Lingua publica The good and the bad... web posted February 20, 2006 "[T]he argument of flexibility...goes something like this: The Constitution is over 200 years old and societies change. It has to change with society, like a living organism, or it will become brittle and break. But you would have to be an idiot to believe that." -- Justice Antonin Scalia "I don't know." -- Helen Thomas when asked by White House spokesman Scott McClellan, "Are we at war, Helen?" "What happened to me, I think, and to all of us at CBS, was that the perception of truth became that these documents were not real; that there were flaws in the typeface and all kinds of sort of dry and extremely dull details about proportional spacing and superscript and all that... I feel that if they had been forged there would have been a flaw. And I have not been able to find the flaw." -- former CBS producer Mary Mapes "[T]he mighty American media doesn't want to think itself spineless. So they close their eyes, rationalize their fear and call it the responsible thing to do." -- Tony Blankley "We are fighting to find a voice under difficult circumstances, and I'm confident, over the next few months, you are going to see that happen. Our megaphone is just not as large as their megaphone, and we have a harder time getting that message out, even when people are on the same page." -- John Kerry, who is ignoring the megaphone of the "mainstream media" "[Arabs in the United States have been] indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable... Unfortunately there have been terrible abuses and it's wrong. I do want you to know that it does not represent the desires or wishes or feelings of the majority of the citizens of my country." -- Al Gore in Saudi Arabia "Muslims are the only people who make feminists seem laid-back." -- Ann Coulter "In a world in which Danish cartoons insult the prophet and Disney Piglet mugs insult the prophet and Burger King chocolate ice-cream swirl designs insult the prophet, maybe it would just be easier to make a list of things that don't insult him." -- Mark Steyn "They added a new [Olympic] event this year called the Danish freestyle -- five cartoonists skate as fast as they can away from an angry mob. ... I feel bad for Marmaduke. He's a cartoon and a Great Dane! He's in double-danger." -- Jay Leno "You should console me in this situation. This is a big burden and a position of difficulties." -- Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jafari "In the absence of any pressing news these days—other than Iran's nuclear-weapons development crisis, the election of Hamas terrorists in Palestine, ongoing worldwide Muslim riots and killing in reaction to a cartoon, Al Gore's near sedition while speaking in Saudi Arabia, the turning over of our East Coast ports to be managed by a United Arab Emirates firm, the criminal leaking of vital NSA secrets to The New York Times, Mexican military incursions across our southern border, the Iraqi crisis, Congress's refusal to deal with the developing financial collapse of Social Security and Medicare, inter alia—the White House press corps has exploded in righteous fury over the question of the vice president's little shooting party last weekend." -- Tony Blankley web posted February 13, 2006 "Government cannot achieve the efficiencies of a business. Trying to get government to be as efficient as business is as hopeless as trying to teach cats to bark and dogs to meow." -- Walter Williams "Tasers Not Recommended to Subdue Small Children, Grand Jury Says" -- Associated Press "I did meet with some of the same Hamas members in Ramallah and I think they told me they want to have a peaceful administration." -- Jimmy Carter I think most of them were voting for peace, they were voting for better conditions, they were voting for an honest government." -- UN's Kofi Annan on the Palestinian elections "[Republicans'] idea of equal rights is the American flag and the Confederate swastika [sic] flying side-by-side." -- NAACP Chairman Julian Bond "There comes a point, sometimes, when logic is denied, reason is abandoned, and that vital connection to reality is severed. Once upon a time, we called this a nervous breakdown and prescribed a rest cure. Now, we call it a press conference and take notes." -- Diana West "Worse than denial is denying you have been in denial." -- Cal Thomas "Hillary Clinton said this week that she doesn't agree with either the people who say we should be in Iraq or her friends who say we should be out. Thanks for clearing that up. Think she's running for president? Even John Kerry said, 'Pick a position!'" -- Jay Leno "We might also consider whether, and to what degree, dependence on essentially permanent government programs serves to create a large number of Americans who are 'united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.' That is the definition of what James Madison in Federalist 10 called a faction, and a majority faction is what the American Founders thought to be the greatest threat to republican government." -- Matthew Spalding "Where to start is so obvious. Start everywhere." -- Former Senator Phil Gramm on where to cut federal spending "Our enemy is listening. I cannot help but wonder if they aren't shaking their heads in amazement at the thought that anyone would imperil such a sensitive program by leaking its existence in the first place, and smiling at the prospect that we might now disclose even more or perhaps even unilaterally disarm ourselves of a key tool in the war on terror." -- Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, defending domestic surveillance web posted February 6, 2006 "Along the way [in Iraq], we have benefited from responsible criticism and counsel offered by Members of Congress of both parties... Yet there is a difference between responsible criticism that aims for success, and defeatism that refuses to acknowledge anything but failure. Hindsight alone is not wisdom. And second-guessing is not a strategy." -- U.S. President George W. Bush during his State of the Union address "Our offensive against terror involves more than military action. Ultimately, the only way to defeat the terrorists is to defeat their dark vision of hatred and fear by offering the hopeful alternative of political freedom and peaceful change.... Elections are vital, but they are only the beginning. Raising up a democracy requires the rule of law, and protection of minorities, and strong, accountable institutions that last longer than a single vote." -- U.S. President George W. Bush during his State of the Union address "President Bush made health care a big part of his State of the Union address last night, which is rare for a Republican. Thankfully we're not talking about another new entitlement