The winter of GOP discontent?
By Vincent Fiore Today, many GOP supporters talk of the 1994 sweep by Republicans as a moment in time. The newly elected Republican majority has sealed its "Contract with America" by the very votes it received from the electorate. As dozens of freshman House members assumed their elected offices, they happened to also assume the mantle of responsibility in regard to the electorate's want--and need--for change. It is this "legislation for legislation's sake" that drives conservatives to take a--metaphorically speaking--apathetic leap off a cliff and into the somewhat vast demographic known as the "non-voter." Frist has allowed the "principled and courageous" moderate wing of the GOP to run roughshod {read as: bad legislation} over not only most the president's second term legislation and agenda, but the conservatives in the Senate as well. How important and prevalent are the conservatives around the country? Ask future presidential candidate John McCain after he loses in 2008, and you may find out. Though conservatives seem not to rank within Washington proper, it is a far different view outside the beltway. From immigration, to the recent tax cut package, and all the way back to the "cover my incumbent-butt" Hurricane Katrina billion-dollar giveaway, conservative principle in the Senate was about as rare as Hillary Clinton wearing a blue dress. But don't blame the Democrats, folks. After all, they did just fine as Washington's political powerbrokers when they were running the country. Eventually though, power will corrupt most of the time. Over the span of time, Democrats became complacent and expectant, and finally, abusive while in power. But the same paucity of purpose and haughtiness of office that eventually ended the 40-plus years of rule now infuse the ranks of the GOP. Aside from the "R" and "D" that follows everyone that works and lives inside the beltway, there isn't much else that separates the political class. Certainly, it seems that official Washington increasingly looks to the people as a hindrance—to be dealt with offhandedly, and with contempt. The idea of actually serving the needs of the constituency that they represent seems abstract to say the least. Polls throughout the years have basically indicated that Americans are fed-up with Congress, and are generally untrusting of either party. But the onus will fall unto the Republicans, as being in power makes all the difference in the world, though one could say that the two major political parties in power bear a distinction without a difference these days. The GOP has a way to go in order to turn the tide of defeatism and disappointment that lives within the hearts of the party faithful. It remains to be seen if recent events--like the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the tough spending caps that Bush has demanded-- will help the GOP regain its footing come November. Vincent Fiore is a freelance political writer who lives in New York City. His work can be seen on a host of sites, including the American Conservative Union, GOPUSA, Human Events, and theconservativevoice. Vincent is a staff writer for the New Media Alliance and a contributing writer for He receives e-mail at