could get away with anything
Escape From The New World Order: Forces are at work to destroy the grand American experiment, writes Michael Moriarty, and there are only a few left willing to stand up against them
Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality – the Polish-Canadian case (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at the community's main authors
Has Egyptian President Abd el Fattah el Sisi lost his charm?: The once popular president of Egypt has come under fire by his fellow countrymen for concessions made to Saudi Arabia, the country's economic woes and a myriad of other concerns
Federal Reserve should focus on inflation: The brain trust at the U.S. Federal Reserve is scheduled to meet this week and Dr. Peter Morici believes they should keep an eye out on a slowly heating economy
Freedom from Religion Foundation: "I'm Secular and I Vote" campaign, Part 2 of 3: Debra Rae continues her investigation of the Freedom from Religion Foundation and its efforts to sway the coming presidential election
In defense of liberty: Barack Obama made it a cornerstone of his second term to attack the Second Amendment and Mark Alexander hopes Americans remember how important their rights are
Florida Governor Rick Scott capitulates to left-wing special interests: Rachel Alexander is disappointed that Florida Gov. Rick Scott vetoed a bill that that would have implemented major reforms to child custody and alimony laws
Decadence, not Donald, destroying GOP: Dr. Peter Morici argues that the voters that the GOP is hoping to attract -- whether by Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or John Kasich -- are rapidly disappearing in a massive demographic shift
Smelling blood in the political water: Having destroyed the US coal industry, Democrats and eco allies are now attacking all fossil fuels, writes Paul Driessen
What "Not Trump" Republicans must embrace to win in November: Dr. Peter Morici argues that Republicans need to do several things on the policy front if they hope to beat Hillary Clinton in November
George Soros versus "The Ugly American": Whomever runs against the Democrat nominee in November won't simply be facing one opponent, writes Michael Moriarty, but a billionaire progressive as well
Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality -- the Polish-Canadian case (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and cultural environment
How strange can it get?: Dr. Robert Owens believes that its time for those who believe in what America used to be with its ethos of rugged individualism need to unite in order to fight the seemingly insurmountable tide of progressivism
Now humans are just along for the ride: A future of autonomous vehicles -- whether for personal transportation of hauling loads -- has Michael R. Shannon predicting a humourously dour future for humanity
Freedom from Religion Foundation: "I'm Secular and I Vote" campaign, Part 1 of 3: Debra Rae launches a new three-part series looking at the Freedom from Religion Foundation and its efforts to sway the coming presidential election
CIA chief more concerned with Obamaism than protecting Americans: Critics: If Americans wanted a politically correct CIA chief, writes Jim Kouri, they certainly have one in John Brennan
In the company of patriots: Last week Mark Alexander met with some other American patriots to observe the lessons of a major historical anniversary that passed without much notice
Tesla and other tech giants scramble for lithium as prices double: Forget oil, writes James Stafford, the new power that will dominate the future economy is lithium and everyone is scrambling to secure their supply
Rolling back the taxes on our constitutional money: Sales taxes on purchases of precious metals? Jp Cortez says there is a movement beginning to dump a tax on what is essentially an alternate currency
Trump incoherence spreads to pro–life supporters: A recent answer that Donald Trump gave on abortion made Michael R. Shannon shake his head and caused the pro-life community no end of self-inflicted wounds
Trump supporters have good reason to be mad: Dr. Peter Morici understands why those who support Donald Trump -- particularly men -- are so angry with everything today
RICO for government climate deniers?: Paul Driessen and Ron Arnold want to know how corrupt and fraudulent is the government "science" that denies natural climate change?
Fed should establish a schedule for raising interest rate: Dr. Peter Morici believes that Janet Yellen and the U.S. Federal Reserve need to be a bit more open about their plans for raising interest rates
Andrew Breitbart: Andrew Breitbart passed away four years ago but his fight and contributions to revealing the truth still continues to resonate with Michael Moriarty
Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality – the Polish-Canadian case (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at some of the political and cultural history of the community
If bakers can be forced to service faux weddings, so can churches: Anyone who argues that churches won't be compelled by government or court order to engage in ceremonies that they disagree with is living a fool's lie, writes Selwyn Duke
2016 — The math that matters most: Who wins individual primaries and polls is irrelevant, argues Mark Alexander. The only important thing is who wins this coming November -- and he's not very confident of GOP chances
No silver lining: The black cloud behind Justin Trudeau's "sunny ways": A lot of Canadians seem happy with the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau but Brad Salzberg wonders if they would remain so if they understand what his party's agenda will inevitably result in
How unsound money fuels unsound government spending: With money unmoored to any tangible asset, says Stefan Gleason, the U.S. government has done nothing but run up massive debt, explode entitlement spending and destroy its advantage in trade
$85 crude oil by Christmas – An interview with Mike Rothman: Where are oil prices headed? Nick Cunningham speaks with energy researcher Mike Rothman on where oil will be heading in the near term
Deep-sixing another useful climate myth: David R. Legates argues that the vaunted "97% consensus" on dangerous man-made global warming is just more malarkey
Methane mendacity – and madness: Radical green and government agitators are slamming methane in latest bid to terminate fossil fuel use, writes Paul Driessen
Republicans advocating mob censorship: Michael R. Shannon didn't take too kindly to Ted Cruz's recent attempt to blame Donald Trump for violence at the billionaire's campaign stops
In Wisconsin both Trump and GOP will lose: Dr. Peter Morici does not expect Donald Trump to win tomorrow evening in Wisconsin but the bigger loss is likely going to be to the Republican Party itself
President Don "Corleone" Trump: Republicans currently have two choices: a man who has some questionable policy views and a billionaire who acts more like a mobster than a politician, writes Michael Moriarty
Theoretical rights, multiculturalism, and marginality – the Polish-Canadian case (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his look at an attenuated community
What's next? Voting absentee from prison?: Maryland Democrats are becoming increasingly desperate in their attempts to unseat popular Republican Governor Larry Hogan -- very desperate, says Michael R. Shannon
How Obama created Black Lives Matter: The Black Lives Matter movement may be a relatively recent phenomenon but Rachel Alexander argues that years of Barack Obama pronouncements and actions set the stage for its rise
Are America's best days ahead?: After eight years of Barack Obama and an uninspiring cast of characters seeking to replace him, it should be no surprise that many Americans are cynical about the direction of their nation. Mark Alexander believes all is not lost
Economy stuck in low gear fuels Sanders, Trump and Cruz: An American economy that continues to be moribund is one reason why candidates not favoured by the establishment continue to be players in the race for the presidency, writes Dr. Peter Morici
U.S. lifted the crude oil export ban, and exports went…down: If U.S. officials thought lifting the ban on American crude oil exports would help the glut of stored oil in the country they found out otherwise, reports Charles Kennedy
The Big Green job-killing machine: Ron Arnold says that environmentalists wield the powerful Endangered Species Act to kill jobs and impoverish families
Prosecuting climate chaos skeptics with RICO: Al Gore, a Torquemada Whitehouse and Democrat AGs are threatening to silence and bankrupt skeptics, says Paul Driessen
May 2016
Trump earthquake causes Democrat tsunami: Dr. Robert Owens wonders if Hillary Clinton will actually be the candidate that Donald Trump will face off against considering all of her baggage and ongoing problems
Picnic: Michael Moriarty takes a look at 1955 classic Picnic, starring William Holden and Kim Novak in the story of a man who comes to town on Labour Day and upends the established order
Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the Polish academy and some of its history
The DAO: An experiment in responsibility: What's the hot new thing that combines crowd funding and cryptocurrency? Daniel M. Ryan explains what Decentralized Autonomous Organization is and why it's important
Donald Trump: For rent: Donald Trump's recent announcement that he would no longer be self-funding his campaign for the presidency has Michael R. Shannon believing the maverick may have undone himself
Politics in art versus the beauty of simplicity: A single moment just before a concert that Charlotte Cerminaro was playing in some years back provided her with an incredible moment of clarity about herself and the world
Drafting women: Do we believe in equality or don't we?: News that Congress is pondering requiring women to register for the draft has Selwyn Duke pondering what we actually view as equality in western society
US and North Korea 38th censorship parallel: Many in the United States condemned the recent expelling of a BBC journalist from North Korea but Ryan Maass argues Americans face no less pervasive censorship
What does the next OPEC meeting have in store?: OPEC meets on June 2 and Rakesh Upadhyay believes that it will simply serve as a platform for two oil giants to continue sparring with each other
Graduates face a big challenge: When they go into the Real World, writes Paul Driessen, college and high school grads will actually have to think
I am Barack Obama: Everyone these days seems to be identifying as something else so Selwyn Duke has decided he's going to go straight to the top in his self-identification
The New World Order Newsletter: I.C.E.: Michael Moriarty says that a suicide note written by a Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent speaks to some very dark plans being formulated in Washington, D.C.
Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski recalls various trips to Poland
Do unions cause inequality?: Trade unions love to proclaim that they bring economic equality to the working man but Dr. Robert Owens counters that their monopolies actually distort labour markets
America's reckoning and Donald Trump: Decades of mismanagement has left America in a position where no real meaningful reform can take place, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Roadside hook–up results in slow Bern: Michael R. Shannon responds to a recent news story in which a tow truck driver decided not to tow a vehicle sporting a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker
False cries of voter suppression in Arizona and other GOP primaries: Earlier this year news reports out of Arizona suggested that voter suppression had taken place during presidential primary elections. Rachel Alexander says don't believe the hype
Trump, now what?: Mark Alexander is no fan of Donald Trump -- as his essays on this web site would attest to -- but he's going to vote for him in November and he explains why
Feeling sorry for Hillary? Save those tears ---this (misplaced sympathy) too shall pass!: Some actually feel sorry for Hillary Clinton and the ongoing probe over her e-mail server but not John W. Lillpop
What can gold do for our money?: There are experts who dismiss the idea that gold has a role in a transactional economy and as a backing for paper currency. Stefan Gleason argues that the precious metal has a tremendous role to play
Ben Rhodes spins climate change: Paul Driessen argues that "climate refugee" claims reflect deliberate mendacity and belief that we and reporters are stupid
Stagnant wages: Americans can't or won't compete?: Dr. Peter Morici believes that Americans need to up their game if they want to participate in the coming largely automated economy
A predicament's eternal return: The more Michael Moriarty watches film classic Casablanca, the more he's reminded of how much North America resembles WII North Africa
Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part One): Mark Wegierski begins his look at the Polish college rankings
An education in DC Driver's Ed: A requirement in Washington, D.C. to require a driver's education course has Michael R. Shannon agreeing with a leftist politician...though his reasons are somewhat different
America needs Mark Levin & Glenn Beck to pivot in favor of GOP 'presumptive nominee': Now that Donald Trump has all but captured the GOP nomination, writes Michael R. Shannon, it's time for some to get back into the fold
The Biden-Warren warning: Mark Alexander believes that it's not out of the question that Hillary Clinton could be pushed aside in favour of a nominee that isn't facing the spectre of a prison term
Trump trumps Never-Trump: Donald Trump and his supporters have been the recipients of much scorn from the establishment and the media and yet continue to do nothing but win, writes Dr. Robert Owens
Why China is really dictating the oil supply glut: Are you aware that the Chinese are stockpiling an immense amount of oil while prices are low? Rakesh Upadhyay explores what that move means
Rick Renzi puts together top legal team to appeal hidden evidence of FBI agent's corruption: Former, and imprisoned, Congressman Rick Renzi of Arizona isn't taking what he believes was prosecutorial corruption sitting down, reports Rachel Alexander
We don't need billion$ to prevent Zika: Controlling mosquitoes and preventing diseases requires smarter policies, not more billions, write Paul Driessen and Dr. Robert Novak
Real world energy and climate: Weather channel founder John Coleman argues that "The sky is falling" scare stories have no place in public interest science or policy
If I want, texting, talking & turbulence, I'll just stay home: AMC Theatres newly hired CEO had a bright idea: Allow texting in some theatres to attract twenty-somethings to the movies. Michael R. Shannon reports that proposal was predictably greeted with anger
Boxing Barbara Boxer: Is "Inequality the root of all evil"?: Selwyn Duke discusses a recent assertion by Sen. Barbara Boxer that economic inequality was the source of evil in society, a bad misquote of a Pope Francis tweet from a few years ago
Thirty years since George Parkin Grant's Technology and Justice (1986): Mark Wegierski tries to gauge what of philosopher George Grant's ideas has remained today in the modern nation of Canada
The New World Order's Armageddon: Michael Moriarty charges that the establishment of the Republican Party is no less culpable in the ongoing effort to destroy the traditional character of the United States
NEWS ALERT: 'Islamists Nuke U.S. Urban Centers': If a change of Middle Eastern policy does not come about, argues Mark Alexander, the headline that major American cities will face nuclear attack may one day become a reality
Stand and deliver - Paul's message to Peter: Learning from history we should all know that socialism simply doesn't work and yet the American government persists in experimenting with it, says Dr. Robert Owens
No matter who wins . . . you lose: Elections are usually a time of optimism for the future but Ron Marr is of the opinion that America is so far gone that it doesn't really matter who wins in November
From the stalls of Montezuma: A new front in culture war: The battle in North Carolina over which bathrooms transgendered people can use has a lot of people confused and a few acting like hypocrites, writes Michael R. Shannon
PayPal only cares about LGBT media attention: PayPal's announcement that it would withdraw from expanding in North Carolina due to the state's "bathroom law" doesn't impress Ryan Maass
Freedom from Religion Foundation: "I'm Secular and I Vote" Campaign, Part 3 of 3: Debra Rae concludes her three-part investigation of the Freedom from Religion Foundation and its efforts to sway the coming presidential election
Saudi Arabia releases ambitious plan to diversify economy: A Saudi Arabia that isn't reliant on oil for its economic wealth? Nick Cunningham examines the kingdom's recent announcement aimed at diversifying its economy
Securing our money through currency competition: Jp Cortez reports that the state of Arizona is moving to become the first state to remove taxes from gold and silver and allow their use as tender, something that will open the door to greater economic liberty
First, do no harm: A few simple rules for the FDA: The top leadership at the FDA recently changed and Richard E. Ralston has some suggestions as to how the agency can do its job better
Inside climate propaganda: Paul Driessen says InsideClimate News excels at propagating environmentalist and Obama thinking and policies
June 2016
AR-15 speaks! A new — and real — anti-black bigotry: The ubiquitous AR-15 has been getting a lot of undeserved bad press recently so the rifle and Selwyn Duke team up to tell the other side of the story
Looking back in anger: Like Great Britain, the United States had a heyday, and like its parent nation, writes Michael Moriarty, America has slowly declined in both power and stature thanks to enemies both internal and external
"Rally ‘round the fork, boys!": The hack of the largest crowd-funded digital currency project on the internet recently continues to make waves and Daniel M. Ryan reports on the fallout
Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks at elves in the Shadowrun and Castle Falkenstein role-playing games
Down the memory hole: Obama Administration efforts to hide and suppress Omar Mateen's motives in the assault on Orlando nightclub Pulse speak to a long tradition of refusing to label the true enemy, says Dr. Robert Owens
Leading from the front: Another book on how to be an effective leader? Steve Martinovich says he still found a lot of value in Breaking the Trust Barrier: How Leaders Close the Gaps for High Performance
It's the terrorists, stupid — Not the weapons: Barack Obama has repeatedly denied that he and the Democrats are interested in attacking the Second Amendment. Mark Alexander says words and actions don't match
Increase in U.S. rig count will not cap oil prices: Recently increasing oil prices must mean its time to bring more U.S. oil production back online, right? David Yager says not so fast
Donald Trump's consuming passion: America First versus deadly ignorance!: Donald Trump's critics believe him to be a buffoon but John W. Lillpop would argue that the maverick billionaire has little more going on than most think
Allahu Akbar Orlando — Analysis of the absurd: In the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, which saw dozens killed in a terrorist attack, the usual people said the usual things, writes Mark Alexander
Escape from The New World Order: Michael Moriarty argues that the United States only has one chance to escape from the clutches of a globalist agenda
A very well-timed confession: Daniel M. Ryan enjoyed the anonymously written The Confessions of Congressman X, an insider's look at The Beltway that shouldn't surprise too many people with its ugliness
Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the variety of elves in the Warhammer Fantasy role-playing game
The DAO job: Daniel M. Ryan recently reported on a record-breaking investment haul by The DAO. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts were shocked late last week when a hack resulted in millions being stolen
