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The 51st state: Israel and America

By Charles A. Morse
web posted May 15, 2006

The threat against the Jewish people of Israel is as real today as the threat made by Adolf Hitler against the Jewish people in the years leading up to the Nazi Holocaust. Hitler spelled out his intentions toward the Jews in his book, Mein Kampf, published a decade before he took power in Germany, but the clear and explicit threats contained in his book were widely ignored and dismissed back then.

Today, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, is threatening to annihilate the Jewish people of Israel with a nuclear Holocaust. His threats, also clear and explicit and accompanied by an acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program, are also being largely ignored or responded to with empty platitudes of condemnation. There is no reason to assume that the Ahmadenejad, like his Nazi predecessor, doesn't mean exactly what he says.

Mahmoud AhmadinejadAhmadenejad is imbued with virtually the same type of anti-Semitism as Hitler was. Arab supporters of Hitler, particularly haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, transplanted the Nazi program of mass murder against the Jews into the Middle East during the murderous years of the Nazi regime. al-Husseini is widely considered to be the founding father of the modern Palestinian Arab movement and is the main character in a book by this author. The Arab and Muslim program to destroy Israel today is directly related to Hitler's "final solution" and is infused with the same pathological hatred of Jews. The program to kill Jews has continued unabated and uninterrupted from the days of the Third Reich until today with many of the same characters playing direct roles in both programs.

Now, Israel confronts an enemy that has become so immersed in a demented hatred of Jews that they are blowing themselves up for the sole purpose of killing as many innocent Jews as possible. Spoon-fed anti-Semitism from the cradle, many Arabs blame the Jews for every problem under the sun. Corrupt authoritarian Arab regimes are only too happy to oblige as state sponsored anti-Semitism deflects attention from the squalid poverty that typifies their regimes. The Jews provide a scapegoat for problems that these societies largely brought upon themselves. In the 1990's, Israel worked diligently with the Arabs to establish an Arab State west of the Jordan River during the failed Oslo process. Israel was rewarded for its willingness to make significant sacrifices for peace with a brutal and merciless campaign of murder and the election of a terrorist organization, Hamas, in areas that are a stone throw away from Israeli cities and towns.

From Israel's 1948 war of Independence until the present time, the State of Israel has prospered as the homeland of the Jewish people. Industry, inventiveness, progressive culture, democracy, modernity, and freedom have been the hallmark of a proud and free Jewish State surrounded by totalitarian enemies. Yet, the Arab and Muslim threat to Israel's existence continues to grow and metastasize at an alarming rate. This is exacerbated by the vastness of the Arab lands and the incalculable wealth derived from the oil reserves under their feet.

The Islamic terrorists threaten not only Israel but also the western democracies and moderate Arab and Muslim regimes. Besides the ongoing and relentless murder campaign against the Israeli people, the Islamic terrorists murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11. Since 9/11, they've committed mass murder in London, Madrid, Bali, and on the shores of the Egyptian Sinai. They are driving indigenous Christians out of Lebanon and elsewhere. Every year the Islamic terror threat to the free world grows more serious and potentially more deadly.

Iran is now blackmailing the United States and the western democracies. Reports are now emerging that indicate that Iran is planning suicide missions inside the United States and terror attacks against Americans abroad if the United States government decides to take action against the development of an Iranian nuclear bomb. Terrorists have, according to intelligence sources and evidenced by the events surrounding 9/11, infiltrated into Europe and the United States with terror cells, many of whom arrived in the United States legally in the 1990's thanks to a law shepherded through the Congress by Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank. Evidence suggests that Islamic terror sleeper cells are awaiting their marching orders.

The western democracies are in a weakened position in this looming conflict largely due to the fact that the enemy has skillfully exploited our Achilles heal. Ironically, our weakness is also our greatest strength and our last best hope. That is our embrace of the very notion of freedom and progress, which has allowed us to create the greatest civilization known to mankind while at the same time offering those who hate freedom a free hand to harm us. We assume that our enemies think like we do and want the same things out of life that we want. The same mistaken judgment was made by the free world in its analysis of both Nazism and Communism.

So where do we go from here? Where does Israel go from here? Regarding the future of Israel, I am presenting a new and admittedly audacious idea. That idea is that Israel formally affiliate with the United States by becoming a commonwealth similar to that of Puerto Rico. I am also proposing, with full sincerity, that Israel very seriously consider, after a time as a commonwealth, taking the next step and formally joining the American union as the 51 st State.

