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A rush to judgment

By Marie Jon'
web posted March 13, 2006

The Republican Party and its base rushed to judgment. They killed the ports deal. We will never know just why the Dubai World Ports was given the boot. Hysterical behavior on both sides of the aisle helped killed the investigation intended to prove the UAE worthy enough to service our ports. Aggressive Republican leaders in both the House and Senate threatened the president. They were ready to pass legislation that would block Dubai Ports World from managing US ports. The UAE said it would give up its management stake in the deal. The people of the Emirates were insulted and in shock. As a result, many conservatives made the president look like a complete fool.

Quite frankly it leads many to wonder why most people turn on TV programs such as American Idol. After observing the total discombobulating messages that come out of Washington, who gives a fig about politics? It is disappointing and hysterical most of the time.

The Democrats are as phony as a two dollar bill when it comes to the war on terror or the ports deal. They are a bunch of miserable undermining "useful idiots." The most astute thinkers need to understand just what this ports deal means. It also shows us that Republicans eat their own. The Democrats pull together and sing Kumbaya.

Just the other day U.S. General Peter Pace told us that the UAE was one of the best friends we have in fighting the war on terror. This is how America treats its friends? How insulting to the Emirates. Don't be surprised if, or when, they are no longer our friends. Don't be surprised if the UAE gives notice that they are divesting all of their interests from the USA. Way to go fellow conservatives. Are we winning the hearts and minds of the Middle East? We gave them 45 days to prove their worthiness. However, you couldn't take the political heat from your constituents. You would rather undermine the president. There will be no investigation.

Thanks to the hysteria we have all but called the UAE terrorists. People were overly upset about Arabs touching American port. How about getting upset with the fact that some of our own truck drivers working at the ports, were found to be of unsavory character with criminal backgrounds.

"WASHINGTON, March 8 - The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is failing to properly screen truck drivers allowed onto port terminals, according to a new federal report that found that nearly half the drivers whose backgrounds were checked had possible criminal histories.

"Most of the histories involved minor crimes, but there were also many felony convictions on narcotics, arson and weapons charges. The report, prepared by the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement division, suggested that the failure to screen drivers left ports vulnerable to criminal acts and even terrorism." -- New York Times, March 9, 2006

We fell prey to possibly unwarranted fears and insulted a country that has done so much to help facilitate America's war on terror. That war will go on even if and when the Democrats get back into office.

How about banning all forms of transportation, including cargo ships, passenger liners, and planes. Let's keep all foreigners from coming into this country because they all are potential terrorists. Imagine protective walls all around America. Unbelievable.

Marie is a columnist for RenewAmerica.us, The Conservative Voice, The Daley Times, Life on The Right and The Capitol Hill Coffee House and The Post Chronicle. She is posted as well as featured or guest writer whose work has appeared on many sites including The New Media Journal, ChronWatch, and Commonconservative.com, The Reality Check, The MichNews, and The National Ledger, and Newsbull.com She is founder of TheConservativeWoman.org Website and DrawingClose.org Website. Write to Marie Jon' at contact@theconservativewoman.org.

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