like the Medicare drug benefit, which is being implemented this year to far less fanfare than the GOP had hoped. Instead, the President wants to fix defects in the market for health care. This is an area where he can do a great deal of good at little cost to the Treasury. And it's high time. The inefficiencies of the current system are a drag on wage growth that's being felt now even by the United Auto Workers union. And health care costs may partly explain why many Americans don't feel as good as they might about the current economic expansion. Longer term, it's also increasingly obvious that the U.S. is approaching a tipping point where the reforms needed to preserve an innovative, market-based health system may become politically impossible. That's because almost half of our health-care dollars are already spent by government. Do nothing and the inevitable growth of Medicare alone will lead us far down the path toward government-rationed health care a la Europe or Canada... But there's still a chance to change course. Republicans in Congress should join Mr. Bush in seizing it." -- The Wall Street Journal "Why don't you just report the news instead of what might be the news?" -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, rebuking a reporter at a press conference "[Bill Clinton's lying was] poignant and endearing... [W]hen Bill Clinton would deceive, he would throw in a semantic clue that let you know he was deceiving. He would let you know he was lying, and then the right wing would come down so hard on him and over-punish him." -- Maureen Dowd "[Y]ou can't ignore those social, cultural values voters. You don't have to switch on their issues, but you have to talk to them. You can't go around and just ignore them... We should be able to address that with equal credibility with the Republicans, but when you simply ignore it, you're going to lose." -- Bill Clinton "Led by Ted Kennedy, the Senate Democrats hoped to trip Judge Alito up in the Judiciary Committee hearings. Instead, they ended up tripping over each other like Larry, Moe & Curley in the pie-throwing scene." -- Rich Galen "I think even for a Senator, it takes some pretty serious yodeling to call for a filibuster from a five-star ski resort in the Swiss Alps." -- Scott McClellan "Sen. John Kerry, hanging out with other French-speakers at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, is busy between rounds of hot-buttered rum before the crackling fire at the people's chateau, organizing a filibuster of the Alito nomination. Mr. Kerry is assisted in this romantic endeavor by the Hon. Ted Kennedy, who was drawn by the prospect of the ski-slope bunnies who are said to congregate around the hot-buttered rum bowl." -- Wesley Pruden "President Bush gave his State of The Union address. He...[repeated] several universal truths; all people deserve to be free, democracy is good, and the most important truth -- never lie to Oprah!" -- Jay Leno web posted January 30, 2006 "Republicans promised the American people two things in 1994. First, we promised to rein in the size and scope of the federal government. Second, we promised to clean up Washington. In recent years, we have fallen short on both counts." -- Rep. John Shadegg "The current scandals in Washington should remind us just how far we have strayed from the vision of limited government the Founders handed down to us." -- John Fund "I don't support our troops. This is a particularly difficult opinion to have, especially if you are the kind of person who likes to put bumper stickers on his car." -- Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein "I told all my Senate Democratic [sic] colleagues that are on the Judiciary Committee, I said, 'I don't know what the [heck] you were talking about.' So anyway, I think they did a good job." -- Sen. Harry Reid, Democratic minority leader "[Democrats are] prepared to eavesdrop wherever and whenever necessary in order to make America safer." -- John Kerry, who is also against eavesdropping "[A]s you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he's a man who shares his world view. Do you really want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest?" -- Michael Moore before the recent Canadian election "I won't trust [Osama bin Laden], but anything that gives me the opportunity to seek peace, I would at least check it out. People make deals with the devil all the time. We make deals with people we don't like... What do we have to lose to check it out?" -- TV Talk show host, Star Jones advocating "let's make a deal" foreign policy "[Judge Robert] Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court was derailed so effectively that 'bork' became a verb meaning to ruthlessly savage a nominee's record in order to defeat his confirmation. And now [Sen. Ted] Kennedy complains that judicial nominations are too politicized? If chutzpah were an Olympic event, he would walk away with the gold." -- Jeff Jacoby "The notion of [Ted] Kennedy joining any club which didn't allow women...would be like Norm Peterson going to a bar which didn't serve beer." -- Rich Galen "Tabloids are reporting that Sen. Ted Kennedy has an illegitimate 21-year-old son. Apparently, Kennedy isn't denying the report, but the kid is." -- Conan O'Brien "But don't worry, [the EU is] not escalating this thing any more than necessary. Initially, Britain is considering 'narrowly targeted sanctions such as a travel ban on Iranian leaders.' That'll show 'em: Iranian missiles may be able to leave Iranian airspace, but the deputy trade minister won't. No more trips to Paris for the spring collections or skiing in Gstaad for the A-list ayatollahs." -- Mark Steyn "NBC has cancelled the 'West Wing.' That's when you know things are bad - when even fictional Democrats aren't doing well. Can't even get elected on TV anymore." -- Jay Leno "Some look at the challenges in Iraq and conclude that the war is lost, and not worth another dime or another day. I don't believe that. Our military commanders do not believe that. Our troops in the field, who bear the burden and make the sacrifice, do not believe that America has lost, and not even the terrorists believe it. We know from their own communications that they feel a tightening noose and fear the rise of a democratic Iraq." -- U.S. President George W. Bush "If I wanted to break the law, why was I briefing Congress?" -- U.S. President George W. Bush on the NSA surveillance program "The Americans and the Europeans say to Hamas: either you have weapons or you enter the legislative council. We say weapons and the legislative council. There is no contradiction between the two." -- Ismail Haniya, a Hamas candidate in the Palestinian elections |
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