Liberals to choose 2008 GOP candidate By Lisa Fabrizio Now that the holiday that dare not speak its name is in our collective rear-view mirror, it’s that time of year when the political punditry turns their weary eyes to the future. And those who dominate the media are out of the gate early, chirping optimistically about liberal prospects in 2006 and beyond. Their talking points are already out and the main message is this: Conservatives are stupid. Not only stupid, but dense, knuckle-dragging, thick-legged sheep who will submissively go wherever liberals want to lead them. So inept are they, that they are incapable of choosing their own presidential candidates. I know this sounds strange coming from the Democrats--who have been steadily losing elections for the past dozen years or so and most recently portrayed themselves as witless dupes when it came to endorsing the Iraq War--but delusion has been their sole consolation of late. One has only to watch the Sunday morning liberal love-fests to witness this strange phenomenon; a weird kind of reverse schadenfreude whereby the left actually obtains enjoyment from their electoral losses by projecting their own self-defeating methods onto conservatives. This is most evident in their predictions of the next Republican candidate for the White House. Now we conservatives may have our own ideas such as Virginia’s George Allen or Sam Brownback from Kansas, or maybe even the evil warlord himself, Richard B. Cheney. Yet after winning five of the last seven presidential elections, what do we know? But fear not, liberals are determined to show us the way. As is their custom, they will manipulate countless polls in an attempt to influence, rather than track popular opinion. It goes like this: “Hello Mr. And Mrs. Republican. Given a choice between Hillary Clinton and Beelzebub, for whom would you vote in 2008?” The next day’s headline in countless newspapers? “AP/Ipsos Poll: GOP voters prefer Beelzebub!” One of the liberal favorites for this treatment is Rudy Giuliani who, when actually in office, constantly bedeviled the left. Up until 9/11, he was portrayed as a bull-headed, dictatorial, tin god who was insensitive to minorities and in general, a detestable bully. Sure, he’s a pro-abortion, gun-grabbing, gay rights advocate, but what good was that when he was merely a mayor? Now that they see him as a national figure, he is the epitome of all that secular liberals love; a divorced Catholic at odds with the Church over some of its most sacred public stances. But despite the fact that most conservatives would shun his candidacy like the plague, liberal pundits will nonetheless chant “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy,” for months to come. Likewise, many in the media dream of reboarding the Straight-Talk Express of ‘maverick’ John McCain. How they love his wry charisma, his quick wit and especially the way he wrote a new Bill of Rights for terrorists after perverting the original one to silence political free speech in the name of campaign finance reform. Can McCain garner enough backing from those on the right to win the nomination? Given their support for most of the Bush agenda, you’d think not. But again, the media think conservatives are too stupid to remember that McCain was considered so anti-Bush, he was reportedly offered the number two slot with John Kerry in 2004. Can he win the nod without the right? For the record, during McCain’s first attempt at the presidency in 2000, he won only seven primaries for a total of 193 delegates out of a possible 2,066. More telling is that most of those seven were ‘open’ primaries where the voting was not limited to Republicans. In his biggest win, Michigan, the great majority of his votes came from Democrats and independents. It is worth noting also that McCain’s victory in Michigan, as well as five others, came after his loss in South Carolina, where the left still contends that nefarious forces doomed his candidacy. The fact is that a McCain win in South Carolina would have been an anomaly considering that the rest of the South voted overwhelmingly for Bush in both the primaries and the general election. So it would seem that Giuliani doesn’t have the agenda to win the GOP bid and McCain, who has the fawning devotion of the media, lacks that of the Republican base. Still, that won’t stop liberals from trying to convince conservative dunderheads to mend their winning ways. Lisa Fabrizio is a columnist who hails from Connecticut . You may write her at
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