Great Britain experiences bureaucratization without representation: Great Britain's voters decide this week whether to remain within the European Union and Michael R. Shannon is cheering for the "Leave" side
Uranium prices set to double by 2018: Growing demand and tight supplies? James Stafford says the signs are all there that the price of uranium is set to sky rocket in the relatively near future
Great White Leftists know what's best for Red Man: Recent polls have shown that American Indians aren't offended by the Washington Redskins' team name but that doesn't mean that the left will give up the battle, writes Michael R. Shannon
Why the Islamic State is in retreat: A confluence of factors, writes Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah, has meant that the early gains of ISIS have been at least partly reversed...but that the battle is far from over
America's First President Sukarno: Barack Obama has been favourably compared, by the media and his allies at least, to many people during his time in office but Michael Moriarty believes he reminds him of one person in particular
Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the unusual elves of Terry Pratchett's Discworld
Hard charge and hard truths: Last week Daniel M. Ryan looked at cryptocurrency pre-sales and how messy they could get. This week he looks at one alt-currency that made waves earlier this year and some of wrinkles that were involved
Avast there's an iceberg ahead!: The greatest threat that the United States may be facing isn't Islamic terrorism, a resurgent Russian bear or the transgender washroom issue, but the issue of debt, says Dr. Robert Owens
Winners and losers: Although the media and the left love to portray the Republican Party as a monolithic conservative political party, Sam Wells believes that it's more of a fractured collection of competing interests
Billionaire investors back a gold price rally in 2016: James Stafford believes, despite a price correction in the commodity earlier this year, that the smart money is going into gold this year thanks to an overvalued U.S. dollar
My big fat Greek real estate buying spree: Russian investors flock to Greek fire sale: Investing in Greece, particularly buying real estate, is something that only the very brave or the very foolhardy would do but Russians are apparently doing just that, reports D. Sidney Potter
Honoring Second Lieutenants — A travelogue: Last week Mark Alexander went to see his son graduate from the Air Force Academy, a ceremony that also included U.S. President Barack Obama
Can (should) America trust Hillary Clinton with nuclear codes, other sensitive state secrets?: Given Hillary Clinton's past blithe disregard for security involving sensitive information, John W. Lillpop wonders if Americans should be trust Hillary Clinton with even more top secret information
More job-killing rules from EPA: Paul Driessen argues that the social cost of methane regulations will further constrain energy production, for no benefit
Why the Islamic State is in retreat: A confluence of factors, writes Col. (ret.) Dr. Jacques Neriah, has meant that the early gains of ISIS have been at least partly reversed...but that the battle is far from over
America's First President Sukarno: Barack Obama has been favourably compared, by the media and his allies at least, to many people during his time in office but Michael Moriarty believes he reminds him of one person in particular
Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at the unusual elves of Terry Pratchett's Discworld
Hard charge and hard truths: Last week Daniel M. Ryan looked at cryptocurrency pre-sales and how messy they could get. This week he looks at one alt-currency that made waves earlier this year and some of wrinkles that were involved
Avast there's an iceberg ahead!: The greatest threat that the United States may be facing isn't Islamic terrorism, a resurgent Russian bear or the transgender washroom issue, but the issue of debt, says Dr. Robert Owens
Winners and losers: Although the media and the left love to portray the Republican Party as a monolithic conservative political party, Sam Wells believes that it's more of a fractured collection of competing interests
Billionaire investors back a gold price rally in 2016: James Stafford believes, despite a price correction in the commodity earlier this year, that the smart money is going into gold this year thanks to an overvalued U.S. dollar
My big fat Greek real estate buying spree: Russian investors flock to Greek fire sale: Investing in Greece, particularly buying real estate, is something that only the very brave or the very foolhardy would do but Russians are apparently doing just that, reports D. Sidney Potter
Honoring Second Lieutenants — A travelogue: Last week Mark Alexander went to see his son graduate from the Air Force Academy, a ceremony that also included U.S. President Barack Obama
Can (should) America trust Hillary Clinton with nuclear codes, other sensitive state secrets?: Given Hillary Clinton's past blithe disregard for security involving sensitive information, John W. Lillpop wonders if Americans should be trust Hillary Clinton with even more top secret information
More job-killing rules from EPA: Paul Driessen argues that the social cost of methane regulations will further constrain energy production, for no benefit
Why morality is the only thing we should legislate: You hear it all the time: You can't legislate morality! Selwyn Duke responds that morality is the only thing you actually can legislate
America's version of Waiting For Godot: Charles Krauthammer and George Will: Samuel Beckett's classic absurdist play Waiting for Godot provides the framework for Michael Moriarty's exploration of the pundits that are George Will and Charles Krauthammer
Bitter clingers hang on: Dr. Robert Owens asks a simple question: What's a patriot who believes in limited government, individual freedom, and economic opportunity to do?
Images of elves -- examining the extent of the Tolkienian transformation, and subsequent 'postmodern' visions (Part One): Mark Wegierski takes a break from politics, with this off-beat topic
Cryptocurrency presales and the law of diminishing returns: There are plenty of headlines of massive gains whenever some new cryptocurrency hits the world wide web and Daniel M. Ryan explains the messy world of pre-sales in that arena
Jobs report lays bare liberal failures: Barack Obama and his cheerleaders in the media may be trumpeting the state of the American economy but Dr. Peter Morici argues that the reality is ugly
Resistance to tolerance is futile: Michael R. Shannon reports on yet another American business attacked for the high crime of declining to serve a customer in a language other than English
Anti-Trump violence must be treated as acts of terror!: Continuing acts of violence by the left at Donald Trump's rallies has John W. Lillpop calling for action against the protestors responsible for the attacks
Three years of painful cuts sets markets up for serious supply crunch: Experts are predicting that demand for oil will begin to rise but Nick Cunningham says low oil prices have scuttled any new serious sources of production
How the West got healthy and prosperous: Paul Driessen argues that vital ingredients included the scientific method and fossil fuels – truths we forget at our peril
Democrazy: Venezuela needs a military coup: Selwyn Duke wonders if the very troubled nation of Venezuela, where people are now hunting dogs for food, needs less democracy these days
The New World Order Megalomania: If there is one thing that unites Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, argues Michael Moriarty, is their shared hostility to global governance initiatives
Looking at the annual rankings of Polish universities and colleges, 2003-2015 (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks more closely at the rankings
Trump Tames Billary: It seemed almost a given that Hillary Clinton would continue the endless parade of corruption in the White House, writes Dr. Robert Owens, until a certain businessman decided to ruin the party
"It ain't called high risk on account of we're hopheads, pardner": Tempted to be an early investor in e-currency based on media reports of huge early gains? Daniel M. Ryan would like to remind you that nothing in life is guaranteed
Blood and treasure — The price of liberty: Monday for Americans is Memorial Day and Mark Alexander would like his fellow countrymen to honour the sacrifices made on their behalves
Glenn Beck: Fooled by Facebook?: Glenn Beck walked away from his meeting with Facebook brass saying he was satisfied with their explanation of alleged censorship. Selwyn Duke wonders if he was played by Mark Zuckerberg
Bill Nye the Scientism Guy: Facts don't support his hypothesis, so he shouts louder, changes subjects and attacks his critics, Willie Soon and István Markó write of Bill Nye
SEC issues climate chaos "guidance": Paul Driessen asks what about risks from anti-energy policies imposed in the name of stopping climate change?
July 2016
America First!: Dr. Robert Owens says that he has been waiting his entire life to hear what Donald Trump has been saying on the issue of trade and the American economy
Presidential insurgency-candidacies from 1992 to 2016: Mark Wegierski asks, why has Donald Trump done better than Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul?
