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The persecution rests

By Bruce Walker
web posted May 8, 2006

Conservatives and other normal people, accustomed to standing behind law enforcement in protecting us from crime, almost reflexively support prosecutors and assume that the indicted are guilty. When police were allowed to do their jobs, when laws were rationally related to inherently criminal behavior, and when prosecutors behaved honorably, all of these made sense.

Silently, sinisterly (as in my new Outskirts Press book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie), mendacity has overwhelmed even the bastions of decency in the area of criminal justice and public safety. Three ugly trends have contributed to the transformation of one of the noblest features of American government into more Sinisterist muck.

First, the Warren Court systematically disconnected real guilt from real innocence by a series of artificial and extra-constitutional rules which made it very easy for the guilty to go free. Perfectly reliable evidence obtained by perfectly trustworthy means that did not jump through invented hoops created by the Supreme Court kept juries from knowing vital evidence of guilt (like un-coerced confessions, damning evidence found at the scene of the crime, and so forth.)

Tragically, these capricious new rules, which had never existed before in most states or in the federal system, actually affected the minds of jurors who sensed, rightly, that guilty murderers, rapists and burglars were slipping easily through the system and back into our streets. What was that effect? Jurors began to subconsciously assume that a person arrested was guilty.

The Warren Court macabre carnival of injustice also did not punish bad cops (those who truly wished simply to harass) or guilty defendants: the only victims were good cops trying to do their job right and innocent citizens the victims of bad cops. In short, nothing good happened at all. The rate of violent crime – the changes of someone being murdered or raped – increased about seven hundred percent in the 1960s, a cost that the National District Attorneys Association predicted at the time.

Second, Sinisterist legislators have criminalized almost everything in social activity. The sheer number of new crimes invented by Sinisterists in state and federal legislators is mind-boggling. These new crimes are almost never what would be called malum in se, or bad in and of themselves, but rather malum prohibitum, or illegal simply because some legislator thinks that a behavior, like smoking in public or home schooling children, ought to be criminal.

There are only a few types of human behavior that are clearly criminal: violence, theft, fraud, burglary and a few other areas. Other “crimes” are intended to advance some public policy, and increasingly the need for criminalizing these acts is because the moral foundation of society, which means God, has been savagely marginalized. People should not give their children cigarettes because it is wrong, not because it is criminal. People should insure that their children learn to read because that is good, not because the lash of bureaucracy awaits them otherwise.

Third, the impartial role of a prosecutor – whose duty is to do justice, not convict people – has been overwhelmed by the hubris of power-hungry Sinisterists, whose honor is prostituted to self-aggrandizement and whose fidelity to justice has been sold for the crassest reasons of personal self-interest.

Is there a solution to this last problem? Perhaps. Absolutely prohibit prosecutors from seeking higher public office, from writing books or otherwise profited from their professional other than the salary they receive. Absolutely prohibit prosecutors from commenting about any case ever. Absolutely prohibit prosecutors from belonging to a political party, contributing to a campaign. Require that each prosecutor once a year take a polygraph test stating that he has taken no action as a prosecutor except in the impartial administration of justice and make the results of that test public. Does this sound draconian? More and more prosecutors are becoming, effectively, judges and these requirements are in line with what judges must do (except, of course, the polygraph test.)

Any conservative can see that Sinisterists intend next to sate their ravenous appetite for power by using the quasi-judicial power of a prosecutor to indict, prosecute and persecute. Who is the last Sinisterist convicted for manifest crimes? O.J. Simpson? Bill Clinton? Hillary? Is ex-Senator Torricelli in prison now? Do Hollywood Sinisterist moneybags go to prison? No: of course not! Sinisterists will worm their way into any place of power, because it is only power and lies that they crave. It is time – it is high time – for the persecution to rest.

Bruce Walker has been a published author in print and in electronic media since 1990.  He is a contributing editor to Enter Stage Right and a regular contributor to Conservative Truth, American Daily, Intellectual Conservative, Web Commentary, NewsByUs and Men's News Daily. His first book, Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie by Outskirts Press was published in January 2006.





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