Wrong as usual!: 2023 continued the lies of climate alarmistsBy Tom Harris
Imagine if every time your doctor gave you advice or wrote you a prescription, it turned out to be dramatically wrong. Indeed so wrong that, had you followed his or her advice, and took the medication prescribed, you would now be sicker still or perhaps even dead. No one could fault you for trying to find another doctor. And that is, in fact, the Achilles Heel of the climate scare: virtually everything climate activists and their friends in the media tell us about climatic conditions in the past, present and future is scientifically wrong—temperatures, sea level, polar bears, extreme weather, ocean pH, you name it, real world data shows that they are wildly off base on practically everything. In many cases, the trend is precisely the opposite of what climate alarmists tell us. Readers are encouraged to simply check real world data to see how wrong these prophets of doom actually are. A good example is the NOAA extreme weather database which shows when state-wide records were set that still stand today. These records include record temperature (high and low), wind speed, snow fall, rain fall, hail stone size, and so on. As illustrated in the graph below, in 2023, only two records were set—a 5.25 inch diameter hailstone in Colorado in August and 11.28 inches of precipitation in 24 hours in Kentucky in July. In 2022, no records were set at all, in contrast to 27 in 1936. Clearly, neither the incidence, nor the severity of extreme weather is increasing. Throughout 2023 the group I lead, the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), has published on our website entertaining, easy-to-understand monthly CLIMATE FACT CHECKS that reveal some of the many mistakes in the press about climate change. A group led by Steve Milloy, a widely recognized leader in the fight against junk science and the publisher of JunkScience.com, has been digging into the climate science facts that put the lie to the alarmism we see every day in mainstream media. Besides Mr. Milloy, who writes most of the fact checks, and ICSC, these brief but important documents are presented by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and Truth in Energy and Climate. To read the climate facts the media got wrong in the previous month, just visit the ICSC website at any time and click on the fact check banner at the top of the page. Right now, for example, you will see the following image which links to the January 2024 fact check: But now Milloy has gone one step further and, with input from our team, prepared WRONG AGAIN: 2023 EDITION – Hottest Lying Ever which starts as follows: \Last month, Fox News reported on WRONG AGAIN as well as The Climate Narrative Is Changing against Net-Zero, Electric Vehicles, Offshore wind, and ESG, a joint open letter to Rep. Mike Johnson, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives signed by myself on behalf of ICSC and the following allied groups:
Here are the highlights of the open letter:
Here are excerpts from the first two entries in the WRONG AGAIN: 2023 EDITION – Hottest Lying Ever report to whet your appetite to read more:
@page { size: 21.59cm 27.94cm; margin: 2cm } p { line-height: 115%; text-align: left; orphans: 2; widows: 2; margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; background: transparent } a:visited { color: #954f72; text-decoration: underline } a:link { color: #0563c1; text-decoration: underline } "GLOBAL BOILING? United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said in July that: 'The era of global warming is over; the era of global boiling has arrived.'
The Wrong Again report then goes on to refute alarmist statements about:
Read the whole report and get a good laugh while learning the facts you need to thoroughly debunk the climate scare at your next city council meeting! Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition. Please share this article and support the International Climate Science Coalition through its GiveSendGo crowdfunding webpage at GiveSendGo - THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising.