Staci Burk: How one woman was gaslit from both sides for investigating election fraudBy Rachel Alexander
But that background made her a juicy target when she became entangled with investigating voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. The Democrats’ efforts to prosecute people for that, focusing on anyone involved with the rowdy protest on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol, are running out of steam. The Democratic House Select Committee has been conducting an investigation for nine months and still hasn’t uncovered anything, and the prosecutions haven’t gone much further than holding people who committed low-level offenses behind bars for months. Now they’re resorting to grasping at straws, running down rabbit holes looking for anything to stick. One of their last remaining targets is Burk, who got involved shortly after the 2020 election when she was begged to investigate some suspicious ballots that were flown into Arizona from South Korea. Almost finished with law school so interested in legal issues, she looked into it. Nothing ever came of it; the main guy behind it recanted his story. But because of her involvement, she ended up privy to some conference calls with some of the top players involved in investigating the election for fraud, including Gen. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani. Realizing the high levels she was getting into, Burk recorded all of her phone calls. She continued her involvement, filing a lawsuit in Arizona similar to the one Powell had brought. Powell’s lawsuit was dismissed because the judge claimed it belonged in state court. Burk’s judge, who was appointed by Janet Napolitano, found another conveniently technical reason to dismiss Burk’s lawsuit, saying she was not registered to vote so was not qualified to bring the lawsuit. But the truth was Maricopa County had canceled her voter registration since they weren’t able to verify her address; she had it protected due to previous domestic violence, and her lawsuit actually named that voter disenfranchisement issue as well. Powerful people in the movement insisted she needed security protection, and sent former military and law enforcement guys from Flynn’s security team, 1A Praetorian, to Arizona to stay with her for a few weeks around December 2020. At one point, one of them seized her phone and refused to give it back, apparently concerned about her recording phone calls. However, most of the calls were pretty innocuous, discussing the Jan. 6 rally but there was no discussion of violence. After Jan. 6, 2021, when the left started going after people, some of the people on the calls that she recorded started flipping out, warning her that her life was likely in danger. All kinds of people attacked her, gaslit her, and tried to blame her for their fears of the left coming after them. At the same time, reporters started calling her, acting like they wanted to be her friend. She did not realize they were part of the left’s shadowy network of nonprofits used to win elections, not respectable nonpartisan news outlets. Tired of the indirect death threats, she tried to distance herself from everything. She moved out of state and sent a letter to the Arizona Attorney General stating she no longer thought there were ballots flown in from South Korea. It soon became clear to her that the reporters’ sole goal was to throw Flynn under the bus, because the left’s intent is to destroy Trump and his top associates; they don’t really care about getting to the bottom of election fraud. Many people buckle under pressure and turn on their party facing these circumstances. David Brock and Arianna Huffington used to be conservatives. The reporters told Burk they were writing this story back in June 2021, and tried for 10 months to get her to badmouth Flynn and others. They gaslit her, threatening that the FBI was going to come to her door, so she’d better do the right thing. Unable to get her to do their bidding, they’re now pivoting to comparing her to Watergate whistleblower Martha Mitchell due to her recordings. Mitchell was gaslit and made out to look crazy for listening in on the phone calls of her husband, Attorney General John Mitchell, who ended up going to prison for his involvement. That comparison isn’t accurate either, since Burk wasn’t trying to deliberately sabotage anyone or become a whistleblower, she was merely too smart for her own good as a law student by thinking to record key calls. It’s understandable why so many people are afraid of her tapes; while there’s nothing incriminating on them, the left is genius about taking innocuous remarks and equating them to physical threats of violence. Go after the underlings who have no power or money to get them to cave. Divide the right against each other. The lefty journalists went out all out for 10 months to get Burk to say something implying those discussing the Jan. 6 protest intended violence, and failed, because Burk doesn’t play sleazy, she has what she recorded and that’s it. Whatever story they churn out will be smoke and mirrors, smears and innuendo, as part of a last-gasp effort to find anything on Trump. It’s just sad they had to ruin a woman’s life for a year, leaving her paralyzed in fear from the indirect death threats and threats of prosecution. Rachel Alexander and her brother Andrew are co-Editors of Intellectual Conservative . She has been published in the American Spectator,, Fox News, NewsMax, Accuracy in Media, The Americano, ParcBench, Enter Stage Right and other publications.