Lady Gaga: It came as a surprise to us as well but Michael Moriarty has come out as a fan of pop diva -- a description which might not do her justice -- Lady Gaga
Principle and pragmatism in the Ethereum microcosm: Whether in politics or cryptocurrency, writes Daniel M. Ryan, human beings and their motivations are pretty much the same
Why is France the preferred target for terrorists?: Amb. Freddy Eytan argues that past and present policies in France have made it an attractive target for terrorist attacks
Science or advocacy?: Students are learning energy and climate change advocacy, not climate science, in the classroom, reports David R. Legates
Keeping the poor impoverished: Paul Driessen charges that callous eco-imperialists use lies, scare stories to deny poor countries better living standards
Real climate denial: Megan Toombs argues that the potential Democratic VP nominee recently misrepresented the Cornwall Alliance on Senate floor
Did oil kill the dinosaurs?: Did oil play a role in the meteor impact which helped spell the end of the dinosaurs? Michael McDonald reports on a new study which argues just that
Trump's challenge on trade: Dr. Peter Morici lays out what issues Donald Trump needs to address in order to be taken seriously on the subject
Crimes and misdemeanors: Woody Allen's classic 1989 comedy-drama Crimes and Misdemeanors serves to inform Michael Moriarty's meditation on happiness and its exact opposite
Looking back at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution
Rocket ride from the underground: The early days of any new alt-coin require passion and community involvement, writes Daniel M. Ryan, along with a few other things in order to simply stick around after the initial blush of excitement
Why does America have a written constitution?: It has become fashionable in recent decades to argue that America's constitution is a mutable document, a notion that Dr. Robert Owens strongly rejects
The curious case of vanishing Lady Liberty; only gold and silver remember her: If you remember "Liberty" being printed on American coins you're either old or a coin collector. Guy Christopher explores the slow disappearing act of the word on American coinage
International funding for salaries and benefits to terrorists: Where is at least some of the money coming from that is going to convicted terrorists? Amb. Alan Baker argues that at least some of it actually came from your pocket
Religious conscience in the scrap heap: Who pays the piper? Everyone: If you're a pharmacist who doesn't believe in dispensing certain drugs to religious beliefs you are out of luck in today's America, says Debra Rae
The left's war on cops: Barack Obama and his fellow travellers on the left have done nothing but attack police officers since he assumed office...and not much has changed since the murders of six Dallas police officers, writes Mark Alexander
Corrupt politicians and corrupted money go hand in hand: Clint Siegner believes that the state of America's money is a good barometer for the honesty of its politicians...which explains Hillary Clinton
Hillary: Too old, too naive, too evil? All of the above?: Some entertaining excuses have been formulated by Hillary Clinton's supporters to explain away her use of a private server to send and receive top secret emails, writes John W. Lillpop
When will Africa get healthy and prosperous?: Steven Lyazi asks when will Africa's leaders focus on vital issues affecting its people, instead of lining their pockets?
The Hillary treatment for climate fraudsters?: State Attorney General actions reveal double standard for scientists who promote alarmist climate claims, writes Paul Driessen
BBQ bushwa: When liberals drive other liberals more batty than they already are: A recent Los Angeles Times story about a BBQ become complicated due to competing dietary demands illustrates perfectly modern liberalism today, writes Selwyn Duke
Dallas and the Earth's First New World Order Black Muslim Dictator: Barack Hussein Obama: Under Barack Obama, charges Michael Moriarty, the United States has erupted in nothing but terrorism and racial warfare
Looking back at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution
Slick Hillie — The Slick Willie sequel: Once again a Clinton has escaped the jaws of justice, writes Mark Alexander, and the email scandal was simply the latest Houdini act for Hillary Clinton
Comey & FBI blink after email investigation: Michael R. Shannon writes that FBI Director James Comey's news conference concerning Hillary Clinton reminded him of a prisoner of war talking to the media
Nxt from underground: Alt-currency Nxt, which has seen some troubles since its launch a few years ago, reminds Daniel M. Ryan of a mining companies that discover a deposit but have failed to excite investors since
How state bars are taking down conservative attorneys: State bars across America are taking aim at conservatives and Rachel Alexander takes a look at what may be one of the worst in the country
Bad government policies block good jobs: Dr. Peter Morici argues that there are few good jobs to be had in today's America and government policies are largely to blame
Greenspan, gold, and the banality of evil: Alan Greenspan long ago sold out to achieve power but lately the former disciple of Ayn Rand has sounded like the economist he was back in the 1960s, says Stefan Gleason
Fuel me or fool me: Paul Driessen states that America has centuries of fossil fuels available for use, but hydrocarbon deniers want to strangle our future
Morgan Stanley warns that rising rig count could undo the rally: Rising oil prices have prompted some producers to launch new drilling rigs but Irina Slav believes that could eventually just depress the rally
Donald Trump vs. Woodrow Wilson?: Norwegian pundit J.K. Baltzersen hardly believes that Donald Trump is the ideal candidate to represent the right but he argues that the maverick has already had a positive influence on American politics
The Devil's favorite poet of destruction: Barack Hussein Obama: U.S. President Barack Obama is one heck of a writer of destruction, argues Michael Moriarty, but the ending of America's story has yet to be written
Looking back at a 1976 game about U.S. civil conflict – exploring social alternatives through eclectic media (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks at Minuteman: The Second American Revolution
The back alley becomes Main Street: Dr. Robert Owens doesn't think much of a recent court decision which ruled that Texas abortion clinics shouldn't have to follow minimum health standards that other health agencies are required to
Experience keeps a dear school…: Trust is one of the key ingredients in cryptocurrency and Daniel M. Ryan reports on the efforts of one attorney to try and introduce a little more of that currency into the game
Clinton, Trump, and your money: Comparing the economic plans 2016 presidential candidates: Dale Schlundt compares the competing economic plans of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and what they likely mean for you and the American economy as a whole
Help, my child has cancer. Call a lobbyist!: Across America, writes Rachel Alexander, lobbyists, liberals and lawyers are deciding on child custody and parenting issues and the public and parents be damned
Orlando and the imaginary wave of Islamophobia: Newspapers across America are reporting increased anti-Muslim behavior but Michael R. Shannon takes issue with the reporting and whether Islamophobia is really an issue
The Declaration of Dependence: Mark Alexander discusses a popular new play on Broadway and a U.S. president that seems intent on turning the United States into a nation of dependence
Potash price surge could lead to higher food costs for billions: James Stafford believes that potash prices are likely to rise in the mid-term which means higher food prices but also an investment opportunity
Brexit for America: Paul Driessen asks if Americans should give Washington still more power over our lives – or "Take back control"
August 2016
Obama and Clinton did create the Islamic State!: Donald Trump was blasted by pundits and the media for arguing that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton deserved all of the blame for ISIS. Mark Alexander believes the GOP nominee was entirely correct
The Nietzsche/Wagner melodrama and the American president who never was: Michael Moriarty is currently working on a new project -- an opera -- and Barack Obama serves as a titanic inspiration...if that's the appropriate word
Steven Hill: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to noted actor and his co-star on Law & Order, Steven Hill, who passed away recently at the age of 94
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Three): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
American Pravda and New York's Sixth Crime Family: These days, says Dr. Robert Owens, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find anyone who actually takes the time to do a little thinking and figure things out for themselves
Both parties should adopt the Barbara Bush Rule: Barbara Bush has no love for political dynasties, something that Michael R. Shannon wishes her fellow Americans believed as well
"Sexism" at the Olympics? How's this: Why do women's sports even exist?: Prompted by a torrent of SJW criticism of how women's sports were being reported at the Olympics -- and in general -- Selwyn Duke decides on the nuclear option
Globalism + Super Capitalism = Formula for Disaster: Policies which are encouraging what is in essence immigration at dangerous and destabilizing levels need to be reexamined and changed, argues Debra Rae
Saudis ramping up oil output to gain leverage in OPEC talks: Despite continuing low oil prices, writes Tsvetana Paraskova, Saudi Arabia taking advantage of its production might to gain an advantage ahead of upcoming an OPEC conference
$135,000 gold-backed scholarship fund launched to help students cope with Federal Reserve induced tuition inflation: Jp Cortez says a new scholarship -- naturally backed by gold -- will help students deal with the harm that fiat currency is causing their ability to pay ever rising tuitions
Fracturing common sense: Paul Driessen reports that Colorado extremists want to ban fracking, oil, gas, jobs, revenues and property rights
Clinton v the 'Unfit Candidate'?: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have a mantra: Donald Trump is unfit to serve as president. Mark Alexander doesn't think much of the Clinton record either
Hillary and her viper: Much like Cleopatra and the famous asp, writes Michael Moriarty, America and the world's leaders have decided to commit moral and spiritual suicide
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Two): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
Factom: arise, tortoise: Most creators of cryptocurrency dream at least a little of getting rich but Daniel M. Ryan reports that the group behind Factom seems to be motivated by several avenues of pursuit
History is The Story of Life: If you are one of those that believes history is boring, says Dr. Robert Owens, then you must also believe that life is boring because they are different words for the same thing
Clinton body count or left-wing conspiracy? Three with ties to DNC mysteriously die: Rachel Alexander doesn't want to come across as one of those weird conspiracy theorists but there seem to be a lot of bodies tied to the Clintons over the years
Restoring gold and silver as legal tender before the monetary crisis arrives: Jp Cortez and Stefan Gleason argue that the U.S. Constitution is very clear on the role of gold and silver in the American economy
Waiting on the government: When it comes to health care everyone is suffering because government agencies either provide abysmal service or take forever to act, writes Richard E. Ralston
Surprise natural gas drawdown signals higher prices ahead: Last week Nick Cunningham predicted that gas prices were likely heading higher -- this week he has another piece of evidence supporting that contention
Two issues mucking up the economy: Aaron R. Lema believes that when it comes to a society's economy people are either emotional or rational. He believes he has a better way that can unite everyone
Olympic-sized climate propaganda: It was wrong to interrupt Rio's delightful opening ceremonies with deceitful agitprop, writes Paul Driessen
Election fraud: Last week Donald Trump told supporters at a rally that he believed the presidential election was rigged. Michael Moriarty doesn't consider that to be an outlandish statement
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part One): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
The ways of the feud: Building on last week's look into the sometimes chaotic world of alt-currency, Daniel M. Ryan explores an ongoing feud between supporters of two different alt-coins
Good intentions: The New Trail of Tears: How Washington Is Destroying American Indians may be one of the most depressing books you'll read in a long time, writes Steven Martinovich, which is why you should read it
Robot buses & Lord of the Rings: The testing of autonomous buses continues with another successful test but Michael R. Shannon isn't, and will probably never be, sold on them
Athlete with no womb or ovaries but internal testes will compete with women in Rio: The debate over sex and nature once again rears its head, this time at the Summer Olympics with a hermaphrodite athlete, and Selwyn Duke weighs in
Clinton's Khan: Who is trashing whom?: Hillary Clinton used the Khans' religious, ethnic, cultural and political status, in addition to their loss and grief, as fodder for a disgraceful political charade, writes Mark Alexander
How to end radical Islam: Scot Faulkner argues that Islam needs its own Council of Nicea, or its internal forces of darkness could control its destiny
States must help restore sound money in America: Jp Cortez and Stefan Gleason believes that America's states have an important role to play in combating the financial insanity promoted by the nation's federal government
Today's downturn sets markets up for a dramatic oil price spike: Enjoy the lower oil prices while you can, writes Nick Cunningham, because conditions are setting themselves up for a large spike in oil prices relatively soon
Ecological double standards: Paul Driessen wonders why can locals block fracking, but not support it … get wind turbines, but not block them?
