On republics and democracies: Why the leaders of Hamas are "democrats" By Samuel L. Blumenfeldweb posted February 20, 2006 When Robert Welch coined the phrase, "This is a republic, not a democracy, let’s keep it that way," he made an important contribution to American political debate and understanding. The Founding Fathers loathed democracy. The idea of unfettered majority vote was anathema to them. And that is why they constructed a Constitution that broke up government power into three separate branches—Executive, Legislative, and Judicial—and put strong restrictions on what the majority could do to the minority, and what the minority could do to the majority. The result was a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. In a pure democracy, the majority has the power to destroy a minority. That’s what happened in Germany in 1933 when Hitler’s National Socialist Party was voted in by the majority. Hitler then consolidated his power into the Nazi dictatorship with its deranged racism and plans for world domination. All of this was stated by Hitler in his own book, Mein Kampf, which any German could have read. At first German Jews assumed that Hitler would not last long. The Nazi movement was so much against basic German traditions of cultural and religious tolerance. But they were wrong. And now among Palestinians, sixty years after Hitler, we have the same situation. A political party, Hamas, determined to wipe Israel off the map, has acquired political power through the democratic vote. This is pure democracy, unfettered by any constitutional limitations. Hamas has stated its plans in its Covenant of 1988: the total destruction of Israel . It is uncanny how similar are the events that recently took place among the Palestinians and what happened in Germany in 1933. The Germans had Mein Kampf, and the Palestinians have the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, popularly known as Hamas. In the case of Germany , it led to a world war and total ruin. What it will lead to in the case of Hamas is still an open question. But if they do not renounce their plans, it could lead to the total ruin of the Palestinians. The Covenant states:
Hamas sees its movement as part of the Muslim Brotherhood engaged in the centuries-long struggle against the Christian Crusades and the later ideological invasions by missionaries and secular orientalists who affected Arab education. The Covenant states:
To Hamas the liberation of Palestine is part of the greater struggle of Islam against the Christian West, and particularly against Western ideology. "Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes." For this reason Hamas seeks a revitalization of pure Islamic education for Muslim men and women who will be willing to die for the cause. The Covenant states:
Thus, it was possible for the 9/11 hijackers to live in America and enjoy its freedoms without being converted or seduced from Islam. Their hatred of the infidel provided the motivation to kill more Americans in a few hours than would have otherwise been possible. The Covenant states further:
In other words, genocide is the religious duty of every Muslim.
Hamas, like Hitler, also believes that Jews are engaged in a worldwide conspiracy to control the world:
Obviously, Hamas has a view of history that has become part of the fantasy world Palestinians believe in. Also, the Waqf concept must serve as a warning to Europe , which is in the process of being invaded and taken over by Muslims. The Covenant states that when the leaders of the Islamic armies conquered Syria and Iraq , "it was decided that the land should be left with its owners who would benefit from its fruits. As for the real ownership of the land and the land itself, it should be consecrated for Muslim generations till Judgment Day." In twenty to fifty years, Western Europe , with its declining native populations, may be dominated by Muslims who will claim it as a Waqf. The Covenant makes it plain that Hamas cannot compromise on its basic program without destroying its reason for being. And if Hamas links up with the Iranians who share the same views, we shall be facing a new World War against Islamic Jihad—armed with nuclear weapons. Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of eight books on education, including, "Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers," "The Whole Language/OBE Fraud," and "Homeschooling: A Parents Guide to Teaching Children." These books are available on Amazon.com.