I am concerned for the future of Israel and for the safety and security of the Jewish citizens of Israel. A formal affiliation between Israel and the United States could very well have the effect of liberating Israel in terms of allowing her to strike hard against an enemy who seeks it's destruction. If a foreign citizen enters Israel from a foreign land and kills an Israeli, and Israel has a formal affiliation with the United States, that action would be viewed as an act of war not only against Israel but also against the United States. If an Arab or Muslim State expresses support for such an action, that support could be viewed as an expression of warlike intention not only against Israel but also against the United States.

An Israel with formal ties to the United States, with the United States playing a role in the setting of foreign policy, would automatically obtain diplomatic status with moderate Arab and Muslim States who have an interest in maintaining strong ties with the United States. The Israeli military, operating under a joint Israeli-American flag, could play a greater role in peacekeeping missions in the Middle East and beyond. Israel would provide the United States with a permanent base in the Middle East, which could lead to a scaling back of American military involvements elsewhere in the region.

The Jewish population of Israel is growing while the Arab population west of the Jordan is gradually declining. This is in fact the case in spite of demographic studies presented by the Arabs that are cooked in such a way as to disguise the Arab decline. Presently, the United States and European nations send massive subsidies to prop up the Palestinian Authority, monies that go toward maintaining a large Palestinian police force and civil service. The financial incentives should be shifted away from efforts to form an Arab State west of the Jordan, an effort that has proven time and again to be based on a mirage. Instead, the funds should be earmarked toward encouraging Arabs to voluntarily leave Israel with compensation. This could be done under the auspices of the United States. Hopefully, a democratic and oil rich Iraq would be in a position to welcome their Palestinian Arab brothers. In Iraq, or in another of the over two dozen Arab states, the Palestinian Arabs would have the opportunity to achieve a richer life and a higher standard of living.

The conventional assumption is that Arabs and Muslims would respond negatively and possibly violently to an Israel formally within the American system. Even if this proved to be the case, nevertheless, a retreat from such a development based on this premise could be viewed as giving in to anti-Semitism. Moderate Arab and Muslim nations, and moderate Arab and Muslim peoples, would be encouraged to forge a peaceful relationship with an American affiliated Israel as a means of releasing themselves from the brutal jackboot of their own establishments founded on regressive and corrosive doctrines of hate.

Arabs and Muslims would be encouraged to throw off the stagnating and oppressive millstone of the jihadist regime and instead choose the sunlight of freedom that Israel and the United States represent. Israel and the United States need to confidently declare the superiority of their political systems, not in a chauvinistic sense, but because freedom, capitalism, and democracy are ideas that are adaptable to any society.

By its very existence and by its success as a democracy, Israel has always represented a voice in the Middle Eastern wilderness and that voice has been that of freedom and progress. Israel presents a promise to Arabs by threatening the authoritarian power of the Arab dictatorship. This is part of the reason Arab regimes have so vigorously sought to silence Israel. A formal affiliation with the United States on the part of Israel would amplify that voice of freedom and progress to the point where it could very well achieve a critical mass.

Right up until the eve of the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, conventional wisdom dictated that the iron curtain countries would remain perpetually under the yoke of Communism, yet, the winds of freedom proved to be irresistible. The whole rotten Communist colossus disintegrated under its own contradictions. So too could be the fate of the radical and anti-Semitic Arab and Muslim jihadist regimes if the western democracies stand up to evil.

The historic Zionist movement, the national movement of the Jewish people to establish a sovereign state in Palestine, took hold in the early part of the 20 th century. Alongside the Zionists were moderate and pro-Zionist Arabs. This trend found its best expression in the Faisal-Weizmann agreement, signed by Emir Faisal of Syria and Zionist Chiam Weizmann. This 1919 agreement, which recognized Israel's right to exist within "modest and proper" borders, accompanied the Paris Peace Talks that concluded World War I and the establishment of the League of Nations. The Arab rejectionists and their chief leader in the region, haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, proceeded to stamp out the pro Zionist Arabs in a brutal policy that continues to this day and with a high level of ferocity.

Part of the motivation of the pro-Zionist Arabs was an understanding that the western oriented Zionists could assist the Arabs in fostering economic, social, and political progress in a Middle East made up of new and emerging sovereign Arab states. The potential economic and political benefits that could be derived from a constructive relationship with an American affiliated Israel remains as an option to Arabs who want their nations to develop institutions such as private corporations, private property, free markets, and free expression.

