The only French God: Thought itself
By Michael Moriarty
web posted February 21, 2005
Upon completing Our Oldest Enemy by John J. Miller and Mark Molesky (an insightful history of Franco-American relations), I concluded that the French brand of Marxism is a veritable religion unto itself, a behemoth that dwarfs even the Roman Catholic Church at the height of its power. The Vatican of French Communism is the United Nations Secretariat Building in Manhattan. It is seen as the House of Reason, a sturdy branch on the tree of humanist evolution. The sacredness of life itself must bow before the God of Thought.
Louis XVI's unfortunate end |
What accounts for the U.S.'s foreign relations failures with five French Republics? Something secretive and Machiavellian has been going on. King Louis XVI was beheaded on January 21, 1793. According to the French Revolution's "enlightened despots," what bounced around the basket under the guillotine was not just the head of one dead Christian monarch, but the beginning of the end for the entire Judeo-Christian civilization. Is it no wonder that President Jacques Chirac of France has most belligerently opposed any mention of Judeo-Christian culture in the European Union's Constitution? This reflects over 200 years of French commitment to the only pride they have left – their idea of the People versus the Yankee reality of the People.
Why the French Revolution and all successive communist revolutions must always march forward on the dead backs of the people is a pretty good indication of what this very French-born idea of the "commune" really is. To les communards, people are merely statistics in the enshrined population control policies of the UN's General Assembly.
I now call Paris "the bunker." I suspect there was a Paris/Moscow phone call before Russian leader Vladimir Putin came out on behalf of Iran's nuclear dreams and, well, lied straight out. We're back to the Cold War, but with the enemy in a far more threatening position. The Politburo still couldn't get the big nuclear missiles on Cuban soil, but Iran is certainly within a closer delivery range than Russia. So, the stakes are being raised. With Pyongyang rattling loaded missiles in North Korea's silos and China pulling the same act that Putin is pulling with Iran, well, it's becoming quite a face-off, isn't it? But if anyone can stare down these nefarious plotters, it's George W. Bush.
When you add up the "progressive" secular adventures of the French État (such as legalization of the abortion pill), the mind of the French Revolution looks more Gothic than Gallic. Dr. Viktor Frankenstein would no doubt be favored by the French as the UN's new Secretary General. That former president Bill Clinton is campaigning for the job indicates how deeply ingrained the French God of Thought is in the mindset of America's intelligentsia.
My recent obituary of playwright Arthur Miller and my estimation of his place in world history provoked a pro-choice woman to defend her acceptance of abortion. When I remarked that the advocates for a New World Order firmly believe no one exists until they are aware they exist (cf. philosopher René Descartes), and that since the first trimester of gestation may not yet enable thought, this "scientific" fact justifies early abortion, the lady replied that destroying the fetus is no more insensitive than taking a brain-dead patient off life support. Of all my encounters with the pro-choice lobby, this was the most shocking and yet revealing comment I'd ever heard.
To accept the murder of spring (the season most resembling the gestating infant) with the same resigned acceptance we watch the autumn leaves fall, reveals a heartrending vacuum at the core of this philosophy, and a cold indifference to life. Such a mentality corroborates the epigram by philosopher José Ortega y Gasset: "The opposite of Truth is not untruth, but Reason."
Conservative political gadfly William F. Buckley said something to the effect that he'd prefer five American farmers as candidates for president to one thousand graduates of Harvard. (Buckley graduated from Yale.)
As a graduate of another Ivy League emporium, Dartmouth College, and as a recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to England, I couldn't agree more. How can I possibly dismiss these temples of learning and the thousands of dollars my father spent to send me to one of them? Well, simply put, they're the opposite of America and antithetical to the Declaration of Independence. Since the "Enlightened” have literally (and liberally) excluded moral issues from any political debate, I'm resigned to pitting my own simple faith in Americanism against the Napoleonic zealotry of the Marxist religion and its Islamic allies.
Whereas the French God is Thought, the American God is Life. "Life" is not a thought, but a word encompassing every possible experience, sensation, creation, battle, victory, defeat, celebration, mourning, birth, death and vision any of us have experienced. It's quite an all-encompassing word.
"Thought" is so relative to the subject, so variable, so ephemeral – almost metaphysical –as to come under the malignant definition which the Marxists place on religion or faith as being an "opiate of the people.”
So, the French are drunk on Thought and the Americans are hammered on Life: "I am, therefore I am."
That's a fact, which American farmboys don't even have to utter, since they never questioned the reality of life in the first place. They just went out and milked the cows. Or they got into "the zone," as American athletes call it – a state of being faster than thought, beyond concept or ideology, a broken barrier so left in the dust that it seems slower than the speed of sound. Even after atomic scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory corroborated Albert Einstein's inclusion of the speed of light squared as part of his equation for energy, the "enlightened" continue their "revolutionary" efforts to lock all of humanity into a molasses-slow, life-defying paradigm and ideology called the Socialist Federation.
The Declaration of Independence calls the following truth "self-evident," meaning that it requires no thought to accept: "All men are created equal, endowed with the inalienable right to Life!"
"Liberté, égalité, fraternité" are still only aspects of a God called Life. Why the Paris commune didn't include that divine word in its manifesto is perhaps the most profound reason for the repeated failure of the Napoleonic revolution and the certain cause of its ultimate demise at a final Waterloo – the U.S. presidential election of 2008. Even if these geniuses succeed in turning that election into our Alamo, that battle was only one defeat in a war of ultimate American superiority of soul.
France never understood "soul." Never will. The French had to import it from America into their jazz clubs and over their radios and on their records and CD players and movie screens. Actually, and except for "whine" and cuisine, they've had to import almost every major achievement: leadership from Italy (Napoleon) and political and economic theory (Marx and Engels) from Germany. Yes, America will always have a superiority of soul and the children of the world instantly feel it and fall in love with American soul... because it carries the promise of freedom! That export of ours cannot be denied, even by the turncoat rock artists from the U.S. who went over to the other side. Their ingratitude is a secondary but important issue that America's memory will someday record.
Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who has appeared in the landmark television series Law and Order, the mini-series Taken, and the recent TV-movie The 4400. Hitler Meets Christ, a surreal tragicomedy based on Moriarty's controversial New York play, will be previewed at the Cannes Film Festival in May.
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