From #NeverTrump to #NeverClinton: Mark Alexander has a simple question for his fellow conservatives who plan to stay home rather than avoiding voting for Donald Trump: What will your country look like if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency?
Hillary and "The Big Boys": Michael Moriarty argues that Hillary Clinton has always wanted to prove that she's more than she actually is...and she will fail doing so
Is it time for a new decentralism in Canada?: Mark Wegierski argues that Harper's failure in Ottawa may lead to decentralist alternatives
Split decision: Daniel M. Ryan made a prediction recently about the future of an alt-currency, one that he was proven wrong about only days later. He's man enough to admit his mistake and also relates it to the ongoing drama in the Republican Party
To Trump or not to Trump?: As a member of the William F. Buckley school of conservatism Rachel Alexander has no great love for Donald Trump but she will be voting for him in November
Trump is right: Unemployment is worse than official numbers say: Dr. Peter Morici agrees that the official unemployment numbers touted by the Obama administration are much worse in reality
The solutions to our broken institutions are in the Constitution: Thanks to Congress, unelected bureaucrats and the courts, argues Dr. Robert Owens, America has become a nation of diktat
Terror hidden in plain sight: Target: American children: Turkish President Recip Erodğen is blaming Fethullah Gülen, currently living in the U.S., as the cause behind a recent attempted coup. Debra Rae wonders if Americans should be concerned about the cleric as well
Will John Hinckley have voting rights restored by Virginia Governor McAuliffe?: Would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley could be a future voter for Hillary Clinton very soon, writes John W. Lillpop
Maine's unpretentious First Lady takes a real job: News was made recently when Ann LePage, the wife of Maine's governor, took a job waiting tables, writes Michael R. Shannon
Ethnic opposition to Iran's regime is on the rise: On top of whatever other issues Iran is facing, says Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall, it is also grappling with rapidly tensing ethnic problems as well
America blighted by industrial wind: Mary Kay Barton argues that green gangsters are ripping Americans off while enriching the 0.1% and trashing the environment
Americans would prosper better with a Republican president: The numbers don't lie, says Dr. Peter Morici. Taxes are higher, unemployment is higher, people are poorer and the economy is worse off after eight years of Barack Obama
Destructive forest fires are due to – WHAT?: Climate change is an all-purpose excuse for Big Green and federal misfeasance and malfeasance, argues Paul Driessen
September 2016
Obama boom builds Obamatowns: Happy days are here again! Dr. Robert Owens reports that the media has declared Barack Obama's economic policies a massive success and a new America is thriving!
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An invisible epidemic of unhinged norms: PTSD, though it wasn't known as such, was at epidemic levels both during and after the First World War and it seems to be making a comeback both in civilian and military life. Daniel M. Ryan examines why
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Seven): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
The New World Order plot against America: Regardless of who wins in November, writes Michael Moriarty, Barack Obama and his allies want to make sure that America loses
Why Trump remains a long shot: Donald Trump may be making up ground in national polls but Dr. Peter Morici believes that the chances of him capturing the White House still remain slim
What's the point of having a majority if GOP doesn't use it?: Why does the GOP in Congress continue to do little with the majority it has? So that they can continue to hold a majority, explains Michael R. Shannon
Liberal mother pushes her little son into masquerading as a girl: The New York Times recently, and gleefully, reported on a Seattle family that was raising their son as a daughter, something that has Selwyn Duke shaking his head
Capital punishment and the futility of referenda: The election of Hillary Clinton would undoubtedly eliminate the death penalty and Dr. Lester Jackson has little faith in the power of referenda
Democrats despise 'We, the [Deplorable] People': Hillary Clinton recently described half of Donald Trump's supporters as "deplorable" and the other half as "misguided". Mark Alexander says the comments shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone
And the winner is? Expect little change from Wall Street bankers if ‘Double Down' Donnie and ‘Hottie Tottie' Hilary make it to the White House: When it comes to the world of housing policy, argues D. Sidney Potter, neither of the primary candidates seems to have any real idea of what to do
The Experiment: Capitalism versus Socialism: What if we could have an experiment to compare the two systems? Wait – we already did, says David R. Legates
Stain that would be on Obama's conscience — if he had one: Tens of thousands of refugees remain stranded in Syria but they would appear to belong to a group that Barack Obama doesn't approve of, says Selwyn Duke
Powering countries, empowering people: Paul Driessen argues that affordable energy brings jobs, improved living standards and pursuit of happiness
The true steps to becoming a godly man: Nathan Tabor always thought he was a religious man, and therefore a good man, until he realized relatively recently that he still had a ways to go before he could make any claims
The hex is being broken: A memo to never-Trumpers: In 1964 Barry Goldwater was destroyed in the election. In 2016? Democrats seem to be using the same playbook. Daniel M. Ryan says its time to break what he calls the "Goldwater Hex"
A treasonous, bipartisan strategy for creating the New World Order: When it comes to a globalized control of the United States Michael Moriarty argues that both the Democrats and Republicans are guilty and only one person can stop the agenda
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Six): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
Tim Kaine: Catholic of convenience: Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine is being described by a worshipful media as a devout Catholic but Michael R. Shannon says the record says otherwise
Employment application: The New York Times is apparently looking for a climate change editor. William Briggs says, "That's me!"
Fed should set a schedule to raise interest rates and stick to it!: The U.S. Federal Reserve should gradually start raising interest rates, says Dr. Peter Morici, and have a very clear plan for how to do so
Whither those withering "bombshells," Mr. Assange?: A few weeks back WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced he had "bombshells" related to Hillary Clinton. John W. Lillpop would like to know what happened to them
The science deniers' greatest hits: Bill Frezza argues that science is a process, not a destination, and must not be immune to falsification by experiment
The businesses of Mahmoud Abbas and his sons: Much like many before him, writes Yoni Ben Menachem, Mahmoud Abbas seems to be holding on to power in the Palestinian Authority to enrich his family as much as possible
"Toxic chromium" fear-mongering: Paul Driessen says that detecting Cr-6 droplets in Olympic-sized swimming pool doesn't equal health or cancer risks
Without life there can be no liberty or happiness: Speaking against abortion isn't a particularly popular thing to do these days but Dr. Robert Owens stands ready to suffer slings and arrows for doing so
Expression equates to freedom: It is society that dictates laws and Dale Schlundt says that an absolutely necessary component for the successful functioning of society is that people are able, and take advantage, of the right to free speech
A UN and tribal takeover?: Attorney Lawrence Kogan believes that hidden provisions in congressional energy bills undermine America's water and property rights
Why should Obama declare martial law?: The alt-media is filled with predictions and concerns that Barack Obama will declare martial law at some point, something that Dr. Robert Owens considers to be a ridiculous concern
The New World Order hens: The critical reaction to the 2008 movie Pride and Glory, dealing with police corruption in the New York Police Department, tells Michael Moriarty much about the state of America
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Five): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
Fiction, fairy tales, and fiat: People know so little about economics these days, writes Guy Christopher, that fiction and fairy tales are often what has informed them
The real cost of illegal immigration: Dr. Peter Morici argues that illegal immigration imposes a real cost on nations -- both financially and to democratic institutions as well
The next sector to recover from the oil price crash: Many related sectors have been impacted by the continuing low price of oil but Zainab Calcuttawala believes but there is one sector that will continue to do well
Clinton the "Congenital Liar": In her Benghazi cover-up testimony, Hillary Clinton declared, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" It's the difference between serving time in the White House or the Big House, writes Mark Alexander
DOJ unbelievably recommended new charges against Bob McDonnell after SCOTUS unanimous exoneration: Earlier this month the US Department of Justice proved that politics trumps anything else when they recommended new charges against former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
Confusion, muddle, obfuscation and racism: Paul Driessen writes that as Barack Obama, UN and EPA seek to dictate our lives and livelihoods, the real issue is green racism
A calm look at the alt-right: The term "alt-right" has been used a lot by the media these days -- particularly for those who support Donald Trump -- and Daniel M. Ryan explores what it means
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Four): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
Steven Hill: Michael Moriarty pays tribute to noted actor and his co-star on Law & Order, Steven Hill, who passed away recently at the age of 94
A parallel universe without progressives: Could you imagine a universe without progressives in it? Dr. Robert Owens can and it's a very wonderful thing
Chastity backlash breaks out among Christians: There are apparently some Christians, primarily female, who are unhappy that they decided to wait until marriage to have sex, reports Michael R. Shannon
Why in the world are taxes levied on money itself?: Jp Cortez thinks it absolutely offensive that governments levy taxes on anyone who wants to buy precious metals in favour of fiat currency
The genius of Trump's foreign policy: Donald Trump may be most ungraceful when he speaks on foreign policy but Dr. Peter Morici agrees with many of his proposals, particularly on trade and immigration
Why Wall Street is throwing billions at the Permian: Oil prices may be in the tank but Nick Cunningham says some exploration continues to grow at an impressive rate
Democrats planting radical fake conservative news sites: Within the past year a number of ostensibly conservative news web sites have sprung up but Rachel Alexander says they aren't what they appear to be...they are run by Democrats with the aim of embarrassing conservatives
The most costly military waste: Morale: America's armed forces personnel are the best in the world, argues Mark Alexander, but their effectiveness is being undermined by wasteful and absurd political mandates
Another way citizen's pay for illegal aliens: Michael R. Shannon's daughter was recently involved in a car accident in which her vehicle was struck by one driven by an illegal immigrant and they both learned about the hidden costs of illegal immigration
Trumping the Establishment: The Washington Establishment hates Trump, because he promises to put them out of business, argues Scot Faulkner
Don't bee-lieve the latest bee-pocalypse scare: Now wild bee junk science and scare stories drive demands for anti-pesticide regulations, writes Paul Driessen
The great disconnect: As a historian it pains Dr. Robert Owens to no end that people continue to make the same mistakes by not learning from history and the examples of others
EPA's dangerous regulatory pollution: Paul Driessen says the EPA's deceptive practices, human experiments and unjustified regulations cost Americans dearly
What's the point of having a majority if GOP doesn't use it? - Michael R. Shannon
October 2016
The subtle but corrosive problem with white nationalism: Yet another gift of this year's American election has been the right of white nationalism -- both tongue-in-cheek and otherwise -- and Daniel M. Ryan discusses both the movement and its critics
Target "solution" adds uncertainty to bathroom etiquette: Retailer Target seems to be a magnet for criticism and protests, something it seems to bring on itself most of the time, and Michael R. Shannon comments on the latest example
The fix: Michael Moriarty believes that it is an inevitability that Hillary Clinton will win election next month, at least in part due to the system being manipulated
"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part One): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the Reform Party of Canada
Teenagers of the world unite!: Bernie Sanders may be gone but his philosophy continues to resonate, something that Hunter Lewis examines in Where Bernie Went Wrong: And Why His Remedies Will Just Make Crony Capitalism Worse and Steve Martinovich reviews
It is what it is: The Machine's white washing of the scandal over Hillary Clinton's emails during her time at the Department of State has prompted a lot of whispering in Washington, D.C. says Dr. Robert Owens
No, Trump should not accept the results of a possibly stolen election: Selwyn Duke asks: If Donald Trump truly believed on election night that the vote had been stolen why should he accept the results? Moreover, why should the GOP?
Republican Party now controlled by depend caucus: Michael R. Shannon believes that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan needs to spend less time answering questions about Donald Trump
Redefining American education to rekindle growth: Technical training is the only way to ride the wave of innovation, argues Dr. Dr. Peter Morici
Democrats grope female gender gap: Despite Hillary Clinton's decades-long war on women, women voters will likely put her over the top, writes Mark Alexander
The chemicals anxiety machine: Paul Driessen says candidates, the Civil Rights Commission and greens are using phony health threats to scare voters
The next financial crisis: Did you think the world was past bank related financial crises? Dr. Peter Morici says batten down the hatches because the next round is coming soon
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Ten): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
American BDS organization takes its case to Capitol Hill: A conference designed to encourage divestment and boycotts of Israel wraps up today in Washington, D.C. and Dan Diker discusses the real aims of the movement
Open letter to Benedict Ted: Karen Norling was once the biggest fan of Sen. Ted Cruz but his continued endorsement of Donald Trump in the wake of some crude comments about women has her walking away from the Texas politician
Can the hair be convinced to train like the tortoise?: Michael R. Shannon argues that whomever is giving Donald Trump advice needs to tell the candidate to be the person who managed to capture the GOP nod
For how long can OPEC talk up oil prices?: Oil prices have been rising in recent weeks, largely because OPEC has made pronouncements -- though not doing very much afterwards. Julianne Geiger wonders how long that game can last
Hillary — spare us your faux indignation: Mark Alexander says that Hillary Clinton's sycophantic Leftmedia propagandists restore her poll standing while Donald Trump threatens to overturn Senate and House majorities
Iranian missiles in Houthi hands threaten freedom of navigation in Red Sea: Houthi rebels have been battling the Yemeni army for years but Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall says the conflict recently took a very dangerous turn
Why Republicans continue to lose: Scot Faulkner says it is very simple: Republicans wrote the book on losing. Democrats wrote the book on playing for keeps
Stormy climate deception: Paul Driessen says continued hype and deceit are driving the climate and energy agenda – clobbering poor families
"Legacy of slavery"? An eye-opening test: Is the plight of Black America the result of a class system that continues to hold them down? Daniel M. Ryan attempts to answer that question with an essay that will likely annoy a great many
Revenge justifies the American suicide?!: Donald Trump has essentially proven himself during the election to be a repellent human being and he's still better than who and what he's running against, writes Michael Moriarty
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Nine): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
Who do you believe when you can't believe anyone?: If you want a good reason why America is the in the state that it is in these days, writes Dr. Robert Owens, merely pay attention to politicians and their behavior
Hillary's statist solution: Dr. Peter Morici argues that what Hillary Clinton thinks will lead to further economic growth will only mire the United States in further statism
Bill Clinton's unforgivable sin: Tells truth about ObamaCare!: You don't hear it often from Bill Clinton, says John W. Lillpop, and plenty of people probably didn't appreciate him telling the truth -- particularly about the sacred cow of ObamaCare
Jefferson's enlightened liberty v Clinton's elitist statism: Hillary Clinton's campaign has only served to reveal her as the ultimate in classist elitism that looks down on the average American, writes Mark Alexander
More anthem hypocrisy: Kneeling, yes; Confederate flag, no: Selwyn Duke would like to know why some unpopular protests are protected by the First Amendment while others are squashed by whatever authority has the power to do so
Backlash: Obama administration failing to destroy Texas AG Ken Paxton: Texas AG Ken Paxton was yet another Republican politician that the Obama administration took aim at but they missed their target this time, reports Rachel Alexander
Blood cell phones and Teslas: Paul Driessen argues that too many "green" policies bleed red, hurting the environment and killing people
Bienvenida a nothingburger: The Trump-Cuba flap: Donald Trump was once interested in investing in Cuba? Newsweek would have you believe it was a shady episode but Daniel M. Ryan says there isn't much meat on the bone
Life never really changes: When it comes to the world, writes Michael Moriarty, the old saying still holds true: The more things change, the more they stay the same
The dilemma of hypermodernity (Part Eight): Mark Wegierski reprises one of his earlier, most important essays, from the year 2000
Useful idiots and the theater of the absurd: A successful man who argued against the very things that made him so prompted Dr. Robert Owens to ask him some very hard questions
The most unlikely hero -- Desmond Doss: There will be a superhero movie released in November that will star Andrew Garfield, writes Mark Alexander, but the main character is a simple and humble man
Voting for growth: Dr. Peter Morici argues that electing Donald Trump in November would spur growth and shake up the entrenched world of Hillary Clinton's Washington, D.C.
Black Lives Matter and the left responsible for entitled athletes disrespecting the National Anthem: Rachel Alexander has no time for athletes who continue to protest the American anthem and don't understand what it really means
When "life" disrupts living: A boomer's guide to elder advocacy and timely care: Debra Rae offers some advice to Boomers who are, if they haven't been already, faced with the prospect of caring for elderly parents
Who is guarding the (dictatorial) guards?: Paul Driessen argues that regulators mete out fines and stymie growth, but are rarely punished for their own misconduct
Making America great again: Donald Trump's heavy burden!: John W. Lillpop believes that a Donald Trump presidency would have an extraordinarily ambitious agenda that would transform the United States
Green pixie dust energy policies: Paul Driessen argues that Democrats fight climate change with renewable pixie dust, while rest of world burns fossil fuels
November 2016
Trump triumph: Now do what you said you would do: Donald Trump's job isn't finished, writes Dr. Robert Owens, he now only has to actually deliver on what he's promised
Righteous blowback: Why Donald Trump Is the Man Of The Current Year: Daniel M. Ryan explores why he believes that Donald Trump won and why the establishment -- perhaps of both parties -- are so befuddled by it
The designer's masterpiece: The old consumer's nightmare: Michael Moriarty is a night owl and does his best work when the sun has set but recently he encountered some difficulty doing so thanks to his new computer
On the 200th anniversary of the founding of the University of Warsaw (November 19, 1816): Mark Wegierski looks at post-secondary education in Poland, based partially on some personal experiences
Coddling millennial snowflakes: Social emotional learning in an era of entitlement, Part 1: The beginning of the Donald Trump era has revealed many of America's youth to be little more than cry-babies who need their blankie, says Debra Rae
The start of the deal: Dr. Peter Morici believes that despite a Trump victory and Republican control of Congress, the president-elect needs to work with everyone to guide a very divided nation
President-Elect Trump — The week in review: Donald Trump has had a busy time since he won the presidential election and Mark Alexander offers his thoughts on what's happened so far
Make money great again: Vote for gold: The president-elect has had some generally positive things to say about gold and Guy Christopher hopes that translates into a brighter future for precious metals
Can Turkey and Israel reconcile?: The path that Turkey takes in the coming years to establish an identity for the nation will likely also decide what happens with its relations with Israel, says Pinhas Inbari
Are the Saudis about to reveal the best kept secret in oil?: Nick Cunningham reports that a potential IPO by Saudi Aramco could reveal information that everyone has been waiting for decades to find out
Pipeline anarchy: Trump win fuels more rampant theft and destruction by the political left and environmentalists – and North Dakota citizens pay the price, writes Paul Driessen
Hit the ground running, and cleaning: Now that Donald Trump is about to assume the presidency, Daniel M. Ryan lays out some big to-do items for the maverick billionaire to get to work on
The Biblical thousand year peace: Michael Moriarty is happy to be in Canada and making a contribution in the Great White North but he's also overjoyed that the land of his birth seems to have returned to sanity
"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part Four): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at the New Democratic Party (NDP)
America rising: The United States stepped away from the ledge last week, writes Dr. Robert Owens, there's still plenty of fight in -- and opportunity left -- for the progressive left
Why voters deserted Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton didn't lose the election last week for any one reason and Rachel Alexander enumerates a few of the bigger ones
I was 100 percent wrong about Donald Trump: Michael R. Shannon doesn't mind admitting that he was completely surprised that Donald Trump actually managed to capture the presidency last week
We should take our cues from markets -- not politicians: Although the "experts" seemed to not realize what was going on, Jp Cortez believes the markets sensed a victory by Donald Trump was coming
Reflections on the U.S. presidential election and its implications for American Jewry and the State of Israel: American Jews voted in large numbers for Hillary Clinton and are naturally disappointed at a Trump victory and Dr. Steven Windmueller says they have some challenges ahead of them
Giving thanks for the divine intervention that saved America!: The surprise win last week by Donald Trump of the American presidency should be attributed to one being alone, argues John W. Lillpop
Being pragmatic: Difficult, but necessary: Dale Schlundt says that sometimes you're wrong and its a good idea to question the assumptions of what you believe
White reporter contends dark–skinned people can't control themselves: A white reporter recently was arrested for a misdemeanor and essentially argued that minorities were more likely to break the law, reports Michael R. Shannon
Now comes the hard, fun and vital part: Paul Driessen argues that "making America great again" requires deep-sixing punitive energy and environmental rules
Trump can get us the China deal we deserve: Donald Trump needs to bring jobs home and ensure China lives up to fair trade, even at the cost of tariffs, to restore American manufacturing, argues Dr. Peter Morici
The "peak weird" election: What to expect next: Regardless of who wins tomorrow night in America's oddest election in a very long time, our Daniel M. Ryan thinks he knows what's going to happen next
Two Hillary's: Listening to the beautiful music that violinist Hillary Hahn produces while ruminating over the danger that Hillary Clinton poses to America occupied Michael Moriarty for a time last week
"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Western Canada
Trump triumph to dream the impossible dream: Dr. Robert Owens is urging everyone to vote Donald Trump on Tuesday so that Americans can begin to recover from the mistakes of the past
How Democrats promote poverty and inequality: Hillary Clinton may talk a good talk about combating inequality and poverty, writes Dr. Peter Morici, but her party's policies do nothing but grow them both
Missing the connection between politicians and consequences: Michael R. Shannon compares and contrasts politicians in two very different places -- Montgomery County, MD and Gaza -- but finds similarities
Sleazy 'scam PACs' hurt GOP candidates again this cycle with fake fundraising: Rachel Alexander reports that once again some shady PACs, ostensibly set up to help elect Republicans, seemed to be more interested in filling their coffers
How Obamacare intimidates young adults: Were you one of the young Americans who opted out of Obamacare? Richard E. Ralston reports that the president's final gift to you is nothing but a threat
A better alternative to rising healthcare costs: Healthcare costs are set to rise yet again in 2017 but Agnes Tang believes she has an idea that could help Americans
Kowtowing to Kaepernick may have permanently damaged the NFL: The NFL's television ratings and popularity have slipped this year -- the first time that's happened in recent memory -- and Selwyn Duke believes he knows why
Can oil markets survive an OPEC implosion?: OPEC continues to hold meetings and continues to fail to reach any agreements. Nick Cunningham wonders how much longer that can go on
Roundup the corrupt fear mongers: Paul Driessen says that deceit and collusion are driving campaigns to ban a vital, popular, safe, affordable herbicide
The shortened temper of our time and a baiting game: It used to be that people were capable of accepting thoughts and words that ran contrary to what they believed. Today? Daniel M. Ryan says the world is a very different place
Danny Williams: Her reaction to the barely reported scandal surrounding a man born of one of many of Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs says much of Hillary Clinton, says Michael Moriarty
"Third parties" in Canada – a reassessment (Part Two): Mark Wegierski looks mainly at "third parties" in Quebec, a hot bed of alternative political parties
Trump or Clinton life or death: The choice between the two candidates, according to Dr. Robert Owens, couldn't be more stark...which is why he's choosing one over the other
Another reason why Trump is right: No conceding a rigged election: Selwyn Duke argues that Donald Trump refusing to accept what potentially may be a corrupted election process is what all Americans should be in favour of
Alexander, How will you vote?: Mark Alexander has been asked many times this year how he plans on voting and he has the same answer for them that he has every single presidential election
The wheels are coming off Obamacare: Most things that critics of Obamacare predicted would happen are coming to pass and Dr. Peter Morici says Republicans have tough decisions to make
Final debate answers dictator question: Hillary Clinton has made it clear that if she wins the presidential election on November 8 that all branches of government are expected to serve her whims, writes Michael R. Shannon
Medicine mania: Price ceilings for pharmaceutical drugs in Pakistan have created nothing but catastrophe for the average person there -- an instructive example for other countries, writes Elizabeth Marlin
The economics of happiness: Being wealthy and being happy don't always correlate, says Raleigh Loughman, something that a good many people don't seem to understand
Fed should stick to a schedule to raise rates: Dr. Peter Morici argues that the U.S. Federal Reserve needs to be more methodical in its determination of when to start raising interest rates
