May 1: Illegal Immigration Day By Vincent Fiore On May 1, immigrants, both legal and illegal, will purportedly take to the streets to:
Protest organizers are threatening to "shut-down" the economy, and some of America's largest and most populous cities to a grinding halt.
This approach would seem to attempt to catch more bees with vinegar as opposed to honey. See what happens when you don't assimilate, my illegal friends? You get all those great old adages all backwards, and look, in this case, threatening as well. Organizers and the mainstream media have come to call the protest scheduled for May 1, or "May Day." But in the big town -- Manhattan, New York -- it is more like "They-Day." Unfortunately for our illegal friends, the cumulative effect of the "spontaneous" protests of a few weeks past coupled with the impending and well-planned civil-disobedience of May 1 have created a sea of resentment across America, numbering many more millions than those who will protest on May 1. When the topic is illegal immigration or even immigration in general now, people are talking, and they are just full of pronouns, adjectives, and plurals. Sitting at a downtown bar with stockbrokers, fireman, plumbers, and short-order cooks, one is apt to hear the conversation turn, well, somewhat protective: "Who do these people think they are?" "That kind of disrespectful behavior should not be allowed to happen." "They behave as if they own this country" "This is the kind of behavior that I'm used to seeing in third-world countries." "There is a real feeling in some parts of the country that it is "us against them." "If they are so bold as to fly their country's flag over that of America's, maybe they should go back there, and in haste." Why? Listen to union official Jorge Rodriguez who helped organize earlier rallies aimed at intimidating Congress as it debates the issue of immigration. "There will be 2 to 3 million people hitting the streets in Los Angeles alone. We're going to close down Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tucson, Phoenix, Fresno. We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)," Rodriguez said. "That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1." So Mr. Rodriguez wants "full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)." And Mr. Rodriguez further states that his is the "message" that will be echoed across the fruited plains. Mr. Rodriguez, I think, may be surprised and dismayed to hear another type of message, a message that he and the many others like Mr. Rodriguez helped to create, possibly unknown to themselves. The American gallery has toughened up, and that will not bode well for the protesters. Nor will it bode well for that mass of self-serving flesh up in Washington that calls itself the Congress. Even the mainstream media, who have serially labeled these demonstrations as "Immigration Rights," will find out that the coming backlash will be visited upon them as well. People are sick and tired of having the news made-up by those who should be reporting it. Further, the people are also fed-up with Congress, which actually has a lower approval rating than even President Bush, who, when last polled, had poll numbers that failed to break the 40 per cent mark. If Congress were to craft a solid and effective border security bill, then it may be possible for all of these illegal aliens calling for amnesty to at least get it in another form, namely President Bush' "guest-worker program." Although it isn't defined as amnesty, it is for all practical purposes, paid-for or earned amnesty. But anyway you cut it, it is reward for law breaking, and Congress is willfully abetting it. The American people, the legal ones of all colors, heritage, and culture, see this. Hopefully, members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, who insist on trying to apply a political fix for votes come November will pay a heavy political price and get tossed out of office. But this is America! Land of opportunity! So it is only in America that, besides millions of law breakers crowding the streets, there will be a song to herald their arrival. Thanks to British music producer Adam Kidron, illegal immigrants can now break the law under the soothing and "patriotic" backdrop of the Spanish "Star Spangled Banner," or otherwise known as "Nuestro Himno," or "Our Anthem." Indeed. Only in America. Vincent Fiore is a freelance political writer who lives in New York City. His work can be seen on a host of sites, including the American Conservative Union, GOPUSA, ChronWatch, and theconservativevoice. Vincent is a staff writer for the New Media Alliance and a contributing writer for He receives e-mail at