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Is this a hate crime?

By Michael Moriarty
web posted May 16, 2005

Right-minded ideology could do without the hyperbole of a certain Michael Moriatry. Atheists can't but half love and on the way if they love somewhat to being Christian? Socialism equates to Clinton which equates to Democrats...then "internationalism"...then "Napolean-ism"..Communism...Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Tito, ...back to "Democratic Party's great black hope -- Illinois Senator Barack Obama"?

The connections are idiotic. Here's one...TV...Anti-Christian...Law And Order...Michael Moriatry...New York Stage Play...Homosexual Agenda...Liberal...East Coast Bias...Hollywood...Michael Moriatry...

We must stop Michael Moriatry in his anti-christian, Hollywood, liberal, socialist, un-American homosexual agenda!

All the Best,
Big BuddhaPuppy

I recently received my first hate letter from a self-proclaimed homophobe. His e-mail announces "Big Buddha" but, for now, let's just call him Big Bubba.

He writes: "We must stop Michael Moriatry (sic) in his anti-christian, Hollywood, liberal, socialist, un-American homosexual agenda!"

"Puppy" is also in his title and self-image, so to speak. Well, puppies don't use words like "hyperbole"…. so, who is hyperbolizing who here? Had he used the word "sarcasm," I might have fallen for the role-playing, but since theater is my profession and homosexuality almost its middle name, I think we've got theater games going on here. By the way, I wish he'd spell my name right, but red-necked Buddhists can't spell on purpose. It's kind of a Zen thing.

Maybe he's Janet Reno in drag. There's a free speech issue here and we all know how she felt about the First Amendment and television -- or at least I know from first-hand experience. I saw her in action behind closed doors in that Washington boardroom in 1993.

I don't mind the sexual labels. If you're an actor, the "lavender brush" is often applied. Yet in Big Bubba's context, hyperbole is a euphemism for lying. Gee, Bubba, I bet you wrestle alligators too.

So we either have an honest-to-god red-necked caveman who's demanding I resign from the human race, or a liberal agent provocateur posing as a right-wing hatemonger to besmirch the conservative movement. Bubba has enough of a lexicon to toss "hyperbole" on the page while, at the same time, deliberately misspelling my name. Now, someone from this milieu would likely be unfamiliar with the word and pronounce it "hyperbowl", figuring it was some kind of "Bowl-a-Rama" club. So I smell a liberal "mole" in his hole.

If I "must be stopped," then I guess I pose a threat of some kind. Like Ronald Reagan, I was once a liberal. But as we all know, a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. That I know the enemy as well as President Reagan did, and have tracked it to its lair (the French Revolution) means I pose a real threat to Liberals, so Bubba's homophobia could very well be a cover used to divide his conservative enemies into Christian fundamentalists and fully equipped conservative soldiers.

Regular readers of Enter Stage Right, like Steve Farrell, author of Dark Rose -- a classic Christian novel (an inspirational story about the redemption of four tortured souls), were particularly appreciative of what Bubba calls my hyperbole. If Bubba also reads ESR regularly, then there's more than enough Christian sacrilege for him to pick on.

So why did he pick me me? And if I must be stopped, how does bubba propose to do that? His e-mail was forwarded to me, so ESR read the letter as well. Bubba understands all the connections I made in my recent editorial and they're not rumbling his homophobia. They're hitting home at the depth of the socialist disease we're battling. He knows they go to the heart of what he might be paid to defend.

Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who has appeared in the landmark television series Law and Order, the mini-series Taken, the TV-movie The 4400 and Hitler Meets Christ, a surreal tragicomedy based on the actor's controversial New York stage play.

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