Billionaire crony corporatist schemes: Paul Driessen says government is financing "green" companies and pressure groups, who in turn are getting richer off taxpayers and consumers
The Clinton's napalm factory - Mark Alexander
December 2016
Putin under the bed: An excuse goes viral: Daniel M. Ryan explores the notion that Vladimir Putin's elite hackers managed the swing the presidential election in favour of Donald Trump
Seventy-seven years since its outbreak, World War II continues to shape the world: Mark Wegierski offers a précis of some of the ideological consequences of the war
The New World Order’s diabolical pilgrimage: Part One: Michael Moriarty launches a new series exploring a long campaign to destroy the character of the United States
Back when I was a boy: Everyone worries that the latest generation is the most worthless to come along but Dr. Robert Owens says everyone should just relax
There’s no place like home (I think): A recent flurry of travel has Charlotte Cerminaro wondering if home really is as special as we make it out to be -- especially after recent events
Trump’s foreign policy reset: Dr. Peter Morici believes that the incoming Trump administration will interact with the world the way it is, not the way dreamers wish it were
Time for a complete halt on all immigration: Forget about stopping illegal immigration, Selwyn Duke believes America needs a complete reset on immigration policy
Watch out, everything is racist now: It seems absolutely nothing can be said now-a-days -- particularly by conservatives -- without someone screaming that its racist, says Rachel Alexander
Football flashback to an earlier era: A few weeks back the Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma State football game had one of the most remarkable plays occur at the end of the tilt, says Michael R. Shannon
Coddling millennial snowflakes, Part Two: Social emotional learning in public education: Debra Rae concludes her two part series arguing that the beginning of the Trump era has revealed many of America's youth to be little more than cry-babies
The Trump administration — A Reagan revival!: A funny thing has happened since November 8 -- the incoming Trump administration has revealed itself as a very conservative body, writes Mark Alexander
Why a Fed interest rate hike would help, not hurt Trump: An interest rate hike would give Donald Trump the rationale for enacting the reforms that he promised, argues Dr. Peter Morici
Greece-Israel-Cyprus relations: Ripe for expansion?: Dr. George Voskopoulos believes that an alliance between Greece, Israel and Cyprus means increased stability in the Middle East and Aegean
He whose name we dare not speak!: John W. Lillpop says Christmas is almost here and that means the latest battle over using Christ's name to celebrate the holiday
Not so prolific: U.S. shale faces a reality check: Optimistic production estimates about oil production from U.S. shale will face reality sooner or later, says James Stafford
Outraged vets: VA hospital death touted as proof of Obama and Democrats indifference: Jim Kouri notes that a recent scandal involving the death of a veteran at a VA hospital speaks volumes
Environmentalist insurance policies: Paul Driessen has some intellectual ammo for holiday party responses to claims that you need meteorite insurance
A new state of Sierra Nevada?: "Calexit" may not be realistic for Californians who want to petulantly leave the U.S. because Donald Trump will be president but Bruce Walker believes something can be done about the state
The blessings of bourgeois sanity: The only thing that Donald Trump hasn't been dubbed yet by his critics is being an "ugly American" -- Michael Moriarty would consider that an honour
Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2016 (Part Three): Mark Wegierski looks at the media and the academy
Trump must prepare for showdown with China: Donald Trump faces many challenges but Dr. Peter Morici argues dealing with China may be near the top of the list
Inconvenient truths about the man-made global warming scam: Not many in the global warming orthodoxy are willing to admit it, writes Dr. Robert Owens, but the floor is dropping out of the consensus on whether its man-made
National security — Beyond the Mattis memes: Critics be damned, Mark Alexander believes the choice of James Mattis for Secretary of Defense was an inspired one
Trump could fuel a nuclear energy boom in 2017: Past comments by Donald Trump lead James Stafford to believe that nuclear energy could be back as an growing energy source
How Trump can bring outside-the-box thinking to bear on the Fed: During his campaign Donald Trump had some harsh words for the U.S. Federal Reserve and Jp Cortez hopes that translates into changes
A patriots' bucket list for terminating the failed Obama presidency: John W. Lillpop has a list of to-do items that he argues Donald Trump must act upon as soon as possible
The future is jobless… or is it?: Maura Frank examines pessimism regarding the job market
and the impact of technology in modern economics
Is there a mismatch between productivity and workers’ income?: There is a link between productivity and workers' incomes despite what some seem to believe, writes Joshua Anumolu
Sea level rise – or land subsidence?: Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek argue that alarmist claims about rising seas inundating coastal areas are blaming the wrong culprit
Conservatives must strongly support Trump on climate change: And on his EPA, Interior and other environmental nominations – and their policy decisions, says Tom Harris
Donald Trump and the future of America: Republicans -- and probably conservatives -- are still breathing a sigh of relief about the election of Donald Trump but Greg Strange believes the next few years will be open war
Looking forward to the 1,000 year peace: Regardless of what happens in the coming years, says Michael Moriarty, America will be in the midst of tremendous times
Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2016 (Part Two): Mark Wegierski continues to note the lack of an infrastructure or “eco-system” for conservatives
Why the progressives want a recount they know they will lose: Regardless of what recounts in a few states may result in, writes Dr. Robert Owens, the left's demands for them has a method to their madness
A 6 step plan for Trump to make our money great again: Stefan Gleason and Jp Cortez offer some suggestions to Donald Trump to make America's money more sound
New AG Sessions and Congress must investigate DOJ corruption in the case of Rep. Rick Renzi: Rachel Alexander argues that the incoming Trump administration has a chance to right a wrong
Mainstream media 'fake news': Mark Alexander doesn't think much of recent media coverage of "fake news", especially considering their own record on major issues of the day
Trump’s infrastructure program: Dr. Peter Morici argues that Donald Trump's plan to revitalize American infrastructure could result in trillions of dollars in growth
Will Trump’s tax plan really increase the national debt?: Sarah Schott doesn't buy arguments that Donald Trump's plan to cut taxes would result in a higher national debt
Brexit isn’t over: Experts on both sides of the Brexit issue have either proclaimed catastrophe or mild disruptions. Catherine Garton would like to remind all that the process hasn't even begun yet
Are food stamps actually beneficial?: Do food stamps actually create economic growth? Isaac Che finds that claim to be pretty dubious when you look at the facts
The world needs more energy!: Poor countries have a right to use fossil fuels and will no longer let anyone stop them, says Ugandan Steven Lyazi
Debunking the $15 minimum wage: The left continues to fight for a $15 minimum wage across the United States, something Christopher Kuo says would cause nothing but less employment for those that need it most
Rolling back environmental progress?: Having achieved major goals, Paul Driessen says the US should refocus EPA and other environmental agencies
Trump’s economy will benefit ordinary investors: Dr. Peter Morici believes that Donald Trump's administration will enact policies that will do well for average American investors
The patience of faith versus “The New World Order plot”: The United States faces a threat to its very existence and Michael Moriarty says we all need faith now more than ever
Looking at the structural problems of Canadian conservatism at the close of 2016 (Part One): A conservative infrastructure in Canada is definitely lacking, says Mark Wegierski
Hillary Clinton popular vote count lead: Much ado about nothing!: Those who still haven't accepted the results of the election earlier this month are holding onto every argument they can, including the one about popular vote, says John W. Lillpop
Communism: The wrong species and planet: With the death of a communist icon this past weekend, it may be a reminder to young people why the political ideology is so dangerous. Samuel Chan pitches in with an explanation why
What’s wrong with our schools?: Sarah Schott argues that America's schools need a large dose of Milton Friedman in order to solve many of its current problems
Raising the minimum wage solves no issues: A recent essay from a prominent economics professor argued that the American minimum wage should be increased. Joseph Shen respectfully disagrees
Free market reforms can alleviate poverty for millions in India: India is a gigantic country with immense potential and Joshua Anumolun believes an injection of free market economics can do much to unlock it
A better alternative to rising healthcare costs: American health care premiums are set to rise once again for 2017 and Agnes Tang believes she has a better way of doing things
The economics of happiness: Should happiness be included as a metric when public policy is made? Joseph Lindemuth isn't convinced that it's a worthwhile idea to pursue
Five stages of climate grief: President Donald Trump could help – and force climate alarmists to answer questions they’ve ignored, writes Paul Driessen
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