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Letter to the American medical establishment: WTF!?!#&*%

By Greg Strange
web posted January 31, 2022

Dear American Medical Establishment (or virtually any other Western Medical Establishment):

As an infuriated American citizen who’s had it up to here, I’m writing this letter regarding your crimes against humanity as they pertain to your response to COVID.  That’s right, you read that correctly: crimes against humanity.  That is not hyperbole, it is real and spot on.  In fact, formal charges of crimes against humanity have indeed been filed in the International Criminal Court at the Hague, not just against Americans, but many who have perpetrated these crimes internationally.  And what are those crimes?  Total negligence and endless lies that led to the mostly needless deaths of going on a million Americans, millions more worldwide and the destructive turning upside-down of civilization itself.

How, in the name of God, were you so totally given over to this negligence and depravity?  For the first time in modern medical history an illness came along and instead of trying to find a way to treat it, you threw up your hands and proclaimed, “There’s nothing we can do, there’s no way to treat it, we won’t even try and we’ll tell everybody who gets it the same damn thing, which is, stay at home and if it gets too bad, go to the hospital [and pray you make it out alive]!”

And then you proceeded to try and delegitimize the handful of brave and caring doctors who risked their careers by going against your contemptible negligence and successfully treated patients with, among many other things, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two of the safest drugs on the planet and of which billions of doses have been prescribed over many decades.  And you lied and said they weren’t safe, or they were “horse medicine,” or they haven’t been approved for the treatment of COVID (as if that matters), or whatever.

You sick bastards!

And then, when the experimental and rushed “vaccines” came along and were causing injuries and deaths like nothing we’ve ever seen before, you still promoted them like there was no tomorrow while continuing to try and suppress all treatments and pretending as if natural immunity from prior infection didn’t exist.  You even push the experimental shots on children who have statistically a near zero chance of dying from the virus, but a far greater chance of serious side effects from the “vaccine.”

And you haven’t seemed to care too much that our country has been contentiously divided between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, the latter of which are being demonized by the former who have been carelessly throwing around a lot of very dangerous rhetoric which, given human nature, cannot lead to anything good.

And all the while, you wouldn’t even publicly recommend that people just beef up their vitamin D levels even though it’s been found to have a profound effect on the immune system and preventing hospitalization and death from COVID.  It would have been so easy, so uncontroversial and could have made a huge difference, but you wouldn’t even do that much.

Damn you!

And you went along with the dehumanizing cult of the mask, another extremely divisive issue, even though no science has ever shown that could stop an airborne respiratory virus.  You just stood by and watched as people were turned into frightened, mask-wearing zombies, afraid of their own shadows and shells of their former selves.

And don’t even get me started on the off-topic matter of your complicity with the transgender madness that literally wants to overturn God’s created order.

Your depravity, negligence and evil are incomprehensible.  The negative consequences of all this are incalculable and will likely play out over decades.  Besides all the obvious stuff already mentioned, you have also destroyed our ability and willingness to trust anything you say from here on out.  That will also cost many lives.

For example, let’s say I get some type of cancer and my doctor tells me there’s only one treatment which can possibly help.  And let’s say I go home, do some research and find some alternative treatments which he didn’t mention.  And then, when I bring those up he practically laughs in my face and calls them quackery.  He might very well be right, but after everything I’ve seen in the last two years, I have absolutely no reason to just automatically take his word for it.  He, or the physicians group he works for and whose rules he must abide by, may have some hidden agenda – likely money-related or maybe just political – such that they refuse to recommend or perform any alternative treatment, even though that treatment might work.  My inability to trust them turns it into guesswork on my part and that could cost me my life.

So, thoroughly debased American Medical Establishment, here’s what I imagine in my most unabashedly harsh fantasies:  I imagine Nuremberg-style trials in which the worst offenders, from Fauci on down, are convicted for crimes against humanity.  Then, I imagine them sitting in their death row cells from which they can hear the sounds of the gallows being constructed outside.

I’m not proud of indulging such fantasies, but you richly deserve the maximum contempt of every American who has been victimized by your criminal negligence and depravity, which is basically every American.  You’re just as responsible for the needless deaths, misery, economic hardship, depression, increased substance abuse, tyranny and our general descent into madness as any persons in positions of political power because you could have set them straight, but you didn’t.  See, it’s not even remotely plausible that you just didn’t know any better because the virus was so new and different.  Again, there was that handful of brave doctors who did treat it, early on, with great success while for whatever malevolent reasons, you did nothing or else all the wrong things.

But fortunately for you, and unfortunately for civilization, there won’t likely be any Nuremberg-style trials.  In fact, I’d be surprised if anyone is held particularly accountable in any way beyond maybe losing their jobs.  That’s because in order to hold people accountable there has to be some institution which has a high degree of legitimate moral authority – and that’s what we are all out of.  Every institution in this country is now effectively given over to depravity in all of its manifestations: moral, intellectual and spiritual.  Between COVID, George Floyd and transgender ideology, they’re all raving mad, or else just cynically going along to get along.  Either way, their moral authority has been utterly destroyed and there is no institution capable of holding people responsible in any meaningful way.

So, American Medical Establishment, you’ll likely get off pretty much scot free for your part in one of the biggest crimes in history.  One thing’s for certain, though.  All illusions of morality improving in lockstep with advances in science and technology have been shattered.  It should also be realized that any calls of “Never again!” are purely rhetorical and essentially meaningless in a fallen world.  As all serious Jews and Christians understand, no amount of scientific progress can change man’s inherently fallen nature, even those who take an oath to help people and to do no harm.  Your depravity, American Medical Establishment, is as boundless as anyone else’s.

So thanks for nothing, American Medical Establishment.  Your despicable and epic fail, both medical and moral, at a time when we needed you the most will live in infamy across the centuries.  But I pray to God, literally, not rhetorically, that there will be ultimate accountability and justice.  Without that hope, carrying on in the face of such widespread and abject depravity would be nearly unbearable. ESR

Greg Strange can be reached at (c) 2022 Greg Strange.


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