Israel is not a normal nation in the sense that perhaps nations such as Denmark or Switzerland are normal. This is because everything about Israel has a spiritual dimension. Any Jew or Christian with an elementary knowledge of the Bible knows that Israel is the land that the Almighty promised to the Patriarchs of the ancient of days, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their decedents. Israel is the land that the Almighty pointed to at Mt. Sinai, communicating through his Prophet Moses, as the homeland of the children of Israel.

Israel is also the land in which Jesus of Nazareth was born and conducted his ministry during the difficult pagan Roman occupation. Whether or not one accepts the divinity of Jesus, it should be acknowledged that his ministry was the most influential in world history in terms of it leading to millions of the peoples across the world embracing the moral and ethical precepts of the Torah of Sinai. Jesus was the bridge figure in terms of extending the covenant of Sinai, a covenant between the Almighty and the Jewish people, to the rest of the peoples of the world. Through the ministry of Jesus, his followers, known as Christians, were grafted into the covenant of Abraham, Moses, and David.

Yet something happened that led to a parting of the ways between the two Jewish sects. This occurred less than a hundred years after the crucifixion of Jesus when the Rabbinic Jews of Palestine, chafing under the brutal oppression of the pagan Roman government of the Emperor Hadrian, launched a rebellion against Rome known as the bar Kochba revolt of 135. At the time, Christians were still thought of as Jews and maintained relatively cordial relations with the followers of the Rabbis who would later codify the Talmud.

When the Jews rebelled under the leadership of bar Kochba, they expected their Christian brothers to join them and help defeat the Romans. This didn't happen as the early Christians instead chose to remain neutral in the conflict. The Jews would go on to suffer a devastating military defeat and mass slaughter at the hands of the Roman General Rufus Tinneaus with the final Jewish holdouts choosing suicide at Masada rather than surrender to Rome. The early Christians, meanwhile, moved in the direction of developing a separate faith. Through proselytizing, the Christians would eventually and peacefully capture the Roman Empire. The Emperor Constantine would declare Christianity as the state religion of Rome around the time of the Council of Nicaea, 325 AD.

There are spiritual ramifications manifested in a formal union between the United States, which is the worlds greatest historical example of a Christian nation in terms of culture, and the Jewish State, and those are a rapprochement between the two branches of Judaism after almost two thousand years of estrangement following the death of bar Kochba. The dual covenants, existing side by side, could potentially move the world forward in both the religious and secular sense. The olive branch of peace would also be held out to Muslims and those of other faiths who seek to live freely and fully empowered in their own countries but who would at the same time be willing to put aside imperialist ambitions and coexist peaceably with the Jews and Christians.

Two changes within each faith would further smooth the skids toward rapprochement. On the Jewish side, Jesus of Nazareth ought to be included in the teaching of Jewish history and religion and placed in the proper context as a significant and admirable Jewish religious and political figure who sacrificed his life for his Jewish faith. On the Christian side, proselytizing to Jews would have to stop. The New Testament Book of Acts clearly states that the covenant between the Almighty and the Jewish people was and remains "forever" which means that, putting aside the question of the divinity of Jesus, the Jew is not required to accept Jesus as the Messiah to be saved.

Imperialistic ambitions provided the ideological underpinning for both the Nazi and Communist movements. Those same ambitions animate the radical Islamic movement of today. The Nazis called it blitzkrieg, the Communists called it "revolution" and the radical Islamic terrorists call it Jihad. Regardless of the given moniker, the underlying principle is the same and that is that there is a virtue in the use of violence and military force to conquer and subjugate nations and peoples who seek to remain independent.

The founding principle of the United States is the exact opposite. That principle is the virtue of an association of free states living harmoniously with each other and alongside other self-determining and non-associated states. Since throwing off the tyranny of the British monarch, King George III, the United States had firmly stood for the sovereignty of the nations of the world, for individual rights, and for nationalism in the best sense. America has a long and honored history of defending the sovereignty of nations and peoples and this extends from the 19th century Monroe Doctrine through involvement in two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the war against Communism, the Gulf War, and the liberation of Afghanistan from the Taliban and Iraq from Saddam Hussein.

Likewise, the Zionist movement is a nationalist movement in the best sense. The State of Israel represents the fulfillment of the sovereign rights of the Jewish people to determine their own destiny in that tiny strip of desert promised to them by the King of the Universe. Israel is the natural political and spiritual home of the Jewish people. The United States and Israel have many parallels in their history and philosophy. By moving forward, together, into the future, the United States and Israel could truly represent a light unto the nations and the peoples of the world.

Chuck Morse is the Republican Congressional candidate for the Massachusetts 4th district.





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