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Biden said he was a prostitute. Believe him

By Mark Alexander
posted January 30, 2023

In 1973, as the Watergate investigation was ramping up, then-President Richard Nixon infamously declared, "People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook." Indeed they do...

That same year, 50 years ago, Joe Biden took office as a U.S. senator at age 30, one of the youngest in American history. Before his election, the sum total of Biden's "public leadership" experience was as a member of the New Castle County Council in Delaware. But with just over a million residents, Delaware elections, like those of other small states, are comparatively inexpensive, and thus sometimes big idiots get elected. Biden, an idiot's idiot, held that seat for 36 years until 2009, when a then-unknown freshman senator, Barack Obama, tapped Biden as his veep — ostensibly to provide a measure of gravitas and bona fides to his presidential ticket.

Notably, in 2009, Biden declared his net worth was $27,012. But in the four years after leaving office in 2017, his net worth swelled to more than $9 million — most of it reportedly from "book deals." Of course, Biden, a.k.a. the "Big Guy," the head of the Biden Crime Family, had Hunter Biden as his investment adviser...

Biden certainly does not owe his political success and subsequent wealth accumulation to brilliance. He owes it to his ability to lie.

He learned to ply his trade of deception from two of the most accomplished big-wig Demo prevaricators, Bill and Hillary Clinton — the latter having established herself as a consummate congenital liar. With a little help from his Democrat Party's implementation of a massive bulk-mail ballot fraud scheme, Biden is now the prevaricator-in-chief.

Biden has a long and proven track record as a lying dog-faced pony soldier, which he has demonstrated most recently in his obfuscatory lies about the illegal possession of classified documents, some of which were reportedly taken when he was vice president, and others prior to 2009, when he was still a senator.

On rare occasions, in an unintentional moment of honesty, a man with career political ambitions will tell you exactly what you can expect from him — and Biden did just that shortly after becoming a senator. During the 2008 election, The New York Times observed that Biden's "weak filters make him capable of blurting out pretty much anything." Recently, I came across a 1974 Biden interview, and it is very revealing.

Some people would describe such moments as gaffes — when a politician says something mind-numbingly stupid in any number of categories, from an unintentional truth to a big Lie, from the creepy or inappropriate to the unintelligible. Biden has a rich history across all four types of gaffes, and he knows it. "I am a gaffe machine," he acknowledged ahead of the 2020 election.

In that PBS interview, Biden, who shamelessly described himself as being "like the token black or the token woman," lamented the fact that he depends on "people who have money," and "they always want something." And over the last 50 years, Biden certainly has proven himself as a "giver."

He said, "You run the risk of deciding whether or not you're going to prostitute yourself to give the answer you know they want to hear in order to get funded to run for that office."

He added: "I went to the big guys for the money. I was ready to prostitute myself in the manner in which I talk about it..." Apparently, the second-oldest profession is akin to the first! He insisted he was able to raise lots of money because he was "a 29-year-old oddball," and "was able to have a national constituency to run for office because I was 29."

Biden certainly perfected the prostitution thing, and unlike his rival Bernie Sanders, who raised much of his 2020 presidential campaign funding from small donors, Biden courted billionaires.

According to Biden: "I love Bernie, but I'm not Bernie Sanders. I don't think 500 billionaires are the reason why we're in trouble. The folks at the top aren't bad guys. I get in trouble in my party when I say wealthy Americans are just as patriotic as poor folks. I've found no distinction."

Biden received funding from 25% of America's billionaires, while Donald Trump received funding from less than 14% of them. Of course, among Biden's biggest donors was billionaire leftist George Soros. As The New York Times put it, "The Big Role That Big Donors Still Play, Quietly, for Joe Biden."

On top of that, Biden received a lot of "dark money" despite his assertion that "dark money erodes public trust" and his faux effort to restrict it in campaigns.

And he's still reaping the benefits — spending our most recent New Year's Eve at the St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who, in return, were invited to Biden's first 2023 state dinner.

Biden is not only an outstanding liar, he's a political whore. ESR

Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post.


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